Support multiple lat/lons

David Wilkins 2014-07-05 13:00:59 +08:00
parent 54148bae21
commit 228a094be3
2 changed files with 134 additions and 92 deletions

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@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ zci is_cached => 1;
name 'Convert Latitude and Longitude';
description 'Convert between latitudes and longitudes expressed in degrees of arc and decimal';
primary_example_queries '71º 10\' 3" in decimal';
secondary_example_queries '71 degrees 10 minutes 3 seconds east in decimal', '- 16º 30\' 0" - 68º 9\' 0" as decimal';
category 'transformations';
topics 'geography', 'math', 'science';
code_url '';
@ -82,112 +83,140 @@ my %cardinalName = (
handle query_nowhitespace => sub {
return unless $_ =~ /$latLonQR/;
return unless /$latLonQR/;
my $minus = $+{minus};
my $degrees = $+{degrees};
my $minutes = $+{minutes};
my $seconds = $+{seconds};
my $cardinal = $+{cardinal};
my @queries;
my @results;
#Validation: must have minutes if has seconds
return unless (($minutes && $seconds) || ! $seconds);
my $toFormat;
#Validation: can't supply both minus sign and cardinal direction
return if $minus && $cardinal;
#Loop over all provided latitudes/longitudes
# Not going to try and enforce strict latitude/longitude
# pairing — if the user wants to pass in a long list
# of latitudes or a single longitude, no problem as long
# as they're all in the same format
while (/$latLonQR/g) {
#Convert cardinal to standardised name if provided
$cardinal = $cardinalName{lc($cardinal)} if $cardinal;
my $minus = $+{minus};
my $degrees = $+{degrees};
my $minutes = $+{minutes};
my $seconds = $+{seconds};
my $cardinal = $+{cardinal};
#Set the sign
my $sign;
if ($cardinal) {
$sign = $cardinalSign{$cardinal};
} else {
$sign = $minus ? -1 : 1;
#Validation: must have minutes if has seconds
return unless (($minutes && $seconds) || ! $seconds);
#Determine type of conversion (dms -> decimal or decimal -> dms)
# and perform as appropriate
#Validation: can't supply both minus sign and cardinal direction
return if $minus && $cardinal;
#If the degrees are expressed in decimal...
if ($degrees =~ /\./) {
#Convert cardinal to standardised name if provided
$cardinal = $cardinalName{lc($cardinal)} if $cardinal;
#Validation: must not have provided minutes and seconds
return if $minutes || $seconds;
#Validation: if only degrees were provided, make sure
# the user isn't looking for a temperature or trigonometric conversion
my $rejectQR = qr/temperature|farenheit|celcius|radians/;
return if $_ =~ /$rejectQR/i;
#Validation: can't exceed 90 degrees (if latitude) or 180 degrees
# (if longitude or unknown)
if ($cardinal && $cardinal =~ /[NS]/) {
return if abs($degrees) > 90;
#Set the sign
my $sign;
if ($cardinal) {
$sign = $cardinalSign{$cardinal};
} else {
return if abs($degrees) > 180;
$sign = $minus ? -1 : 1;
(my $dmsDegrees, my $dmsMinutes, my $dmsSeconds, my $dmsSign) = decimal2dms($degrees * $sign);
#Determine type of conversion (dms -> decimal or decimal -> dms)
# and perform as appropriate
#Annoyingly, Geo::Coordinates::DecimalDegrees will sign the degrees as
# well as providing a sign
$dmsDegrees = abs($dmsDegrees);
#If the degrees are expressed in decimal...
