Initial working code

David 2015-02-07 22:43:21 +00:00
parent c0e43df1df
commit b98126a76f
26 changed files with 5147 additions and 0 deletions

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<pydev_property name="org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_VERSION">python 3.0</pydev_property>
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# io_import_minecraft
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# <pep8 compliant>
# bl_info = {
# "name": "Import: Minecraft b1.7+",
# "description": "Importer for viewing Minecraft worlds",
# "author": "Adam Crossan (acro)",
# "version": (1,6,3),
# "blender": (2, 6, 0),
# "api": 41226,
# "location": "File > Import > Minecraft",
# "warning": '', # used for warning icon and text in addons panel
# "wiki_url": "",
# "category": "Import-Export"}
# To support reload properly, try to access a package var, if it's there, reload everything
#if "bpy" in locals():
# import imp
# if "mineregion" in locals():
# imp.reload(mineregion)
#import bpy
#from bpy.props import StringProperty, FloatProperty, IntProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty
import imp
import mineregion
#def setSceneProps(scn):
# #Set up scene-level properties
# bpy.types.Scene.MCLoadNether = BoolProperty(
# name = "Load Nether",
# description = "Load Nether (if present) instead of Overworld.",
# default = False)
# scn['MCLoadNether'] = False
# return
# def createTestScene():
# bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
# # plane
# bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(radius=1, view_align=True, enter_editmode=False, location=(0,0,0), rotation=(0,0,0), layers = (True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False))
# bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(10,10,10), constraint_axis=(False, False, False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional='DISABLED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
# # cube
# bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(radius=1, view_align=True, enter_editmode=False, location=(0,0,0), rotation=(0,0,0), layers = (True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False))
# # FIXME - error
# #bpy.context.space_data.context='MATERIAL'
# bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(0.55,0.17,1.14), constraint_axis=(False,False, False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional='DISABLED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
# # set material to leaves?
# bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle()
# bpy.ops.uv.unwrap(method='CONFORMAL', margin=0.001)
# # uv mapping - how do we tell blender?
# #bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(0.0368432,0.0368432,0.0368432), constraint_axis=(False,False,False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional='DISABLED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
# #bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(-0.202301, 0.07906, 0), constraint_axis=(False,False,False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
# bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle()
# # lights...
# bpy.ops.object.lamp_add(type='SUN', view_align=True, location=(-8.12878,5.39259,9.70453), rotation=(-0.383973,0,0), layers=(True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False))
# # camera...
# bpy.ops.object.camera_add(view_align=True, enter_editmode=False, location=(-8.12878,-9.13302,7.87796), rotation=(0,0,0), layers=(True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False))
# #bpy.context.space_data.context='CONSTRAINT'
# bpy.ops.object.constraint_add(type='TRACK_TO')
# bpy.context.object.constraints["Track To"].target =["Cube.001"]
# bpy.context.object.constraints["Track To"].track_axis = 'TRACK_NEGATIVE_Z'
# bpy.context.object.constraints["Track To"].up_axis = 'UP_Y'
#Menu 'button' for the import menu (which calls the world selector)...
# class MinecraftWorldSelector(bpy.types.Operator):
#"""An operator defining a dialogue for choosing one on-disk Minecraft world to load.
#This supplants the need to call the file selector, since
"""Minecraft worlds require a preset specific folder structure of multiple files which cannot be selected singly."""
bl_idname = "mcraft.selectworld"
bl_label = "Select Minecraft World"
#bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
#Possible placements for these:
bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
#TODO: Make this much more intuitive for the user!
#Would be better if could define min[x,y,z] and max[x,y,z] and load between these point
mcLoadAtCursor = False #Loads as if 3D cursor offset in viewport was the player (load) position.
mcLowLimit = 60 #The lowest depth layer to load. (High=256, Sea=64, Low=0)
mcHighLimit = 128 #The highest layer to load. (High=256, Sea=64, Low=0)
mcLoadRadius = 10 # 'Load Radius - The half-width of the load range around load-pos.
# e.g, 4 will load 9x9 chunks around the load centre
# WARNING! Above 10, this gets slow and eats LOTS of memory!
mcOmitStone = False # When True, do not import common blocks such as stone & dirt blocks (overworld) or netherrack (nether).
mcDimenSelectList = '0' #Which dimension should be loaded? - '0'=Overworld; '1'=Nether, '2'=The End
mcShowSlimeSpawns = False #'Display green markers showing slime-spawn locations
mcUseCyclesMats = False #Blender Setting: Set up default materials for use with Cycles Render Engine instead of Blender Internal
mcFasterViewport = False #Blender Setting: Disable display of common blocks (stone, dirt, etc.) in the viewport for better performance.
mcSurfaceOnly = False #Omit underground blocks. Significantly better viewing and rendering performance.
mcOmitMobs = True # When True, do not load mobs (creepers, skeletons, zombies, etc.) in world
#may need to define loadnether and loadend as operators...?
# omit Dirt toggle option.
# height-limit option (only load down to a specific height) -- could be semi-dynamic and delve deeper when air value for the
# column in question turns out to be lower than the loading threshold anyway.
#surfaceOnly ==> only load surface, discard underground areas. Doesn't count for nether.
# Load Nether is, obviously, only available if selected world has nether)
# Load End. Who has The End?! Not I!
#When specifying a property of type EnumProperty, ensure you call the constructing method correctly.
#Note that items is a set of (identifier, value, description) triples, and default is a string unless you switch on options=ENUM_FLAG in which case make default a set of 1 string.
#Need a better way to handle this variable: (possibly set it as a screen property)
# import mineregion
wlist = mineregion.getWorldSelectList()
if wlist is not None:
revwlist = wlist[::-1]
mcWorldSelectList = wlist[0][0] #Which Minecraft save should be loaded?
mcWorldSelectList = 0 #Which Minecraft save should be loaded?
#TODO: on select, check presence of DIM-1 etc.
print("List of Worlds: wlist:: ", wlist)
netherWorlds = [w[0] for w in wlist if mineregion.hasNether(w[0])]
print("List of worlds with Nether: ", netherWorlds)
endWorlds = [e[0] for e in wlist if mineregion.hasEnd(e[0])]
print("List of worlds with The End: ", endWorlds)
#my_worldlist = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=[('0', "A", "The A'th item"), ('1', 'B', "Bth item"), ('2', 'C', "Cth item"), ('3', 'D', "dth item"), ('4', 'E', 'Eth item')][::-1], default='2', name="World", description="Which Minecraft save should be loaded?")
# def execute(self, context):{"INFO"}, "Loading world: " + str(self.mcWorldSelectList))
#thread.sleep(30){"WARNING"}, "Foo!")
#from . import mineregion
# scn = context.scene
mcLoadDimenNether = True if mcDimenSelectList=='1' else False
mcLoadDimenEnd = True if mcDimenSelectList=='2' else False
# FIXME - when omitmobs is false, mobs will sometimes still not be imported (related to reload issue?)
opts = {"omitstone": mcOmitStone, "showslimes": mcShowSlimeSpawns, "atcursor": mcLoadAtCursor,
"highlimit": mcHighLimit, "lowlimit": mcLowLimit,
"loadnether": mcLoadDimenNether, "loadend": mcLoadDimenEnd,
"usecycles": mcUseCyclesMats, "omitmobs": mcOmitMobs,
"fasterViewport": mcFasterViewport, "surfaceOnly": mcSurfaceOnly}
#get selected world name instead via bpy.ops.mcraft.worldselected -- the enumeration as a property/operator...?
mineregion.readMinecraftWorld(str(mcWorldSelectList), mcLoadRadius, opts)
# for s in bpy.context.area.spaces: # iterate all space in the active area
# if s.type == "VIEW_3D": # check if space is a 3d-view
# space = s
# space.clip_end = 10000.0
#run minecraftLoadChunks
# createTestScene()
# return {'FINISHED'}
# def invoke(self, context, event):
# context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=350,height=250)
# return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
# def draw(self, context):
# layout = self.layout
# col = layout.column()
# col.label(text="Choose import options")
# row = col.row()
# row.prop(self, "mcLoadAtCursor")
# row = col.row()
# sub = col.split(percentage=0.5)
# colL = sub.column(align=True)
# colL.prop(self, "mcShowSlimeSpawns")
# cycles = None
# if hasattr(bpy.context.scene, 'cycles'):
# cycles = bpy.context.scene.cycles
# row2 = col.row()
# if cycles is not None:
# = (cycles is not None)
# row2.prop(self, "mcUseCyclesMats")
# row3 = col.row()
# row3.prop(self, "mcOmitStone")
# row3.prop(self, "mcOmitMobs")
# row = col.row()
# row.prop(self,"mcFasterViewport")
# #row.prop(self,"mcSurfaceOnly")
# #if cycles:
# #like this from
# ##layout = self.layout
# ##mesh = context.mesh
# ##split = layout.split()
# ##col = split.column()
# ##col.prop(mesh, "use_auto_smooth")
# ##sub = col.column()
# = mesh.use_auto_smooth
# ##sub.prop(mesh, "auto_smooth_angle", text="Angle")
# #row.operator(
# #row.prop(self, "mcLoadEnd") #detect folder first (per world...)
# #label: "loading limits"
# row = layout.row()
# row.prop(self, "mcLowLimit")
# row = layout.row()
# row.prop(self, "mcHighLimit")
# row = layout.row()
# row.prop(self, "mcLoadRadius")
# row = layout.row()
# row.prop(self, "mcDimenSelectList")
# #col = layout.column()
# row = layout.row()
# row.prop(self, "mcWorldSelectList")
# #row.operator("mcraft.worldlist", icon='')
# col = layout.column()
# def worldchange(self, context):
# ##UPDATE (ie read then write back the value of) the property in the panel
# #that needs to be updated. ensure it's in the scene so we can get it...
# #bpy.ops.mcraft.selectworld('INVOKE_DEFAULT')
# #if the new world selected has nether, then update the nether field...
# #in fact, maybe do that even if it doesn't.
# #context.scene['MCLoadNether'] = True
# return {'FINISHED'}
# class MineMenuItemOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
# bl_idname = "mcraft.launchselector"
# bl_label = "Needs label but label not used"
# def execute(self, context):
# bpy.ops.mcraft.selectworld('INVOKE_DEFAULT')
# return {'FINISHED'}
# bpy.utils.register_class(MinecraftWorldSelector)
# bpy.utils.register_class(MineMenuItemOperator)
#Forumsearch tip!! FINDME:
#Another way would be to update a property that is displayed in your panel via layout.prop(). AFAIK these are watched and cause a redraw on update.
# def mcraft_filemenu_func(self, context):
# self.layout.operator("mcraft.launchselector", text="Minecraft (.region)", icon='MESH_CUBE')
# def register():
# #bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)
# bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_import.append(mcraft_filemenu_func) # adds the operator action func to the filemenu
# def unregister():
# #bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__)
# bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_import.remove(mcraft_filemenu_func) # removes the operator action func from the filemenu
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# register()

Binary file not shown.

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Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

302 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
# io_import_minecraft
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# <pep8 compliant>
bl_info = {
"name": "Import: Minecraft b1.7+",
"description": "Importer for viewing Minecraft worlds",
"author": "Adam Crossan (acro)",
"version": (1,6,3),
"blender": (2, 6, 0),
"api": 41226,
"location": "File > Import > Minecraft",
"warning": '', # used for warning icon and text in addons panel
"wiki_url": "",
"category": "Import-Export"}
# To support reload properly, try to access a package var, if it's there, reload everything
if "bpy" in locals():
import imp
if "mineregion" in locals():
import bpy
from bpy.props import StringProperty, FloatProperty, IntProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty
from . import mineregion
#def setSceneProps(scn):
# #Set up scene-level properties
# bpy.types.Scene.MCLoadNether = BoolProperty(
# name = "Load Nether",
# description = "Load Nether (if present) instead of Overworld.",
# default = False)
# scn['MCLoadNether'] = False
# return
def createTestScene():'NEW')
bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
# plane
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(radius=1, view_align=True, enter_editmode=False, location=(0,0,0), rotation=(0,0,0), layers = (True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False))
bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(10,10,10), constraint_axis=(False, False, False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional='DISABLED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
# cube
bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(radius=1, view_align=True, enter_editmode=False, location=(0,0,0), rotation=(0,0,0), layers = (True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False))
# FIXME - error
bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(0.55,0.17,1.14), constraint_axis=(False,False, False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional='DISABLED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
# set material to leaves?
bpy.ops.uv.unwrap(method='CONFORMAL', margin=0.001)
# uv mapping - how do we tell blender?
#bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(0.0368432,0.0368432,0.0368432), constraint_axis=(False,False,False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional='DISABLED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
#bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(-0.202301, 0.07906, 0), constraint_axis=(False,False,False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
# lights...
bpy.ops.object.lamp_add(type='SUN', view_align=True, location=(-8.12878,5.39259,9.70453), rotation=(-0.383973,0,0), layers=(True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False))
# camera...
bpy.ops.object.camera_add(view_align=True, enter_editmode=False, location=(-8.12878,-9.13302,7.87796), rotation=(0,0,0), layers=(True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False))
bpy.context.object.constraints["Track To"].target =["Cube.001"]
bpy.context.object.constraints["Track To"].track_axis = 'TRACK_NEGATIVE_Z'
bpy.context.object.constraints["Track To"].up_axis = 'UP_Y'
#Menu 'button' for the import menu (which calls the world selector)...
class MinecraftWorldSelector(bpy.types.Operator):
"""An operator defining a dialogue for choosing one on-disk Minecraft world to load.
This supplants the need to call the file selector, since Minecraft worlds require
a preset specific folder structure of multiple files which cannot be selected singly."""
bl_idname = "mcraft.selectworld"
bl_label = "Select Minecraft World"
#bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
#Possible placements for these:
bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
mcLoadAtCursor = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Use 3D Cursor as Player', description='Loads as if 3D cursor offset in viewport was the player (load) position.', default=False)
#TODO: Make this much more intuitive for the user!
mcLowLimit = bpy.props.IntProperty(name='Load Floor', description='The lowest depth layer to load. (High=256, Sea=64, Low=0)', min=0, max=256, step=1, default=60, subtype='UNSIGNED')
mcHighLimit = bpy.props.IntProperty(name='Load Ceiling', description='The highest layer to load. (High=256, Sea=64, Low=0)', min=0, max=256, step=1, default=128, subtype='UNSIGNED')
mcLoadRadius = bpy.props.IntProperty(name='Load Radius', description="""The half-width of the load range around load-pos.
e.g, 4 will load 9x9 chunks around the load centre
WARNING! Above 10, this gets slow and eats LOTS of memory!""", min=1, max=50, step=1, default=5, subtype='UNSIGNED') #soft_min, soft_max?
#optimiser algorithms/detail omissions
mcOmitStone = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Omit common blocks', description='When checked, do not import common blocks such as stone & dirt blocks (overworld) or netherrack (nether). Significantly improves performance... good for preview imports.', default=False)
mcDimenSelectList = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=[('0', 'Overworld', 'Overworld'), ('1', 'Nether', 'Nether'), ('2', 'The End', 'The End')][::1], name="Dimension", description="Which dimension should be loaded?") #default='0'
mcShowSlimeSpawns = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Slime Spawns', description='Display green markers showing slime-spawn locations', default=False)
mcUseCyclesMats = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Use Cycles', description='Set up default materials for use with Cycles Render Engine instead of Blender Internal', default=True)
mcFasterViewport = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Faster viewport', description='Disable display of common blocks (stone, dirt, etc.) in the viewport for better performance. These block types will still be rendered.', default=True)
mcSurfaceOnly = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Surface only', description='Omit underground blocks. Significantly better viewing and rendering performance.', default=False) # FIXME - not yet
#mcGroupBlocks = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Group blocks', description='Omit underground blocks. Significantly better viewing and rendering performance.', default=True)
mcOmitMobs = bpy.props.BoolProperty(name='Omit Mobs', description='When checked, do not load mobs (creepers, skeletons, zombies, etc.) in world', default=True)
#may need to define loadnether and loadend as operators...?
# omit Dirt toggle option.
# height-limit option (only load down to a specific height) -- could be semi-dynamic and delve deeper when air value for the
# column in question turns out to be lower than the loading threshold anyway.
#surfaceOnly ==> only load surface, discard underground areas. Doesn't count for nether.
# Load Nether is, obviously, only available if selected world has nether)
# Load End. Who has The End?! Not I!
#When specifying a property of type EnumProperty, ensure you call the constructing method correctly.
#Note that items is a set of (identifier, value, description) triples, and default is a string unless you switch on options=ENUM_FLAG in which case make default a set of 1 string.
#Need a better way to handle this variable: (possibly set it as a screen property)
from . import mineregion
wlist = mineregion.getWorldSelectList()
if wlist is not None:
revwlist = wlist[::-1]
#temp debug REMOVE!
###dworld = None
###wnamelist = [w[0] for w in revwlist]
###if "AnviliaWorld" in wnamelist:
#####build the item for it to be default-selected...? Or work out if ENUM_FLAG is on?
### dworld = "%d" % wnamelist.index("AnviliaWorld") #set(["AnviliaWorld"])
###if dworld is None:
mcWorldSelectList = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=wlist[::-1], name="World", description="Which Minecraft save should be loaded?") #default='0', update=worldchange
### mcWorldSelectList = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=wlist[::-1], name="World", description="Which Minecraft save should be loaded?", default=dworld) #, options={'ENUM_FLAG'}
mcWorldSelectList = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=[], name="World", description="Which Minecraft save should be loaded?") #, update=worldchange
#TODO: on select, check presence of DIM-1 etc.
#print("wlist:: ", wlist)
netherWorlds = [w[0] for w in wlist if mineregion.hasNether(w[0])]
#print("List of worlds with Nether: ", netherWorlds)
endWorlds = [e[0] for e in wlist if mineregion.hasEnd(e[0])]
#print("List of worlds with The End: ", endWorlds)
#my_worldlist = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=[('0', "A", "The A'th item"), ('1', 'B', "Bth item"), ('2', 'C', "Cth item"), ('3', 'D', "dth item"), ('4', 'E', 'Eth item')][::-1], default='2', name="World", description="Which Minecraft save should be loaded?")
def execute(self, context):{"INFO"}, "Loading world: " + str(self.mcWorldSelectList))
#thread.sleep(30){"WARNING"}, "Foo!")
#from . import mineregion
scn = context.scene
mcLoadDimenNether = True if (self.mcDimenSelectList=='1') else False
mcLoadDimenEnd = True if (self.mcDimenSelectList=='2') else False
# FIXME - when omitmobs is unchecked, mobs will sometimes still not be imported (related to reload issue?)
opts = {"omitstone": self.mcOmitStone, "showslimes": self.mcShowSlimeSpawns, "atcursor": self.mcLoadAtCursor,
"highlimit": self.mcHighLimit, "lowlimit": self.mcLowLimit,
"loadnether": mcLoadDimenNether, "loadend": mcLoadDimenEnd,
"usecycles": self.mcUseCyclesMats, "omitmobs": self.mcOmitMobs,
"fasterViewport": self.mcFasterViewport, "surfaceOnly": self.mcSurfaceOnly}
#get selected world name instead via bpy.ops.mcraft.worldselected -- the enumeration as a property/operator...?
mineregion.readMinecraftWorld(str(self.mcWorldSelectList), self.mcLoadRadius, opts)
for s in bpy.context.area.spaces: # iterate all space in the active area
if s.type == "VIEW_3D": # check if space is a 3d-view
space = s
space.clip_end = 10000.0
#run minecraftLoadChunks
return {'FINISHED'}
def invoke(self, context, event):
context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=350,height=250)
return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
def draw(self, context):
layout = self.layout
col = layout.column()
col.label(text="Choose import options")
row = col.row()
row.prop(self, "mcLoadAtCursor")
row = col.row()
sub = col.split(percentage=0.5)
colL = sub.column(align=True)
colL.prop(self, "mcShowSlimeSpawns")
cycles = None
if hasattr(bpy.context.scene, 'cycles'):
cycles = bpy.context.scene.cycles
row2 = col.row()
if cycles is not None: = (cycles is not None)
row2.prop(self, "mcUseCyclesMats")
row3 = col.row()
row3.prop(self, "mcOmitStone")
row3.prop(self, "mcOmitMobs")
row = col.row()
#if cycles:
#like this from
##layout = self.layout
##mesh = context.mesh
##split = layout.split()
##col = split.column()
##col.prop(mesh, "use_auto_smooth")
##sub = col.column() = mesh.use_auto_smooth
##sub.prop(mesh, "auto_smooth_angle", text="Angle")
#row.prop(self, "mcLoadEnd") #detect folder first (per world...)
#label: "loading limits"
row = layout.row()
row.prop(self, "mcLowLimit")
row = layout.row()
row.prop(self, "mcHighLimit")
row = layout.row()
row.prop(self, "mcLoadRadius")
row = layout.row()
row.prop(self, "mcDimenSelectList")
#col = layout.column()
row = layout.row()
row.prop(self, "mcWorldSelectList")
#row.operator("mcraft.worldlist", icon='')
col = layout.column()
def worldchange(self, context):
##UPDATE (ie read then write back the value of) the property in the panel
#that needs to be updated. ensure it's in the scene so we can get it...
#if the new world selected has nether, then update the nether field...
#in fact, maybe do that even if it doesn't.
#context.scene['MCLoadNether'] = True
return {'FINISHED'}
class MineMenuItemOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "mcraft.launchselector"
bl_label = "Needs label but label not used"
def execute(self, context):
return {'FINISHED'}
#Forumsearch tip!! FINDME:
#Another way would be to update a property that is displayed in your panel via layout.prop(). AFAIK these are watched and cause a redraw on update.
def mcraft_filemenu_func(self, context):
self.layout.operator("mcraft.launchselector", text="Minecraft (.region)", icon='MESH_CUBE')
def register():
bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_import.append(mcraft_filemenu_func) # adds the operator action func to the filemenu
def unregister():
bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_import.remove(mcraft_filemenu_func) # removes the operator action func from the filemenu
if __name__ == "__main__":

