Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'

Nathan Korth 2014-06-02 16:16:12 -04:00
commit 303628eee0
2 changed files with 479 additions and 210 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
package DDG::Goodie::Calculator;
# ABSTRACT: do simple arthimetical calculations
use DDG::Goodie;
zci is_cached => 1;
use List::Util qw( all first max );
use Math::Trig;
zci is_cached => 1;
zci answer_type => "calc";
primary_example_queries '$3.43+$34.45';
@ -12,10 +16,10 @@ name 'Calculator';
code_url '';
category 'calculations';
topics 'math';
attribution web => [ '', 'DuckDuckGo' ],
github => [ '', 'duckduckgo'],
twitter => ['', 'duckduckgo'];
web => ['', 'DuckDuckGo'],
github => ['', 'duckduckgo'],
twitter => ['', 'duckduckgo'];
triggers query_nowhitespace => qr<
@ -25,9 +29,10 @@ triggers query_nowhitespace => qr<
(?: [0-9 \. ,]* )
(?: gross | dozen | pi | e | c |)
[\( \) x X * % + / \^ 0-9 \. , \$ -]*
(?(1) (?: -? [0-9 \. ,]+ |) |)
(?: [\( \) x X * % + / \^ \$ -] | times | divided by | plus | minus | cos | sin | tan | cotan | log | ln | log10 | exp )+
(?: [\( \) x X * % + / \^ \$ -] | times | divided by | plus | minus | cos | sin | tan | cotan | log | ln | log[_]?\d{1,3} | exp | tanh | sec | csc)+
(?: [0-9 \. ,]* )
(?: gross | dozen | pi | e | c |)
@ -37,6 +42,60 @@ triggers query_nowhitespace => qr<
# This is probably YAGNI territory, but since I have to reference it in two places
# and there are a multitude of other notation systems (although some break the
# 'thousands' assumption) I am going to pretend that I do need it.
# If it could fit more than one the first in order gets preference.
my @known_styles = ({
id => 'perl',
decimal => '\.',
sub_decimal => '.',
thousands => ',',
sub_thousands => ',',
id => 'euro',
decimal => ',',
sub_decimal => ',',
thousands => '\.',
sub_thousands => '.',
my $perl_style = first { $_->{id} eq 'perl' } @known_styles;
foreach my $style (@known_styles) {
$style->{fit_check} = _well_formed_for_style_func($style);
$style->{precision} = _precision_for_style_func($style);
$style->{make_safe} = _prepare_for_computation_func($style, $perl_style);
$style->{make_pretty} = _display_style_func($style, $perl_style);
# This is not as good an idea as I might think.
# Luckily it will someday be able to be tokenized so this won't apply.
my $all_seps = join('', map { $_->{decimal} . $_->{thousands} } @known_styles);
my $numbery = qr/^[\d$all_seps]+$/;
my $funcy = qr/[[a-z]+\(|log[_]?\d{1,3}\(|\^/; # Stuff that looks like functions.
my %named_operations = (
'\^' => '**',
'x' => '*',
'times' => '*',
'minus' => '-',
'plus' => '+',
'divided\sby' => '/',
'ln' => 'log', # perl log() is natural log.
my %named_constants = (
dozen => 12,
e => 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249, # This should be computed.
pi => pi, # pi constant from Math::Trig
gross => 144,
my $ored_constants = join('|', keys %named_constants); # For later substitutions
handle query_nowhitespace => sub {
my $results_html;
my $results_no_html;
@ -44,147 +103,180 @@ handle query_nowhitespace => sub {
$query =~ s/^(?:whatis|calculate|solve|math)//;
if($query !~ /[xX]\s*[\*\%\+\-\/\^]/ && $query !~ /^-?[\d]{2,3}\.\d+,\s?-?[\d]{2,3}\.\d+$/) {
if ($query !~ /[xX]\s*[\*\%\+\-\/\^]/ && $query !~ /^-?[\d]{2,3}\.\d+,\s?-?[\d]{2,3}\.\d+$/) {
my $tmp_result = '';
