Merge pull request #1874 from pratik-nagelia/master

new perl cheat sheet
Zaahir Moolla 2015-12-11 21:33:58 -05:00
commit 442ea5c5b4
1 changed files with 224 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
"id": "perl_cheat_sheet",
"name": "Perl",
"description": "Essential Perl basic syntax, methods, functions, variables, references and data structure ",
"metadata": {
"sourceName": "Cheatography",
"sourceUrl": ""
"aliases": [
"template_type": "code",
"section_order": ["Input/Output", "Scalars and Strings", "Arrays and Lists", "Hashes", "Basic Syntax", "References and Data Structures", "System Interaction"],
"sections": {
"Input/Output": [{
"val": "Open file for input",
"key": "open(INFILE,\"in.txt\") or die;"
}, {
"val": "Open file with encoding",
"key": "open(INFILE,\"<:utf8\",\"file\");"
}, {
"val": "Open anonymous temp file",
"key": "open(TMP,\"+>\", undef);"
}, {
"val": "Open output file",
"key": "open(OUT,\">out.txt\") or die;"
}, {
"val": "Open file for append",
"key": "open(LOG,\">>my.log\") or die;"
}, {
"val": "Get next line",
"key": "$line = <INFILE>;"
}, {
"val": "Slurp infile",
"key": "@lines = <INFILE>;"
}, {
"val": "Print to STDERR",
"key": "print STDERR \"Warning 1.\\n\";"
}, {
"val": "Close filehandle",
"key": "close INFILE;"
"Scalars and Strings": [{
"val": "Discard trailing \\n",
"key": "chomp($str);"
}, {
"val": "$v becomes trailing char",
"key": "$v = chop($str);"
}, {
"val": "String comparison",
"key": "eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, cmp"
}, {
"val": "Find index of $x in $str,",
"key": "$v = index($str, $x);"
}, {
"val": "Starting from left or right",
"key": "$v = rindex($str, $x);"
}, {
"val": "Extract substring",
"key": "$v = substr($str, $strt, $len);"
}, {
"val": "Count the digits in $sky",
"key": "$cnt = $sky =~ tr\/0-9\/\/;"
}, {
"val": "Change non-alphas to space",
"key": "$str =~ tr\/a-zA-Z\/\/cs;"
}, {
"val": "Format string",
"key": "$v = sprintf(“%10s %08d”,$s,$n);"
"Arrays and Lists": [{
"val": "Array initialization",
"key": "@a = (1..5);"
}, {
"val": "Number of elements in @a",
"key": "$i = @a;"
}, {
"val": "Swap $a and $b",
"key": "($a, $b) = ($b, $a);"
}, {
"val": "Access to index 1",
"key": "$x = $a\\[1\\];"
}, {
"val": "Last index in @a",
"key": "$i = $#a;"
}, {
"val": "Appends $s to @a",
"key": "push(@a, $s);"
}, {
"val": "Removes last element",
"key": "$a = pop(@a);"
}, {
"val": "Remove last char (per el.)",
"key": "chop(@a);"
}, {
"val": "Removes first element",
"key": "$a = shift(@a);"
}, {
"val": "Reverse @a",
"key": "reverse(@a);"
}, {
"val": "Sort numerically",
"key": "@a = sort\\{$ela <=> $elb\\}(@a);"
}, {
"val": "Split string into @a",
"key": "@a = split(\/-\/,$s);"
"Hashes": [{
"val": "Hash initialization",
"key": "%h=(k1 => “val1”,k2 => 3);"
}, {
"val": "Recall value",
"key": "$val = $map\\{k1\\};"
}, {
"val": "Array of keys and values",
"key": "@a = %h;"
}, {
"val": "Create hash from array",
"key": "%h = @a;"
}, {
"val": "Iterate over list of keys",
"key": "foreach $k (keys(%h))\\{..\\}"
}, {
"val": "Iterate over list of values",
"key": "foreach $v (vals(%h))\\{..\\}"
}, {
"val": "Iterate over key-value-pairs",
"key": "while (($k,$v)=each %h)\\{..\\}"
}, {
"val": "Delete key",
"key": "delete $h\\{k1\\};"
"Basic Syntax": [{
"val": "Read command line params",
"key": "($a, $b) = shift(@ARGV);"
}, {
"val": "Define subroutine",
"key": "sub p\\{my $var = shift; ...\\}"
}, {
"val": "Execute subroutine",
"key": "p(“bla”);"
}, {
"val": "Conditional",
"key": "if(expr)\\{\\} elsif \\{\\} else \\{\\}"
}, {
"val": "Negative conditional",
"key": "unless (expr)\\{\\}"
}, {
"val": "While-loop",
"key": "while (expr)\\{\\}"
}, {
"val": "Until-loop",
"key": "until (expr)\\{\\}"
}, {
"val": "Postcheck until-loop",
"key": "do \\{\\} until (expr)"
}, {
"val": "For-loop",
"key": "for($i=1; $i<=10; $i++)\\{\\}"
}, {
"val": "Foreach-loop",
"key": "foreach $i (@list)\\{\\}"
}, {
"val": "End loop, skip to next, jump to top",
"key": "last, next, redo"
"References and Data Structures": [{
"val": "Reference to array",
"key": "$aref = \\@a;"
}, {
"val": "Anonymous array",
"key": "$aref = \\[1,\"foo\",undef,13\\];"
}, {
"val": "Access element of array",
"key": "[$el = $aref->\\[0\\];] / [$el = @\\{$aref\\}\\[0\\];]"
}, {
"val": "Copy array",
"key": "$aref2 = \\[@\\{$aref1\\}\\];"
}, {
"val": "Reference to hash",
"key": "$href = \\%h;"
}, {
"val": "Anonymous hash",
"key": "$href =\\{APR => 4,AUG => 8\\};"
}, {
"val": "Access element of hash",
"key": "[$el = $href->\\{APR\\};] / [$el = %\\{$href\\}\\{APR\\};]"
}, {
"val": "Copy hash",
"key": "$href2 = \\{%\\{$href1\\}\\};"
}, {
"val": "Checks if $r points to hash",
"key": "if (ref($r) eq \"HASH\") \\{\\}"
}, {
"val": "2-dim array",
"key": "@a = (\\[1, 2\\],\\[3, 4\\]);"
}, {
"val": "Access 2-dim array",
"key": "$i = $a\\[0\\]\\[1\\];"
"System Interaction": [{
"val": "System call",
"key": "system(“cat $f|sort -u>$f.s”);"
}, {
"val": "Catch output",
"key": "@a = readpipe(“lsmod”);"
}, {
"val": "Catch output",
"key": "$today = “Today: “.date;"
}, {
"val": "Change root",
"key": "chroot(“\/home\/user\/”);"
}, {
"val": "Operate on all c-files",
"key": "while (<*.c>) \\{\\}'"
}, {
"val": "Delete file",
"key": "unlink(“\/tmp\/file”);"
}, {
"val": "File test",
"key": "if (-f “file.txt”)\\{...\\}"