0 Normal file
View File

1543 Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

blockbuild.pyc Normal file

Binary file not shown.

285 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
# io_import_minecraft
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# <pep8 compliant>
# bl_info = {
# "name": "Import: Minecraft b1.7+",
# "description": "Importer for viewing Minecraft worlds",
# "author": "Adam Crossan (acro)",
# "version": (1,6,3),
# "blender": (2, 6, 0),
# "api": 41226,
# "location": "File > Import > Minecraft",
# "warning": '', # used for warning icon and text in addons panel
# "wiki_url": "",
# "category": "Import-Export"}
# To support reload properly, try to access a package var, if it's there, reload everything
#if "bpy" in locals():
# import imp
# if "mineregion" in locals():
# imp.reload(mineregion)
#import bpy
#from bpy.props import StringProperty, FloatProperty, IntProperty, BoolProperty, EnumProperty
import imp
import mineregion
#def setSceneProps(scn):
# #Set up scene-level properties
# bpy.types.Scene.MCLoadNether = BoolProperty(
# name = "Load Nether",
# description = "Load Nether (if present) instead of Overworld.",
# default = False)
# scn['MCLoadNether'] = False
# return
# def createTestScene():
# bpy.context.scene.render.engine = 'CYCLES'
# # plane
# bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_plane_add(radius=1, view_align=True, enter_editmode=False, location=(0,0,0), rotation=(0,0,0), layers = (True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False))
# bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(10,10,10), constraint_axis=(False, False, False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional='DISABLED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
# # cube
# bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(radius=1, view_align=True, enter_editmode=False, location=(0,0,0), rotation=(0,0,0), layers = (True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False))
# # FIXME - error
# #bpy.context.space_data.context='MATERIAL'
# bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(0.55,0.17,1.14), constraint_axis=(False,False, False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional='DISABLED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
# # set material to leaves?
# bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle()
# bpy.ops.uv.unwrap(method='CONFORMAL', margin=0.001)
# # uv mapping - how do we tell blender?
# #bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(0.0368432,0.0368432,0.0368432), constraint_axis=(False,False,False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional='DISABLED', proportional_edit_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
# #bpy.ops.transform.translate(value=(-0.202301, 0.07906, 0), constraint_axis=(False,False,False), constraint_orientation='GLOBAL', mirror=False, proportional_falloff='SMOOTH', proportional_size=1)
# bpy.ops.object.editmode_toggle()
# # lights...
# bpy.ops.object.lamp_add(type='SUN', view_align=True, location=(-8.12878,5.39259,9.70453), rotation=(-0.383973,0,0), layers=(True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False))
# # camera...
# bpy.ops.object.camera_add(view_align=True, enter_editmode=False, location=(-8.12878,-9.13302,7.87796), rotation=(0,0,0), layers=(True, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False))
# #bpy.context.space_data.context='CONSTRAINT'
# bpy.ops.object.constraint_add(type='TRACK_TO')
# bpy.context.object.constraints["Track To"].target =["Cube.001"]
# bpy.context.object.constraints["Track To"].track_axis = 'TRACK_NEGATIVE_Z'
# bpy.context.object.constraints["Track To"].up_axis = 'UP_Y'
#Menu 'button' for the import menu (which calls the world selector)...
# class MinecraftWorldSelector(bpy.types.Operator):
#"""An operator defining a dialogue for choosing one on-disk Minecraft world to load.
#This supplants the need to call the file selector, since
"""Minecraft worlds require a preset specific folder structure of multiple files which cannot be selected singly."""
bl_idname = "mcraft.selectworld"
bl_label = "Select Minecraft World"
#bl_space_type = "PROPERTIES"
#Possible placements for these:
bl_region_type = "WINDOW"
#TODO: Make this much more intuitive for the user!
#Would be better if could define min[x,y,z] and max[x,y,z] and load between these point
mcLoadAtCursor = False #Loads as if 3D cursor offset in viewport was the player (load) position.
mcLowLimit = 60 #The lowest depth layer to load. (High=256, Sea=64, Low=0)
mcHighLimit = 128 #The highest layer to load. (High=256, Sea=64, Low=0)
mcLoadRadius = 5 # 'Load Radius - The half-width of the load range around load-pos.
# e.g, 4 will load 9x9 chunks around the load centre
# WARNING! Above 10, this gets slow and eats LOTS of memory!
mcOmitStone = False # When True, do not import common blocks such as stone & dirt blocks (overworld) or netherrack (nether).
mcDimenSelectList = '0' #Which dimension should be loaded? - 0=Overworld; 1=Nether, 2=The End
mcShowSlimeSpawns = False #'Display green markers showing slime-spawn locations
mcUseCyclesMats = False #Blender Setting: Set up default materials for use with Cycles Render Engine instead of Blender Internal
mcFasterViewport = False #Blender Setting: Disable display of common blocks (stone, dirt, etc.) in the viewport for better performance.
mcSurfaceOnly = False #Omit underground blocks. Significantly better viewing and rendering performance.
mcOmitMobs = True # When True, do not load mobs (creepers, skeletons, zombies, etc.) in world
#may need to define loadnether and loadend as operators...?
# omit Dirt toggle option.
# height-limit option (only load down to a specific height) -- could be semi-dynamic and delve deeper when air value for the
# column in question turns out to be lower than the loading threshold anyway.
#surfaceOnly ==> only load surface, discard underground areas. Doesn't count for nether.
# Load Nether is, obviously, only available if selected world has nether)
# Load End. Who has The End?! Not I!
#When specifying a property of type EnumProperty, ensure you call the constructing method correctly.
#Note that items is a set of (identifier, value, description) triples, and default is a string unless you switch on options=ENUM_FLAG in which case make default a set of 1 string.
#Need a better way to handle this variable: (possibly set it as a screen property)
# import mineregion
wlist = mineregion.getWorldSelectList()
if wlist is not None:
revwlist = wlist[::-1]
mcWorldSelectList = 0 #Which Minecraft save should be loaded?
mcWorldSelectList = 0 #Which Minecraft save should be loaded?
#TODO: on select, check presence of DIM-1 etc.
print("List of Worlds: wlist:: ", wlist)
netherWorlds = [w[0] for w in wlist if mineregion.hasNether(w[0])]
print("List of worlds with Nether: ", netherWorlds)
endWorlds = [e[0] for e in wlist if mineregion.hasEnd(e[0])]
print("List of worlds with The End: ", endWorlds)
#my_worldlist = bpy.props.EnumProperty(items=[('0', "A", "The A'th item"), ('1', 'B', "Bth item"), ('2', 'C', "Cth item"), ('3', 'D', "dth item"), ('4', 'E', 'Eth item')][::-1], default='2', name="World", description="Which Minecraft save should be loaded?")
# def execute(self, context):{"INFO"}, "Loading world: " + str(self.mcWorldSelectList))
#thread.sleep(30){"WARNING"}, "Foo!")
#from . import mineregion
# scn = context.scene
mcLoadDimenNether = True if mcDimenSelectList=='1' else False
mcLoadDimenEnd = True if mcDimenSelectList=='2' else False
# FIXME - when omitmobs is false, mobs will sometimes still not be imported (related to reload issue?)
opts = {"omitstone": mcOmitStone, "showslimes": mcShowSlimeSpawns, "atcursor": mcLoadAtCursor,
"highlimit": mcHighLimit, "lowlimit": mcLowLimit,
"loadnether": mcLoadDimenNether, "loadend": mcLoadDimenEnd,
"usecycles": mcUseCyclesMats, "omitmobs": mcOmitMobs,
"fasterViewport": mcFasterViewport, "surfaceOnly": mcSurfaceOnly}
#get selected world name instead via bpy.ops.mcraft.worldselected -- the enumeration as a property/operator...?
mineregion.readMinecraftWorld(str(mcWorldSelectList), mcLoadRadius, opts)
# for s in bpy.context.area.spaces: # iterate all space in the active area
# if s.type == "VIEW_3D": # check if space is a 3d-view
# space = s
# space.clip_end = 10000.0
#run minecraftLoadChunks
# createTestScene()
# return {'FINISHED'}
# def invoke(self, context, event):
# context.window_manager.invoke_props_dialog(self, width=350,height=250)
# return {'RUNNING_MODAL'}
# def draw(self, context):
# layout = self.layout
# col = layout.column()
# col.label(text="Choose import options")
# row = col.row()
# row.prop(self, "mcLoadAtCursor")
# row = col.row()
# sub = col.split(percentage=0.5)
# colL = sub.column(align=True)
# colL.prop(self, "mcShowSlimeSpawns")
# cycles = None
# if hasattr(bpy.context.scene, 'cycles'):
# cycles = bpy.context.scene.cycles
# row2 = col.row()
# if cycles is not None:
# = (cycles is not None)
# row2.prop(self, "mcUseCyclesMats")
# row3 = col.row()
# row3.prop(self, "mcOmitStone")
# row3.prop(self, "mcOmitMobs")
# row = col.row()
# row.prop(self,"mcFasterViewport")
# #row.prop(self,"mcSurfaceOnly")
# #if cycles:
# #like this from
# ##layout = self.layout
# ##mesh = context.mesh
# ##split = layout.split()
# ##col = split.column()
# ##col.prop(mesh, "use_auto_smooth")
# ##sub = col.column()
# = mesh.use_auto_smooth
# ##sub.prop(mesh, "auto_smooth_angle", text="Angle")
# #row.operator(
# #row.prop(self, "mcLoadEnd") #detect folder first (per world...)
# #label: "loading limits"
# row = layout.row()
# row.prop(self, "mcLowLimit")
# row = layout.row()
# row.prop(self, "mcHighLimit")
# row = layout.row()
# row.prop(self, "mcLoadRadius")
# row = layout.row()
# row.prop(self, "mcDimenSelectList")
# #col = layout.column()
# row = layout.row()
# row.prop(self, "mcWorldSelectList")
# #row.operator("mcraft.worldlist", icon='')
# col = layout.column()
# def worldchange(self, context):
# ##UPDATE (ie read then write back the value of) the property in the panel
# #that needs to be updated. ensure it's in the scene so we can get it...
# #bpy.ops.mcraft.selectworld('INVOKE_DEFAULT')
# #if the new world selected has nether, then update the nether field...
# #in fact, maybe do that even if it doesn't.
# #context.scene['MCLoadNether'] = True
# return {'FINISHED'}
# class MineMenuItemOperator(bpy.types.Operator):
# bl_idname = "mcraft.launchselector"
# bl_label = "Needs label but label not used"
# def execute(self, context):
# bpy.ops.mcraft.selectworld('INVOKE_DEFAULT')
# return {'FINISHED'}
# bpy.utils.register_class(MinecraftWorldSelector)
# bpy.utils.register_class(MineMenuItemOperator)
#Forumsearch tip!! FINDME:
#Another way would be to update a property that is displayed in your panel via layout.prop(). AFAIK these are watched and cause a redraw on update.
# def mcraft_filemenu_func(self, context):
# self.layout.operator("mcraft.launchselector", text="Minecraft (.region)", icon='MESH_CUBE')
# def register():
# #bpy.utils.register_module(__name__)
# bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_import.append(mcraft_filemenu_func) # adds the operator action func to the filemenu
# def unregister():
# #bpy.utils.unregister_module(__name__)
# bpy.types.INFO_MT_file_import.remove(mcraft_filemenu_func) # removes the operator action func from the filemenu
# if __name__ == "__main__":
# register()