# Grab expression.
my $tmp_expr = $query;
my $tmp_expr = spacing($query, 1);
# First replace named operations with their computable equivalents.
while (my ($name, $operation) = each %named_operations) {
$tmp_expr =~ s# $name # $operation #xig;
#do the following substitutions in $tmp_expr:
#^ -> **
#x|times -> *
#minus -> -
#plus -> +
#dividedby -> /
$tmp_expr =~ s# \^ # ** #xg;
$tmp_expr =~ s# (?:x|times) # * #xig;
$tmp_expr =~ s# minus # - #xig;
$tmp_expr =~ s# plus # + #xig;
$tmp_expr =~ s# dividedby # \/ #xig;
$tmp_expr =~ s#log[_]?(\d{1,3})#(1/log($1))*log#xg; # Arbitrary base logs.
$tmp_expr =~ s/ (\d+?)E(-?\d+)([^\d]|\b) /\($1 * 10**$2\)$3/xg; # E == *10^n
$tmp_expr =~ s/\$//g; # Remove $s.
$tmp_expr =~ s/=$//; # Drop =.
# sub in constants
# e sub is lowercase only because E == *10^n
$tmp_expr =~ s/ ((?:\d+?|\s))E(-?\d+)([^\d]) /\($1 * 10**$2\)$3 /xg;
$tmp_expr =~ s/ (\d+?)e([^A-Za-z]) /$1 * 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249 $2 /xg;
$tmp_expr =~ s/ ([^A-Za-z])e([^A-Za-z]) /$1 2.71828182845904523536028747135266249 $2 /xg;
$tmp_expr =~ s/ \be\b /2.71828182845904523536028747135266249 /xg;
$tmp_expr =~ s/ (\d+?)c([^A-Za-z]) /$1 * 299792458 $2 /xig;
$tmp_expr =~ s/ ([^A-Za-z])c([^A-Za-z]) /$1 299792458 $2 /xig;
$tmp_expr =~ s/ \bc\b /299792458 /xig;
$tmp_expr =~ s/ (\d+?)pi /$1 * 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 /xig;
$tmp_expr =~ s/ pi /3.14159265358979323846264338327950288 /xig;
$tmp_expr =~ s/ (\d+?)gross /$1 * 144 /xig;
$tmp_expr =~ s/ (\d+?)dozen /$1 * 12 /xig;
$tmp_expr =~ s/ dozen /12 /xig;
$tmp_expr =~ s/ gross /144 /xig;
# Now sub in constants
while (my ($name, $constant) = each %named_constants) {
$tmp_expr =~ s# (\d+?)\s+$name # $1 * $constant #xig;
$tmp_expr =~ s#\b$name\b# $constant #ig;
# Commas into periods.
$tmp_expr =~ s/(\d+),(\d{1,2})(?!\d)/$1.$2/g;
my @numbers = grep { $_ =~ $numbery } (split /\s+/, $tmp_expr);
my $style = display_style(@numbers);
return unless $style;
# Drop commas.
$tmp_expr =~ s/[\,\$]//g;
$tmp_expr = $style->{make_safe}->($tmp_expr);
# Using functions makes us want answers with more precision than our inputs indicate.
my $precision = ($query =~ $funcy) ? undef : max(map { $style->{precision}->($_) } @numbers);
# Drop =.
$tmp_expr =~ s/=$//;
eval {
# e.g. sin(100000)/100000 completely makes this go haywire.
$tmp_result = eval($tmp_expr);
# Drop leading 0s.
# 2011.11.09 fix for 21 + 15 x 0 + 5
$tmp_expr =~ s/(?<!\.)(?<![0-9])0([1-9])/$1/;
# Guard against non-result results
return unless (defined $tmp_result && $tmp_result ne 'inf');
# Guard against very small floats which will not be rounded.
# 0-9 check for
return unless (defined $precision || ($tmp_result =~ /^(?:\-|)[0-9\.]+$/));
