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package DDG::Goodie::RgbColor;
2016-07-04 10:57:54 -07:00
use DDG::Goodie;
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw(first sum);
use Color::Library;
use Color::RGB::Util qw(
2016-07-05 03:45:40 -07:00
2016-07-05 06:42:12 -07:00
2016-07-06 04:49:41 -07:00
use Lingua::StopWords qw(getStopWords);
use Lingua::EN::StopWords qw(%StopWords);
use Convert::Color::RGB8;
use Math::Round;
with 'DDG::GoodieRole::NumberStyler';
zci answer_type => 'rgb_color';
2016-07-04 10:57:54 -07:00
zci is_cached => 0;
my @opposite_words = ('opposite', 'complement', 'complementary');
my @color_words = map { $_, "${_}s" } ('color', 'colour');
my @mix_words = ('mix', 'mixed', 'mixing');
my @tint_words = ('tint', 'tinted', 'tinting');
my @add_words = ('+', 'plus', 'add');
triggers any =>
@color_words, @mix_words,
@opposite_words, @tint_words,
# Color Constants #
# Favored dictionaries should be closer to the end (those with preferable
# names).
my @dicts = Color::Library->dictionaries(qw(
x11 nbs_iscc nbs_iscc::a nbs_iscc::b nbs_iscc::f nbs_iscc::h
nbs_iscc::m nbs_iscc::p nbs_iscc::r nbs_iscc::rc nbs_iscc::s
nbs_iscc::sc nbs_iscc::tc netscape windows ie vaccc html mozilla svg
my @dict_colors = map { $_->colors } @dicts;
my %colors = map { (lc $_->title =~ s/-/ /gr) => $_, lc $_->name => $_ } @dict_colors;
my @color_descs = sort { length $b <=> length $a } keys %colors;
my %hex_to_color = map { $_->hex => $_ } @dict_colors;
my $color_name_re = '(?:' .
(join '|', map { quotemeta $_ } @color_descs) . ')';
$color_name_re =~ s/\\ /[ -]?/g;
my $scolor = 'colou?rs?';
2016-08-13 03:08:02 -07:00
my $color_re = qr/(?:$color_name_re|#?(\p{XDigit}{6}|\p{XDigit}{3}))/;
# Some stop words relevant to color queries.
my @custom_stops = (
'make', 'makes',
'paint', 'paints',
my %stops = (%StopWords, %{getStopWords('en')});
my @stopwords = (keys %stops, @custom_stops);
my $stop_re = '(?:' . (join '|', map { quotemeta $_ } @stopwords) . ')';
my $black = Color::Library->color('black');
my $white = Color::Library->color('white');
# Helpers #
sub normalize_color {
my $color = shift;
return $color if ref $color eq 'Color::Library::Color';
$color =~ s/-/ /g;
return $colors{$color} if exists $colors{$color};
$color =~ s/ //g;
return $colors{$color} if exists $colors{$color};
2016-08-13 03:08:02 -07:00
my $hex = $color =~ s/^#//gr;
$hex =~ /^.{3}$/
? join '', map { "$_$_" } split '', $hex
: $hex;
sub common_name {
my $color = $hex_to_color{$_[0]} or return '';
return $color->name;
sub common_title {
my $color = $hex_to_color{$_[0]} or return '';
return $color->title;
sub normalize_colors_for_template {
map { normalize_color_for_template($_) } @_;
sub percentify {
my @out;
push @out, ($_ <= 1 ? round(($_ * 100))."%" : round($_)) for @_;
return @out;
sub normalize_color_for_template {
my $color_s = shift;