486 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,486 @@
import os
#import bpy
from struct import unpack #, error as StructError
import nbtreader, mcregionreader
##..yuck: they're immutable and don't return properly except for the dict-type ones. Get rid of this in next cleanup.
from math import floor
class AnvilChunkReader(mcregionreader.ChunkReader):
#readBlock( bX, bZ (by?) ... ignoring 'region' boundaries and chunk boundaries? We need an ignore-chunk-boundaries level of abstraction
def getSingleBlock(chunkXZ, blockXYZ): #returns the value and extradata bits for a single block of given absolute x,y,z block coords within chunk cx,cz. or None if area not generated.
#y is value from 0..255
cx, cy = chunkXZ
bX,bY,bZ = blockXYZ
rX = floor(cx / 32) # is this the same as >> 8 ??
rZ = floor(cz / 32)
rHdrOffset = ((cx % 32) + (cz % 32) * 32) * 4
rFile = "r.%d.%d.mca" % (rx, rz)
if not os.path.exists(rFile):
return None
with open(rFile, 'rb') as regionfile:
cheadr =
dataoffset = unpack(">i", b'\x00'+cheadr[0:3])[0]
chunksectorcount = cheadr[3]
if dataoffset == 0 and chunksectorcount == 0:
return None #Region exists, but the chunk we're after was never created within it.
#possibly check for cached chunk data here, under the cx,cz in a list of already-loaded sets.
chunkdata = AnvilChunkReader._readChunkData(regionfile, dataoffset, chunksectorcount)
chunkLvl = chunkdata.value['Level'].value
sections = chunkLvl['Sections'].value
#each section is a 16x16x16 piece of chunk, with a Y-byte from 0-15, so that the 'y' value is 16*that + in-section-Y-value
#some sections can be skipped, so we must iterate to find the right one with the 'Y' we expect.
bSection = bY / 16
sect = None
for section in sections:
secY = section.value['Y'].value
if secY == bSection:
sect = section.value
if sect is None:
return None
blockData = sec['Blocks'].value #a TAG_Byte_Array value (bytes object). Blocks is 16x16 bytes
extraData = sec['Data'].value #BlockLight, Data and SkyLight are 16x16 "4-bit cell" additional data arrays.
sY = dY % 16
blockIndex = (sY * 16 + dZ) * 16 + dX
blockID = blockData[ blockIndex ]
return blockID #, extravalue)
#NB: this can be made massively more efficient by storing 4 'neighbour chunk' data reads for every chunk properly processed.
#Don't need to do diagonals, even.
def readChunk2(self, chunkPosX, chunkPosZ, blockBuffer, zeroAdjX, zeroAdjY):
# FIXME - implement me!
def readChunk(self, chunkPosX, chunkPosZ, vertexBuffer): # aka "readChunkFromRegion" ...
"""Loads chunk located at the X,Z chunk location provided."""
#region containing a given chunk is found thusly: floor of c over 32
regionX = floor(chunkPosX / 32)
regionZ = floor(chunkPosZ / 32)
rheaderoffset = ((chunkPosX % 32) + (chunkPosZ % 32) * 32) * 4
#print("Reading chunk %d,%d from region %d,%d" %(chunkPosX, chunkPosZ, regionX,regionZ))
rfileName = "r.%d.%d.mca" % (regionX, regionZ)
if not os.path.exists(rfileName):
#Can't load: it doesn't exist!
print("No such region generated.")
with open(rfileName, 'rb') as regfile:
# header for the chunk we want is at...
#The location in the region file of a chunk at (x, z) (in chunk coordinates) can be found at byte offset 4 * ((x mod 32) + (z mod 32) * 32) in its McRegion file.
#Its timestamp can be found 4096 bytes later in the file
cheadr =
dataoffset = unpack(">i", b'\x00'+cheadr[0:3])[0]
chunksectorcount = cheadr[3]
if dataoffset == 0 and chunksectorcount == 0:
#print("Region exists, but chunk has never been created within it.")
chunkdata = AnvilChunkReader._readChunkData(regfile, dataoffset, chunksectorcount) #todo: rename that function!
#Geometry creation! etc... If surface only, can get heights etc from lightarray?
#top level tag in NBT is an unnamed TAG_Compound, for some reason, containing a named TAG_Compound "Level"
chunkLvl = chunkdata.value['Level'].value
#chunkXPos = chunkLvl['xPos'].value
#chunkZPos = chunkLvl['zPos'].value
#print("Reading blocks for chunk: (%d, %d)\n" % (chunkXPos, chunkZPos))
AnvilChunkReader._readBlocks(chunkLvl, vertexBuffer)
#print("Loaded chunk %d,%d" % (chunkPosX,chunkPosZ))
REPORTING['totalchunks'] += 1
def _readChunkData(bstream, chunkOffset, chunkSectorCount): #rename this!
#get the datastring out of the file...
import io, zlib
#cf = open(fname, 'rb')
initialPos = bstream.tell()
cstart = chunkOffset * 4096 #4 kiB
clen = chunkSectorCount * 4096 #this bstream is the region file
chunkHeaderAndData =
#chunk header stuff is:
# 4 bytes: length (of remaining data)
# 1 byte : compression type (1 - gzip - unused; 2 - zlib: it should always be this in actual fact)
# then the rest, is length-1 bytes of compressed (zlib) NBT data.
chunkDLength = unpack(">i", chunkHeaderAndData[0:4])[0]
chunkDCompression = chunkHeaderAndData[4]
if chunkDCompression != 2:
print("Not a zlib-compressed chunk!?")
raise StringError() #MinecraftSomethingError, perhaps.
chunkZippedBytes = chunkHeaderAndData[5:]
#could/should check that chunkZippedBytes is same length as chunkDLength-1.
#put the regionfile byte stream back to where it started:
#Read the compressed chunk data
zipper = zlib.decompressobj()
chunkData = zipper.decompress(chunkZippedBytes)
chunkDataAsFile = io.BytesIO(chunkData)
chunkNBT = nbtreader.readNBT(chunkDataAsFile)
return chunkNBT
def getSectionBlock(blockLoc, sectionDict):
"""Fetches a block from section NBT data."""
(bX,bY,bZ) = blockLoc
secY = bY >> 4 #/ 16
if secY not in sectionDict:
return None
sect = sectionDict[secY]
sY = bY & 0xf #mod 16
bIndex = (sY * 16 + bZ) * 16 + bX
#bitshift, or run risk of int casts
dat = sect['Blocks'].value
return dat[bIndex]
#Hollow volumes optimisation (version1: in-chunk only)
def _isExposedBlock(blockCoord, chunkXZ, secBlockData, sectionDict, blockID, skyHighLimit, depthLimit): #another param: neighbourChunkData[] - a 4-list of NBT stuff...
(dX,dY,dZ) = blockCoord
#fail-fast. checks if all ortho adjacent neighbours fall inside this chunk.
#EASY! Because it's 0-15 for both X and Z. For Y, we're iterating upward,
#so get the previous value (the block below) passed in.
if blockID == 18: #leaves #and glass? and other exemptions?
return True
if dX == 0 or dX == 15 or dY == 0 or dZ == 0 or dZ == 15:
#get neighbour directly
return True #instead, check neigbouring chunks...
#we can no longer get the block below or above easily as we might be iterating +x, -16x, or +z at any given step.
if dY == skyHighLimit or dY == depthLimit:
return True
ySect = dY / 16 ## all this dividing integers by 16! I ask you! (>> 4)!
yBoff = dY % 16 ## &= 0x0f
#if you are on a section boundary, need next section for block above. else
#GLOBALS (see readBlocks, below)
CHUNKSIZE_X = 16 #static consts - global?
#new layout goes YZX. improves compression, apparently.
##_Y_SHIFT = 7 # 2**7 is 128. use for fast multiply
##_YZ_SHIFT = 11 #16 * 128 is 2048, which is 2**11
#check above (Y+1)
#either it's in the same section (quick/easy lookup) or it's in another section (still quite easy - next array over)
#or, it's in another chunk. in which case, check chunkreadcache for the 4 adjacent. Failing this, it's the worse case and
#we need to read into a whole new chunk data grab.
if yBoff == 15:
upBlock = AnvilChunkReader.getSectionBlock((dX,dY+1,dZ), sectionDict)
if upBlock != blockID:
return True
#get it from current section
upIndex = ((yBoff+1) * 16 + dZ) * 16 + dX
upBlock = secBlockData[ upIndex ]
if upBlock != blockID:
return True
#Check below (Y-1):
if yBoff == 0:
downBlock = AnvilChunkReader.getSectionBlock((dX,dY-1,dZ), sectionDict)
if downBlock != blockID:
return True
downIndex = ((yBoff-1) * 16 + dZ) * 16 + dX
dnBlock = secBlockData[downIndex]
if dnBlock != blockID:
return True
#Have checked above and below; now check all sides. Same section, but maybe different chunks...
#Check X-1 (leftward)
leftIndex = (yBoff * 16 + dZ) * 16 + (dX-1)
#ngbIndex = dY + (dZ << _Y_SHIFT) + ((dX-1) << _YZ_SHIFT) #Check this lookup in readBlocks, below! Can it go o.o.b.?
neighbour = secBlockData[leftIndex]
except IndexError:
print("Bogus index cockup: %d. Blockdata len is 16x16x16 bytes (4096)." % leftIndex)
if neighbour != blockID:
return True
#Check X+1
rightIndex = (yBoff * 16 + dZ) * 16 + (dX+1)
#ngbIndex = dY + (dZ << _Y_SHIFT) + ((dX+1) << _YZ_SHIFT) #Check this lookup in readBlocks, below! Can it go o.o.b.?
neighbour = secBlockData[rightIndex]
if neighbour != blockID:
return True
#Check Z-1
ngbIndex = (yBoff * 16 + (dZ-1)) * 16 + dX
#ngbIndex = dY + ((dZ-1) << _Y_SHIFT) + (dX << _YZ_SHIFT) #Check this lookup in readBlocks, below! Can it go o.o.b.?
neighbour = secBlockData[ngbIndex]
if neighbour != blockID:
return True
#Check Z+1
ngbIndex = (yBoff * 16 + (dZ+1)) * 16 + dX
#ngbIndex = dY + ((dZ+1) << _Y_SHIFT) + (dX << _YZ_SHIFT) #Check this lookup in readBlocks, below! Can it go o.o.b.?
neighbour = secBlockData[ngbIndex]
if neighbour != blockID:
return True
return False
#nb: 0 is bottom bedrock, 256 (255?) is top of sky. Sea is 64.
def _readBlocks(chunkLevelData, vertexBuffer):
"""readBlocks(chunkLevelData) -> takes a named TAG_Compound 'Level' containing a chunk's Anvil Y-Sections, each of which 0-15 has blocks, data, heightmap, xpos,zpos, etc.
Adds the data points into a 'vertexBuffer' which is a per-named-type dictionary of ????'s. That later is made into Blender geometry via from_pydata."""
#TODO: also TileEntities and Entities. Entities will generally be an empty list.
#TileEntities are needed for some things to define fully...
#TODO: Keep an 'adjacent chunk cache' for neighbourhood is-exposed checks.
global unknownBlockIDs, OPTIONS, REPORTING
#chunkLocation = 'xPos' 'zPos' ...
chunkX = chunkLevelData['xPos'].value
chunkZ = chunkLevelData['zPos'].value
biomes = chunkLevelData['Biomes'].value #yields a TAG_Byte_Array value (bytes object) of len 256 (16x16)
#heightmap = chunkLevelData['HeightMap'].value
#'TileEntities' -- surely need this for piston data and stuff, no?
entities = chunkLevelData['Entities'].value # load ze sheeps!! # a list of tag-compounds.
#omitmobs = OPTIONS['omitmobs']
if not OPTIONS['omitmobs']:
skyHighLimit = OPTIONS['highlimit']
depthLimit = OPTIONS['lowlimit']
##_Y_SHIFT = 7 # 2**7 is 128. use for fast multiply
##_YZ_SHIFT = 11 #16 * 128 is 2048, which is 2**11
sections = chunkLevelData['Sections'].value
#each section is a 16x16x16 piece of chunk, with a Y-byte from 0-15, so that the 'y' value is 16*that + in-section-Y-value
#iterate through all block Y values from bedrock to max height (minor step through X,Z.)
#bearing in mind some can be skipped out.
#sectionDict => a dictionary of sections, indexed by Y.
sDict = {}
for section in sections:
sY = section.value['Y'].value
sDict[sY] = section.value
for section in sections:
sec = section.value
secY = sec['Y'].value * SECTNSIZE_Y
#if (secY + 16) < lowlimit, skip this section. no need to load it.
if (secY+16 < depthLimit):
if (secY > skyHighLimit):
#Now actually proceed with adding in the section's block data.
blockData = sec['Blocks'].value #yields a TAG_Byte_Array value (bytes object). Blocks is 16x16 bytes
extraData = sec['Data'].value #BlockLight, Data and SkyLight are 16x16 "4-bit cell" additional data arrays.
#get starting Y from heightmap, ignoring excess height iterations...
#heightByte = heightMap[dX + (dZ << 4)] # z * 16
#heightByte = 255 #quickFix: start from tip top, for now
#if heightByte > skyHighLimit:
# heightByte = skyHighLimit
#go y 0 to 16...
for sy in range(16):
dY = secY + sy
if dY < depthLimit:
if dY > skyHighLimit:
# dataX will be dX, blender X will be bX.
for dZ in range(CHUNKSIZE_Z):
#print("looping chunk z %d" % dZ)
for dX in range(CHUNKSIZE_X):
#oneBlockLeft = 0 #data value of the block 1 back to the left (-X) from where we are now. (for neighbour comparisons)
#ie microcached 'last item read'. needs tweaked for chunk crossover...
##blockIndex = (dZ << _Y_SHIFT) + (dX << _YZ_SHIFT) # max number of bytes in a chunk is 32768. this is coming in at 32839 for XYZ: (15,71,8)
##blockIndex = (dZ * 16) + dX
#YZX ((y * 16 + z) * 16 + x
blockIndex = (sy * 16 + dZ) * 16 + dX
blockID = blockData[ blockIndex ]
#except IndexError:
# print("X:%d Y:%d Z %d, blockID from before: %d, cx,cz: %d,%d. Blockindex: %d" % (dX,dY,dZ,blockID,chunkX,chunkZ, blockIndex))
# raise IndexError
#create this block in the output!
if blockID != 0 and blockID not in EXCLUDED_BLOCKS: # 0 is air
REPORTING['blocksread'] += 1
#hollowness test:
if blockID in BLOCKDATA:
# if AnvilChunkReader._isExposedBlock((dX,dY,dZ), (chunkX, chunkZ), blockData, sDict, blockID, skyHighLimit, depthLimit):
#TODO: Make better version of this check, counting across chunks and regions.
#Load extra data (if applicable to blockID):
#if it has extra data, grab 4 bits from extraData
datOffset = (int(blockIndex /2)) #divided by 2
datHiBits = blockIndex % 2 #odd or even, will be hi or low nibble
extraDatByte = extraData[datOffset] # should be a byte of which we only want part.
hiMask = 0b11110000
loMask = 0b00001111
extraValue = None
if datHiBits:
#get high 4, and shift right 4.
extraValue = loMask & (extraDatByte >> 4)
#mask hi 4 off.
extraValue = extraDatByte & loMask
#create block in corresponding blockmesh
AnvilChunkReader.createBlock(blockID, (chunkX, chunkZ), (dX,dY,dZ), extraValue, vertexBuffer)
# else:
# REPORTING['blocksdropped'] += 1
#print("Unrecognised Block ID: %d" % blockID)
#TAG_Byte("Y"): 0
#TAG_Byte_Array("Blocks"): [4096 bytes array]
#TAG_Byte_Array("BlockLight"): [2048 bytes array]
#TAG_Byte_Array("Data"): [2048 bytes array]
#TAG_Byte_Array("SkyLight"): [2048 bytes array]
##TAG_Byte_Array("Add"): [2048 bytes array] ##Only appears if it's needed!
def _loadEntities(entities):
for e in entities:
eData = e.value
etypename = eData['id'].value #eg 'Sheep'
ename = "en%sMarker" % etypename
epos = [p.value for p in eData['Pos'].value] #list[3] of double
erot = [r.value for r in eData['Rotation'].value] #list[2] of float ([0] orientation (angle round Z-axis) and [1] 0.00, probably y-tilt.
#instantiate and rotate-in a placeholder object for this (and add to controlgroup or parent to something handy.)
#translate to blend coords, too.
entMarker =, None)
#set its coordinates...
#convert Minecraft coordinate position of player into Blender coords:
entMarker.location[0] = -epos[2]
entMarker.location[1] = -epos[0]
entMarker.location[2] = epos[1]
#also, set its z-rotation to erot[0]...
#entMarker.rotation[2] = erot[0]
entMarker.parent = WORLD_ROOT
##NB! Future blocks will require the Add tag to be checked and mixed in!
#Each section also has a "Add" tag, which is a DataLayer byte array just like
#"Data". The "Add" tag is not included in the converter since the old format
#never had block ids above 255. This extra tag is created whenever a block
#requires it, so the getTile() method needs to check if the array exists and
#then combine it with the default block data. In other words,
#blockId = (add << 8) + baseId.
# Blocks, Data, Skylight, ... heightmap
#Blocks contain the block ids; Data contains the extra info: 4 bits of lighting info + 4 bits of 'extra fields'
# eg Lamp direction, crop wetness, etc.
# Heightmap gives us quick access to the top surface of everything - ie optimise out iterating through all sky blocks.
#To access a specific block from either the block or data array from XYZ coordinates, use the following formula:
# Index = x + (y * Height + z) * Width
##Note that the old format is XZY ((x * 16 + z) * 16 + y) and the new format is YZX ((y * 16 + z) * 16 + x)
#16x16 (256) ints of heightmap data. Each int records the lowest level
#in each column where the light from the sky is at full strength. Speeds up
#computing of the SkyLight. Note: This array's indexes are ordered Z,X
#whereas the other array indexes are ordered X,Z,Y.
#loadedData -> we buffer everything into lists, then batch-create the
#vertices later. This makes the model build in Blender many, many times faster
#list of named, distinct material meshes. add vertices to each, only in batches.
#Optimisation: 'Hollow volumes': only add if there is at least 1 orthogonal non-same-type neighbour.
#Aggressive optimisation: only load if there is 1 air orthogonal neighbour (or transparent materials).
# def mcToBlendCoord(chunkPos, blockPos):
# """Converts a minecraft chunk X,Z pair and a minecraft ordered X,Y,Z block location triple into a Blender coordinate vector Vx,Vy,Vz.
# And remember: in Minecraft, Y points to the sky."""
# Mapping Minecraft coords -> Blender coords
# In Minecraft, +Z (west) <--- 0 ----> -Z (east), while North is -X and South is +X
# In Blender, north is +Y, south is-Y, west is -X and east is +X.
# So negate Z and map it as X, and negate X and map it as Y. It's slightly odd!
# vx = -(chunkPos[1] << 4) - blockPos[2]
# vy = -(chunkPos[0] << 4) - blockPos[0] # -x of chunkpos and -x of blockPos (x,y,z)
# vz = blockPos[1] #Minecraft's Y.
# return Vector((vx,vy,vz))
def createBlock(blockID, chunkPos, blockPos, extraBlockData, vertBuffer):
"""adds a vertex to the blockmesh for blockID in the relevant location."""
print("blockID: " + str(blockID))
print("chunkPos: " + str(chunkPos))
print("blockPos: " + str(blockPos))
print("extraBlockData: " + str(extraBlockData))
# print("vertBuffer: " + str(vertBuffer))
# chunkpos is X,Z; blockpos is x,y,z for block.
# mesh = getMCBlockType(blockID, extraBlockData) #this could be inefficient. Perhaps create all the types at the start, then STOP MAKING THIS CHECK!
# if mesh is None:
# return
# typeName =
# vertex = mcToBlendCoord(chunkPos, blockPos)
# if typeName in vertBuffer:
# vertBuffer[typeName].append(vertex)
# else:
# vertBuffer[typeName] = [vertex]
#xyz is local to the 'stone' mesh for example. but that's from 0 (world).
#regionfile can be found from chunkPos.
#Chunkpos is an X,Z pair.
#Blockpos is an X,Y,Z triple - within chunk.

