Merge pull request #3698 from prabhakar267/docker-cheatsheet-fix

DockerCheatSheet : updated according to the official docs
Gautam krishna.R 2016-10-16 21:43:16 +05:30 committed by GitHub
commit 1cebe59a84
1 changed files with 268 additions and 176 deletions

View File

@ -4,225 +4,317 @@
"description": "Automates the deployment of applications inside software containers, by providing an additional layer of abstraction and automation of operating-system-level virtualization",
"template_type": "terminal",
"metadata": {
"sourceName": "docker-cheat-sheet",
"sourceUrl": ""
"sourceName": "Official Docker docs",
"sourceUrl": ""
"section_order": [
"Container Lifecycle",
"Container Info",
"Container Import/Export",
"Container Executing Commands",
"Image Lifecycle",
"Image Info",
"Registry and Repository"
"Management Commands",
"Image Commands",
"Container Commands",
"Hub and Registry Commands",
"Network and Connectivity Commands",
"Shared Data Volume Commands",
"Swarm Node Commands",
"Swarm Swarm Commands",
"Swarm Service Commands"
"sections": {
"Container Lifecycle": [
"Management Commands": [
"key": "docker create",
"val": "Creates a container but does not start it"
"key": "docker dockerd",
"val": "Launch the Docker daemon"
"key": "docker run",
"val": "Creates and starts a container in one operation"
"key": "docker stop",
"val": "Stops it"
"key": "docker start",
"val": "Will start it again"
"key": "docker restart",
"val": "Restarts a container"
"key": "docker pause",
"val": "Pauses a running container freezing it in place"
"key": "docker unpause",
"val": "Resumes all processes in a container"
"key": "docker rm",
"val": "Deletes a container"
"key": "docker kill",
"val": "Sends a SIGKILL to a container"
"key": "docker attach",
"val": "Will connect to a running container"
"key": "docker wait",
"val": "Blocks until container stops"
"Container Info": [
"key": "docker ps",
"val": "Shows running containers"
"key": "docker ps -lq",
"val": "Get the last run container ID"
"key": "docker logs",
"val": "Gets logs from container"
"key": "docker info",
"val": "Display system-wide information"
"key": "docker inspect",
"val": "Looks at all the info on a container (including IP address)"
"val": "Return low-level information on a container or image"
"key": "docker events",
"val": "Gets events from container"
"key": "docker port",
"val": "Shows public facing port of container"
"key": "docker top",
"val": "Shows running processes in container"
"key": "docker stats",
"val": "Shows containers' resource usage statistics"
"key": "docker diff",
"val": "Shows changed files in the container's FS"
"key": "docker version",
"val": "Show the Docker version information"
"Container Import/Export": [
"key": "docker cp",
"val": "Copies files or folders out of a container's filesystem"
"key": "docker export",
"val": "Turns container filesystem into tarball archive stream to STDOUT"
"Container Executing Commands": [
"key": "docker exec",
"val": "To execute a command in container"
"Networks": [
"key": "docker network create",
"val": "Creates a new network"
"key": "docker network rm",
"val": "Removes a network by name or identifier"
"key": "docker network ls",
"val": "Lists all the networks the engine daemon knows"
"key": "docker network inspect",
"val": "Returns information about one or more networks"
"key": "docker network connect",
"val": "Connects a running container to a network"
"key": "docker network disconnect",
"val": "Disconnects a container from a network"
"Volumes": [
"key": "docker volumes create",
"val": "Creates a new volume that containers can consume and store data"
"key": "docker volumes rm",
"val": "Removes one or more volumes"
"key": "docker volumes ls",
"val": "Lists all the volumes docker knows about"
"key": "docker volumes inspect",
"val": "Returns information about a volume"
"Image Lifecycle": [
"key": "docker images",
"val": "Shows all images"
"key": "docker import",
"val": "Creates an image from a tarball"
"Image Commands": [
"key": "docker build",
"val": "Creates image from Dockerfile"
"val": "Build an image from a Dockerfile"
"key": "docker commit",
"val": "Creates image from a container"
"val": "Create a new image from a containers changes"
"key": "docker rmi",
"val": "Removes an image"
"key": "docker history",
"val": "Show the history of an image"
"key": "docker insert",
"val": "Inserts a file from URL into image. (kind of odd, you'd think images would be immutable after create)"
"key": "docker images",
"val": "List images"
"key": "docker import",
"val": "Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image"
"key": "docker load",
"val": "Loads an image from a tar archive as STDIN, including images and tags (as of 0.7)"
"val": "Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN"
"key": "docker rmi",
"val": "Remove one or more images"
"key": "docker save",
