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package DDG::Goodie::PeriodicTable;
# ABSTRACT: Chemical symbols, atomic masses and numbers for chemical elements
use strict;
use DDG::Goodie;
2015-05-29 15:18:03 -07:00
use YAML::XS 'LoadFile';
use List::Util qw(first);
use Text::Trim;
zci answer_type => 'periodic_table';
zci is_cached => 1;
name 'Periodic Table';
description 'Chemical symbols, atomic masses and numbers for chemical elements';
primary_example_queries 'rubidium', 'chemical symbol for argon', 'atomic mass of nitrogen', 'atomic number of oxygen';
secondary_example_queries 'atomic weight of Na', 'what is the chemical symbol for argon', 'chemical name for He';
category 'physical_properties';
topics 'science';
code_url '';
attribution github => [ 'zblair', 'Zachary D Blair' ],
github => ['skywickenden', 'Sky Wickenden'],
github => ['amitdev', 'Amit Ranjit'];
2015-05-29 15:18:03 -07:00
my @elements = @{ LoadFile(share('elements.yml')) };
# Triggers
my @element_triggers = [map { lc($_->[2]) } @elements];
triggers start => $element_triggers[0];
triggers any => 'atomic mass', 'atomic weight', 'atomic number', 'proton number', 'chemical symbol', 'chemical name';
# Handle statement
handle query_lc => sub {
my $query = $_;
# Determine if this is a query for atomic mass or chemical name
my $is_mass_query = $query =~ /atomic mass|atomic weight/;
my $is_name_query = $query =~ /name/;
# Strip out irrelevant words in the query
2015-04-24 02:45:45 -07:00
$query =~ s/(?:atomic (?:mass|weight|number)|proton number|of|the|for|element|elemental|chemical symbol|what is|chemical name)//g;
$query = trim $query;
return unless $query;
# Look for a matching element or symbol in the table
my $match = first { lc $_->[2] eq $query || lc $_->[3] eq $query } @elements or return;
my ( $atomic_number, $atomic_mass, $element_name, $element_symbol, $element_type ) = @{$match};
# Default display
my $title = "Atomic number $atomic_number";
my $subtitle = "$element_name";
my $alt_subtitle = "Atomic mass $atomic_mass u";
my $raw = "$element_name ($element_symbol), atomic number $atomic_number, atomic mass $atomic_mass u";
if ($is_mass_query) {
$title = "Atomic mass $atomic_mass u";
$alt_subtitle = "Atomic number $atomic_number";
elsif ($is_name_query) {
$title = "$element_name";
$subtitle = "Atomic number $atomic_number";
# The text size of the icon needs to change depending on the length of the chemical symbol.
my $badge_class = "";
my $symbol_length = length($element_symbol);
if ($symbol_length == 1) { $badge_class = "tx--25" }
elsif ($symbol_length == 3) { $badge_class = "tx--14" }
return $raw,
structured_answer => {
id => "periodic_table",
name => "Periodic Table",
data => {
badge => $element_symbol,
title => $title,
subtitle => $subtitle,
altSubtitle => $alt_subtitle,
url => "$element_name",
2015-04-24 02:45:45 -07:00
meta => {
sourceName => "Wikipedia",
sourceUrl => "$element_name"
templates => {
group => "icon",
elClass => {
bgColor => get_badge_color($element_type),
iconBadge => "tx-clr-white $badge_class",
iconTitle => "tx--19",
tileSubtitle => "tx--14"
variants => {
iconBadge => "medium"
2015-04-24 02:45:45 -07:00
options => {
2015-04-24 02:45:45 -07:00
moreAt => 1
# Decide on a color to use when displaying the element badge based on its group.
sub get_badge_color {
my ($element_type) = @_;
# metmetalmetalloidnonmetal etc is currently split into only 5 color groups.
my $badge_color = "bg-clr--red";
if ($element_type eq "Alkali metal") { $badge_color = "bg-clr--gold" }
elsif ($element_type eq "Alkaline earth metal") { $badge_color = "bg-clr--gold" }
elsif ($element_type eq "Lanthanide") { $badge_color = "bg-clr--red" }
elsif ($element_type eq "Actinide") { $badge_color = "bg-clr--red" }
elsif ($element_type eq "Transition metal") { $badge_color = "bg-clr--red" }
elsif ($element_type eq "Post-transition metal") { $badge_color = "bg-clr--green" }
elsif ($element_type eq "Metalloid") { $badge_color = "bg-clr--green" }
elsif ($element_type eq "Polyatomic nonmetal") { $badge_color = "bg-clr--green" }
elsif ($element_type eq "Diatomic nonmetal") { $badge_color = "bg-clr--green" }
elsif ($element_type eq "Noble gas") { $badge_color = "bg-clr--blue-light" }
elsif ($element_type eq "Unknown") { $badge_color = "bg-clr--red" }
return $badge_color;