295 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
# FIXME - obsolete and likely no longer working as of 1.6.3... any reason to keep around?
import os
from struct import unpack #, error as StructError
import nbtreader
from mineregion import OPTIONS, EXCLUDED_BLOCKS, BLOCKDATA, REPORTING, unknownBlockIDs #, getMCBlockType, mcToBlendCoord #yuck!
##..yuck: they're immutable and don't return properly except for the dict-type ones. Get rid of this in next cleanup.
class ChunkReader:
#readBlock( cX,cZ,(sY?), (bX,bY,bZ) ... ) ignoring 'region' boundaries and chunk boundaries? We need an ignore-chunk-boundaries level of abstraction
def readChunk(self, chunkPosX, chunkPosZ, vertexBuffer): # aka "readChunkFromRegion" ...
"""Loads chunk located at the X,Z chunk location provided."""
from math import floor
#region containing a given chunk is found thusly: floor of c over 32
regionX = floor(chunkPosX / 32)
regionZ = floor(chunkPosZ / 32)
rheaderoffset = ((chunkPosX % 32) + (chunkPosZ % 32) * 32) * 4
#print("Reading chunk %d,%d from region %d,%d" %(chunkPosX, chunkPosZ, regionX,regionZ))
rfileName = "r.%d.%d.mcr" % (regionX, regionZ)
if not os.path.exists(rfileName):
#Can't load: it doesn't exist!
print("No such region generated.")
with open(rfileName, 'rb') as regfile:
# header for the chunk we want is at...
#The location in the region file of a chunk at (x, z) (in chunk coordinates) can be found at byte offset 4 * ((x mod 32) + (z mod 32) * 32) in its McRegion file.
#Its timestamp can be found 4096 bytes later in the file
cheadr =
dataoffset = unpack(">i", b'\x00'+cheadr[0:3])[0]
chunksectorcount = cheadr[3]
if dataoffset == 0 and chunksectorcount == 0:
#print("Region exists, but chunk has never been created within it.")
chunkdata = self._readChunkData(regfile, dataoffset, chunksectorcount) #todo: rename that function!
#Geometry creation! etc... If surface only, can get heights etc from lightarray?
#top level tag in NBT is an unnamed TAG_Compound, for some reason, containing a named TAG_Compound "Level"
chunkLvl = chunkdata.value['Level'].value
#chunkXPos = chunkLvl['xPos'].value
#chunkZPos = chunkLvl['zPos'].value
#print("Reading blocks for chunk: (%d, %d)\n" % (chunkXPos, chunkZPos))
ChunkReader.readBlocks(chunkLvl, vertexBuffer)
#print("Loaded chunk %d,%d" % (chunkPosX,chunkPosZ))
REPORTING['totalchunks'] += 1
def _readChunkData(self, bstream, chunkOffset, chunkSectorCount): #rename this!
#get the datastring out of the file...
import io, zlib
#cf = open(fname, 'rb')
initialPos = bstream.tell()
cstart = chunkOffset * 4096 #4 kiB
clen = chunkSectorCount * 4096 #this bstream is the region file
chunkHeaderAndData =
#chunk header stuff is:
# 4 bytes: length (of remaining data)
# 1 byte : compression type (1 - gzip - unused; 2 - zlib: it should always be this in actual fact)
# then the rest, is length-1 bytes of compressed (zlib) NBT data.
chunkDLength = unpack(">i", chunkHeaderAndData[0:4])[0]
chunkDCompression = chunkHeaderAndData[4]
if chunkDCompression != 2:
print("Not a zlib-compressed chunk!?")
raise StringError() #MinecraftSomethingError, perhaps.
chunkZippedBytes = chunkHeaderAndData[5:]
#could/should check that chunkZippedBytes is same length as chunkDLength-1.
#put the regionfile byte stream back to where it started:
#Read the compressed chunk data
zipper = zlib.decompressobj()
chunkData = zipper.decompress(chunkZippedBytes)
chunkDataAsFile = io.BytesIO(chunkData)
chunkNBT = nbtreader.readNBT(chunkDataAsFile)
return chunkNBT
#Hollow volumes optimisation (version1: in-chunk only)
def _isExposedBlock(dX,dY,dZ, blockData, blockID, idAbove, skyHighLimit, depthLimit):
#fail-fast. checks if all ortho adjacent neighbours fall inside this chunk.
#EASY! Because it's 0-15 for both X and Z. For Y, we're iterating downward,
#so get the previous value (the block above) passed in.
if dX == 0 or dX == 15 or dY == 0 or dZ == 0 or dZ == 15 or blockID == 18: #leaves
return True
if idAbove != blockID:
return True
if dY == skyHighLimit or dY == depthLimit:
return True
#GLOBALS (see readBlocks, below)
CHUNKSIZE_X = 16 #static consts - global?
_Y_SHIFT = 7 # 2**7 is 128. use for fast multiply
_YZ_SHIFT = 11 #16 * 128 is 2048, which is 2**11
#Check below:
ngbIndex = dY-1 + (dZ << _Y_SHIFT) + (dX << _YZ_SHIFT) #Check this lookup in readBlocks, below! Can it go o.o.b.?
neighbour = blockData[ngbIndex]
if neighbour != blockID:
return True
#Now checked above and below. Check all sides.
#Check -X
ngbIndex = dY + (dZ << _Y_SHIFT) + ((dX-1) << _YZ_SHIFT) #Check this lookup in readBlocks, below! Can it go o.o.b.?
neighbour = blockData[ngbIndex]
if neighbour != blockID:
return True
#Check +X
ngbIndex = dY + (dZ << _Y_SHIFT) + ((dX+1) << _YZ_SHIFT) #Check this lookup in readBlocks, below! Can it go o.o.b.?
neighbour = blockData[ngbIndex]
if neighbour != blockID:
return True
#Check -Z
ngbIndex = dY + ((dZ-1) << _Y_SHIFT) + (dX << _YZ_SHIFT) #Check this lookup in readBlocks, below! Can it go o.o.b.?
neighbour = blockData[ngbIndex]
if neighbour != blockID:
return True
#Check +Z
ngbIndex = dY + ((dZ+1) << _Y_SHIFT) + (dX << _YZ_SHIFT) #Check this lookup in readBlocks, below! Can it go o.o.b.?
neighbour = blockData[ngbIndex]
if neighbour != blockID:
return True
return False
#nb: 0 is bottom bedrock, 128 is top of sky. Sea is 64.
def readBlocks(chunkLevelData, vertexBuffer):
"""readBlocks(chunkLevelData) -> takes a named TAG_Compound 'Level' containing a chunk's blocks, data, heightmap, xpos,zpos, etc.
Adds the data points into a 'vertexBuffer' which is a per-named-type dictionary of ????'s. That later is made into Blender geometry via from_pydata."""
#TODO: also TileEntities and Entities. Entities will generally be an empty list.
#TileEntities are needed for some things to define fully...
global unknownBlockIDs
skyHighLimit = OPTIONS['highlimit']
if skyHighLimit > 127:
skyHighLimit = 127
depthLimit = OPTIONS['lowlimit']
#chunkLocation = 'xPos' 'zPos' ...
chunkX = chunkLevelData['xPos'].value
chunkZ = chunkLevelData['zPos'].value
CHUNKSIZE_X = 16 #static consts - global?
_Y_SHIFT = 7 # 2**7 is 128. use for fast multiply
_YZ_SHIFT = 11 #16 * 128 is 2048, which is 2**11
# Blocks, Data, Skylight, ... heightmap
#Blocks contain the block ids; Data contains the extra info: 4 bits of lighting info + 4 bits of 'extra fields'
# eg Lamp direction, crop wetness, etc.
# Heightmap gives us quick access to the top surface of everything - ie optimise out iterating through all sky blocks.
#To access a specific block from either the block or data array from XYZ coordinates, use the following formula:
# Index = x + (y * Height + z) * Width
#naive starting point: LOAD ALL THE BLOCKS! :D
blockData = chunkLevelData['Blocks'].value #yields a TAG_Byte_Array value (bytes object)
heightMap = chunkLevelData['HeightMap'].value
extraData = chunkLevelData['Data'].value
#256 bytes of heightmap data. 16 x 16. Each byte records the lowest level
#in each column where the light from the sky is at full strength. Speeds up
#computing of the SkyLight. Note: This array's indexes are ordered Z,X
#whereas the other array indexes are ordered X,Z,Y.
#loadedData -> we buffer everything into lists, then batch-create the
#vertices later. This makes the model build in Blender many, many times faster
#list of named, distinct material meshes. add vertices to each, only in batches.
#Optimisation: 'Hollow volumes': only add if there is at least 1 orthogonal non-same-type neighbour.
#Aggressive optimisation: only load if there is 1 air orthogonal neighbour (or transparent materials).
# dataX will be dX, blender X will be bX.
for dX in range(CHUNKSIZE_X):
#print("looping chunk x %d" % dX)
for dZ in range(CHUNKSIZE_Z): #-1, -1, -1):
#get starting Y from heightmap, ignoring excess height iterations.
#heightByte = heightMap[dX + (dZ << 4)] # z * 16
heightByte = 127 #Fix: always start from very top... for now
#This makes nether load properly, plus missed objects in overworld
#omitted due to lighting calculations being wrong.
if heightByte > skyHighLimit:
heightByte = skyHighLimit
#gives the LOWEST LEVEL where light is max. Start at this value, and y-- until we hit bedrock at y == 0.
dY = heightByte
oneBlockAbove = 0 #data value of the block 1 up from where we are now. (for neighbour comparisons)
#for dY in range(CHUNKSIZE_Y): # naive method (iterate all)
while dY >= depthLimit:
blockIndex = dY + (dZ << _Y_SHIFT) + (dX << _YZ_SHIFT) # max number of bytes in a chunk is 32768. this is coming in at 32839 for XYZ: (15,71,8)
blockID = blockData[ blockIndex ]
#except IndexError:
# print("X:%d Y:%d Z %d, blockID from before: %d, cx,cz: %d,%d. Blockindex: %d" % (dX,dY,dZ,blockID,chunkX,chunkZ, blockIndex))
# raise IndexError
#create this block in the output!
if blockID != 0 and blockID not in EXCLUDED_BLOCKS: # 0 is air
REPORTING['blocksread'] += 1
#hollowness test:
if blockID in BLOCKDATA:
if ChunkReader._isExposedBlock(dX,dY,dZ, blockData, blockID, oneBlockAbove, skyHighLimit, depthLimit):
#TODO: Make better version of this check, counting across chunks and regions.
#Load extra data (if applicable to blockID):
#if it has extra data, grab 4 bits from extraData
datOffset = (int(blockIndex /2)) #divided by 2
datHiBits = blockIndex % 2 #odd or even, will be hi or low nibble
extraDatByte = extraData[datOffset] # should be a byte of which we only want part.
hiMask = 0b11110000
loMask = 0b00001111
extraValue = None
if datHiBits:
#get high 4, and shift right 4.
extraValue = loMask & (extraDatByte >> 4)
#mask hi 4 off.
extraValue = extraDatByte & loMask
#create block in corresponding blockmesh
ChunkReader.createBlock(blockID, (chunkX, chunkZ), (dX,dY,dZ), extraValue, vertexBuffer)
REPORTING['blocksdropped'] += 1
#print("Unrecognised Block ID: %d" % blockID)
dY -= 1
oneBlockAbove = blockID # set 'last read block' to current value
def createBlock(blockID, chunkPos, blockPos, extraBlockData, vertBuffer):
"""adds a vertex to the blockmesh for blockID in the relevant location."""
# print("blockID: " + str(blockID))
# print("chunkPos: " + str(chunkPos))
print("blockPos: " + str(blockPos))
# print("extraBlockData: " + str(extraBlockData))
# print("vertBuffer: " + str(vertBuffer))
# print("")
#chunkpos is X,Z; blockpos is x,y,z for block.
# mesh = getMCBlockType(blockID, extraBlockData) #this could be inefficient. Perhaps create all the types at the start, then STOP MAKING THIS CHECK!
# if mesh is None:
# return
# typeName =
# vertex = mcToBlendCoord(chunkPos, blockPos)
# if typeName in vertBuffer:
# vertBuffer[typeName].append(vertex)
# else:
# vertBuffer[typeName] = [vertex]
#xyz is local to the 'stone' mesh for example. but that's from 0 (world).
#regionfile can be found from chunkPos.
#Chunkpos is an X,Z pair.
#Blockpos is an X,Y,Z triple - within chunk.