my $color = $color_s;
my %additional;
if (ref $color_s eq 'HASH') {
$color = delete $color_s->{color};
%additional = %$color_s;
my $name = '';
my $title = '';
my $hex;
if (ref $color eq 'Color::Library::Color') {
$name = $color->name;
$title = $color->title;
$hex = $color->hex;
} else {
$color = normalize_color($color);
$name = common_name($color);
$title = common_title($color);
$hex = $color =~ s/^#//r;
$title = ucfirst $title;
$color = Convert::Color->new("rgb8:$hex");
my @rgb = $color->as_rgb8->rgb8;
my $hex_disp = 'Hex: #' . uc $hex;
my $rgb_disp = 'RGB(' . join(', ', @rgb) . ')';
my $hsl = $color->as_hsl;
my @hsl = (
my $hsl_disp = 'HSL(' . join(', ', @hsl). ')';
my @cmyb = percentify($color->as_cmyk->cmyk);
my $cmyb_disp = 'CMYB(' . join(', ', @cmyb) . ')';
return {
hex => $hex,
name => $name,
title => $title,
hex_disp => $hex_disp,
hslc_disp => $hsl_disp,
rgb_disp => $rgb_disp,
cmyb_disp => $cmyb_disp,
sub right_decimal_from_amount {
my ($amt_l, $amt_r, $type) = @_;
return if $amt_l < 0 || $amt_r < 0 || $amt_l + $amt_r == 0;
if ($type eq 'part') {
my $total = $amt_l + $amt_r;
my $significance = $amt_r / $total;
return $significance;
if ($type eq 'percent') {
return unless $amt_l + $amt_r == 100;
return $amt_r / 100;
sub normalize_amounts_for_template {
my ($type, @amounts) = @_;
if ($type eq 'part') {
my $tot = sum @amounts;
@amounts = map { ($_ / $tot) } @amounts;
} elsif ($type eq 'percent') {
@amounts = map { $_ / 100 } @amounts;
return @amounts;
# Relevancy #
2016-07-05 06:42:12 -07:00
sub probably_relevant {
my $text = shift;
return 1 if $text =~ /$scolor/;
return 0;
sub remainder_probably_relevant {
my ($remainder) = @_;
$remainder =~ s/\b$stop_re\b//go;
$remainder =~ s/^\s+//;
$remainder =~ s/\s+$//;
return 1 if $remainder eq '';
return probably_relevant($remainder);
# Query Handlers #
my $mix_re = qr/(?:mix(ed|ing)?|=)/;
my $tint_re = qr/tint(ed|ing)?/;
my $reverse_re = qr/(opposite|complement(ary)?)( $scolor)?( (of|to|for))?/;
my $random_re = qr/rand(om)? $scolor/;
my $add_re = qr/(?: ?\+ ?| (add|plus) )/;
my $dual_con = qr/( (and|with))? /;
my $mix_con = qr/($add_re|$dual_con)/;
my $tint_con = $dual_con;
my $number_re = number_style_regex();
my $amount_re = qr/(?:(?<n>$number_re)((?<t>%)|(?<t>part)s?))/;
my $color_amount = qr/((?<a>$amount_re) )?(?<c>$color_re)/;
2016-07-06 04:49:41 -07:00
my $pct_re = qr/(?<n>$number_re)(?<t>%)/;
my $color_amount_pct = qr/((?<a>$pct_re) )?(?<c>$color_re)/;
my $mix_l = qr/(?<m1>$color_amount)/;
my $mix_r = qr/(?<m2>$color_amount)/;
my $tint_l = qr/(?<c1>$color_re)/;
my $tint_r = qr/(?<m2>$color_amount_pct)/;
my $dual_colors_and = qr/(?<c1>$color_re)( and)? (?<c2>$color_re)/;
sub build_dual_colors {
my ($phrase, $con, $l, $r) = @_;
my $dual_start = qr/$phrase $l$con$r/;
my $dual_middle_end = qr/$l( $phrase$con$r|$con$r $phrase)/;
return qr/($dual_start|$dual_middle_end)/;
