This directory contains some sample  programs using LuaSocket. This code
is not supported.

    listener.lua            -- socket to stdout
    talker.lua              -- stdin to socket

listener.lua and talker.lua are about  the simplest applications you can
write  using  LuaSocket.  Run   'luasocket  listen.lua'  and  'luasocket
talk.lua' on different terminals. Whatever  you type on talk.lua will be
printed by listen.lua.

    dict.lua                -- dict client

The dict.lua  module was  a cool  simple client  for the  DICT protocol,
written by Luiz Henrique Figueiredo. This new version has been converted
into a library, similar to the HTTP  and FTP libraries, that can be used
from within  any luasocket application. Take  a look on the  source code
and you will be able to figure out how to use it.

    daytimeclnt.lua         -- day time client

Just run the program to retrieve the hour and date in readable form from
any server running an UDP daytime daemon.

    echoclnt.lua            -- UDP echo client
    echosrvr.lua            -- UDP echo server

These are a UDP echo client/server pair. They work with other client and
servers as well.

    tftpclnt.lua            -- Trivial FTP client

This module implements file retrieval by the TFTP protocol. Its main use
is to test the UDP code, but someone might find it usefull.

    broadcast.lua           -- Broadcast telnet server

This is a simple server that waits simultaneously on two server sockets for
telnet connections. Everything it receives from the telnet clients is
broadcast to every other connected client. It tests the select function and
shows how to create a simple server whith LuaSocket. Just run broadcast.lua
and then open as many telnet connections as you want to ports 8080 and

Good luck,