929 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,929 @@
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# Contributors:
# Originally authored by Acro
# Modified by Phil B
# Acro's Python3.2 NBT Reader for Blender Importing Minecraft
#TODO Possible Key Options for the importer:
#TODO: load custom save locations, rather than default saves folder.
#good for backup/server game reading.
# what's a good way to swap out the world-choice dialogue for a custom path input??
#"Surface only": use the heightmap and only load surface.
#Load more than just the top level, obviously, cos of cliff
#walls, caves, etc. water should count as transparent for this process,
#as should glass, flowers, torches, portal; all nonsolid block types.
#"Load horizon" / "load radius": should be circular, or have options
#import bpy
#from bpy.props import FloatVectorProperty
#from mathutils import Vector
import numpy as npy
#import blockbuild
import sysutil
#using blockbuild.createMCBlock(mcname, diffuseColour, mcfaceindices)
#faceindices order: (bottom, top, right, front, left, back)
#NB: this should probably change, as it was started by some uv errors.
import nbtreader
#level.dat, .mcr McRegion, .mca Anvil: all different formats, but all are NBT.
import sys, os, gzip
import datetime
from struct import calcsize, unpack, error as StructError
#tag classes: switch/override the read functions once they know what they are
#and interpret payload by making more taggy bits as needed inside self.
#maybe add mcpath as a context var so it can be accessed from operators.
REPORTING['totalchunks'] = 0
totalchunks = 0
wseed = None #store chosen world's worldseed, handy for slimechunk calcs.
MCREGION_VERSION_ID = 0x4abc; # Check world's level.dat 'version' property for these.
ANVIL_VERSION_ID = 0x4abd; #
#TODO: Retrieve these from bpy.props properties stuck in the scene RNA.
EXCLUDED_BLOCKS = [1, 3, 87] #(1,3,87) # hack to reduce loading / slowdown: (1- Stone, 3- Dirt, 87 netherrack). Other usual suspects are Grass,Water, Leaves, Sand,StaticLava
LOAD_AROUND_3D_CURSOR = False #calculates 3D cursor as a Minecraft world position, and loads around that instead of player (or SMP world spawn) position
unknownBlockIDs = set()
#"Profile" execution checks for measuring whether optimisations are worth it:
REPORTING['blocksread'] = 0
REPORTING['blocksdropped'] = 0
t0 =
tReadAndBuffered = -1
tToMesh = -1
tChunk0 = -1 #these don't need to be globals - just store the difference in the arrays.
tChunkEnd = -1
tRegion0 = -1
tRegionEnd = -1
tChunkReadTimes = []
tRegionReadTimes = []
#MCBINPATH -- in /bin, zipfile open minecraft.jar, and get terrain.png.
#Feed directly into Blender, or save into the Blender temp dir, then import.
print("Mineblend saved games location: "+sysutil.getMCPath())
#Blockdata: [name, diffuse RGB triple, texture ID list, extra data? (XD/none),
# custom model shape (or None), shape params (or None if not custom mesh),
# and finally dictionary of Cycles params (see blockbuild.)
# TexID list is [bot, top, right, front, left back] or sometimes other orders/lengths if custom model
# Texture IDs are the 1d (2d) count of location of their 16x16 square within terrain.png in minecraft.jar
#Don't store a name for air. Ignore air.
# Order for Blender cube face creation is: [bottom, top, right, front, left, back]
BLOCKDATA = {0: ['Air'],
1: ['Stone', (116,116,116), [308]*6],
2: ['Grass', (95,159,53), [200,148,332,332,332,332]],
3: ['Dirt', (150, 108, 74), [200]*6],
4: ['Cobblestone', (94,94,94), [163]*6],
5: ['WoodenPlank', (159,132,77), [176]*6],
6: ['Sapling', (0,100,0), [20]*6, 'XD', 'cross'],
7: ['Bedrock', [51,51,51], [100]*6],
8: ['WaterFlo', (31,85,255), [2]*6, None, None, None, {'alpha': True}],
9: ['Water', (62,190,255), [2]*6, None, None, None, {'alpha': True}],
10: ['LavaFlo', (252,0,0), [0]*6, None, None, None, {'emit': 1.10, 'stencil': False}],
11: ['Lava', (230,0,0), [0]*6, None, None, None, {'emit': 1.10, 'stencil': False}],
12: ['Sand', (214,208,152), [243]*6],
13: ['Gravel', (154,135,135), [352]*6],
14: ['GoldOre', (252,238,75), [331]*6],
15: ['IronOre', (216,175,147), [395]*6],
16: ['CoalOre', (69,69,69), [161]*6],
17: ['Wood', (76,61,38), [452,452,451,451,451,451], 'XD'],
18: ['Leaves', (99,128,15), [425]*6, None, None, None, {'stencil': False, 'leaf': True}], #TODO: XD colour+texture.
19: ['Sponge', (206,206,70), [244]*6], # FIXME - wet sponge
20: ['Glass', (254,254,254), [263]*6, None, None, None, {'stencil': True}],
21: ['LapisLazuliOre', (28,87,198), [418]*6],
22: ['LapisLazuliBlock', (25,90,205), [417]*6],
23: ['Dispenser', (42,42,42), [262,262,261,41,261,261]], # TODO - front?
24: ['Sandstone', (215,209,153), [307,307,339,339,339,339], 'XD'], #!!
25: ['NoteBlock', (145,88,64), [398]*6], #python sound feature? @see dr epilepsy.
26: ['Bed'], #inset, directional. xd: if head/foot + dirs.
27: ['PwrRail', (204,93,22), [433]*6, 'XD', 'onehigh', None, {'stencil': True}], #meshtype-> "rail". define as 1/16thHeightBlock, read extra data to find orientation.
28: ['DetRail', (134,101,100), [465]*6, 'XD', 'onehigh', None, {'stencil': True}], #change meshtype to "rail" for purposes of slanted bits. later. PLANAR, too. no bottom face.
29: ['StickyPiston', (114,120,70), [109,491,493,493,493,493], 'XD', 'pstn'],
30: ['Cobweb', (237,237,237), [54]*6, 'none', 'cross', None, {'stencil': True}],
# tried 370, 434
31: ['TallGrass', (52,79,45), [213,213,213,213,213,213], 'XD', 'cross', None, {'stencil': True}],
32: ['DeadBush', (148,100,40), [225]*6, None, 'cross', None, {'stencil': True}],
33: ['Piston', (114,120,70), [491,494,493,493,493,493], 'XD', 'pstn'],
34: ['PistonHead', (188,152,98), [494]*6], #or top is 106 if sticky (extra data)
35: ['Wool', (235,235,235), [279]*6, 'XD'], #XD means use xtra data...
37: ['Dandelion', (204,211,2), [79]*6, 'no', 'cross', None, {'stencil': True}],
38: ['Rose', (247,7,15), [207]*6, 'no', 'cross', None, {'stencil': True}],
39: ['BrownMushrm', (204,153,120), [480]*6, 'no', 'cross', None, {'stencil': True}],
40: ['RedMushrm', (226,18,18), [481]*6, 'no', 'cross', None, {'stencil': True}],
41: ['GoldBlock', (255,241,68), [330]*6], # Todo: metalic
42: ['IronBlock', (230,230,230), [394]*6],
43: ['DblSlabs', (255,255,0), [53,53,21,21,21,21], 'XD', 'twoslab'], #xd for type
44: ['Slabs', (255,255,0), [53,53,21,21,21,21], 'XD', 'slab'], #xd for type
45: ['BrickBlock', (124,69,24), [101]*6],
46: ['TNT', (219,68,26), [245,309,277,277,277,277]],
47: ['Bookshelf', (180,144,90), [144,144,5,5,5,5]],
48: ['MossStone', (61,138,61), [164]*6],
49: ['Obsidian', (60,48,86), [141]*6],
50: ['Torch', (240,150,50), [426]*6, 'XD', 'inset', [0,6,7], {'stencil': True}],
51: ['Fire', (255,100,100), [56]*6, None, 'hash', None, {'emit': 1.0, 'stencil': True}], #TODO: Needed for Nether. maybe use hash mesh '#'
52: ['MonsterSpawner', (27,84,124), [65]*6, None, None, None, {'stencil': True}], #xtra data for what's spinning inside it??
53: ['WoodenStairs', (159,132,77), [4,4,4,4,4,4], 'XD', 'stairs'], # TODO
54: ['Chest', (164,114,39), [25,25,26,27,26,26], 'XD', 'chest'], #texface ordering is wrong # TODO
55: ['RedStnWire', (255,0,3), [434]*6, 'XD', 'onehigh', None, {'stencil': True}], #FSM-dependent, may need XD. Also, texture needs to act as bitmask alpha only, onto material colour on this thing. # TODO alpha color
56: ['DiamondOre', (93,236,245), [168]*6],
57: ['DiamondBlock', (93,236,245), [136]*6],
58: ['CraftingTbl', (160,105,60), [197,197,196,195,196,195]],
59: ['Seeds', (160,184,0), [310]*6, 'XD', 'crops', None, {'stencil': True}],
60: ['Farmland', (69,41,21), [200,110,200,200,200,200]],
61: ['Furnace', (42,42,42), [262,262,261,259,261,261]], #[bottom, top, right, front, left, back]
62: ['Burnace', (50,42,42), [262,262,261,259,261,261]],
63: ['SignPost', (159,132,77), [579]*6, 'XD', 'sign'],
64: ['WoodDoor', (145,109,56), [193,193,283,283,283,283], 'XD', 'door', None, {'stencil': True}], # FIXME top/bot
65: ['Ladder', (142,115,60), [416]*6, None, None, None, {'stencil': True}],
66: ['Rail', (172,136,82), [82]*6, 'XD', 'onehigh', None, {'stencil': True}], #to be refined for direction etc.
67: ['CobbleStairs', (77,77,77), [163]*6, 'XD', 'stairs'],
68: ['WallSign', (159,132,77), [579]*6, 'XD', 'wallsign'], #TODO: UVs! + Model!
69: ['Lever', (105,84,51), [426]*6, 'XD', 'lever'],
70: ['StnPressPlate', (110,110,110), [372]*6, 'no', 'onehigh'],
71: ['IronDoor', (183,183,183), [187,187,187,187,187,187], 'XD', 'door', None, {'stencil': True}], # TODO top/bot
72: ['WdnPressPlate', (159,132,77), [4]*6, 'none', 'onehigh'], #TODO
73: ['RedstOre', (151,3,3), [51]*6],
74: ['RedstOreGlowing', (255,3,3), [51]*6], #wth!
75: ['RedstTorchOff', (86,0,0), [83]*6, 'XD', 'inset', [0,6,7]], #TODO Proper RStorch mesh
76: ['RedstTorchOn', (253,0,0), [115]*6, 'XD', 'inset', [0,6,7]], #todo: 'rstorch'
77: ['StoneButton', (116,116,116), [1]*6, 'btn'], # TODO
78: ['Snow', (240,240,240), [180]*6, 'XD', 'onehigh'], #snow has height variants 0-7. 7 is full height block. Curses!
79: ['Ice', (220,220,255), [391]*6],
80: ['SnowBlock', (240,240,240), [180]*6], #xd determines height.
81: ['Cactus', (20,141,36), [70,70,38,38,38,38], 'none', 'cactus'],
82: ['ClayBlock', (170,174,190), [135]*6],
83: ['SugarCane', (130,168,89), [147]*6, None, 'cross', None, {'stencil': True}],
84: ['Jukebox', (145,88,64), [489,399,489,489,489,489]], #XD
85: ['Fence', (160,130,70), [4]*6, 'none', 'fence'], #fence mesh, extra data. #TODO
86: ['Pumpkin', (227,144,29), [113,113,17,464,17,17]],
87: ['Netherrack', (137,15,15), [488]*6],
88: ['SoulSand', (133,109,94), [212]*6],
89: ['Glowstone', (114,111,73), [329]*6, None, None, None, {'emit': 0.95, 'stencil': False}], #cycles: emitter!
90: ['Portal', (150,90,180), None], # TODO - shouldn't this be [208]*6?
91: ['JackOLantern',(227,144,29), [113,113,17,496,17,17], 'XD'], #needs its facing dir.
92: ['Cake', (184,93,39), [124,71,39,39,39,39], 'XD', 'inset', [0,8,1]], # TODO - bot
93: ['RedRepOff', (176,176,176), [179]*6, 'xdcircuit', 'onehigh'], #TODO 'redrep' meshtype
94: ['RedRepOn', (176,176,176), [211]*6, 'xdcircuit', 'onehigh'], #TODO 'redrep' meshtype
#95: ['LockedChest', (164,114,39), [25,25,26,27,26,26], 'xd', 'chest'], #texface order wrong (see #54)
# When stencil set, blocks are non-textured and opaque... unanticipated state?
95: ['StainedGlass', (164,114,39), [327]*6, 'XD', None, None, {'alpha': True}], #texface order wrong (see #54)
96: ['Trapdoor', (117,70,34), [373]*6, 'XD', 'inset', [0,13,0]],
97: ['HiddenSfish', (116,116,116), [335]*6],
98: ['StoneBricks', (100,100,100), [85]*6, 'XD'],
99: ['HgRedM', (210,177,125), [462]*6, 'XD'], #XD for part/variant/colour (stalk/main)
100: ['HgBrwM', (210,177,125), [461]*6, 'XD'],
101: ['IronBars', (171,171,173), [393]*6, 'XD', 'pane'],
102: ['GlassPane', (254,254,254), [263]*6, 'XD', 'pane', None, {'stencil': True}],
103: ['Melon', (166,166,39), [458,458,455,455,455,455]],
104: ['PumpkinStem'], # TODO 457?
105: ['MelonStem'], # TODO 457?
106: ['Vines', (39,98,13), [469]*6, 'XD', 'wallface'],
107: ['FenceGate', (143,115,73), [4]*6], #TODO
108: ['BrickStairs', (135,74,58), [101]*6, 'XD', 'stairs'], #TODO
109: ['StoneBrickStairs', (100,100,100), [85]*6, 'XD', 'stairs'], #TODO
110: ['Mycelium', (122,103,108), [200,483,482,482,482,482]], #useful to ignore option? as this is Dirt top in Mushroom Biomes.
111: ['LilyPad', (12,94,19), [22]*6, 'none', 'onehigh', None, {'stencil': True}],
112: ['NethrBrick', (48,24,28), [484]*6],
113: ['NethrBrickFence', (48,24,28), [484]*6, 'none', 'fence'],
114: ['NethrBrickStairs', (48,24,28), [484]*6, 'XD', 'stairs'],
115: ['NethrWart', (154,39,52), [487]*6],
116: ['EnchantTab', (116,30,29), [141,205,173,173,173,173], 'none', 'inset', [0,4,0]], #TODO enchantable with book?
117: ['BrewStnd', (207,227,186), [157]*6, 'x', 'brewstand'], #fully custom model # TODO
118: ['Cauldron', (55,55,55), [139,138,154,154,154,154]], #fully custom model # TODO
119: ['EndPortal', (0,0,0), None], #TODO
120: ['EndPortalFrame', (144,151,110), [237,175,78,46,46,46,46]],
121: ['EndStone', (144,151,110), [237]*6],
122: ['DragonEgg', (0,0,0)], #TODO
123: ['RedstLampOff', (140,80,44), [498]*6],
124: ['RedstLampOn', (247,201,138), [19]*6, None, None, None, {'emit': 0.95, 'stencil': False}],
129: ['EmeraldOre', (140,80,44), [109]*6],
133: ['EmeraldBlock', (140,80,44), [77]*6],
138: ['Beacon', (247,201,138), [96]*6, None, None, None, {'emit': 1.2, 'stencil': False}], # TODO - encased in glass
152: ['Redstone', (247,201,138), [337]*6],
153: ['NetherQuartzOre', (247,201,138), [369]*6],
155: ['Quartz', (247,201,138), [145]*6], # TODO - variants
159: ['StainedClay', (247,201,138), [384]*6, 'XD'],
162: ['Acacia', (247,201,138), [428,428,427,427,427,427]], # TODO - dark oak
168: ['Prismarine', (127, 255, 212), [432]*6, 'XD'],
169: ['SeaLantern', (247,201,138), [116]*6, None, None, None, {'emit': 1.2, 'stencil': False}], # TODO - encased in glass
170: ['HayBale', (247,201,138), [387,387,386,386,386,386]],
172: ['HardenedClay', (247,201,138), [353]*6],
173: ['BlockOfCoal', (247,201,138), [160]*6],
174: ['PackedIce', (247,201,138), [392]*6],
179: ['RedSandstone', (247,201,138), [306,306,242,242,242,242]*6]
#And anything new Mojang add in with each update!
#Saplings: normal, spruce, birch and jungle types
6: [ [''],
['Spruce', (57,90,57), [63]*6],
['Birch', (207,227,186), [79]*6],
['Jungle', (57,61,13), [30]*6]
17: [ [''],#normal wood (oak)
['Spruce',(76,61,38), [454,454,453,453,453,453]],
['Birch', (76,61,38), [448,448,431,431,431,431]],
['Jungle',(89,70,27), [450,450,449,449,449,449]],
#TODO: adjust leaf types, too!
24: [ [''],#normal 'cracked' sandstone
['Decor', (215,209,153), [403,403,301,301,301,301]],
['Smooth',(215,209,153), [403,403,371,371,371,371]],
# Tallgrass - TODO
#31: [ [''],
# ['', (,,), []*6],
# ['', (,,), []*6],
# ],
# Wool
35: [ [''],
['Orange', (255,150,54), [119]*6], #custom tex coords!
['Magenta', (227,74,240), [87]*6],
['LightBlue', (83,146,255), [23]*6],
['Yellow', (225,208,31), [311]*6],
['LightGreen', (67,218,53), [55]*6],
['Pink', (248,153,178), [151]*6],
['Grey', (75,75,75), [470]*6],
['LightGrey', (181,189,189), [247]*6],
['Cyan', (45,134,172), [438]*6],
['Purple', (134,53,204), [183]*6],
['Blue', (44,58,176), [374]*6],
['Brown', (99,59,32), [406]*6],
['DarkGreen', (64,89,27), [502]*6],
['Red', (188,51,46), [215]*6],
['Black', (28,23,23), [342]*6]
#38: [ [''],] # TODO - flowers
43: [ [''], #stone slabs (default)
['SndStn', (215,209,153), [339]*6],
['Wdn', (159,132,77), [176]*6],
['Cobl', (94,94,94), [163]*6],
['Brick', (124,69,24), [101]*6],
['StnBrk', (100,100,100), [85]*6],
44: [ [''], #stone slabs (default)
['SndStn', (215,209,153), [192]*6],
['Wdn', (159,132,77), [4]*6],
['Cobl', (94,94,94), [16]*6],
['Brick', (124,69,24), [7]*6],
['StnBrk', (100,100,100), [54]*6],
50: [ [''], #nowt on 0...
['Ea'], #None for colour, none Tex, then: CUSTOM MESH
59: [ ['0', (160,184,0), [88]*6], #?
['1', (160,184,0), [89]*6],
['2', (160,184,0), [90]*6],
['3', (160,184,0), [91]*6],
['4', (160,184,0), [92]*6],
['5', (160,184,0), [93]*6],
['6', (160,184,0), [94]*6],
['7', (160,184,0), [95]*6],
# stained glass
95: [ ['White', (255,255,255), [327]*6],
['Orange', (255,150,54), [289]*6], #custom tex coords!
['Magenta', (227,74,240), [288]*6],
['LightBlue', (83,146,255), [267]*6],
['Yellow', (225,208,31), [328]*6],
['LightGreen', (67,218,53), [271]*6],
['Pink', (248,153,178), [323]*6],
['Grey', (75,75,75), [268]*6],
['LightGrey', (181,189,189), [326]*6],
['Cyan', (45,134,172), [270]*6],
['Purple', (134,53,204), [324]*6],
['Blue', (44,58,176), [265]*6],
['Brown', (99,59,32), [266]*6],
['DarkGreen', (64,89,27), [269]*6],
['Red', (188,51,46), [325]*6],
['Black', (28,23,23), [264]*6]
#stone brick moss/crack/circle variants:
98: [ [''],
['Mossy', (100,100,100), [181]*6],
['Cracked',(100,100,100), [149]*6],
['Circle', (100,100,100), [117]*6],
99: [ [''], #default (pores on all sides)
100:[ [''], #default (pores on all sides)
# stained clay
159: [[''], # ['White', (255,255,255), [384]*6],
['Orange', (255,150,54), [363]*6], #custom tex coords!
['Magenta', (227,74,240), [362]*6],
['LightBlue', (83,146,255), [355]*6],
['Yellow', (225,208,31), [385]*6],
['LightGreen', (67,218,53), [361]*6],
['Pink', (248,153,178), [364]*6],
['Grey', (75,75,75), [358]*6],
['LightGrey', (181,189,189), [367]*6],
['Cyan', (45,134,172), [357]*6],
['Purple', (134,53,204), [365]*6],
['Blue', (44,58,176), [354]*6],
['Brown', (99,59,32), [356]*6],
['DarkGreen', (64,89,27), [359]*6],
['Red', (188,51,46), [366]*6],
['Black', (28,23,23), [354]*6]
# prismarine
168: [[''],
['Bricks', (127, 255, 212), [368]*6],
['Dark', (127, 255, 212), [400]*6],
def readLevelDat():
"""Reads the level.dat for info like the world name, player inventory..."""
lvlfile ='level.dat', 'rb')
#first byte must be a 10 (TAG_Compound) containing all else.
#read a TAG_Compound...
#rootTag = Tag(lvlfile)
rootTag = nbtreader.TagReader.readNamedTag(lvlfile)[1] #don't care about the name... or do we? Argh, it's a named tag but we throw the blank name away.
print(rootTag.printTree(0)) #give it repr with an indent param...?
def readRegion(fname, vertexBuffer):
#A region has an 8-KILObyte header, of 1024 locations and 1024 timestamps.
#Then from 8196 onwards, it's chunk data and (arbitrary?) gaps.
#Chunks are zlib compressed & have their own structure, more on that later.
print('== Reading region %s ==' % fname)
rfile = open(fname, 'rb')
regionheader =
chunklist = []
chunkcount = 0
cio = 0 #chunk index offset
while cio+4 <= 4096: #only up to end of the locations! (After that is timestamps)
cheadr = regionheader[cio:cio+4]
# 3 bytes "offset" -- how many 4kiB disk sectors away the chunk data is from the start of the file.
# 1 byte "sector count" -- how many 4kiB disk sectors long the chunk data is.
#(sector count is rounded up during save, so gives the last disk sector in which there's data for this chunk)
offset = unpack(">i", b'\x00'+cheadr[0:3])[0]
chunksectorcount = cheadr[3] #last of the 4 bytes is the size (in 4k sectors) of the chunk
chunksLoaded = 0
if offset != 0 and chunksectorcount != 0: #chunks not generated as those coordinates yet will be blank!
chunkdata = readChunk(rfile, offset, chunksectorcount) #TODO Make sure you seek back to where you were to start with ...
chunksLoaded += 1
chunkcount += 1
cio += 4
print("Region file %s contains %d chunks." % (fname, chunkcount))
return chunkcount
def toChunkPos(pX,pZ):
return (pX/16, pZ/16)
# def batchBuild(meshBuffer):
# #build all geom from pydata as meshes in one shot. :) This is fast.
# for meshname in (meshBuffer.keys()):
# me =[meshname]
# me.from_pydata(meshBuffer[meshname], [], [])
# me.update()
def mcToMTCoord(chunkPos, blockPos):
"""Converts a Minecraft chunk X,Z pair and a Minecraft ordered X,Y,Z block
Just remember: in Minecraft, Y points to the sky."""
# In Minecraft, +Z (west) <--- 0 ----> -Z (east), while North is -X and South is +X
vx = -(chunkPos[1] << 4) - blockPos[2]
vy = -(chunkPos[0] << 4) - blockPos[0] # -x of chunkpos and -x of blockPos (x,y,z)
vz = blockPos[1] #Minecraft's Y.
return [vx,vy,vz]
# def mcToBlendCoord(chunkPos, blockPos):
# """Converts a Minecraft chunk X,Z pair and a Minecraft ordered X,Y,Z block
# location triple into a Blender coordinate vector Vx,Vy,Vz.
# Just remember: in Minecraft, Y points to the sky."""
# # Mapping Minecraft coords -> Blender coords
# # In Minecraft, +Z (west) <--- 0 ----> -Z (east), while North is -X and South is +X
# # In Blender, north is +Y, south is-Y, west is -X and east is +X.
# # So negate Z and map it as X, and negate X and map it as Y. It's slightly odd!
# vx = -(chunkPos[1] << 4) - blockPos[2]
# vy = -(chunkPos[0] << 4) - blockPos[0] # -x of chunkpos and -x of blockPos (x,y,z)
# vz = blockPos[1] #Minecraft's Y.
# return Vector((vx,vy,vz))
# def getMCBlockType(blockID, extraBits):
# """Gets reference to a block type mesh, or creates it if it doesn't exist.
# The mesh created depends on meshType from the global blockdata (whether it's torch or repeater, not a cube)
# These also have to be unique and differently named for directional versions of the same thing - eg track round a corner or up a slope.
# This also ensures material and name are set."""
# import blockbuild
# global OPTIONS #, BLOCKDATA (surely!?)
# bdat = BLOCKDATA[blockID]
# corename = bdat[0] # eg mcStone, mcTorch
# if len(bdat) > 1:
# colourtriple = bdat[1]
# else:
# colourtriple = [214,127,255] #shocking pink
# mcfaceindices = None #[]
# if len(bdat) > 2 and bdat[2] is not None:
# mcfaceindices = bdat[2]
# usesExtraBits = False
# if len(bdat) > 3:
# usesExtraBits = (bdat[3] == 'XD')
# if not usesExtraBits: #quick early create...
# landmeshname = "".join(["mc", corename])
# if landmeshname in
# return[landmeshname]
# else:
# extraBits = None
# objectShape = "box" #but this can change based on extra data too...
# if len(bdat) > 4:
# objectShape = bdat[4]
# shapeParams = None
# if len(bdat) > 5: #and objectShape = 'insets'
# shapeParams = bdat[5]
# cycParams = None
# if OPTIONS['usecycles']:
# if len(bdat) > 6:
# cycParams = bdat[6]
# if cycParams is None:
# cycParams = {'emit': 0.0, 'stencil': False}
# nameVariant = ''
# if blockID in BLOCKVARIANTS:
# variants = BLOCKVARIANTS[blockID]
# if extraBits is not None and extraBits >= 0 and extraBits < len(variants):
# variantData = variants[extraBits]
# if len(variantData) > 0:
# nameVariant = variantData[0]
# #print("%d Block uses extra data: {%d}. So name variant is: %s" % (blockID, extraBits, nameVariant))
# #Now apply each available variant datum: RGB triple, texture faces, and blockbuild variation.
# if len(variantData) > 1: #read custom RGB
# colourtriple = variantData[1]
# if len(variantData) > 2:
# mcfaceindices = variantData[2]
# #mesh constructor...
# corename = "".join([corename, nameVariant])
# meshname = "".join(["mc", corename])
# dupblock = blockbuild.construct(blockID, corename, colourtriple, mcfaceindices, extraBits, objectShape, shapeParams, cycParams)
# blockname =
# landmeshname = "".join(["mc", blockname.replace('Block', '')])
# if landmeshname in
# return[landmeshname]
# landmesh =
# landob =, landmesh)
# global WORLD_ROOT #Will have been inited by now. Parent the land to it. (a bit messy, but... meh)
# landob.parent = WORLD_ROOT
# dupblock.parent = landob
# landob.dupli_type = "VERTS"
# return landmesh
# def slimeOn():
# """Creates the cloneable slime block (area marker) and a mesh to duplivert it."""
# if 'slimeChunks' in
# return
# #Create cube! (maybe give it silly eyes...)
# #ensure 3d cursor at 0...
# bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add()
# slimeOb = bpy.context.object #get ref to last created ob.
# = 'slimeMarker'
# #Make it chunk-sized. It starts 2x2x2
# bpy.ops.transform.resize(value=(8, 8, 8))
# bpy.ops.object.transform_apply(location=False, rotation=False, scale=True)
# # create material for the markers
# slimeMat = None
# smname = "mcSlimeMat"
# if smname in
# slimeMat =[smname]
# else:
# slimeMat =
# #FIXME - hard code color
# slimeMat.diffuse_color = [86/256.0, 139.0/256.0, 72.0/256.0]
# slimeMat.diffuse_shader = 'OREN_NAYAR'
# slimeMat.diffuse_intensity = 0.8
# slimeMat.roughness = 0.909
# #slimeMat.use_shadeless = True #traceable false!
# slimeMat.use_transparency = True
# slimeMat.alpha = .25
# slimeChunkmesh ="slimeChunks")
# slimeChunkob ="slimeChunks", slimeChunkmesh)
# slimeOb.parent = slimeChunkob
# slimeChunkob.dupli_type = "VERTS"
# global WORLD_ROOT
# slimeChunkob.parent = WORLD_ROOT
# def batchSlimeChunks(slimes):
# #Populate all slime marker centres into the dupli-geom from pydata.
# me =["slimeChunks"]
# me.from_pydata(slimes, [], [])
# me.update()
def getWorldSelectList():
worldList = []
if os.path.exists(MCSAVEPATH):
startpath = os.getcwd()
saveList = os.listdir()
saveFolders = [f for f in saveList if os.path.isdir(f)]
wcount = 0
for sf in saveFolders:
if os.path.exists(sf + "/level.dat"):
#Read the actual world name (not just folder name)
wData = None
with + '/level.dat', 'rb') as levelDat:
wData = nbtreader.readNBT(levelDat)
#catch errors if level.dat wasn't a gzip...
except IOError:
print("Unknown problem with level.dat format for %s" % sf)
# FIXME - having a problem
if 'LevelName' in wData.value['Data'].value:
wname = wData.value['Data'].value['LevelName'].value
wname = "<no name>"
wsize = wData.value['Data'].value['SizeOnDisk'].value
readableSize = "(%0.1f)" % (wsize / (1024*1024))
worldList.append((sf, sf, wname + " " + readableSize))
wcount += 1
except KeyError:
print("key not found in %s" % wData.value['Data'])
if worldList != []:
return worldList
return None
def hasNether(worldFolder):
if worldFolder == "":
return False
worldList = []
if os.path.exists(MCSAVEPATH):
worldList = os.listdir(MCSAVEPATH)
if worldFolder in worldList:
wp = os.path.join(MCSAVEPATH, worldFolder, 'DIM-1')
return os.path.exists(wp)
#and: contains correct files? also check regions aren't empty.
return False
def hasEnd(worldFolder):
if worldFolder == "":
return False
worldList = []
if os.path.exists(MCSAVEPATH):
worldList = os.listdir(MCSAVEPATH)
if worldFolder in worldList:
wp = os.path.join(MCSAVEPATH, worldFolder, 'DIM1')
return os.path.exists(wp)
#and: contains correct files? also check regions aren't empty.
return False
def readMinecraftWorld(worldFolder, loadRadius, toggleOptions):
global unknownBlockIDs, wseed
OPTIONS = toggleOptions
global tChunkReadTimes
if worldFolder == "":
#World selected was blank. No saves. i.e. only when world list is empty
print("No valid saved worlds were available to load.")
# print("[!] OmitStone: ", toggleOptions['omitstone'])
if not OPTIONS['omitstone']:
# print('[[[exluding these blocks: ', EXCLUDED_BLOCKS, ']]]')
worldList = []
if os.path.exists(MCSAVEPATH):
worldList = os.listdir(MCSAVEPATH)
#print("MC Path exists! %s" % os.listdir(MCPATH))
#wherever os was before, save it, and restore it after this completes.
worldSelected = worldFolder
os.chdir(os.path.join(MCSAVEPATH, worldSelected))
# If there's a folder DIM-1 in the world folder, you've been to the Nether!
# ...And generated Nether regions.
if os.path.exists('DIM-1'):
if OPTIONS['loadnether']:
print('nether LOAD!')
print('Nether is present, but not chosen to load.')
if os.path.exists('DIM1'):
if OPTIONS['loadend']:
print('load The End...')
print('The End is present, but not chosen to load.')
#if the player didn't save out in those dimensions, we HAVE TO load at 3D cursor (or 0,0,0)
worldData = None
pSaveDim = None
worldFormat = 'mcregion' #assume initially
with'level.dat', 'rb') as levelDat:
worldData = nbtreader.readNBT(levelDat)
#Check if it's a multiplayer saved game (that's been moved into saves dir)
#These don't have the Player tag.
if 'Player' in worldData.value['Data'].value:
#It's singleplayer
pPos = [posFloat.value for posFloat in worldData.value['Data'].value['Player'].value['Pos'].value ] #in NBT, there's a lot of value...
pSaveDim = worldData.value['Data'].value['Player'].value['Dimension'].value
print('Player: '+str(pSaveDim)+', ppos: '+str(pPos))
#It's multiplayer.
#Get SpawnX, SpawnY, SpawnZ and centre around those. OR
#TODO: Check for another subfolder: 'players'. Read each NBT .dat in
#there, create empties for all of them, but load around the first one.
spX = worldData.value['Data'].value['SpawnX'].value
spY = worldData.value['Data'].value['SpawnY'].value
spZ = worldData.value['Data'].value['SpawnZ'].value
pPos = [float(spX), float(spY), float(spZ)]
#create empty markers for each player.
#and: could it load multiplayer nether/end based on player loc?
if 'version' in worldData.value['Data'].value:
fmtVersion = worldData.value['Data'].value['version'].value
#19133 for Anvil. 19132 is McRegion.
if fmtVersion == MCREGION_VERSION_ID:
print("World is in McRegion format")
elif fmtVersion == ANVIL_VERSION_ID:
print("World is in Anvil format")
worldFormat = "anvil"
wseed = worldData.value['Data'].value['RandomSeed'].value #it's a Long
print("World Seed : %d" % (wseed)) # or
#NB: we load at cursor if player location undefined loading into Nether
if OPTIONS['atcursor'] or (OPTIONS['loadnether'] and (pSaveDim is None or int(pSaveDim) != -1)):
# cursorPos = bpy.context.scene.cursor_location
#that's an x,y,z vector (in Blender coords)
#convert to insane Minecraft coords! (Minecraft pos = -Y, Z, -X)
# pPos = [ -cursorPos[1], cursorPos[2], -cursorPos[0]]
pPos = [ 0, 0, 0]
if OPTIONS['loadnether']:
os.chdir(os.path.join("DIM-1", "region"))
elif OPTIONS['loadend']:
os.chdir(os.path.join("DIM1", "region"))
meshBuffer = {}
blockBuffer = {}
#Initialise the world root - an empty to parent all land objects to.
# WORLD_ROOT =, None) #,None => EMPTY!
# WORLD_ROOT.empty_draw_size = 2.0
# WORLD_ROOT.empty_draw_type = 'SPHERE'
regionfiles = []
regionreader = None
if worldFormat == 'mcregion':
regionfiles = [f for f in os.listdir() if f.endswith('.mcr')]
from mcregionreader import ChunkReader
regionreader = ChunkReader() #work it with the class, not an instance?
#all this importing is now very messy.
elif worldFormat == 'anvil':
regionfiles = [f for f in os.listdir() if f.endswith('.mca')]
from mcanvilreader import AnvilChunkReader
regionreader = AnvilChunkReader()
#except when loading nether...
playerChunk = toChunkPos(pPos[0], pPos[2]) # x, z
print("Loading %d blocks around centre." % loadRadius)
#loadRadius = 10 #Sane amount: 5 or 4.
# if not OPTIONS['atcursor']: #loading at player
# #Add an Empty to show where the player is. (+CENTRE CAMERA ON!)
# playerpos ='PlayerLoc', None)
# #set its coordinates...
# #convert Minecraft coordinate position of player into Blender coords:
# playerpos.location[0] = -pPos[2]
# playerpos.location[1] = -pPos[0]
# playerpos.location[2] = pPos[1]
# playerpos.parent = WORLD_ROOT
#total chunk count across region files:
REPORTING['totalchunks'] = 0
pX = int(playerChunk[0])
pZ = int(playerChunk[1])
print('Loading a square halfwidth of %d chunks around load position, so creating chunks: %d,%d to %d,%d' % (loadRadius, pX-loadRadius, pZ-loadRadius, pX+loadRadius, pZ+loadRadius))
# if (OPTIONS['showslimes']):
# # slimeOn()
# import slimes
# slimeBuffer = []
# FIXME - need deltaX/Y/Z to get array index
zeroAdjX = -1 * (pZ-loadRadius)
zeroAdjZ = -1 * (pX-loadRadius)
for z in range(pZ-loadRadius, pZ+loadRadius):
for x in range(pX-loadRadius, pX+loadRadius):
tChunk0 =
if (OPTIONS['surfaceOnly']): # new method
numElements=(loadRadius*2+1)*16 # chunks * blocks
blockBuffer = npy.zeros((numElements,numElements,numElements))
# FIXME - currently only supported by anvil reader
regionreader.readChunk2(x,z, blockBuffer, zeroAdjX, zeroAdjZ)
else: # old
regionreader.readChunk(x,z, meshBuffer) #may need to be further broken down to block level. maybe rename as loadChunk.
tChunk1 =
chunkTime = tChunk1 - tChunk0
tChunkReadTimes.append(chunkTime.total_seconds()) #tString = "%.2f seconds" % chunkTime.total_seconds() it's a float.
# if (OPTIONS['showslimes']):
# if slimes.isSlimeSpawn(wseed, x, z):
# slimeLoc = mcToBlendCoord((x,z), (8,8,8)) #(8,8,120)
# slimeLoc += Vector((0.5,0.5,-0.5))
# slimeBuffer.append(slimeLoc)
tBuild0 =
# batchBuild(meshBuffer)
# if (OPTIONS['showslimes']):
# batchSlimeChunks(slimeBuffer)
tBuild1 =
tBuildTime = tBuild1 - tBuild0
# print("Built meshes in %.2fs" % tBuildTime.total_seconds())
print("%s: loaded %d chunks" % (worldSelected, totalchunks))
if len(unknownBlockIDs) > 0:
print("Unknown new Minecraft datablock IDs encountered:")
print(" ".join(["%d" % bn for bn in unknownBlockIDs]))
#Viewport performance hides:
# if (OPTIONS['fasterViewport']):
# hideIfPresent('mcStone')
# hideIfPresent('mcDirt')
# hideIfPresent('mcSandstone')
# hideIfPresent('mcIronOre')
# hideIfPresent('mcGravel')
# hideIfPresent('mcCoalOre')
# hideIfPresent('mcBedrock')
# hideIfPresent('mcRedstoneOre')
#Profile/run stats:
chunkReadTotal = tChunkReadTimes[0]
for tdiff in tChunkReadTimes[1:]:
chunkReadTotal = chunkReadTotal + tdiff
print("Total chunk reads time: %.2fs" % chunkReadTotal) #I presume that's in seconds, ofc... hm.
chunkMRT = chunkReadTotal / len(tChunkReadTimes)
print("Mean chunk read time: %.2fs" % chunkMRT)
print("Block points processed: %d" % REPORTING['blocksread'])
# print("of those, verts dumped: %d" % REPORTING['blocksdropped'])
# if REPORTING['blocksread'] > 0:
# print("Difference (expected vertex count): %d" % (REPORTING['blocksread'] - REPORTING['blocksdropped']))
# print("Hollowing has made the scene %d%% lighter" % ((REPORTING['blocksdropped'] / REPORTING['blocksread']) * 100))
#increase viewport clip dist to see the world! (or decrease mesh sizes)
#Actually: scale world root down to 0.05 by default?
# def hideIfPresent(mName):
# if mName in
#[mName].hide = True
# Feature TODOs
# surface load (skin only, not block instances)
# torch, stairs, rails, redrep meshblocks.
# nether load
# mesh optimisations
# multiple loads per run -- need to name new meshes each time load performed, ie mcGrass.001
# ...

