Merge branch 'master' into mintsoft/relative_dates
Conflicts: lib/DDG/GoodieRole/Dates.pmmaster
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package DDG::Goodie::Hiragana;
# ABSTRACT: converts romaji syllables into hiragana
use DDG::Goodie;
triggers startend =>'japanese hiragana','japanese','hiragana';
zci answer_type => 'hiragana';
zci is_cached => 1;
primary_example_queries "hiragana a";
secondary_example_queries "nihon hiragana";
description "Converts romaji syllables into hiragana";
name "Hiragana";
category "language";
topics "special_interest";
code_url '';
attribution github => "mintsoft";
my %hiragana = (
# gojuuon
a => 'あ', i => 'い', u => 'う', e => 'え', o => 'お',
ka => 'か', ki => 'き', ku => 'く', ke => 'け', ko => 'こ',
sa => 'さ', shi => 'し', su => 'す', se => 'せ', so => 'そ',
ta => 'た', chi => 'ち', tsu => 'つ', te => 'て', to => 'と',
na => 'な', ni => 'に', nu => 'ぬ', ne => 'ね', no => 'の',
ha => 'は', hi => 'ひ', hu => 'ふ', he => 'へ', ho => 'ほ',
ma => 'ま', mi => 'み', mu => 'む', me => 'め', mo => 'も',
ya => 'や', yu => 'ゆ', yo => 'よ',
ra => 'ら', ri => 'り', ru => 'る', re => 'れ', ro => 'ろ',
wa => 'わ', wi => 'ゐ', we => 'ゑ', wo => 'を',
# yooon
kya => 'きゃ', kyu => 'きゅ', kyo => 'きょ',
sha => 'しゃ', shu => 'しゅ', sho => 'しゅ',
cha => 'ちゃ', chu => 'ちゅ', cho => 'ちょ',
nya => 'にゃ', nyu => 'にゅ', nyo =>'にょ',
mya => 'みゃ', myu => 'みゅ', myo =>'みょ',
rya => 'りゃ', ryu => 'りゅ', ryo =>'りょ',
# gojuuon with dakuten
ga => 'が', gi => 'ぎ', gu => 'ぐ', ge => 'げ', go => 'ご',
za => 'ざ', zi => 'じ', zu => 'ず', ze => 'ぜ', zo => 'ぞ',
da => 'だ', ji => 'ぢ', du => 'づ', de => 'で', do => 'ど',
ba => 'ば', bi => 'び', bu => 'ぶ', be => 'べ', bo => 'ぼ',
pa => 'ぱ', pi => 'ぴ', pu => 'ぷ', pe => 'ぺ', po => 'ぽ',
# yooon with dakuten
gya => 'ぎゃ', gyu => 'ぎゅ', gyo => 'ぎょ',
ja => 'じゃ', ju => 'じゅ', jo => 'じょ',
# ja => 'ぢゃ', ju => 'ぢゅ', jo => 'ぢょ',
bya => 'びゃ', byu => 'びゅ', byo => 'びょ',
pya => 'ぴゃ', pyu => 'ぴゅ', pyo => 'ぴょ',
vu => 'ゔ',
n => 'ん'
my @keys_in_replace_order = sort { length ($b) <=> length ($a) } keys %hiragana;
handle remainder => sub {
my $output_string = $_;
return unless $output_string;
foreach my $syllable ( @keys_in_replace_order ) {
$output_string =~ s/$syllable/$hiragana{$syllable}/gi;
#If there were unconvertable syllables, then it's not valid romaji
return if $output_string =~ /[A-Za-z]/;
return $output_string, html => "<div class='zci--hiragana text--primary'>".html_enc($output_string)."</div>";
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
package DDG::Goodie::IndependenceDay;
# ABSTRACT: Goodie answer for different countries' national independence days
use DDG::Goodie;
use JSON;
zci answer_type => "independence_day";
zci is_cached => 1;
name "independence day";
description "Gives the date of when a nation assumed independence";
primary_example_queries "what is the independence day of norway", "independence day, papua new guinea";
category "dates";
topics "trivia";
code_url "";
attribution github => ["jarmokivekas", "Jarmo Kivekäs"],
web => ["", "Jarmo Kivekäs"],
github => ["YouriAckx", "Youri Ackx"],
twitter => "YouriAckx";
# Triggers
triggers any => "independence day", "day of independence";
# uses as data source
my $data = share('independence_days.json')->slurp;
$data = decode_json($data);
# define aliases for some countries to improve hit rate
my $alias_lookup = share('country_aliases.json')->slurp;
$alias_lookup = decode_json($alias_lookup);
# Handle statement
handle query_clean => sub {
# delete noise from query string
s/(national|independence of|independence|day of|day|when|what|is the|for|)//g;
# delete the whitespace left from query noise (spaces between words)
# only the name of the country should be left in the string at this point
# convert a possible alias into the proper name
my $country_key = $alias_lookup->{$_} || $_;
# return if the string is not one of the countries
return unless $data->{$country_key};
# Format the country name properly for display
my $country = $country_key;
# Title Case The Country Name
$country =~ s/(\w\S*)/\u\L$1/g;
# lowercase the words 'of', 'the' and 'and'
$country =~ s/\sThe\s/ the /;
$country =~ s/\sOf\s/ of /;
$country =~ s/\sAnd\s/ and /;
# ouput string formatting
my $prolog = 'Independence Day of ' . $country;
# date and year of independence
my $date_str = $data->{$country_key}[0]{'date'} . ', ' . $data->{$country_key}[0]{'year'};