if ($degrees =~ /\./) {
#If seconds is fractional, take the mantissa
$dmsSeconds = round($dmsSeconds);
#If this isn't the first conversion, make sure the
# user hasn't passed a mix of decimal and DMS
return if $toFormat && ! $toFormat eq 'DMS';
$toFormat = 'DMS';
#Format nicely
my $formattedDMS = format_dms($dmsDegrees, $dmsMinutes, $dmsSeconds, $dmsSign, $cardinal);
my $formattedQuery = format_decimal(($degrees * $sign));
#Validation: must not have provided minutes and seconds
return if $minutes || $seconds;
return $formattedDMS, html => wrap_html($formattedQuery, $formattedDMS, 'DMS');
#Validation: if only degrees were provided, make sure
# the user isn't looking for a temperature or trigonometric conversion
my $rejectQR = qr/temperature|farenheit|celcius|radians/;
return if $_ =~ /$rejectQR/i;
#Otherwise, we assume type is DMS (even if no
# minutes/seconds given)
} else {
#Validation: can't exceed 90 degrees (if latitude) or 180 degrees
# (if longitude or unknown)
if ($cardinal && $cardinal =~ /[NS]/) {
return if abs($degrees) > 90;
} else {
return if abs($degrees) > 180;
#Validation: must have given at least minutes
return unless $minutes;
(my $dmsDegrees, my $dmsMinutes, my $dmsSeconds, my $dmsSign) = decimal2dms($degrees * $sign);
#Validation: can't have decimal minutes if there are seconds
return if $minutes =~ /\./ && $seconds;
#Annoyingly, Geo::Coordinates::DecimalDegrees will sign the degrees as
# well as providing a sign
$dmsDegrees = abs($dmsDegrees);
#Validation: minutes and seconds can't exceed 60
return if $minutes >= 60;
return if $seconds && $seconds >= 60;
#If seconds is fractional, take the mantissa
$dmsSeconds = round($dmsSeconds);
#Apply the sign
$degrees = $sign * $degrees;
#Format nicely
my $formattedDMS = format_dms($dmsDegrees, $dmsMinutes, $dmsSeconds, $dmsSign, $cardinal);
my $formattedQuery = format_decimal(($degrees * $sign));
# Note that unlike decimal2dms, dms2decimal requires a signed degrees
# and returns a signed degrees (not a separate sign variable)
my $decDegrees = $seconds ? dms2decimal($degrees, $minutes, $seconds) : dm2decimal($degrees, $minutes);
push(@queries, $formattedQuery);
push(@results, $formattedDMS);
#Round to 8 significant figures
$decDegrees = FormatSigFigs($decDegrees, 8);
$decDegrees =~ s/\.$//g;
#Validation: can't exceed 90 degrees (if latitude) or 180 degrees
# (if longitude or unknown)
if ($cardinal && $cardinal =~ /[NS]/) {
return if abs($decDegrees) > 90;
#Otherwise, we assume type is DMS (even if no
# minutes/seconds given)
} else {
return if abs($decDegrees) > 180;
#If this isn't the first conversion, make sure the
# user hasn't passed a mix of decimal and DMS
return if $toFormat && ! $toFormat eq 'decimal';
$toFormat = 'decimal';
#Validation: must have given at least minutes
return unless $minutes;
#Validation: can't have decimal minutes if there are seconds
return if $minutes =~ /\./ && $seconds;
#Validation: minutes and seconds can't exceed 60
return if $minutes >= 60;
return if $seconds && $seconds >= 60;
#Apply the sign
$degrees = $sign * $degrees;
# Note that unlike decimal2dms, dms2decimal requires a signed degrees
# and returns a signed degrees (not a separate sign variable)
my $decDegrees = $seconds ? dms2decimal($degrees, $minutes, $seconds) : dm2decimal($degrees, $minutes);
#Round to 8 significant figures
$decDegrees = FormatSigFigs($decDegrees, 8);
$decDegrees =~ s/\.$//g;
#Validation: can't exceed 90 degrees (if latitude) or 180 degrees
# (if longitude or unknown)
if ($cardinal && $cardinal =~ /[NS]/) {
return if abs($decDegrees) > 90;
} else {
return if abs($decDegrees) > 180;
#Format nicely
my $formattedDec = format_decimal($decDegrees);
my $formattedQuery = format_dms($degrees, $minutes, $seconds, $sign, $cardinal);
push(@queries, $formattedQuery);
push(@results, $formattedDec);
#Format nicely
my $formattedDec = format_decimal($decDegrees);
my $formattedQuery = format_dms($degrees, $minutes, $seconds, $sign, $cardinal);
return $formattedDec, html => wrap_html($formattedQuery, $formattedDec, 'decimal');
my $answer = join(' ' , @results);
my $html = wrap_html(\@queries, \@results, $toFormat);
return $answer, html => $html;
#Format a degrees-minutes-seconds expression
@ -221,6 +250,7 @@ sub format_decimal {
#Add a minus sign if negative (decimal format
# never uses cardial notation)
# TODO this is incorrect change this
if ($decDegrees / abs($decDegrees) == -1) {
$formatted = '' . $formatted;
@ -237,11 +267,23 @@ sub append_css {
return "<style type='text/css'>$css</style>$html";
sub wrap_secondary {
my $secondary = shift;
return "<span class='text--secondary'>" . $secondary . "</span>";
sub wrap_html {
my ($query, $result, $toFormat) = @_;
my $from = encode_entities($query) . " <span class='text--secondary'>" . " in " . encode_entities($toFormat) . ":". "</span>";
my $to = encode_entities($result);
return append_css("<div class='zci--conversions text--primary'>$from $to</div>");
#TODO can we use prototypes in this version of perl?
