Merge branch 'master' into gautamkrishnar-patch-2

Gautam krishna.R 2016-12-26 16:48:21 +00:00
commit 027d79797f
6 changed files with 377 additions and 4 deletions

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ my %guid = (
# additional allowed triggers
my $allowedTriggers = qr/new|random|generate/i;
my $allowedTriggers = qr/new|random|generate|generator/i;
triggers any => keys %guid;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
"id": "apache_maven_cheat_sheet",
"name": "Apache Maven",
"description": "Command list for Apache Maven",
"metadata": {
"sourceName": "Apache-Maven",
"sourceUrl": ""
"aliases": [
"template_type": "terminal",
"section_order": [
"Creating Project",
"Build Commands",
"Installing Artifact",
"Tomcat Integration (Requires tomcat-maven-plugin)"
"sections": {
"General": [
"key": "pom.xml",
"val": "Configuration file which maintains versioning, dependencies and plugins"
"key": "mvn plugin:target \\[-Doption1 -Doption2\\]",
"val": "General command template, to be executed in pom.xml's directory"
"Creating Project": [
"key": "mvn archetype:create",
"val": "Creates minimal pom.xml"
"key": "mvn archetype:create\n -DgroupId=\\[Artifact Grp\\]\n -DartifactId=\\[Artifact ID\\]",
"val": "Creates a new jar project directory [Artifact ID] with package structure [Artifact Grp]. Name of the packaged jar will be [Artifact ID]-[version].jar"
"key": "mvn archetype:create\n -DgroupId=\\[Artifact Grp\\]\n -DartifactId=\\[Artifact ID\\]\n -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-webapp",
"val": "Creates a new war project directory [Artifact ID] with package structure [Artifact Grp]. Name of the packaged war will be [Artifact ID]-[version].war"
"key": "mvn eclipse:eclipse",
"val": "Creates eclipse project structure"
"Build Commands": [
"key": "mvn compile",
"val": "Compiles source code"
"key": "mvn clean",
"val": "Cleans unwanted files and previous build"
"key": "mvn test",
"val": "Run test cases"
"key": "mvn clean package",
"val": "Compiles, runs unit tests and packages the artifact (clean makes sure there are no unwanted files in the package)"
"key": "mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true",
"val": "Compiles and packages the artifact (clean makes sure there are no unwanted files in the package)"
"Installing Artifact": [
"key": "mvn clean install",
"val": "Compiles, runs unit tests, packages and installs the artifact in the local repository. (User Home Directory/.m2/repository/)"
"key": "mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true",
"val": "Compiles, packages and installs the artifact in the local repository. (User Home Directory/.m2/repository/)"
"key": "mvn clean deploy",
"val": "Compiles, runs unit tests, packages and installs the artifact in the remote repository (configured in pom.xml)"
"Tomcat Integration (Requires tomcat-maven-plugin)": [
"key": "mvn tomcat:run",
"val": "Runs tomcat"
"key": "mvn tomcat:deploy",
"val": "Deploys the war on tomcat server"
"key": "mvn tomcat:undeploy",
"val": "Undeploys the webapp"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
"id": "capybara_cheat_sheet",
"name": "Capybara",
"description": "Capybara test framework methods and syntax",
"metadata": {
"sourceName": "Capybara rubydoc",
"sourceUrl" : ""
"aliases": [],
"template_type": "code",
"section_order": [
"Clicking Links and Buttons",
"Interacting with Forms",
"sections": {
"Navigating": [
"key": "visit('/projects')",
"val": "Navigate to a path"
"key": "page.current_path",
"val": "Get current page path"
"key": "page.current_url",
"val": "Get current page url"
"key": "have_current_path('/projects')",
"val": "Check current path matches a value"
"Clicking Links and Buttons": [
"key": "click_link('id-of-link')",
"val": "Click link with a given ID"
"key": "click_link('Link Text')",
"val": "Click link containing some text"
"key": "click_button('Save')",
"val": "Click button containing some text"
"key": "click_on('Link Text')",
"val": "Click on either link or button containing some text"
"Interacting with Forms": [
"key": "fill_in('input_name', with: 'text for the input')",
"val": "Fill input with text"
"key": "choose('A Radio Button')",
"val": "Choose radio button with a given name"
"key": "check('A Checkbox')",
"val": "Check box with a given name"
"key": "uncheck('A Checkbox')",
"val": "Uncheck box with a given name"
"key": "select('Option', from: 'Select Box')",
"val": "Select option within select box"
"Querying": [
"key": "page.has_selector?('table tr')",
"val": "Check page has selector"
"key": "page.has_xpath?(''.//table/tr'')",
"val": "Check page has xpath"
"key": "page.has_css?('table')",
"val": "Check page has css"
"key": "page.have_field('field_name')",
"val": "Check page has field with a given name"
"Finding": [
"key": "find_field('Field Name')",
"val": "Find field with a given name"
"key": "find_button(id: 'my_button')",
"val": "Find button with a given ID"
"key": "find_link('Send')",
"val": "Find link with given text"
"key": "find(:xpath, './/table/tr')",
"val": "Find element by xpath"