eval {
# e.g. sin(100000)/100000 completely makes this go haywire.
$tmp_result = eval($tmp_expr);
# 0-9 check for
if (defined $tmp_result && $tmp_result ne 'inf' && $tmp_result =~ /^(?:\-|)[0-9\.]+$/) {
# Precisian.
my $precisian = 0;
# too clever -- .5 ^ 2 not working right.
if (0) {
while ($query =~ /\.(\d+)/g) {
my $decimal = length($1);
$precisian = $decimal if $decimal > $precisian;
$tmp_result = sprintf( '%0.' . $precisian . 'f', $tmp_result ) if $precisian;
# Dollars.
if ($query =~ /^\$/) {
$tmp_result = qq(\$$tmp_result);
# Query for display.
my $tmp_q = $query;
# Drop equals.
$tmp_q =~ s/\=$//;
$tmp_q =~ s/((?:\d+?|\s))E(-?\d+)/\($1 * 10^$2\)/;
# Copy
$results_no_html = $results_html = $tmp_q;
# Superscript (before spacing).
$results_html =~ s/\^([^\)]+)/<sup>$1<\/sup>/g;
$results_html =~ s/\^(\d+|\b(?:e|c|dozen|gross|pi)\b)/<sup>$1<\/sup>/g;
($results_no_html, $results_html) = (spacing($results_no_html), spacing($results_html));
return if $results_no_html =~ /^\s/;
# Add commas.
$tmp_result = commify($tmp_result);
# Now add it back.
$results_no_html .= ' = ';
$results_html .= ' = ';
$results_html = qq(<div>$results_html<a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='$tmp_result';document.x.q.focus();">$tmp_result</a></div>);
return $results_no_html . $tmp_result, html => $results_html, heading => "Calculator";
# Ok, this might be overkill on flexibility.
$tmp_result = sprintf('%0' . $perl_style->{sub_decimal} . $precision . 'f', $tmp_result) if ($precision);
# Dollars.
$tmp_result = '$' . $tmp_result if ($query =~ /^\$/);
# Query for display.
my $tmp_q = $query;
# Drop equals.
$tmp_q =~ s/\=$//;
$tmp_q =~ s/((?:\d+?|\s))E(-?\d+)/\($1 * 10^$2\)/;
# Copy
$results_no_html = $results_html = $tmp_q;
# Superscript (before spacing).
$results_html =~ s/\^([^\)]+)/<sup>$1<\/sup>/g;
$results_html =~ s/\^(\d+|\b(?:$ored_constants)\b)/<sup>$1<\/sup>/g;
($results_no_html, $results_html) = map { spacing($_) } ($results_no_html, $results_html);
return if $results_no_html =~ /^\s/;
# Add proper separators.
$tmp_result = $style->{make_pretty}->($tmp_result);
# Now add = back.
$results_no_html .= ' = ';
$results_html .= ' = ';
$results_html =
qq(<div>$results_html<a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='$tmp_result';document.x.q.focus();">$tmp_result</a></div>);
return $results_no_html . $tmp_result,
html => $results_html,
heading => "Calculator";
#extra math functions
sub tan {
my $x = $_[0];
return sin($x)/cos($x);
sub cotan {
my $x = $_[0];
return cos($x)/sin($x);
sub log10 {
my $x = $_[0];
return log($x)/log(10);
#function to add a comma every 3 digits
#commify '12345' -> '12,345'
sub commify {
my $text = reverse $_[0];
$text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g;
return scalar reverse $text;
#separates symbols with a space
#spacing '1+1' -> '1 + 1'
sub spacing {
my $text = shift;
my ($text, $space_for_parse) = @_;
$text =~ s/(\s*(?<!<)(?:[\+\-\^xX\*\/\%]|times|plus|minus|dividedby)+\s*)/ $1 /ig;
$text =~ s/dividedby/divided by/ig;
$text =~ s/(\d+?)((?:dozen|pi|gross|e|c))/$1 $2/ig;
$text =~ s/\bc\b/speed of light/ig;
$text =~ s/\s*dividedby\s*/ divided by /ig;
$text =~ s/(\d+?)((?:dozen|pi|gross))/$1 $2/ig;
$text =~ s/(\d+?)e/$1 e/g; # E == *10^n
$text =~ s/([\(\)\$])/ $1 /g if ($space_for_parse);
return $text;
# Takes an array of numbers and returns which style to use for parse and display
# If there are conflicting answers among the array, will return undef.
sub display_style {
my @numbers = @_;
my $style; # By default, assume we don't understand the numbers.
