Update template Perl, add template JS file

Zaahir Moolla 2015-11-14 11:51:04 -05:00
parent 033df06569
commit 6fd9f1114f
2 changed files with 83 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
package DDG::Goodie::<: $ia_package_name :>;
# ABSTRACT: Write an abstract here
# Start at https://duck.co/duckduckhack/goodie_overview if you are new
# to instant answer development
@ -9,14 +10,33 @@ use strict;
zci answer_type => '<: $lia_name :>';
zci is_cached => 1;
name '<: $lia_name :>';
# Triggers
triggers any => 'triggerWord', 'trigger phrase';
# Handle statement
handle remainder => sub {
# Query can be accessed in $_
return $_;
# Optional - Guard against no remainder
# i.e. the query is only 'triggerWord' or 'trigger phrase'
# return unless $remainder;
# Optional - Regular expression guard
# use this approach to ensure the remainder matches a pattern
# i.e. it only contains letters, or numbers, or contains certain words
# return unless qr/^\w+/;
return "plain text response",
structured_answer => {
id => '<: $lia_id :>', # Should be an existing Instant Answer topic
name => 'Answerbar Tab Name', # Should be an existing Instant Answer topic
data => { q => $_ },
templates => 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
DDH.'<: $lia_id :>' = DDH.'<: $lia_id :>' || {};
(function(env) {
console.log("DDH.'<: $lia_id :>'.build");
// define private variables and functions here
DDH.'<: $lia_id :>'.build = function(ops) {
return {
id: "life",
meta: {
sourceName: "Source Domain",
sourceUrl: "https://source.website.com"
// data: {
// already defined in Perl Package
// you can re-define it here
// or access/modify 'ops.data'
// },
// normalize: function(item){
// use this to map your 'data'
// to the properties required for your chosen template
// return {
// title: data.myTitle
// subtitle: data.foo.subtitle
// };
// },
templates: {
group: 'text',
// options: {
// },
// variants: {
// }
// Function that executes after template content is displayed
onShow: function() {
// define any callbacks or event handlers here
// var $dom = $(".zci--'<: $lia_id :>'");
// $dom.find(".my-special-class").click(funtcion(){
// });