# Some coutries have two dates, add it to the answer if a second one exists.
if ($data->{$country_key}[1]){
$date_str .= ' and ' . $data->{$country_key}[1]{'date'} . ', ' . $data->{$country_key}[1]{'year'};
# html formatted answer
my $html = '<div class="zci--independence-day">';
$html .= '<div class="text--primary">' . $date_str . '</div>';
$html .= '<div class="text--secondary">' . $prolog . '</div>';
$html .= '</div>';
# plain text answer
my $text = $prolog . ' ' . $date_str;
return $text, html => $html;
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use DDG::Goodie;
use DateTime;
use POSIX qw(fmod);
attribution github => ['', 'GlitchMr'];
@ -55,10 +57,25 @@ my %timezones = qw(
sub parse_timezone(_) {
my $default_tz = 'UTC';
my $localtime_re = qr/(?:(?:my|local|my local)\s*time(?:zone)?)/i;
my $timezone_re = qr/(?:\w+(?:\s*[+-]0*[0-9]{1,5}(?::[0-5][0-9])?)?|$localtime_re)?/;
sub parse_timezone {
my $timezone = shift;
my ( $name, $modifier, $minutes )
= $timezone =~ /\A(\w+)(?:([+-]\d+)(?::(\d\d))?)?\z/;
# They said "my timezone" or similar.
if ($timezone =~ /$localtime_re/i) {
my $dt = DateTime->now(time_zone => $loc->time_zone || $default_tz );
return ($dt->time_zone_short_name, $dt->offset / 3600);
# Normalize
$timezone ||= $default_tz;
$timezone = uc $timezone;
$timezone =~ s/\s+//g;
my ($name, $modifier, $minutes) = $timezone =~ /\A(\w+)(?:([+-]\d+)(?::(\d\d))?)?\z/;
# If timezone doesn't exist, skip it
return unless defined $timezones{$name};
@ -68,11 +85,13 @@ sub parse_timezone(_) {
# Minutes can be skipped too
$minutes //= 0;
return $timezones{$name} + $modifier + $minutes / 60;
return ($timezone, $timezones{$name} + $modifier + $minutes / 60);
sub to_time {
my ($hours, $american) = @_;
my $pm = "";
my $seconds = 3600 * fmod $hours, 1 / 60;
@ -87,17 +106,15 @@ sub to_time {
# Special case certain hours
return 'midnight' if $hours == 0;
return 'noon' if $hours == 12;
$pm = ' A.M.';
$pm = ' AM';
if ($hours > 12) {
$pm = ' P.M.';
$pm = ' PM';
$hours -= 12 if (int($hours) > 12);
sprintf "%i:%02.0f$seconds_format$pm", $hours, $minutes, $seconds;
my $timezone_re = qr/(?:\w+(?:\s*[+-]0*[0-9]{1,5}(?::[0-5][0-9])?)?)?/;
handle query => sub {
my $query = $_;
$query =~ m{
@ -136,23 +153,15 @@ handle query => sub {
my ($hours, $minutes, $seconds) = map { $_ // 0 } ($+{'h'}, $+{'m'}, $+{'s'});
my $american = $+{'american'};
my $pm = ($+{'pm'} && $hours != 12) ? 12 : 0;
my $input_timezone = uc $+{'from_tz'} || 'UTC';
my $output_timezone = uc $+{'to_tz'};
my $pm = ($+{'pm'} && $hours != 12) ? 12 : (!$+{'pm'} && $hours == 12) ? -12 : 0;
my $modifier = 0;
for ( $input_timezone, $output_timezone ) {
my $gmt_input_timezone = parse_timezone $input_timezone;
# parse_timezone returns undef if the timezone name parsed
# from #input_timezone is not found in %timezones
# parse_timezone returns undef if the timezone cannot be parsed
my ($input_timezone, $gmt_input_timezone) = parse_timezone($+{'from_tz'});
return unless defined $gmt_input_timezone;
my $gmt_output_timezone = parse_timezone $output_timezone;
my ($output_timezone, $gmt_output_timezone) = parse_timezone($+{'to_tz'});
return unless defined($gmt_output_timezone);
$modifier += $gmt_output_timezone - $gmt_input_timezone;
my $modifier = $gmt_output_timezone - $gmt_input_timezone;
for ( $gmt_input_timezone, $gmt_output_timezone ) {
$_ = to_time $_;
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
.zci--hiragana {
font-size: 1.5em;