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# NBT Reader module
from struct import calcsize, unpack, error as StructError
# An NBT file contains one root TAG_Compound.
#to read level.dat: compound, long, list short byte. int. ... end.
#Why not just do this as a 10 element array of classes, and instantiate them as list[6](bstream) ?! MAGIC!
# that's what the py NBT guy does already!
# See struct - for handling types and bitpacking and converting to/from bytes.
#pass classes around as objects. ie class Tag... we now have Tag in the namespace and can instantiate it by calling that one's __init__ method.
# Note that ONLY Named Tags carry the name and tagType data. Explicitly identified Tags (such as TAG_String) only contains the payload.
# read binary, py 3.2 etc, you get a bytes object.
# seek(pos-in-file), tell() (number of bytes read) and read(n) read n bytes...
class TagReader:
#a class to generate tags based on ids.
def readNamedTag(bstream):
"""Reads a named Tag from the bytestream provided. Returns a tuple of (name, tag) (where tag object is the payload). Name will be empty for Tag_END. """
#print("Reading Named Tag\n")
tbyte =[0] # read 1 byte and get its numerical value #read 1 byte, switch type generated depending (stream-reader type 'abstract?' factory
#print("Byte read: %d" % tbyte)
tname = TAG_String(bstream).value
#print("Name read: %s" % tname)
#print("RNamedT - name is %s" %tname)
tpayload = TAGLIST[tbyte](bstream) = tname
return (tname, tpayload)
#object type = bleh based on the number 0-255 you just read. Which should be a 10... for TAG_Compound.
def readNBT(bstream):
rootname, rootTag = TagReader.readNamedTag(bstream) = rootname
#check if not at end of string and read more NBT tags if present...?
return rootTag
class Tag:
type = None
def __init__(self, bstream):
"""Reads self-building data for this type from the bytestream given, until a complete tag instance is ready."""
# Tag itself doesn't do this. Must be overridden. = ""
## named tags..? Are named tags only named when in a tag_compound that defines their names? And tag_compounds are always named?
#self.value = "" needed?
#payload... varies by subclass.
#Needed at all?!
def __readName(self, bstream):
"""Only if called on a named tag .... will this be needed. may be Defined instead ... as a class method later"""
raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__.__name__)
def _parseContent(self, bstream):
raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__.__name__)
pass # raise notimplemented...? # SUBCLASSES IMPLEMENT THIS!
#external code. not sure about these at all.
#Printing / bitformatting as tree
def toString(self):
return self.__class__.__name__ + ('("%s")' if else "") + ": " + self.__repr__() #huh... self.repr build tree
def printTree(self, indent=0):
return (INDENTCHAR*indent) + self.toString()
#could just skip this class....?
class TAG_End(Tag):
type = TAG_END
def _parseContent(self, bstream):
#so, in fact... no need for this at all!?!
class _TAG_Numeric(Tag):
"""parses one of the numeric types (actual type defined by subclass)"""
#uses struct bitformats (within each subclass) to parse the value from the data stream...
bitformat = "" #class, not instance, var.nB: make this something that will crash badly if not overwritten properly!
def __init__(self, bstream):
#if self.bitformat == "":
# raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__.__name__)
#print("fmt is: %s" % self.bitformat)
self.size = calcsize(self.bitformat)
super(_TAG_Numeric, self).__init__(bstream)
def _parseContent(self, bstream):
#struct parse it using bitformat.
self.value = unpack(self.bitformat,[0] #[0] because this always returns a tuple
def __repr__(self):
return "%d" % self.value
class TAG_Byte(_TAG_Numeric):
bitformat = ">b" # class variable, NOT INSTANCE VARIABLE.
#easy, it's read 1 byte!
#def __parseContent(self, bstream):
# self.value =[0] #grab next 1 byte in stream. That's the TAG_Byte's payload.
# #or rather, set bitformat to ">c"
class TAG_Short(_TAG_Numeric):
# type = TAG_SHORT
bitformat = ">h"
class TAG_Int(_TAG_Numeric):
bitformat = ">i"
class TAG_Long(_TAG_Numeric):
# id = TAG_LONG
bitformat = ">q"
class TAG_Float(_TAG_Numeric):
# id = TAG_FLOAT
bitformat = ">f"
def __repr__(self):
return "%0.2f" % self.value
class TAG_Double(_TAG_Numeric):
bitformat = ">d"
def __repr__(self):
return "%0.2f" % self.value
class TAG_Byte_Array(Tag):
def _parseContent(self, bstream):
#read the length, then grab the bytes.
length = TAG_Int(bstream)
self.value = #read n bytes from the file, where n is the numerical value of the length. Hope this works OK!
def __repr__(self):
return "[%d bytes array]" % len(self.value)
class TAG_String(Tag):
def _parseContent(self, bstream):
#print ("Parsing TAG_String")
length = TAG_Short(bstream)
readbytes =
if len(readbytes) != length.value:
raise StructError()
self.value = readbytes.decode('utf-8') #unicode(read, "utf-8")
def __repr__(self):
return self.value
class TAG_List(Tag):
type = TAG_LIST
def _parseContent(self, bstream):
tagId = TAG_Byte(bstream).value
length = TAG_Int(bstream).value
self.value = []
for t in range(length):
self.value.append(TAGLIST[tagId](bstream)) #so that's just the tags, not the repeated type ids. makes sense.
def __repr__(self): # use repr for outputting payload values, but printTree(indent) for outputting all. Perhaps.
if len(self.value) > 0:
return "%d items of type %s\r\n" % (len(self.value), self.value[0].__class__.__name__) #"\r\n".join([k for k in self.value.keys()]) #to be redone!
return "Empty List: No Items!"
#represent self as nothing (type and name already output in printtree by the super().printTree call. Take a new line, and the rest will be output as subelements...
def printTree(self, indent):
outstr = super(TAG_List, self).printTree(indent)
for tag in self.value:
outstr += indent*INDENTCHAR + tag.printTree(indent+1) + "\r\n"
return outstr
class TAG_Compound(Tag):
#A sequential list of Named Tags. This array keeps going until a TAG_End is found.
#NB: "Named tags" are:
#byte tagType
#TAG_String name
# This is where things get named. All names must be unique within the tag-compound. So its value is a dict.
# it's named. so first thing is, read name.
# then, keep on reading until you get a Tag_END
#but, in-place create tags as you go and add them to an internal tag list...
#essentially this parses the PAYLOAD of a named TAG_Compound...
def _parseContent(self, bstream):
#tagnext = readNamedTag()
self.value = {}
#print("Parsing TAG_Compound!")
readType =[0] #rly?
#print("First compound inner tag type byte is: %d" % readType)
while readType != TAG_END:
tname = TAG_String(bstream).value
#print ("Tag name read as: %s" % tname)
payload = TAGLIST[readType](bstream) = tname
self.value[tname] = payload
readType =[0]
def __repr__(self): # use repr for outputting payload values, but printTree(indent) for outputting all. Perhaps.
return "\r\n"
#represent self as nothing (type and name already output in printtree by the super().printTree call. Take a new line, and the rest will be output as subelements...
def printTree(self, indent):
outstr = super(TAG_Compound, self).printTree(indent)
keys = self.value.keys()
for k in keys:
outstr += indent*INDENTCHAR + self.value[k].printTree(indent+1) + "\r\n"
return outstr
class TAG_Int_Array(Tag):
def _parseContent(self, bstream):
#read the length, then grab the bytes. split those out as 4-byte integers. we hope...
tagLen = TAG_Int(bstream)
#read out all other values as tag_ints too.
ilength = tagLen.value
self.value = []
for t in range(ilength):
def __repr__(self):
#printslist = [str(i) for i in self.value]
#prout = ', '.join(printslist)
#return "[%d ints array] [%s]" % (len(self.value), prout)
return "[%d ints array]" % len(self.value)