foreach my $test_style (@known_styles) {
if (all { $test_style->{fit_check}->($_) } @numbers) {
# All of our numbers fit this style. Since we have them in preference order
# we can pick it and move on.
$style = $test_style;
last STYLE;
return $style;
# Returns a function which evaluates whether a number fits a certain style.
sub _well_formed_for_style_func {
my $style = shift;
my ($decimal, $thousands) = ($style->{decimal}, $style->{thousands});
return sub {
my $number = shift;
return (
$number =~ /^[\d$thousands$decimal]+$/
# Only contains things we understand.
&& ($number !~ /$thousands/ || ($number !~ /$thousands\d{1,2}\b/ && $number !~ /$thousands\d{4,}/))
# You can leave out thousands breaks, but the ones you put in must be in the right place.
# Note that this does not confirm that they put all the 'required' ones in.
&& ($number !~ /$decimal/ || $number !~ /$decimal(?:.*)?(?:$decimal|$thousands)/)
# You can omit the decimal but you cannot have another decimal or thousands after:
) ? 1 : 0;
# Returns function which given a number in a certain style, makes it nice for human eyes.
sub _display_style_func {
my ($style, $perl_style) = @_;
my ($decimal, $sub_decimal, $sub_thousands, $perl_dec) =
(@{$style}{qw(decimal sub_decimal sub_thousands)}, $perl_style->{decimal}); # Unpacked for easier regex-building
return sub {
my $text = shift;
$text = reverse $text;
$text =~ s/$perl_dec/$sub_decimal/g;
$text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*$decimal)/$1$sub_thousands/g;
return scalar reverse $text;
# Returns function which given a number in a certain style, makes it safe for perl eval.
sub _prepare_for_computation_func {
my ($style, $perl_style) = @_;
my ($decimal, $thousands, $perl_dec) = (@{$style}{qw(decimal thousands)}, $perl_style->{sub_decimal});
return sub {
my $number_text = shift;
$number_text =~ s/$thousands//g; # Remove thousands seps, since they are just visual.
$number_text =~ s/$decimal/$perl_dec/g; # Make sure decimal mark is something perl knows how to use.
return $number_text;
# Returns function which given a number, determines the number of places after the decimal.
sub _precision_for_style_func {
my ($style) = @_;
my $decimal = $style->{decimal};
return sub {
my $number_text = shift;
return ($number_text =~ /$decimal(\d+)/) ? length($1) : 0;

View File

@ -4,95 +4,272 @@ use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use DDG::Test::Goodie;
use DDG::Goodie::Calculator; # For function subtests.
zci answer_type => 'calc';
zci is_cached => 1;
zci is_cached => 1;
subtest 'display format selection' => sub {
my $ds_name = 'DDG::Goodie::Calculator::display_style';
my $ds = \&$ds_name;
is($ds->('4,431', '4.321')->{id}, 'perl', '4,431 and 4.321 is perl');
is($ds->('4,431', '4.32')->{id}, 'perl', '4,431 and 4.32 is perl');
is($ds->('4,431', '4,32')->{id}, 'euro', '4,431 and 4,32 is euro');
is($ds->('4534,345.0', '1',)->{id}, 'perl', '4534,345.0 should have another comma, not enforced; call it perl.');
is($ds->('4,431', '4,32', '5,42')->{id}, 'euro', '4,431 and 4,32 and 5,42 is nicely euro-style');
is($ds->('4,431', '4.32', '5.42')->{id}, 'perl', '4,431 and 4.32 and 5.42 is nicely perl-style');
is($ds->('5234534.34.54', '1',), undef, '5234534.34.54 and 1 has a mal-formed number, so we cannot proceed');
is($ds->('4,431', '4,32', '4.32'), undef, '4,431 and 4,32 and 4.32 is confusingly ambig; no style');
is($ds->('4,431', '4.32.10', '5.42'), undef, '4,431 and 4.32.10 is hard to figure; no style');
is($ds->('4,431', '4,32,100', '5.42'), undef, '4,431 and 4,32,100 and 5.42 has a mal-formed number, so no go.');
is($ds->('4,431', '4,32,100', '5,42'), undef, '4,431 and 4,32,100 and 5,42 is too crazy to work out; no style');
[qw( DDG::Goodie::Calculator )],
'what is 2-2' => test_zci(
"2 - 2 = 0",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>2 - 2 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='0';document.x.q.focus();">0</a></div>)
'solve 2+2' => test_zci(
"2 + 2 = 4",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>2 + 2 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='4';document.x.q.focus();">4</a></div>)
'2^8' => test_zci(
"2 ^ 8 = 256",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>2<sup>8</sup> = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='256';document.x.q.focus();">256</a></div>)