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"antigua": "antigua and barbuda",
"arab emirates": "united arab emirates",
"barbuda": "antigua and barbuda",
"bosnia": "bosnia and herzegovina",
"democratic republic of congo": "democratic republic of the congo",
"gambia": "the gambia",
"grenadines": "saint vincent and the grenadines",
"guinea bissau": "guinea-bissau",
"herzegovina": "bosnia and herzegovina",
"macedonia": "republic of macedonia",
"nevis": "saint kitts and nevis",
"principe": "são tomé and príncipe",
"republic of congo": "republic of the congo",
"saint kitts": "saint kitts and nevis",
"saint vincent": "saint vincent and the grenadines",
"sao tome and principe": "são tomé and príncipe",
"sao tome": "são tomé and príncipe",
"tobago": "trinidad and tobago",
"trinidad": "trinidad and tobago",
"united states": "united states of america",
"usa": "united states of america"
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
package MyParser;
use base qw(HTML::Parser);
# ABSTRACT: Parses specific data from html table on wikipedia into json
# uses the the table from
# as data source
# parser state information
my $column = 0;
my $field;
# prints out relevant data (as json)
sub text{
my ($self, $origtext) = @_;
if($field eq 'country'){
# lowercase country names
$origtext = lc($origtext);
$origtext =~ s/(.*), (.*)/$2 $1/;
print "\t'$origtext' => [{";
}elsif($field eq 'date'){
# replace html entities with regular space
$origtext =~ s/ / /g;
# add proper suffix to day number
$origtext =~ s/ 1$/ 1st/;
$origtext =~ s/ 2$/ 2nd/;
$origtext =~ s/ 3$/ 3rd/;
$origtext =~ s/( [0987654321]+)$/$1th/;
print "$field => \"$origtext\", ";
}elsif($field eq 'year'){
print "$field => \"$origtext\"}],\n";
# make sure we dont print unintended data form subsequent fields
$field = '';
# triggered when parser encouters tag start
sub start {
my ($self, $tagname, $attr, $attrseq, $origtext) = @_;
# stated parsing new table row
if ($tagname eq 'tr'){
$column = 0;
# parser reached next column
if ($tagname eq 'td') {
# country names are inside link tags in the first column
if ($tagname eq 'a' && $column eq 1) {
$field = 'country';
# dates are inside span with class 'sorttext' in column 2
elsif ($tagname eq 'span' && $attr->{ class } eq 'sorttext' && $column eq 2){
$field = 'date';
# years are just plain in the 3rd column
elsif ($tagname eq 'td' && $column eq 3){
$field = 'year';
package main;
my $file = "wikipedia_html_table";
my $parser = MyParser->new;
print "my \%data = (\n";
$parser->parse_file( $file );
print ");\n";
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
.zci--independence-day .text--primary{
font-size: 1.5em;
@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
"abkhazia": [{"date": "July 4th", "year": "1993"}],
"afghanistan": [{"date": "August 19th", "year": "1919"}],
"albania": [{"date": "November 28th", "year": "1912"}],
"algeria": [{"date": "July 5th", "year": "1962"}],
"angola": [{"date": "November 11th", "year": "1975"}],
"antigua and barbuda": [{"date": "November 1st", "year": "1981"}],
"argentina": [{"date": "July 9th", "year": "1816"}],
"armenia": [{"date": "May 28th", "year": "1918"},{"date": "September 21th", "year": "1991"}],
"austria": [{"date": "October 26th", "year": "1955"}],
"azerbaijan": [{"date": "May 28th", "year": "1918"},{"date": "October 18th", "year": "1991"}],
"bahamas": [{"date": "July 10th", "year": "1973"}],
"bahrain": [{"date": "August 15th", "year": "1971"}],