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
# Javarandom slime Python-version test harness.
from . import javarandom
rnd = javarandom.Random
def isSlimeSpawn(worldSeed, xPos, zPos):
rnd = javarandom.Random(worldSeed + jlong(xPos * xPos * 0x4c1906) + jlong(xPos * 0x5ac0db) + jlong(zPos * zPos) * 0x4307a7 + jlong(zPos * 0x5f24f) ^ 0x3ad8025f)
return rnd.nextInt(10) == 0
#Totally crucial!
def jlong(i):
# Python and Java don't agree on how ints work.
# Python 3 in particular treats everything as long.
#The seed A term in the RNG was wrong, before...
#This converts the unsigned generated int into a signed int if necessary.
i = (i & 0xffffffff) #vital!
if i & (1 << 31):
i -= (1 << 32)
return i
if __name__ == '__main__':
worldseed = 4784223057510287643 #Afarundria's seed.
# for z in range(64):
# for x in range(64):
# isSlime = isSlimeSpawn(worldseed,x,z)
# print("[%d,%d: %d]" % (x,z,isSlime), end="\r\n")
# #write out all the seeds the above line of code would generate!!
# for z in range(64):
# for x in range(64):
# seeda = jlong(x * x * 0x4c1906) # BASTARD OF A 2's COMPLEMENT!
# seedb = jlong(x * 0x5ac0db)
# seedc = jlong(z * z) * 0x4307a7
# seedd = jlong(z * 0x5f24f) ^ 0x3ad8025f
# seeder = (worldseed + seeda + seedb + seedc + seedd)
# #The seed line is INCORRECT!!
# # Here's the exact line of Java I'm trying to replicate:
# # Random rnd = new Random(seed + (long) (xPosition * xPosition * 0x4c1906) + (long) (xPosition * 0x5ac0db) + (long) (zPosition * zPosition) * 0x4307a7L + (long) (zPosition * 0x5f24f) ^ 0x3ad8025f);
# print("[%d,%d: %d] {%d,%d,%d,%d}" % (x,z,seeder,seeda,seedb,seedc,seedd), end="\r\n")

19 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
import os, sys
#TODO: tidy this up to one location (double defined here from mineregion)
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
MCPATH = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'Library', 'Application Support', 'minecraft')
elif sys.platform == 'linux':
MCPATH = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], '.minecraft')
MCPATH = os.path.join(os.environ['APPDATA'], '.minecraft')
# This needs to be set by the addon during initial inclusion. Set as a bpy.props.StringProperty within the Scene, then refer to it all over this addon.
MCSAVEPATH = os.path.join(MCPATH, 'saves/')
def getMCPath():
return MCPATH
def getMCSavePath():