'2 *7' => test_zci(
"2 * 7 = 14",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>2 * 7 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='14';document.x.q.focus();">14</a></div>)
'1 dozen * 2' => test_zci(
"1 dozen * 2 = 24",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>1 dozen * 2 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='24';document.x.q.focus();">24</a></div>)
'dozen + dozen' => test_zci(
"dozen + dozen = 24",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>dozen + dozen = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='24';document.x.q.focus();">24</a></div>)
'2divided by 4' => test_zci(
"2 divided by 4 = 0.5",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>2 divided by 4 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='0.5';document.x.q.focus();">0.5</a></div>)
'(2c) + pi' => test_zci(
"(2 speed of light) + pi = 599,584,919.141593",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>(2 speed of light) + pi = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='599,584,919.141593';document.x.q.focus();">599,584,919.141593</a></div>)
'2^dozen' => test_zci(
"2 ^ dozen = 4,096",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>2<sup>dozen</sup> = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='4,096';document.x.q.focus();">4,096</a></div>)
'2^2' => test_zci(
"2 ^ 2 = 4",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>2<sup>2</sup> = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='4';document.x.q.focus();">4</a></div>)
'2^0.2' => test_zci(
"2 ^ 0.2 = 1.14869835499704",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>2<sup>0.2</sup> = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='1.14869835499704';document.x.q.focus();">1.14869835499704</a></div>)
'cos(0)' => test_zci(
"cos(0) = 1",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>cos(0) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='1';document.x.q.focus();">1</a></div>)
'tan(1)' => test_zci(
"tan(1) = 1.5574077246549",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>tan(1) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='1.5574077246549';document.x.q.focus();">1.5574077246549</a></div>)
'sin(1)' => test_zci(
"sin(1) = 0.841470984807897",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>sin(1) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='0.841470984807897';document.x.q.focus();">0.841470984807897</a></div>)
'$3.43+$34.45' => test_zci(
'$3.43 + $34.45 = $37.88',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>\$3.43 + \$34.45 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='\$37.88';document.x.q.focus();">\$37.88</a></div>)
'64*343' => test_zci(
'64 * 343 = 21,952',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>64 * 343 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='21,952';document.x.q.focus();">21,952</a></div>),
'//' => undef,
dividedbydividedby => undef,
[qw( DDG::Goodie::Calculator )],
'what is 2-2' => test_zci(
"2 - 2 = 0",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>2 - 2 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='0';document.x.q.focus();">0</a></div>)
'solve 2+2' => test_zci(
"2 + 2 = 4",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>2 + 2 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='4';document.x.q.focus();">4</a></div>)
'2^8' => test_zci(
"2 ^ 8 = 256",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>2<sup>8</sup> = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='256';document.x.q.focus();">256</a></div>)
'2 *7' => test_zci(
"2 * 7 = 14",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>2 * 7 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='14';document.x.q.focus();">14</a></div>)
'1 dozen * 2' => test_zci(
"1 dozen * 2 = 24",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>1 dozen * 2 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='24';document.x.q.focus();">24</a></div>)
'dozen + dozen' => test_zci(
"dozen + dozen = 24",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>dozen + dozen = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='24';document.x.q.focus();">24</a></div>)
'2divided by 4' => test_zci(