"bangladesh": [{"date": "March 26th", "year": "1971"}],
"barbados": [{"date": "November 30th", "year": "1966"}],
"belarus": [{"date": "July 3rd", "year": "1944"}],
"belgium": [{"date": "July 21th", "year": "1831"}],
"belize": [{"date": "September 21th", "year": "1981"}],
"benin": [{"date": "August 1st", "year": "1960"}],
"bolivia": [{"date": "August 6th", "year": "1825"}],
"bosnia and herzegovina": [{"date": "March 1st", "year": "1992"}],
"botswana": [{"date": "September 30th", "year": "1966"}],
"brazil": [{"date": "September 7th", "year": "1822"}],
"brunei": [{"date": "January 1st", "year": "1984"}],
"bulgaria": [{"date": "September 22th", "year": "1908"}],
"burkina faso": [{"date": "August 5th", "year": "1960"}],
"burma": [{"date": "January 4th", "year": "1948"}],
"burundi": [{"date": "July 1st", "year": "1962"}],
"cambodia": [{"date": "November 9th", "year": "1953"}],
"cameroon": [{"date": "January 1st", "year": "1960"}],
"canada": [{"date": "July 1st", "year": "1867"}],
"cape verde": [{"date": "July 5th", "year": "1975"}],
"central african republic": [{"date": "August 13th", "year": "1960"}],
"chad": [{"date": "August 11th", "year": "1960"}],
"chile": [{"date": "February 12 and September 18th", "year": "1810"}],
"colombia": [{"date": "July 20 and August 7th", "year": "1810"}],
"comoros": [{"date": "July 6th", "year": "1975"}],
"democratic republic of the congo": [{"date": "June 30th", "year": "1960"}],
"republic of the congo": [{"date": "August 15th", "year": "1960"}],
"costa rica": [{"date": "September 15th", "year": "1821"}],
"croatia": [{"date": "October 8th", "year": "1991"}],
"cuba": [{"date": "May 20th", "year": "1902"}],
"cyprus": [{"date": "October 1st", "year": "1960"}],
"czech republic": [{"date": "October 28th", "year": "1918"},{"date": "January 1st", "year": "1993"}],
"denmark": [{"date": "June 5th", "year": "1849"}],
"djibouti": [{"date": "June 27th", "year": "1977"}],
"dominica": [{"date": "November 3rd", "year": "1978"}],
"dominican republic": [{"date": "December 1st", "year": "1821"},{"date": "February 27th", "year": "1844"}],
"east timor": [{"date": "May 20th", "year": "2002"}],
"ecuador": [{"date": "August 10th", "year": "1809"}],
"ecuador": [{"date": "May 24th", "year": "1822"}],
"el salvador": [{"date": "September 15th", "year": "1821"}],
"equatorial guinea": [{"date": "October 12th", "year": "1968"}],
"eritrea": [{"date": "May 24th", "year": "1993"}],
"estonia": [{"date": "February 24th", "year": "1918"},{"date": "August 20th", "year": "1991"}],
"fiji": [{"date": "October 10th", "year": "1970"}],
"finland": [{"date": "December 6th", "year": "1917"}],
"gabon": [{"date": "August 17th", "year": "1960"}],
"the gambia": [{"date": "February 18th", "year": "1965"}],
"georgia": [{"date": "May 26th", "year": "1918"},{"date": "April 9th", "year": "1991"}],
"ghana": [{"date": "March 6th", "year": "1957"}],
"greece": [{"date": "March 25th", "year": "1821"}],
"grenada": [{"date": "February 7th", "year": "1974"}],
"guatemala": [{"date": "September 15th", "year": "1821"}],
"guinea": [{"date": "October 2nd", "year": "1958"}],
"guinea-bissau": [{"date": "September 24th", "year": "1973"}],
"guyana": [{"date": "May 26th", "year": "1966"}],
"haiti": [{"date": "January 1st", "year": "1804"}],
"honduras": [{"date": "September 15th", "year": "1821"}],
"hungary": [{"date": "August 20th", "year": "1000"}],
"iceland": [{"date": "December 1st", "year": "1918"}],
