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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use DDG::Test::Goodie;
zci answer_type => 'html_entity';
# Simple tests
'html code em dash' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: —", html => qr/mdash/),
'html em dash' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: —", html => qr/mdash/),
'em-dash html' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: —", html => qr/mdash/), # hyphens ignored
'html encode "em-dash"' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: —", html => qr/mdash/), # quotes ignored
'ApoSTrophe escapehtml' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: '", html => qr/#39/), # mixed cases in query
# Basic varieties in querying accented chars
'html entity A-acute' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: Á",html => qr/Aacute/),
'html entity for E Grave' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: È", html => qr/Egrave/),
'html Ograve' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: Ò", html => qr/Ograve/),
# Single typed-in character queries
'html escape &' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: &", html => qr/amp/), # &
'html escape "' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: "", html => qr/quot/), # "
'how to html escape &?' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: &", html => qr/amp/), # ?
'how to html escape "&"?' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: &", html => qr/amp/), # &
'how to html escape ??' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: ?", html => qr/#63/), # ?
'how do you html escape a "?"?' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: ?", html => qr/#63/), # ?
'html escape """' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: "", html => qr/quot/), # "
'$ sign htmlentity' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: $", html => qr/#36/), # $
# Return two matching entities for ambiguous query
'pound symbol html encode ' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: £\nEncoded HTML Entity: #", html => qr/pound.*#35|#35.*pound/),
# Ignore words and whitespace
'html code of pilcrow sign' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: ¶", html => qr/#182/), # of, sign
'html escape greater than symbol' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: >", html => qr/gt/), # symbol
'space html character code' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity:  ", html => qr/nbsp/), # Ignore extra whitespace
# Better hash hits substitutions
# 'right angle brackets' should work even though the defined key contains the singular 'bracket'
'right angle brackets htmlencode' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: ›\nEncoded HTML Entity: »", html => qr/rsaquo.*raquo|raquo.*rsaquo/),
# 'double quotes' should work even though the defined key contains the singular 'quote'
'double quotes htmlescape' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: "", html => qr/quot/),
# Should not work (would make sense to decode theese queries though!)
'html encode +' => undef,
'html entity &' => undef,
# Should also not work
'html encode is it magic' => undef, # most certainly, it is
# Natural querying
'What is the html character code for pi' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: π", html => qr/#960/),
'whatis html entity for en-dash' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: –", html => qr/ndash/), # whatis spelling
'how do I escape the greater-than symbol html' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: >", html => qr/gt/),
# the "a/A" belonging to "acute" matters, but the "a" immediately after "character" is removed
'How to get the character a a acute in html code' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: á", html => qr/aacute/),
'how to get the character a a-acute in html code' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: á", html => qr/aacute/),
'how to get the character a aacute in html code' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: á", html => qr/aacute/),
'how to get the character a A acute in html code' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: Á", html => qr/Aacute/),
'how to get the character a A-acute in html code' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: Á", html => qr/Aacute/),
'how to get the character a Aacute in html code' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: Á", html => qr/Aacute/),
# Question marks ignored
'the encoded html entity of apostrophe is?' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: '", html => qr/#39/),
'how to encode an apostrophe in html ? ' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: '", html => qr/#39/), # spaces around the end
# Question mark matters
'how to encode "?" in html' => test_zci("Encoded HTML Entity: ?", html => qr/#63/),