"2 divided by 4 = 0.5",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>2 divided by 4 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='0.5';document.x.q.focus();">0.5</a></div>)
'2^dozen' => test_zci(
"2 ^ dozen = 4,096",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>2<sup>dozen</sup> = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='4,096';document.x.q.focus();">4,096</a></div>)
'2^2' => test_zci(
"2 ^ 2 = 4",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>2<sup>2</sup> = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='4';document.x.q.focus();">4</a></div>)
'2^0.2' => test_zci(
"2 ^ 0.2 = 1.14869835499704",
heading => 'Calculator',
html =>
qq(<div>2<sup>0.2</sup> = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='1.14869835499704';document.x.q.focus();">1.14869835499704</a></div>)
'cos(0)' => test_zci(
"cos(0) = 1",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>cos(0) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='1';document.x.q.focus();">1</a></div>)
'tan(1)' => test_zci(
"tan(1) = 1.5574077246549",
heading => 'Calculator',
html =>
qq(<div>tan(1) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='1.5574077246549';document.x.q.focus();">1.5574077246549</a></div>)
'tanh(1)' => test_zci(
"tanh(1) = 0.761594155955765",
heading => 'Calculator',
html =>
qq(<div>tanh(1) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='0.761594155955765';document.x.q.focus();">0.761594155955765</a></div>)
'cotan(1)' => test_zci(
"cotan(1) = 0.642092615934331",
heading => 'Calculator',
html =>
qq(<div>cotan(1) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='0.642092615934331';document.x.q.focus();">0.642092615934331</a></div>)
'sin(1)' => test_zci(
"sin(1) = 0.841470984807897",
heading => 'Calculator',
html =>
qq(<div>sin(1) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='0.841470984807897';document.x.q.focus();">0.841470984807897</a></div>)
'csc(1)' => test_zci(
"csc(1) = 1.18839510577812",
heading => 'Calculator',
html =>
qq(<div>csc(1) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='1.18839510577812';document.x.q.focus();">1.18839510577812</a></div>)
'sec(1)' => test_zci(
"sec(1) = 1.85081571768093",
heading => 'Calculator',
html =>
qq(<div>sec(1) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='1.85081571768093';document.x.q.focus();">1.85081571768093</a></div>)
'log(3)' => test_zci(
"log(3) = 1.09861228866811",
heading => 'Calculator',
html =>
qq(<div>log(3) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='1.09861228866811';document.x.q.focus();">1.09861228866811</a></div>)
'ln(3)' => test_zci(
"ln(3) = 1.09861228866811",
heading => 'Calculator',
html =>
qq(<div>ln(3) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='1.09861228866811';document.x.q.focus();">1.09861228866811</a></div>)
'log10(100.00)' => test_zci(
"log10(100.00) = 2",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>log10(100.00) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='2';document.x.q.focus();">2</a></div>)
'log_10(100.00)' => test_zci(
"log_10(100.00) = 2",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>log_10(100.00) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='2';document.x.q.focus();">2</a></div>)
'log_2(16)' => test_zci(
"log_2(16) = 4",
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>log_2(16) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='4';document.x.q.focus();">4</a></div>)
'log_23(25)' => test_zci(
"log_23(25) = 1.0265928122321",
heading => 'Calculator',
html =>
qq(<div>log_23(25) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='1.0265928122321';document.x.q.focus();">1.0265928122321</a></div>)
'log23(25)' => test_zci(
"log23(25) = 1.0265928122321",
heading => 'Calculator',
html =>
qq(<div>log23(25) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='1.0265928122321';document.x.q.focus();">1.0265928122321</a></div>)
'$3.43+$34.45' => test_zci(
'$3.43 + $34.45 = $37.88',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>\$3.43 + \$34.45 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='\$37.88';document.x.q.focus();">\$37.88</a></div>)
'$3.45+$34.45' => test_zci(
'$3.45 + $34.45 = $37.90',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>\$3.45 + \$34.45 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='\$37.90';document.x.q.focus();">\$37.90</a></div>)