"india": [{"date": "August 15th", "year": "1947"}],
"indonesia": [{"date": "August 17th", "year": "1945"}],
"iraq": [{"date": "October 3rd", "year": "1932"}],
"ireland": [{"date": "April 24th", "year": "1916"}],
"israel": [{"date": "Iyar 5th", "year": "1948"}],
"ivory coast": [{"date": "August 7th", "year": "1960"}],
"jamaica": [{"date": "August 6th", "year": "1962"}],
"japan": [{"date": "February 11th", "year": "660 B.C."}],
"jordan": [{"date": "May 25th", "year": "1946"}],
"kazakhstan": [{"date": "December 16th", "year": "1991"}],
"kenya": [{"date": "December 12th", "year": "1963"}],
"north korea": [{"date": "September 9th", "year": "1948"}],
"south korea": [{"date": "August 15th", "year": "1945"}],
"kosovo": [{"date": "February 8th", "year": "2008"}],
"kuwait": [{"date": "February 25th", "year": "1961"}],
"kyrgyzstan": [{"date": "August 31th", "year": "1991"}],
"laos": [{"date": "October 22th", "year": "1953"}],
"latvia": [{"date": "November 18th", "year": "1918"}],
"latvia": [{"date": "May 4th", "year": "1990"}],
"lebanon": [{"date": "November 22th", "year": "1943"}],
"lesotho": [{"date": "October 4th", "year": "1966"}],
"liberia": [{"date": "July 26th", "year": "1847"}],
"libya": [{"date": "December 24th", "year": "1951"}],
"lithuania": [{"date": "February 16th", "year": "1918"},{"date": "March 11th", "year": "1990"}],
"republic of macedonia": [{"date": "September 8th", "year": "1991"}],
"madagascar": [{"date": "June 26th", "year": "1960"}],
"malawi": [{"date": "July 6th", "year": "1964"}],
"malaysia": [{"date": "August 31th", "year": "1957"},{"date": "September 16th", "year": "1963"}],
"maldives": [{"date": "July 26th", "year": "1965"}],
"mali": [{"date": "September 22th", "year": "1960"}],
"malta": [{"date": "September 21th", "year": "1964"}],
"mauritius": [{"date": "March 12th", "year": "1968"}],
"mexico": [{"date": "September 16th", "year": "1810"}],
"moldova": [{"date": "August 27th", "year": "1991"}],
"mongolia": [{"date": "December 29th", "year": "1911"}],
"montenegro": [{"date": "May 21th", "year": "2006"}],
"morocco": [{"date": "November 18th", "year": "1956"}],
"mozambique": [{"date": "June 25th", "year": "1975"}],
"nagorno-karabakh": [{"date": "September 2nd", "year": "1991"}],
"namibia": [{"date": "March 21th", "year": "1990"}],
"nauru": [{"date": "January 31th", "year": "1968"}],
"netherlands": [{"date": "May 5th", "year": "1945"}],
"nicaragua": [{"date": "September 15th", "year": "1821"}],
"niger": [{"date": "August 3rd", "year": "1960"}],
"nigeria": [{"date": "October 1st", "year": "1960"}],
"northern cyprus": [{"date": "September 2nd", "year": "1983"}],
"norway": [{"date": "May 17th", "year": "1814"}],
"pakistan": [{"date": "August 14th", "year": "1947"}],
"panama": [{"date": "November 28th", "year": "1821"},{"date": "November 3rd", "year": "1903"}],
"papua new guinea": [{"date": "September 16th", "year": "1975"}],
"paraguay": [{"date": "May 15th", "year": "1811"}],
"peru": [{"date": "July 28th", "year": "1821"}],
"philippines": [{"date": "June 12th", "year": "1898"}],
"poland": [{"date": "November 11th", "year": "1918"}],
"portugal": [{"date": "December 1st", "year": "1640"}],
"qatar": [{"date": "December 18th", "year": "1971"}],
"rhodesia": [{"date": "November 11th", "year": "1965"}],
"romania": [{"date": "May 10th", "year": "1866"}],
"rwanda": [{"date": "July 1st", "year": "1962"}],
"saint kitts and nevis": [{"date": "September 19th", "year": "1983"}],
