
130 lines
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Raw Normal View History

# Preprocess the source files and output data structures for slurping
use strict;
use DateTime;
use Path::Class;
# Load the data file
my @names = (); # Names indexed by day
my %dates = (); # Days indexed by name
# File format: 366 lines (one for each day of a year).
# Each line contains names separated with a space.
# A line may contain the names in genitive case or variations of a name.
# These variations are placed after vertical bar character (|); they are
# not shown when searching for this day, but you can search for them.
sub load_days_file {
my $file_name = shift();
my @lines = file($file_name)->slurp(iomode => '<:encoding(UTF-8)');
$file_name =~ s/\.txt$//;
$file_name =~ s/_/ /g;
die "The text file must include 366 lines" unless scalar(@lines) == 366;
my $day_of_year = 1;
# Read names for each day and add them to the hash
for (@lines) {
# Add all names, including the names after vertical bar
my $names_for_date = lc($_);
2014-12-11 22:14:45 -08:00
$names_for_date =~ s/[|,]/ /g;
for my $name (split(' ', $names_for_date)) {
push(@{$dates{$name}}, $file_name . '|' . $day_of_year);
# Remove the names after vertical bar (|)
2014-12-11 22:14:45 -08:00
if ($_) {
$names[$day_of_year - 1] .= "; " if ($names[$day_of_year - 1]);
$names[$day_of_year - 1] .= $file_name . ': ' . $_;
# Advance to the next day
2014-12-09 00:10:44 -08:00
sub prepare_dates {
2014-12-08 00:33:49 -08:00
my @month_names = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
2014-12-09 00:10:44 -08:00
my ($dates_by_country, $dates_by_country_and_month) = @_;
# Prepare the plain-text answer
my $res = '';
foreach (sort keys %{$dates_by_country}) {
$res .= $_ . ': ' . $dates_by_country->{$_} . "; ";
$res =~ s/; $/\|/;
# Prepare the HTML answer
foreach (sort keys %{$dates_by_country_and_month}) {
$res .= '<tr><td class="name-days-country">' . $_ . '</td><td>';
my $i = 0;
for (@{$dates_by_country_and_month->{$_}}) {
$res .= '<div class="name-days-tile"><div class="name-days-tile-body">' .
'<h4>' . $_ . '</h4><p>' . $month_names[$i] . '</p>' .
'</div></div>' if $_;
$res .= '</td></tr>';
return $res;
sub finish_loading {
# Convert the dates to string
for (keys %dates) {
# Group the dates by country
my %dates_by_country = ();
2014-12-08 00:33:49 -08:00
my %dates_by_country_and_month = ();
foreach (@{$dates{$_}}) {
die 'Internal error' unless /^(.*?)\|(\d+)$/;
# Any leap year here, because the text file includes February, 29
my $d = DateTime->from_day_of_year(year => 2000, day_of_year => $2);
if (exists $dates_by_country{$1}) {
$dates_by_country{$1} .= ', ';
$dates_by_country{$1} .= $d->strftime('%e %b');
2014-12-08 00:33:49 -08:00
if ($dates_by_country_and_month{$1}[$d->month - 1]) {
$dates_by_country_and_month{$1}[$d->month - 1] .= ', ';
$dates_by_country_and_month{$1}[$d->month - 1] .= $d->day;
2014-12-09 00:10:44 -08:00
$dates{$_} = prepare_dates(\%dates_by_country, \%dates_by_country_and_month);
# Load the source files into %dates and @names
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# Output the array and the hash.
# Spew does not work for hashes, so use two loops here.
open(my $fd, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', 'preprocessed_dates.txt') or die;
for (sort keys %dates) {
print($fd $_ . "\n" . $dates{$_} . "\n");
open(my $fn, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', 'preprocessed_names.txt') or die;
for (@names) {
print($fn $_ . "\n");