'$3+$34' => test_zci(
'$3 + $34 = $37',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>\$3 + \$34 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='\$37';document.x.q.focus();">\$37</a></div>)
'$3,4+$34,4' => test_zci(
'$3,4 + $34,4 = $37,8',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>\$3,4 + \$34,4 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='\$37,8';document.x.q.focus();">\$37,8</a></div>)
'64*343' => test_zci(
'64 * 343 = 21,952',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>64 * 343 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='21,952';document.x.q.focus();">21,952</a></div>),
'1E2 + 1' => test_zci(
'(1 * 10 ^ 2) + 1 = 101',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>(1 * 10<sup>2</sup>) + 1 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='101';document.x.q.focus();">101</a></div>),
'1 + 1E2' => test_zci(
'1 + (1 * 10 ^ 2) = 101',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>1 + (1 * 10<sup>2</sup>) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='101';document.x.q.focus();">101</a></div>),
'2 * 3 + 1E2' => test_zci(
'2 * 3 + (1 * 10 ^ 2) = 106',
heading => 'Calculator',
html =>
qq(<div>2 * 3 + (1 * 10<sup>2</sup>) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='106';document.x.q.focus();">106</a></div>),
'1E2 + 2 * 3' => test_zci(
'(1 * 10 ^ 2) + 2 * 3 = 106',
heading => 'Calculator',
html =>
qq(<div>(1 * 10<sup>2</sup>) + 2 * 3 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='106';document.x.q.focus();">106</a></div>),
'1E2 / 2' => test_zci(
'(1 * 10 ^ 2) / 2 = 50',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>(1 * 10<sup>2</sup>) / 2 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='50';document.x.q.focus();">50</a></div>),
'2 / 1E2' => test_zci(
'2 / (1 * 10 ^ 2) = 0.02',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>2 / (1 * 10<sup>2</sup>) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='0.02';document.x.q.focus();">0.02</a></div>),
'424334+2253828' => test_zci(
'424334 + 2253828 = 2,678,162',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>424334 + 2253828 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='2,678,162';document.x.q.focus();">2,678,162</a></div>),
'4.243,34+22.538,28' => test_zci(
'4.243,34 + 22.538,28 = 26.781,62',
heading => 'Calculator',
html =>
qq(<div>4.243,34 + 22.538,28 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='26.781,62';document.x.q.focus();">26.781,62</a></div>),
'sin(1,0) + 1,05' => test_zci(
'sin(1,0) + 1,05 = 1,8914709848079',
heading => 'Calculator',
html =>
qq(<div>sin(1,0) + 1,05 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='1,8914709848079';document.x.q.focus();">1,8914709848079</a></div>),
'21 + 15 x 0 + 5' => test_zci(
'21 + 15 x 0 + 5 = 26',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>21 + 15 x 0 + 5 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='26';document.x.q.focus();">26</a></div>),
'0.8158 - 0.8157' => test_zci(
'0.8158 - 0.8157 = 0.0001',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>0.8158 - 0.8157 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='0.0001';document.x.q.focus();">0.0001</a></div>),
'2,90 + 4,6' => test_zci(
'2,90 + 4,6 = 7,50',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>2,90 + 4,6 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='7,50';document.x.q.focus();">7,50</a></div>),
'2,90 + sec(4,6)' => test_zci(
'2,90 + sec(4,6) = -6,01642861135959',
heading => 'Calculator',
html =>
qq(<div>2,90 + sec(4,6) = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='-6,01642861135959';document.x.q.focus();">-6,01642861135959</a></div>),
'100 - 96.54' => test_zci(
'100 - 96.54 = 3.46',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>100 - 96.54 = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='3.46';document.x.q.focus();">3.46</a></div>),
'1. + 1.' => test_zci(
'1. + 1. = 2',
heading => 'Calculator',
html => qq(<div>1. + 1. = <a href="javascript:;" onClick="document.x.q.value='2';document.x.q.focus();">2</a></div>),
'sin(1.0) + 1,05' => undef,
'4,24,334+22,53,828' => undef,
'5234534.34.54+1' => undef,
'//' => undef,
dividedbydividedby => undef,