"saint lucia": [{"date": "February 22th", "year": "1979"}],
"saint vincent and the grenadines": [{"date": "October 27th", "year": "1979"}],
"samoa": [{"date": "January 1st", "year": "1962"}],
"são tomé and príncipe": [{"date": "July 12th", "year": "1975"}],
"senegal": [{"date": "April 4th", "year": "1960"}],
"serbia": [{"date": "February 15th", "year": "1804"}],
"seychelles": [{"date": "June 29th", "year": "1976"}],
"sierra leone": [{"date": "April 27th", "year": "1961"}],
"singapore": [{"date": "August 9th", "year": "1965"}],
"slovakia": [{"date": "July 17th", "year": "1992"},{"date": "December 26 and June 25th", "year": "1990"}],
"solomon islands": [{"date": "July 7th", "year": "1978"}],
"somalia": [{"date": "July 1st", "year": "1960"}],
"south africa": [{"date": "December 11th", "year": "1931"}],
"south sudan": [{"date": "July 9th", "year": "2011"}],
"sri lanka": [{"date": "February 4th", "year": "1948"}],
"sudan": [{"date": "January 1st", "year": "1956"}],
"suriname": [{"date": "November 25th", "year": "1975"}],
"swaziland": [{"date": "September 6th", "year": "1968"}],
"sweden": [{"date": "June 6th", "year": "1523"}],
"switzerland": [{"date": "August 1st", "year": "1291"}],
"syria": [{"date": "April 17th", "year": "1946"}],
"tajikistan": [{"date": "September 9th", "year": "1991"}],
"tanzania": [{"date": "December 9th", "year": "1961"}],
"togo": [{"date": "April 27th", "year": "1960"}],
"tibet": [{"date": "February 13th", "year": "1913"}],
"tonga": [{"date": "June 4th", "year": "1970"}],
"trinidad and tobago": [{"date": "August 31th", "year": "1962"}],
"tunisia": [{"date": "March 20th", "year": "1956"}],
"turkmenistan": [{"date": "October 27th", "year": "1991"}],
"ukraine": [{"date": "August 24th", "year": "1991"}],
"ukraine": [{"date": "January 22th", "year": "1919"}],
"united arab emirates": [{"date": "December 2nd", "year": "1971"}],
"united states of america": [{"date": "July 4th", "year": "1776"}],
"uruguay": [{"date": "August 25th", "year": "1825"}],
"uzbekistan": [{"date": "September 1st", "year": "1991"}],
"vanuatu": [{"date": "July 30th", "year": "1980"}],
"venezuela": [{"date": "July 5th", "year": "1811"}],
"vietnam": [{"date": "September 2nd", "year": "1945"}],
"yemen": [{"date": "November 30th", "year": "1967"}],
"zambia": [{"date": "October 24th", "year": "1964"}],
"zimbabwe": [{"date": "April 18th", "year": "1980"}]
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use DDG::Test::Goodie;
use utf8;
zci answer_type => 'hiragana';
zci is_cached => 1;
"hiragana a" => test_zci('あ', html => "<div class='zci--hiragana text--primary'>あ</div>"),
"hiragana konnichiwa" => test_zci('こんにちわ', html => "<div class='zci--hiragana text--primary'>こんにちわ</div>"),
"nihon hiragana" => test_zci('にほん', html => "<div class='zci--hiragana text--primary'>にほん</div>"),
"hiragana tsukue no ue" => test_zci('つくえ の うえ', html => "<div class='zci--hiragana text--primary'>つくえ の うえ</div>"),
"what is hiragana?" => undef,
"hiragana" => undef,
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use DDG::Test::Goodie;
zci answer_type => "independence_day";
zci is_cached => 1;
# primary example queries
'what is the independence day of norway' => test_zci('Independence Day of Norway May 17th, 1814', html=>qr/.*/),
'independence day, papua new guinea' => test_zci('Independence Day of Papua New Guinea September 16th, 1975', html=>qr/.*/),
