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2016-06-08 08:27:19 -07:00
package DDG::Goodie::DurationCalculator;
# ABSTRACT: Finds duration between two times
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
with 'DDG::GoodieRole::Dates';
with 'DDG::GoodieRole::NumberStyler';
use DateTime::Duration;
use Lingua::EN::Numericalize
zci answer_type => 'duration_calculator';
# Caching -`
zci is_cached => 1;
# Triggers -
triggers any => qw(second minute hour);
triggers any => qw(seconds minutes hours);
triggers any => qw(plus minus + - before after);
my $number_re = number_style_regex();
my $action_re = qr/(?<action>plus|add|\+|\-|minus|subtract)/i;
my $day_re = qr/(?<day>$number_re)\s+(day|days)/i;
my $hour_re = qr/(?<hour>$number_re)\s+(hour|hours)/i;
my $min_re = qr/(?<min>$number_re)\s+(minute|minutes)/i;
my $sec_re = qr/(?<sec>$number_re)\s+(second|seconds)/i;
my $operand_re = qr/($day_re\s*)?($hour_re\s*)?($min_re\s*)?($sec_re\s*)?/i;
my $operation_re = qr/(?<operand1>$operand_re)$action_re\s+(?<operand2>$operand_re)?/i;
my $what_re = qr/what ((is|was|will) the )?/i;
my $time_re = qr/(?<time>time)/i;
my $will_re = qr/ (was it|will it be|is it|be)/i;
my $full_time_regex = qr/^($what_re?$time_re$will_re? )?($operation_re)[\?.]?$/i;
sub format_result {
my (@result) = @_;
my $string = $result[0];
if( $result[0] != 1) {
$string.= " days ";
else {
$string.=" day ";
$string .= $result[1];
if( $result[1] != 1) {
$string .= " hours ";
else {
$string .= " hour";
$string .= $result[2];
if( $result[2] != 1) {
$string .= " minutes ";
else {
$string .= " minute ";
$string .= $result[3];
if( $result[3] != 1) {
$string .=" seconds";
else {
$string .= " second";
return $string;
sub get_action_for {
my $action = shift;
return '+' if $action =~ /^(\+|plus|from|in|add|after)$/i;
return '-' if $action =~ /^(\-|minus|ago|subtract|before)$/i;
sub get_values{
my ($operand) = @_;
$operand =~ $operand_re;
my $day = $+{day};
my $hour = $+{hour};
my $min = $+{min};
my $sec = $+{sec};
$day = "0" unless defined $day;
$hour = "0" unless defined $hour;
$min = "0" unless defined $min;
$sec = "0" unless defined $sec;
return ($day, $hour, $min, $sec);
sub add{
my ($values1, $values2) = @_;
my $day = $$values1[0] + $$values2[0];
my $hour= $$values1[1] + $$values2[1];
my $min = $$values1[2] + $$values2[2];
my $sec = $$values1[3] + $$values2[3];
my $carry = int ($sec / 60);
$sec = $sec - 60 * $carry;
$min+= $carry;
$carry = int($min / 60);
$min =$min - 60 * $carry;
$hour += $carry;
$carry = int($hour/24);
$hour = $hour - 24 * $carry;
$day += $carry;
return format_result($day, $hour, $min, $sec);
sub subtract{
my ($values1, $values2) = @_;
my $sec = $$values1[3] - $$values2[3];
my $min = $$values1[2] - $$values2[2];
my $hour= $$values1[1] - $$values2[1];
my $day = $$values1[0] - $$values2[0];
if($sec < 0){
$sec = $sec + 60;
$min = $min - 1;
if($min < 0){
$min = $min + 60;
$hour = $hour - 1;
if($hour < 0){
$hour = $hour + 24;
$day = $day - 1;
return format_result($day, $hour, $min, $sec);
sub get_result {
my ($values1, $values2, $action) = @_;
return add (\@$values1, \@$values2) if $action eq '+';
return subtract (\@$values1, \@$values2) if $action eq '-';
handle query_lc => sub {
my $query = $_;
return unless $query =~ $full_time_regex;
my $action = $+{action};
my $operand1= $+{operand1};
my $operand2 = $+{operand2};
my @values1 = get_values($operand1);
my @values2 = get_values($operand2);
$action = get_action_for($action);
my $result = get_result (\@values1, \@values2, $action);
return $result,
structured_answer => {
data => {
title => $result,
#subtitle => "My Subtitle",
# image => "",
templates => {
group => "text",
# options => {
# }