View File

@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
"ddg search",
"duck duck go search",
"duckduckgo search",
"duckduckgo search syntax"
"duck duck go search syntax",
"duckduckgo search syntax",
"duck duck go search syntax"
"section_order": [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
"id": "johntheripper_cheat_sheet",
"name": "John the ripper",
"description": "Command list of password cracking tool, John the ripper",
"metadata": {
"sourceName": "Count upon Security",
"sourceUrl" : ""
"aliases": [
"template_type": "terminal",
"section_order": [
"Cracking Modes",
"Rule Sets",
"Incremental Mode Options",
"Other Commands"
"sections": {
"Installation": [
"val": "Cloning",
"key": "git clone -b bleeding-jumbo"
"val": "Compile",
"key": "cd JohnTheRipper/ && cd src/ && ./configure && make clean && make -s"
"val": "Execute",
"key": "\\[path of JTR folder\\] ./john"
"Cracking Modes": [
"val": "Wordlist Mode(Dictionary Attack)",
"key": "./john --wordlist=password.list hashfile"
"val": "Mangling Rules Mode (hybrid)",
"key": "./john --wordlist=password.lst rules:<rulename> hashfile"
"key": "./john --incremental hashfile",
"val": "Incremental mode (Brute Force)"
"key": "./john --external: <rulename> hashfile",
"val": "External mode (use a program to generate guesses)"
"key": "./john --loopback hashfile",
"val": "Loopback mode (use POT as wordlist)"
"key": "./john --mask=?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1 -1=[A-Z] hashfile -min-len=8",
"val": "Mask mode (read MASK under /doc)"
"key": "./john -w=password.lst -mask='?l?l?w?l?l' hashfile",
"val": "Hybrid Mask mode"
"key": "./john --prince=wordlist hashfile",
"val": "Prince mode (Read PRINCE under /doc)"
"key": "./calc_stat wordlist markovstats && ./john -markov:200 -max-len:12 hashfile --mkv-stats=markovstats",
"val": "Markov mode (Read MARKOV under /doc)"
"Rule Sets": [
"key": "--rules:Single",
"val": "For single mode"
"key": "--rules:Wordlist",
"val": "To include a wordlist"
"key": "--rules:Extra",
"val": ""
"key": "--rules:Jumbo",
"val": "To include all above rule sets(Single, wordlist, extra)"
"key": "--rules:KoreLogic",
"val": ""
"key": "--rules:All",
"val": "To include all possible rule sets"
"Incremental Mode Options": [
"key": "--incremental:Lower",
"val": "26 char"
"key": "--incremental:Alpha",
"val": "52 char"
"key": "--incremental:Digits",
"val": "10 char"
"key": "--incremental:Alnum",
"val": "62 char"
"Other Commands": [
"key": "./john --list=hidden-options",
"val": "List all Hidden Options"
"key": "./john --incremental:Alpha -stdout -session=s1",
"val": "Dsiplay guesses"
"key": "./john hashes -session=name",
"val": "Create Session"
"key": "./john --restore:name",
"val": "Restore Session"
"key": "./john hashes --pot=<> --show",
"val": "Show cracked Passwords"

View File

@ -8,7 +8,8 @@
"aliases" :[
"gnu linux",
"template_type": "terminal",
"section_order": [