# question marks
'what is the independence day of norway?' => test_zci('Independence Day of Norway May 17th, 1814', html=>qr/.*/),
# some aliases
'when is the independence day of republic of congo' => test_zci('Independence Day of Republic of the Congo August 15th, 1960', html=>qr/.*/),
'when is the independence day of republic of the congo' => test_zci('Independence Day of Republic of the Congo August 15th, 1960', html=>qr/.*/),
'gambia independence day' => test_zci('Independence Day of The Gambia February 18th, 1965', html=>qr/.*/),
'the gambia independence day' => test_zci('Independence Day of The Gambia February 18th, 1965', html=>qr/.*/),
'usa independence day' => test_zci('Independence Day of United States of America July 4th, 1776', html=>qr/.*/),
# data points with two dates
'independence day of panama' => test_zci('Independence Day of Panama November 28th, 1821 and November 3rd, 1903', html=>qr/.*/),
'independence day of armenia' => test_zci('Independence Day of Armenia May 28th, 1918 and September 21th, 1991', html=>qr/.*/),
# miscellaneous
'independence day of papua new guinea' => test_zci('Independence Day of Papua New Guinea September 16th, 1975', html=>qr/.*/),
'day of independence of sri lanka' => test_zci('Independence Day of Sri Lanka February 4th, 1948', html=>qr/.*/),
'when is the day of independence for norway' => test_zci('Independence Day of Norway May 17th, 1814', html=>qr/.*/),
'day of independence, norway' => test_zci('Independence Day of Norway May 17th, 1814', html=>qr/.*/),
'norway independence day' => test_zci('Independence Day of Norway May 17th, 1814', html=>qr/.*/),
'what day is the independence day of norway' => test_zci('Independence Day of Norway May 17th, 1814', html=>qr/.*/),
@ -4,9 +4,10 @@ use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use DDG::Test::Goodie;
use Test::MockTime qw( :all );
zci answer_type => 'timezone_converter';
zci is_cached => 1;
zci is_cached => 1;
@ -14,80 +15,162 @@ ddg_goodie_test(
test_zci('3:14 (UTC) is 3:14 (GMT).',
html => qr/.*3:14.*\(UTC\) is.*3:14.*\(GMT\)./
'8:10 A.M. AZOST into CAT' =>
test_zci('8:10 A.M. (AZOST, UTC-1) is 11:10 A.M. (CAT, UTC+2).',
html => qr/./
'8:10 AM AZOST into CAT' =>
test_zci('8:10 AM (AZOST, UTC-1) is 11:10 AM (CAT, UTC+2).',
html => '-ANY-'
'1pm EDT into UTC+2' =>
test_zci('1:00 P.M. (EDT, UTC-4) is 7:00 P.M. (UTC+2).',
html => qr/./
test_zci('1:00 PM (EDT, UTC-4) is 7:00 PM (UTC+2).',
html => '-ANY-'
'0pm into GMT' =>
test_zci('Noon (UTC) is noon (GMT).',
html => qr/./
html => '-ANY-'
'0am into UTC' =>
test_zci('Midnight (UTC) is midnight (UTC).',
html => qr/./
html => '-ANY-'
'1 into UTC -2 ' =>
test_zci('1:00 (UTC) is 23:00, 1 day prior (UTC-2).',
html => qr/./
html => '-ANY-'
' 1 into UTC-1' =>
test_zci('1:00 (UTC) is 0:00 (UTC-1).',
html => qr/./
html => '-ANY-'
'21 FNT into EET' =>
test_zci('21:00 (FNT, UTC-2) is 1:00, 1 day after (EET, UTC+2).',
html => qr/./
html => '-ANY-'
'23:00:00 InTo UTC+1' =>
test_zci('23:00 (UTC) is 0:00, 1 day after (UTC+1).',
html => qr/./
html => '-ANY-'
'23:00:01 Into UTC+1' =>
test_zci('23:00:01 (UTC) is 0:00:01, 1 day after (UTC+1).',
html => qr/./
html => '-ANY-'
'13:15:00 UTC-0:30 into UTC+0:30' =>
test_zci('13:15 (UTC-0:30) is 13:15 (UTC+0:30).',
html => qr/./
html => '-ANY-'
# ok, this is unlikely to happen without trying to do that
'19:42:42 BIT into GMT+100' =>
test_zci('19:42:42 (BIT, UTC-12) is 11:42:42, 5 days after (GMT+100).',
html => qr/./
html => '-ANY-'
'19:42:42 CHADT into GMT-100' =>