my @queries = @{$_[0]};
my @results = @{$_[1]};
my $toFormat = $_[2];
my $queries = join wrap_secondary(', '), map { encode_entities($_) } @queries;
my $results = join wrap_secondary(', '), map { encode_entities($_) } @results;
my $html = "<div class='zci--conversions text--primary'>" . $queries . wrap_secondary(' in ' . $toFormat . ': ') . $results . "</div>";
return append_css($html);

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@ -19,22 +19,18 @@ ddg_goodie_test(
#Secondary examples
'71 degrees 10 minutes 3 seconds east in decimal' => test_zci('71.1675°', html => qr/71\.1675/),
'- 16º 30\' 0" - 68º 9\' 0" as decimal' => test_zci('16.5° 68.15°', html => qr/&minus;16\.5.+&minus;68\.15/),
#Latitudes and longitudes of cities, various trigger combinations
#Values from Wikipedia/GeoHack toolserver
'convert 151.2094° E to degrees minutes seconds' => test_zci('151° 12 34″ E', html => qr/151.+12.+34.+E/),
'convert 33.859972º S 151.2094° E to degrees minutes seconds' => test_zci('33° 51 36″ S 151° 12 34″ E', html => qr/33.+51.+36.+S.+151.+12.+34.+E/),
'55° 45 00″ in decimal' => test_zci('55.75°', html => qr/55.75/),
'55° 45 0″ 37° 37 0″ in decimal' => test_zci('55.75° 37.616667°', html => qr/55\.75.+37\.616667/),
'kinshasha is 15.322222 degrees east convert to dms' => test_zci('15° 19 20″ E', html => qr/15.+19.+20.+E/),
'kinshasha is 4.325 degrees south 15.322222 degrees east convert to dms' => test_zci('4° 19 30″ S 15° 19 20″ E', html => qr/4.+19.+30.+S.+15.+19.+20.+E/),
'55.676111° latitude' => test_zci('55° 40 34″', html => qr/55.+40.+34/),
#La Paz
'- 68º 9\' 0" as decimal' => test_zci('68.15°', html => qr/&minus;68.15/),
#If two coordinates are given (e.g. lat/lon), only the first will be converted
'20 º 10 \' 0 " S, 57 deg 31 min 0 sec E convert' => test_zci('20.166667°', html => qr/&minus;20\.166667/),
#Make sure "plural S" works
"68 degrees 9 minutes S in decimal form" => test_zci('68.15°', html => qr/&minus;68.15/),
@ -59,6 +55,10 @@ ddg_goodie_test(
#Check for css
'71° 10\' 3" in decimal' => test_zci(qr/./, html => qr/css/),
#Check for to-format name
'16.5° S, 68.15° W dms' => test_zci(qr/./, html => qr/DMS/),
'16° 30 S, 68° 9 W decimal' => test_zci(qr/./, html => qr/decimal/),