"val": "Saves an image to a tar archive stream to STDOUT with all parent layers, tags & versions (as of 0.7)"
"Image Info": [
"key": "docker history",
"val": "Shows history of image"
"val": "Save images to a tar archive"
"key": "docker tag",
"val": "Tags an image to a name (local or registry)"
"val": "Tag an image into a repository"
"Registry and Repository": [
"Container Commands": [
"key": "docker login",
"val": "To login to a registry"
"key": "docker attach",
"val": "Attach to a running container"
"key": "docker search",
"val": "Searches registry for image"
"key": "docker cp",
"val": "Copy files/folders from a container to a HOSTDIR or to STDOUT"
"key": "docker create",
"val": "Create a new container"
"key": "docker diff",
"val": "Inspect changes on a containers filesystem"
"key": "docker events",
"val": "Get real time events from the server"
"key": "docker exec",
"val": "Run a command in a running container"
"key": "docker export",
"val": "Export a containers filesystem as a tar archive"
"key": "docker kill",
"val": "Kill a running container"
"key": "docker logs",
"val": "Fetch the logs of a container"
"key": "docker pause",
"val": "Pause all processes within a container"
"key": "docker port",
"val": "List port mappings or a specific mapping for the container"
"key": "docker ps",
"val": "List containers"
"key": "docker rename",
"val": "Rename a container"
"key": "docker restart",
"val": "Restart a running container"
"key": "docker rm",
"val": "Remove one or more containers"
"key": "docker run",
"val": "Run a command in a new container"
"key": "docker start",
"val": "Start one or more stopped containers"
"key": "docker stats",
"val": "Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics"
"key": "docker stop",
"val": "Stop a running container"
"key": "docker top",
"val": "Display the running processes of a container"
"key": "docker unpause",
"val": "Unpause all processes within a container"
"key": "docker update",
"val": "Update configuration of one or more containers"
"key": "docker wait",
"val": "Block until a container stops, then print its exit code"
"Hub and Registry Commands": [
"key": "docker login",
"val": "Register or log in to a Docker registry"
"key": "docker logout",
"val": "Log out from a Docker registry"
"key": "docker pull",
"val": "Pulls an image from registry to local machine"
"val": "Pull an image or a repository from a Docker registry"
"key": "docker push",
"val": "Pushes an image to the registry from local machine"
"val": "Push an image or a repository to a Docker registry"
"key": "docker search",
"val": "Search the Docker Hub for images"
"Network and Connectivity Commands": [
"key": "docker network connect",
"val": "Connect a container to a network"
"key": "docker network create",
"val": "Create a new network"
"key": "docker network disconnect",
"val": "Disconnect a container from a network"
"key": "docker network inspect",
"val": "Display information about a network"
"key": "docker network ls",
"val": "Lists all the networks the Engine daemon knows about"
"key": "docker network rm",
"val": "Removes one or more networks"
"Shared Data Volume Commands": [
"key": "docker volumes create",
"val": "Creates a new volume where containers can consume and store data"
"key": "docker volumes inspect",
"val": "Display information about a volume"
"key": "docker volumes ls",
"val": "Lists all the volumes Docker knows about"
"key": "docker volumes rm",
"val": "Remove one or more volumes"
"Swarm Node Commands": [
"key": "docker node promote",
"val": "Promote a node that is pending a promotion to manager"
"key": "docker node demote",
"val": "Demotes an existing manager so that it is no longer a manager"
"key": "docker node inspect",
"val": "Inspect a node in the swarm"
"key": "docker node update",
"val": "Update attributes for a node"
"key": "docker node ps",
"val": "List tasks running on a node"
"key": "docker node ls",
"val": "List nodes in the swarm"
"key": "docker node rm",
"val": "Remove one or more nodes from the swarm"
"Swarm Swarm Commands": [
"key": "docker swarm init",
"val": "Initialize a swarm"
"key": "docker swarm join",
"val": "Join a swarm as a manager node or worker node"
"key": "docker swarm leave",
"val": "Remove the current node from the swarm"
"key": "docker swarm update",
"val": "Update attributes of a swarm"
"key": "docker swarm join-token",
"val": "Display or rotate join tokens"
"Swarm Service Commands": [
"key": "docker service create",
"val": "Create a new service"
"key": "docker service inspect",
"val": "Inspect a service"
"key": "docker service ls",
"val": "List services in the swarm"
"key": "docker service rm",
"val": "Remove a service from the swarm"
"key": "docker service scale",
"val": "Set the number of replicas for the desired state of the service"
"key": "docker service ps",
"val": "List the tasks of a service"
"key": "docker service update",
"val": "Update the attributes of a service"