test_zci('19:42:42 (CHADT, UTC+13:45) is 1:57:42, 4 days prior (GMT-100).',
html => qr/./
html => '-ANY-'
'12 in binary' => undef,
'10:00AM MST to PST' =>
test_zci('10:00 A.M. (MST, UTC-7) is 9:00 A.M. (PST, UTC-8).',
html => qr/./
test_zci('10:00 AM (MST, UTC-7) is 9:00 AM (PST, UTC-8).',
html => '-ANY-'
'19:00 UTC to EST' =>
test_zci('19:00 (UTC) is 14:00 (EST, UTC-5).',
html => qr/./
html => '-ANY-'
'1am UTC to PST' =>
test_zci('1:00 A.M. (UTC) is 5:00 P.M., 1 day prior (PST, UTC-8).',
html => qr/./
test_zci('1:00 AM (UTC) is 5:00 PM, 1 day prior (PST, UTC-8).',
html => '-ANY-'
'12:40pm PST into JST' =>
test_zci('12:40 P.M. (PST, UTC-8) is 5:40 A.M., 1 day after (JST, UTC+9).',
html => qr/./
test_zci('12:40 PM (PST, UTC-8) is 5:40 AM, 1 day after (JST, UTC+9).',
html => '-ANY-'
'12:40 pm from PST to JST' =>
test_zci('12:40 P.M. (PST, UTC-8) is 5:40 A.M., 1 day after (JST, UTC+9).',
html => qr/.*12:40 P.M..*\(PST, UTC-8\) is.*5:40 A.M., 1 day after.*\(JST, UTC\+9\)./
test_zci('12:40 PM (PST, UTC-8) is 5:40 AM, 1 day after (JST, UTC+9).',
html => qr/.*12:40 PM.*\(PST, UTC-8\) is.*5:40 AM, 1 day after.*\(JST, UTC\+9\)./
'11:22am est in utc' =>
test_zci('11:22 A.M. (EST, UTC-5) is 4:22 P.M. (UTC).',
html => qr/.*11:22 A.M..*\(EST, UTC-5\) is.*4:22 P.M..*\(UTC\)./
test_zci('11:22 AM (EST, UTC-5) is 4:22 PM (UTC).',
html => qr/.*11:22 AM.*\(EST, UTC-5\) is.*4:22 PM.*\(UTC\)./
# Intentional non-answers
'12 in binary' => undef,
# Summertime
my $test_location_tz = qr/\(EDT, UTC-4\)/;
# Location-specific tests (variable with DST)
'13:00 GMT in my time' =>
test_zci(qr/13:00 \(GMT\) is 9:00 $test_location_tz/,
html => '-ANY-'
'11:22am cest in my timezone' =>
test_zci(qr/11:22 AM \(CEST, UTC\+2\) is 5:22 AM $test_location_tz/,
html => '-ANY-'
'11:22am cest in localtime' =>
test_zci(qr/11:22 AM \(CEST, UTC\+2\) is 5:22 AM $test_location_tz/,
html => '-ANY-'
'11:22am cest in my local timezone' =>
test_zci(qr/11:22 AM \(CEST, UTC\+2\) is 5:22 AM $test_location_tz/,
html => '-ANY-'
'12pm my time in CEST' =>
test_zci(qr/Noon $test_location_tz is 6:00 PM \(CEST, UTC\+2\)./,
html => '-ANY-'
'12pm local timezone in CEST' =>
test_zci(qr/Noon $test_location_tz is 6:00 PM \(CEST, UTC\+2\)./,
html => '-ANY-'
'12am my timezone in UTC' =>
test_zci(qr/Midnight $test_location_tz is 4:00 AM \(UTC\)./,
html => '-ANY-'
'12am local time in UTC' =>
test_zci(qr/Midnight $test_location_tz is 4:00 AM \(UTC\)./,
html => '-ANY-'
$test_location_tz = qr/\(EST, UTC-5\)/;
# Location-specific tests (variable with DST)
'13:00 GMT in my time' =>
test_zci(qr/13:00 \(GMT\) is 8:00 $test_location_tz/,
html => '-ANY-'
'11:22am cest in my timezone' =>
test_zci(qr/11:22 AM \(CEST, UTC\+2\) is 4:22 AM $test_location_tz/,
html => '-ANY-'
'11:22am cest in localtime' =>
test_zci(qr/11:22 AM \(CEST, UTC\+2\) is 4:22 AM $test_location_tz/,
html => '-ANY-'
'11:22am cest in my local timezone' =>
test_zci(qr/11:22 AM \(CEST, UTC\+2\) is 4:22 AM $test_location_tz/,
html => '-ANY-'
'12pm my time in CEST' =>
test_zci(qr/Noon $test_location_tz is 7:00 PM \(CEST, UTC\+2\)./,
html => '-ANY-'
'12pm local timezone in CEST' =>
test_zci(qr/Noon $test_location_tz is 7:00 PM \(CEST, UTC\+2\)./,
html => '-ANY-'
'12am my timezone in UTC' =>
test_zci(qr/Midnight $test_location_tz is 5:00 AM \(UTC\)./,
html => '-ANY-'
'12am local time in UTC' =>
test_zci(qr/Midnight $test_location_tz is 5:00 AM \(UTC\)./,
html => '-ANY-'
Reference in New Issue