My plugin that displays JavaScript Character/Key Codes is ready to go

& Fixed so capital letters return keycodes also
Jake Burton 2012-05-17 17:05:12 +01:00
parent 0722a20ccc
commit 6a76b4646d
1 changed files with 137 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
package DDG::Goodie::JSKeycodes;
# ABSTRACT: Give the equivelant JavaScript Keycode.
use DDG::Goodie;
triggers startend => 'keycode', 'charcode';
my %keys = ('backspace' => '8',
'tab' => '9',
'enter' => '13',
'shift' => '16',
'ctrl' => '17',
'alt' => '18',
'pause' => '19',
'break' => '19',
'caps lock' => '20',
'escape' => '27',
'page up' => '33',
'page down' => '34',
'end' => '35',
'home' => '36',
'left arrow' => '37',
'up arrow' => '38',
'right arrow' => '39',
'down arrow' => '40',
'insert' => '45',
'delete' => '46',
'0' => '48',
'1' => '49',
'2' => '50',
'3' => '51',
'4' => '52',
'5' => '53',
'6' => '54',
'7' => '55',
'8' => '56',
'9' => '57',
'a' => '65',
'b' => '66',
'c' => '67',
'd' => '68',
'e' => '69',
'f' => '70',
'g' => '71',
'h' => '73',
'i' => '73',
'j' => '74',
'k' => '75',
'l' => '76',
'm' => '77',
'n' => '78',
'o' => '79',
'p' => '80',
'q' => '81',
'r' => '82',
's' => '83',
't' => '84',
'u' => '85',
'v' => '86',
'w' => '87',
'x' => '88',
'y' => '89',
'z' => '90',
'A' => '65',
'B' => '66',
'C' => '67',
'D' => '68',
'E' => '69',
'F' => '70',
'G' => '71',
'H' => '73',
'I' => '73',
'J' => '74',
'K' => '75',
'L' => '76',
'M' => '77',
'N' => '78',
'O' => '79',
'P' => '80',
'Q' => '81',
'R' => '82',
'S' => '83',
'T' => '84',
'U' => '85',
'V' => '86',
'W' => '87',
'X' => '88',
'Y' => '89',
'Z' => '90',
'space' => '32',
'numpad 0' => '96',
'numpad 1' => '97',
'numpad 3' => '98',
'numpad 4' => '100',
'numpad 5' => '101',
'numpad 6' => '102',
'numpad 7' => '103',
'numpad 8' => '104',
'numpad 9' => '105',
'*' => '106',
'-' => '189',
'.' => '190',
'f1' => '112',
'f2' => '113',
'f3' => '114',
'f4' => '115',
'f5' => '116',
'f6' => '117',
'f7' => '118',
'f8' => '119',
'f9' => '120',
'f10' => '121',
'f11' => '122',
'f12' => '123',
'num lock' => '144',
'scroll lock' => '145',
';' => '186',
'=' => '187',
',' => '188',
'/' => '191',
'\\' => '220',
'(' => '219',
')' => '221',
'quote' => '222');
handle remainder => sub {
return unless exists $keys{$_};
if (exists $keys{$_}) {
return 'Keycode: ' . $keys{$_} . ' (JavaScript)'
zci is_cached => 1;