my %query_forms_full = (
mix => build_dual_colors($mix_re, $mix_con, $mix_l, $mix_r),
random => qr/$random_re( between $dual_colors_and)?$/,
reverse => qr/$reverse_re (?<c>$color_re)/,
tint => build_dual_colors($tint_re, $tint_con, $tint_l, $tint_r),
# Quickly check the query before we use the full regex.
my %query_forms_qc = (
mix => $mix_re,
random => $random_re,
reverse => $reverse_re,
tint => $tint_re,
2016-07-05 06:42:12 -07:00
my %query_forms_fns = (
mix => \&mix_colors,
random => \&random_color,
reverse => \&reverse_color,
tint => \&tint_color,
2016-07-05 06:42:12 -07:00
my @query_types = sort keys %query_forms_fns;
2016-07-04 10:57:54 -07:00
sub amount_type_from_text {
my $text = shift;
$text =~ /^$amount_re$/;
my $amt = $+{n};
my $type = $+{t};
$amt =~ s/\s+//g;
$type = 'percent' if $type eq '%';
return ($amt, $type);
sub random_color {
my %cap = @_;
my $c1 = normalize_color($cap{c1} // $black);
my $c2 = normalize_color($cap{c2} // $white);
my %data = (
subtitle_prefix => 'Random color between',
input_colors => [normalize_colors_for_template($c1, $c2)],
my %result;
2016-07-05 06:42:12 -07:00
my $color = normalize_color_for_template(rand_rgb_color($c1, $c2));
$data{result_color} = $color;
$result{data} = \%data;
return %result;
2016-07-04 10:57:54 -07:00
2016-07-05 03:45:40 -07:00
sub mix_colors {
my %caps = @_;
$caps{m1} =~ /^$color_amount$/;
my $c1 = normalize_color($+{c});
my $a1 = $+{a};
$caps{m2} =~ /^$color_amount$/;
my $c2 = normalize_color($+{c});
my $a2 = $+{a};
my $pct = 0.5;
my $amt1 = 0.5;
my $amt2 = 0.5;
if ($a1 // $a2) {
($amt1, my $t1) = amount_type_from_text($a1);
($amt2, my $t2) = amount_type_from_text($a2);
return unless $t1 eq $t2;
$pct = right_decimal_from_amount($amt1, $amt2, $t1) // return;
($amt1, $amt2) = normalize_amounts_for_template($t1, $amt1, $amt2);
2016-07-05 03:45:40 -07:00
my %data = (
subtitle_prefix => 'Mix',
input_colors => [normalize_colors_for_template(
{ color => $c1, amount => $amt1, },
{ color => $c2, amount => $amt2, },
2016-07-05 03:45:40 -07:00
my %result;
my $color = normalize_color_for_template(mix_2_rgb_colors($c1, $c2, $pct));
2016-07-05 06:42:12 -07:00
$data{result_color} = $color;
2016-07-05 03:45:40 -07:00
$result{data} = \%data;
return %result;
2016-07-06 04:49:41 -07:00
sub tint_color {
my %caps = @_;
my $c1 = normalize_color($caps{c1});
$caps{m2} =~ /^$color_amount$/;
my $c2 = normalize_color($+{c});
my $a1 = $+{a};
my $pct = 0.5;
my $amt1 = 0.5;
if ($a1) {
($amt1, my $t1) = amount_type_from_text($a1);
return unless $t1 eq 'percent';
my $amt2 = 100 - $amt1;
$pct = right_decimal_from_amount($amt2, $amt1, $t1) // return;
($amt1, $amt2) = normalize_amounts_for_template($t1, $amt1, $amt2);
my %data = (
subtitle_prefix => 'Tint',
2016-07-06 04:49:41 -07:00
input_colors => [normalize_colors_for_template(
{ color => $c1, },
{ color => $c2, amount => $amt1, },
my %result;
my $color = normalize_color_for_template(tint_rgb_color($c1, $c2, $pct));
$data{result_color} = $color;
$result{data} = \%data;
return %result;
2016-07-05 06:42:12 -07:00
sub reverse_color {
my %cap = @_;
my $c = normalize_color($cap{c});
my $color = normalize_color_for_template(reverse_rgb_color($c));
return (
data => {
subtitle_prefix => '(RGB) Opposite color of',
2016-07-05 06:42:12 -07:00
input_colors => [normalize_color_for_template($c)],
result_color => $color,
sub normalize_result {
2016-07-05 06:42:12 -07:00
my %result = @_ or return;
$result{text_answer} = $result{data}->{result_color}{hex};
return %result;
2016-07-04 10:57:54 -07:00
handle query_lc => sub {
my $query = $_;
2016-07-23 11:14:10 -07:00
$query =~ s/[.?!]$//;
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2016-07-05 03:45:40 -07:00
my %cap;
my $rem;
my $type = first {
my $qc = $query_forms_qc{$_};
if ($query =~ $qc) {
$rem = $query =~ s/$query_forms_full{$_}//r;
if ($rem ne $query) {
%cap = %+;
} else {
} else {
} @query_types or return;
return unless remainder_probably_relevant($rem);
my $action = $query_forms_fns{$type};
2016-07-05 06:42:12 -07:00
my %result = normalize_result($action->(%cap)) or return;
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return $result{text_answer},
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structured_answer => {
data => $result{data},
2016-07-04 10:57:54 -07:00
templates => {
group => "text",
options => {
content => 'DDH.rgb_color.content',
2016-07-04 10:57:54 -07:00