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# Minetest MTS schematic exporter MCEdit filter
# by sfan5
import zlib
import struct
import sys
import os
import time
from thread import start_new_thread, allocate_lock
displayName = "Export to Minetest MTS schematic"
#Reference MC:
#Reference MT:
conversionTable = [
#blockid blockdata minetest-nodename
#blockdata -1 means ignore
#blockdata -2 means copy without change
#blockdata -3 means copy and convert the mc facedir value to mt facedir
#blockdata -4 is for stairs to support upside down ones
(1 , -1, "default:stone"),
(2 , -1, "default:dirt_with_grass"),
(3 , -1, "default:dirt"),
(4 , -1, "default:cobble"),
(5 , 3, "default:junglewood"),
(5 , -1, "default:wood"),
(6 , 3, "default:junglesapling"),
(6 , -1, "default:sapling"),
(7 , -1, "default:nyancat_rainbow"), # FIXME Bedrock
(8 , -1, "default:water_flowing"),
(9 , -1, "default:water_source"),
(10 , -1, "default:lava_flowing"),
(11 , -1, "default:lava_source"),
(12 , -1, "default:sand"),
(13 , -1, "default:gravel"),
(14 , -1, "default:stone_with_gold"),
(15 , -1, "default:stone_with_iron"),
(16 , -1, "default:stone_with_coal"),
(17 , 3, "default:jungletree"),
(17 , -1, "default:tree"),
(18 , 3, "default:jungleleaves"),
(18 , -1, "default:leaves"),
(20 , -1, "default:glass"),
(21 , -1, "default:stone_with_copper"),
(22 , -1, "default:copperblock"),
(24 , 1, "default:sandstonebrick"),
(24 , -1, "default:sandstone"),
(31 , 0, "default:dry_shrub"),
(31 , 1, "default:grass_4"),
(31 , 2, "default:grass_3"),
(31 , -1, "default:grass_1"),
(32 , -1, "default:dry_shrub"),
(35 , 0, "wool:white"),
(35 , 1, "wool:orange"),
(35 , 4, "wool:yellow"),
(35 , 5, "wool:green"),
(35 , 6, "wool:pink"),
(35 , 7, "wool:dark_grey"),
(35 , 8, "wool:grey"),
(35 , 9, "wool:cyan"),
(35 , 10, "wool:violet"),
(35 , 11, "wool:blue"),
(35 , 12, "wool:brown"),
(35 , 13, "wool:dark_green"),
(35 , 14, "wool:red"),
(35 , 15, "wool:black"),
(37 , -1, "flowers:dandelion_yellow"),
(38 , 0, "flowers:rose"),
(38 , 4, "flowers:tulip"),
(38 , 5, "flowers:tulip"),
(38 , 6, "flowers:tulip"),
(38 , 7, "flowers:tulip"),
(38 , 8, "flowers:dandelion_white"),
(38 , -1, "flowers:geranium"), # Convert all other flowers to a geranium
(41 , -1, "default:goldblock"),
(42 , -1, "default:steelblock"),
(43 , 1, "default:sandstone"),
(43 , 2, "default:wood"),
(43 , 3, "default:cobble"),
(43 , 4, "default:brick"),
(43 , 5, "default:stonebrick"),
(44 , 0, "stairs:slab_stone"),
(44 , 1, "stairs:slab_sandstone"),
(44 , 2, "stairs:slab_wood"),
(44 , 3, "stairs:slab_cobble"),
(44 , 4, "stairs:slab_brick"),
(44 , 5, "stairs:slab_stonebrick"),
(44 , 8, "stairs:slab_stoneupside_down"),
(44 , 9, "stairs:slab_sandstoneupside_down"),
(44 , 10, "stairs:slab_woodupside_down"),
(44 , 11, "stairs:slab_cobbleupside_down"),
(44 , 12, "stairs:slab_brickupside_down"),
(44 , 13, "stairs:slab_stonebrickupside_down"),
(45 , -1, "default:brick"),
(47 , -1, "default:bookshelf"),
(48 , -1, "default:mossycobble"),
(49 , -1, "default:obsidian"),
(50 , -3, "default:torch"),
(51 , -1, "fire:basic_flame"),
(53 , -4, "stairs:stair_wood"),
(54 , -1, "default:chest"),
(56 , -1, "default:stone_with_diamond"),
(57 , -1, "default:diamondblock"),
(61 , -1, "default:furnace"),
(62 , -1, "default:furnace_active"),
(63 , -1, "default:sign_wood"),
(64 , -1, "doors:door_wood_t_1"),
(65 , -1, "default:ladder"),
(66 , -1, "default:rail"),
(67 , -4, "stairs:stair_cobble"),
(68 , -3, "default:sign_wood"),
(71 , -1, "doors:door_steel_t_1"),
(78 , -1, "default:snow"),
(79 , -1, "default:ice"),
(80 , -1, "default:snowblock"),
(81 , -1, "default:cactus"),
(82 , -1, "default:clay"),
(83 , -1, "default:papyrus"),
(85 , -1, "default:fence_wood"),
(98 , -1, "default:stonebrick"),
(108, -4, "stairs:stair_brick"),
(109, -3, "stairs:stair_stonebrick"),
(125, 3, "default:junglewood"),
(125, -1, "default:wood"),
(126, 3, "stairs:slab_junglewood"),
(126, -1, "stairs:slab_wood"),
(128, -4, "stairs:stair_sandstone"),
(129, -1, "default:stone_with_mese"),
(133, -1, "default:mese"),
(134, -4, "stairs:stair_wood"),
(135, -4, "stairs:stair_wood"),
(136, -4, "stairs:stair_junglewood"),
#Mesecons section
# Reference:
(25 , -1, "mesecons_noteblock:noteblock", "mesecons"),
(29 , -3, "mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_off", "mesecons"),
(33 , -3, "mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_off", "mesecons"),
(55 , -1, "mesecons:wire_00000000_off", "mesecons"),
(69 , -3, "mesecons_walllever:wall_lever_off", "mesecons"),
(70 , -1, "mesecons_pressureplates:pressure_plate_stone_off", "mesecons"),
(72 , -1, "mesecons_pressureplates:pressure_plate_wood_off", "mesecons"),
(73 , -1, "default:stone_with_mese", "mesecons"),
(74 , -1, "default:stone_with_mese", "mesecons"),
(75 , -3, "mesecons_torch:torch_off", "mesecons"),
(76 , -3, "mesecons_torch:torch_on", "mesecons"),
(77 , -3, "mesecons_button:button_off", "mesecons"),
(93 , -3, "mesecons_delayer:delayer_off_1", "mesecons"),
(94 , -3, "mesecons_delayer:delayer_on_1", "mesecons"),
(123, -1, "mesecons_lightstone_red_off", "mesecons"),
(124, -1, "mesecons_lightstone_red_on", "mesecons"),
(137, -1, "mesecons_commandblock:commandblock_off", "mesecons"),
(151, -1, "mesecons_solarpanel:solar_panel_off", "mesecons"),
(152, -1, "default:mese", "mesecons"),
#Nether section
# Reference:
(43 , 6, "nether:brick", "nether"),
(87 , -1, "nether:rack", "nether"),
(88 , -1, "nether:sand", "nether"),
(89 , -1, "nether:glowstone", "nether"),
(90 , -3, "nether:portal", "nether"),
inputs = (
("Output filename", "string"),
("Compression level (1=fastest, 9=best)", ("7", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "8", "9")),
("Enabled Mods", "label"),
("Mesecons", ("No", "Yes")),
("Nether", ("No", "Yes")),
numconverted = 0
numconverted_lastsec = 0
numconverted_lastsec_lock = allocate_lock()
nps_thread_exit = False
def nps_thread():
global numconverted, numconverted_lastsec, numconverted_lastsec_lock
while not nps_thread_exit:
numconverted_lastsec = numconverted
def mc2mtFacedir(blockdata):
# x+ = 2
# x- = 3
# z+ = 1
# z- = 0
# x+ = 3
# x- = 1
# z+ = 0
# z- = 2
tbl = {
3: 2,
1: 3,
0: 1,
2: 0,
return tbl.get(blockdata, 0)
def mc2mtstairs(tpl):
if tpl[1] >= 4:
return (tpl[0] + "upside_down", mc2mtFacedir(tpl[1] - 4))
return (tpl[0], mc2mtFacedir(tpl[1]))
def findConversion(blockid, blockdata, mods):
if blockid == 0:
return None
for cnv in conversionTable:
if blockid != cnv[0]:
if len(cnv) >= 4:
if mods.get(cnv[3], False) == False:
if cnv[1] == -1:
return (cnv[2], 0)
elif cnv[1] == -2:
return (cnv[2], blockdata)
elif cnv[1] == -3:
return (cnv[2], mc2mtFacedir(blockdata))
elif cnv[1] == -4:
return mc2mtstairs((cnv[2], blockdata))
elif cnv[1] != blockdata:
return (cnv[2], 0)
return None
def perform(level, box, options):
global numconverted, numconverted_lastsec, numconverted_lastsec_lock
def getnodeid(arr, nn):
if not nn in arr:
return arr.index(nn)
def crout():
# zlib object, compressed data
return [zlib.compressobj(1), ""]
def wrout(where, what):
where[1] += where[0].compress(what)
def retrout(where):
cd = where[1] + where[0].flush()
del where[0]
return zlib.decompress(cd)
f = open(options["Output filename"] + ".mts", 'w')
size = (box.maxx - box.minx, box.maxy - box.miny, box.maxz - box.minz)
complvl = int(options["Compression level (1=fastest, 9=best)"])
print("Saving file at: %s/%s.mts" % (os.getcwd(), options["Output filename"]))
mods = {}
for arg in options.keys():
if options[arg] == "Yes":
mods[arg.lower()] = True
nodenames = []
outdata1 = crout()
outdata2 = crout()
numnodes = size[0] * size[1] * size[2]
print_pc_interval = numnodes * 0.0025
print_counter = 0
nps_avg = 0
start_new_thread(nps_thread, ())
start = time.time()
for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):
for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
c = findConversion(level.blockAt(x, y, z), level.blockDataAt(x, y, z), mods)
if c == None:
wrout(outdata1, struct.pack("!H", getnodeid(nodenames, "air")))
wrout(outdata2, "\x00")
wrout(outdata1, struct.pack("!H", getnodeid(nodenames, c[0])))
wrout(outdata2, chr(c[1]))
print_counter += 1
numconverted += 1
if print_counter >= print_pc_interval:
nps_avg = (nps_avg + (numconverted - numconverted_lastsec)) / 2
"\r%0.2f%% done, %d nodes / sec, ETA: %d sec(s) "
% (
(float(numconverted) / numnodes) * 100,
float(numnodes) / nps_avg,
print_counter = 0
compr = zlib.compressobj(complvl)
outdata = ""
outdata += compr.compress(retrout(outdata1))
outdata += compr.compress("\xff" * numnodes)
outdata += compr.compress(retrout(outdata2))
outdata += compr.flush()
del compr
end = time.time()
sys.stdout.write("\rFinished in %0.3f seconds!" % (end-start,))
f.write(struct.pack("!HHHH", 3, size[0], size[1], size[2]))
for i in range(size[1]):
f.write(struct.pack("!H", len(nodenames)))
for nn in nodenames:
f.write(struct.pack("!H", len(nn)) + nn)

247 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
# Minecraft to Minetest WE schematic MCEdit filter
# by sfan5
displayName = "-> Minetest WE schematic"
#Reference MC:
#Reference MT:
conversionTable = [
#blockid blockdata minetest-nodename
#blockdata -1 means ignore
#blockdata -2 means copy without change
#blockdata -3 means copy and convert the mc facedir value to mt facedir
#blockdata -4 is for stairs to support upside down ones
(1 , -1, "default:stone"),
(2 , -1, "default:dirt_with_grass"),
(3 , -1, "default:dirt"),
(4 , -1, "default:cobble"),
(5 , 3, "default:junglewood"),
(5 , -1, "default:wood"),
(6 , 3, "default:junglesapling"),
(6 , -1, "default:sapling"),
(7 , -1, "default:nyancat_rainbow"), # FIXME Bedrock
(8 , -1, "default:water_flowing"),
(9 , -1, "default:water_source"),
(10 , -1, "default:lava_flowing"),
(11 , -1, "default:lava_source"),
(12 , -1, "default:sand"),
(13 , -1, "default:gravel"),
(14 , -1, "default:stone_with_gold"),
(15 , -1, "default:stone_with_iron"),
(16 , -1, "default:stone_with_coal"),
(17 , 3, "default:jungletree"),
(17 , -1, "default:tree"),
(18 , 3, "default:jungleleaves"),
(18 , -1, "default:leaves"),
(20 , -1, "default:glass"),
(21 , -1, "default:stone_with_copper"),
(22 , -1, "default:copperblock"),
(24 , 1, "default:sandstonebrick"),
(24 , -1, "default:sandstone"),
(31 , 0, "default:dry_shrub"),
(31 , 1, "default:grass_4"),
(31 , 2, "default:grass_3"),
(31 , -1, "default:grass_1"),
(32 , -1, "default:dry_shrub"),
(35 , 0, "wool:white"),
(35 , 1, "wool:orange"),
(35 , 4, "wool:yellow"),
(35 , 5, "wool:green"),
(35 , 6, "wool:pink"),
(35 , 7, "wool:dark_grey"),
(35 , 8, "wool:grey"),
(35 , 9, "wool:cyan"),
(35 , 10, "wool:violet"),
(35 , 11, "wool:blue"),
(35 , 12, "wool:brown"),
(35 , 13, "wool:dark_green"),
(35 , 14, "wool:red"),
(35 , 15, "wool:black"),
(37 , -1, "flowers:dandelion_yellow"),
(38 , -1, "flowers:rose"),
(41 , -1, "default:goldblock"),
(42 , -1, "default:steelblock"),
(43 , 1, "default:sandstone"),
(43 , 2, "default:wood"),
(43 , 3, "default:cobble"),
(43 , 4, "default:brick"),
(43 , 5, "default:stonebrick"),
(44 , 0, "stairs:slab_stone"),
(44 , 1, "stairs:slab_sandstone"),
(44 , 2, "stairs:slab_wood"),
(44 , 3, "stairs:slab_cobble"),
(44 , 4, "stairs:slab_brick"),
(44 , 5, "stairs:slab_stonebrick"),
(44 , 8, "stairs:slab_stoneupside_down"),
(44 , 9, "stairs:slab_sandstoneupside_down"),
(44 , 10, "stairs:slab_woodupside_down"),
(44 , 11, "stairs:slab_cobbleupside_down"),
(44 , 12, "stairs:slab_brickupside_down"),
(44 , 13, "stairs:slab_stonebrickupside_down"),
(45 , -1, "default:brick"),
(47 , -1, "default:bookshelf"),
(48 , -1, "default:mossycobble"),
(49 , -1, "default:obsidian"),
(50 , -3, "default:torch"),
(51 , -1, "fire:basic_flame"),
(53 , -4, "stairs:stair_wood"),
(54 , -1, "default:chest"),
(56 , -1, "default:stone_with_diamond"),
(57 , -1, "default:diamondblock"),
(61 , -1, "default:furnace"),
(62 , -1, "default:furnace_active"),
(63 , -1, "default:sign_wood"),
(64 , -1, "doors:door_wood_t_1"),
(65 , -1, "default:ladder"),
(66 , -1, "default:rail"),
(67 , -4, "stairs:stair_cobble"),
(68 , -3, "default:sign_wood"),
(71 , -1, "doors:door_steel_t_1"),
(78 , -1, "default:snow"),
(79 , -1, "default:ice"),
(80 , -1, "default:snowblock"),
(81 , -1, "default:cactus"),
(82 , -1, "default:clay"),
(83 , -1, "default:papyrus"),
(85 , -1, "default:fence_wood"),
(98 , -1, "default:stonebrick"),
(108, -4, "stairs:stair_brick"),
(109, -3, "stairs:stair_stonebrick"),
(125, 3, "default:junglewood"),
(125, -1, "default:wood"),
(126, 3, "stairs:slab_junglewood"),
(126, -1, "stairs:slab_wood"),
(128, -4, "stairs:stair_sandstone"),
(129, -1, "default:stone_with_mese"),
(133, -1, "default:mese"),
(134, -4, "stairs:stair_wood"),
(135, -4, "stairs:stair_wood"),
(136, -4, "stairs:stair_junglewood"),
#Mesecons section
# Reference:
(25 , -1, "mesecons_noteblock:noteblock", "mesecons"),
(29 , -3, "mesecons_pistons:piston_sticky_off", "mesecons"),
(33 , -3, "mesecons_pistons:piston_normal_off", "mesecons"),
(55 , -1, "mesecons:wire_00000000_off", "mesecons"),
(69 , -3, "mesecons_walllever:wall_lever_off", "mesecons"),
(70 , -1, "mesecons_pressureplates:pressure_plate_stone_off", "mesecons"),
(72 , -1, "mesecons_pressureplates:pressure_plate_wood_off", "mesecons"),
(73 , -1, "default:stone_with_mese", "mesecons"),
(74 , -1, "default:stone_with_mese", "mesecons"),
(75 , -3, "mesecons_torch:torch_off", "mesecons"),
(76 , -3, "mesecons_torch:torch_on", "mesecons"),
(77 , -3, "mesecons_button:button_off", "mesecons"),
(93 , -3, "mesecons_delayer:delayer_off_1", "mesecons"),
(94 , -3, "mesecons_delayer:delayer_on_1", "mesecons"),
(123, -1, "mesecons_lightstone_red_off", "mesecons"),
(124, -1, "mesecons_lightstone_red_on", "mesecons"),
(137, -1, "mesecons_commandblock:commandblock_off", "mesecons"),
(151, -1, "mesecons_solarpanel:solar_panel_off", "mesecons"),
(152, -1, "default:mese", "mesecons"),
#Nether section
# Reference:
(43 , 6, "nether:brick", "nether"),
(87 , -1, "nether:rack", "nether"),
(88 , -1, "nether:sand", "nether"),
(89 , -1, "nether:glowstone", "nether"),
(90 , -3, "nether:portal", "nether"),
#Riesenpilz Section
# Reference:
(39 , -1, "riesenpilz:brown", "riesenpilz"),
(40 , -1, "riesenpilz:red", "riesenpilz"),
(99 , -3, "riesenpilz:head_brown", "riesenpilz"),
(100, -3, "riesenpilz:head_brown", "riesenpilz"),
inputs = (
("Output filename", "string"),
("Enabled Mods", "label"),
("Mesecons", ("False", "True")),
("Nether", ("False", "True")),
("Riesenpilz", ("False", "True")),
def mc2mtFacedir(blockdata):
# x+ = 2
# x- = 3
# z+ = 1
# z- = 0
# x+ = 3
# x- = 1
# z+ = 0
# z- = 2
tbl = {
3: 2,
1: 3,
0: 1,
2: 0,
return tbl.get(blockdata, 0)
def mc2mtstairs(tpl):
if tpl[1] >= 4:
return (tpl[0] + "upside_down", mc2mtFacedir(tpl[1] - 4))
return (tpl[0], mc2mtFacedir(tpl[1]))
def findConversion(blockid, blockdata, mods):
if blockid == 0:
return None
for cnv in conversionTable:
if blockid != cnv[0]:
if len(cnv) >= 4:
if mods.get(cnv[3], False) == False:
if cnv[1] == -1:
return (cnv[2], 0)
elif cnv[1] == -2:
return (cnv[2], blockdata)
elif cnv[1] == -3:
return (cnv[2], mc2mtFacedir(blockdata))
elif cnv[1] == -4:
return mc2mtstairs((cnv[2], blockdata))
elif cnv[1] != blockdata:
return (cnv[2], 0)
return None
def perform(level, box, options):
f = open("../" + options["Output filename"] + ".we", 'w')
origin = (
box.minx + int((box.maxx - box.minx) / 2),
box.miny + int((box.maxy - box.miny) / 2),
box.minz + int((box.maxz - box.minz) / 2),
mods = {}
for arg in options.keys():
if options[arg] == "True":
mods[arg.lower()] = True
for x in xrange(box.minx, box.maxx):
for z in xrange(box.minz, box.maxz):
for y in xrange(box.miny, box.maxy):
c = findConversion(level.blockAt(x, y, z), level.blockDataAt(x, y, z), mods)
if c == None:
calcpos = (x - origin[0], y - origin[1], z - origin[2])
fmttpl = calcpos + (c[0], level.blockLightAt(x, y, z), c[1])
f.write("%d %d %d %s %d %d\n" % fmttpl)

66 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
import bpy
def writeNoodleBuilder(material):
"""Takes a node tree from a material, and writes out a new script that creates
the node tree in question."""
nodeTree = material.node_tree
nodes = []
links = []
for n in nodeTree.nodes:
pos = (n.location[0], n.location[1])
ins = [] #record default values where set.
op = None
for i in n.inputs:
if hasattr(i, 'default_value'):
ins.append((, i.default_value))
#else don't need it.
if hasattr(n, "operation"):
#it's a mathnode with operation, etc etc
op = n.operation
nodes.append((, n.label, pos, ins, n.type, op))
for l in nodeTree.links:
linkData = (,,,
#create a script to recreate this exact layout on demand.
t ="")
t.write("import bpy\n")
t.write("mat =['JIMMY']\nntree = mat.node_tree\n")
t.write("ntree.nodes.clear()\n\n#Now recreate from scripted structure:\n")
for nspec in nodes:
#line to create the node and position it:
t.write("nn =\"{0}\")\n".format(nspec[4]))
t.write(" = \"{0}\"\n".format(nspec[0]))
if nspec[5] is not None:
t.write("nn.operation = '{0}'\n".format(nspec[5]))
if nspec[1] != "":
t.write("nn.label = \"%s\"\n" % nspec[1])
t.write("nn.location = Vector(({:.3f}, {:.3f}))\n".format(nspec[2][0], nspec[2][1]))
for ins in nspec[3]:
t.write("nn.inputs['"+ins[0]+"'].default_value = "+ ins[1].__repr__() + "\n") #doesn't work for text-type values
t.write("#link creation\n")
t.write("nd = ntree.nodes\nlinks = ntree.links\n")
for lspec in links:
#it's from_node, from_socket, to_node, to_socket.
#Creation lines look like this:
t.write("['%s'].outputs['%s'], output=nd['%s'].inputs['%s'])\n" % lspec)
#Now use this to get the node script for material X!
mat =['RailMat']
#Check scripts! There should now be a new one.