Go to file
Mark Chandler 48053f5a4f Fixed license formating 2011-11-18 11:16:08 +11:00
build_lin Fixed crash on startup with libsofttok3.so 2011-11-17 16:56:57 +11:00
build_out Fixed crash on startup with libsofttok3.so 2011-11-17 16:56:57 +11:00
build_win Updated to work with nongpl build 2011-11-17 16:48:44 +11:00
src Disabled building of media control in wx as its not needed and causes compile issues 2011-11-17 17:33:44 +11:00
.gitignore First release 2011-11-17 14:48:48 +11:00
LICENSE Fixed license formating 2011-11-18 11:16:08 +11:00
README Fixed wrong build number in readme for cef on linux 2011-11-18 10:39:19 +11:00



Desura is a gaming client that allows a user to one click download and install games and game modification.
See here for more information: http://www.moddb.com/groups/desura/forum/thread/open-sourcing-desura

Build Desura Windows

To build Desura you will need Visual Studio 2008 and also Visual Studio 2010

Download and install:
 * TortiseSvn http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html. Make sure to install command line tools
 * TortiseGit http://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/downloads/list
 * Windows Sdk 7.1 http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=8279
 * Python 2.7 http://www.python.org/getit/
 * SCons http://www.scons.org/download.php

Check Out git repo
Launch visual studio 2010 command prompt and cd into the desura/src/third_party
Run SVNCheckOut.bat
Run BuildAll.bat
Copy branding_default in desura/src to desura/src/branding

This should now allow you to open the desura solution in desura/build_win/desura.sln and build the desura client but you still need to build Cef

Once built, open console to the desura/build_out and run "copy_data.bat [dest]" with dest being debug_win or release_win

Build Cef Windows

This requires visual studio 2008. You can cheat and copy the cef dll's from a current Desura install instead of this step.

Have a look at desura/src/third_party/cef/CHROMIUM_BUILD_COMPATIBILITY.txt and note the last svn repo (at time of writing its 91424)

Create a dir called chromium in the desura/src/third_party folder
Launch command prompt and cd into the desura/src/third_party/chromium
Run these commands (where SVN VERSION is the number found above):
 set PATH=%PATH%:../depot_tools
 gclient config http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src
 gclient sync --revision src@[SVN VERSION]

Once complete copy desura/src/third_party/cef to desura/src/third_party/chromium/src/cef
Run cef_create_projects.bat in desura/src/third_party/chromium/src/cef
And then you should be able to build cef using visual studio 2008 solution file.
You will need to copy the output dll's into the desura/build_out/[mode]_win/bin folder (where mode is debug or release)

Build Desura Linux

Need to have gcc 4.5 installed and these deps:
 * git-core   
 * subversion
 * m4
 * build-essential
 * binutils
 * automake
 * autoconf
 * libtool
 * libgtk2.0-dev 
 * libnss3-dev 
 * libgconf2-dev 
 * libgnome-keyring-dev 
 * libdbus-glib-1-dev 
 * gperf 
 * bison 
 * libcups2-dev 
 * flex 
 * libjpeg-dev 
 * libasound2-dev 
 * libbz2-dev 
 * libxpm-dev 
 * libx11-dev 
 * libssl-dev scons

Check out repo
Copy branding_default in src to src/branding

# Run from root repo dir
# Build desura
cd build_lin

Build Cef Linux

You can cheat and copy the cef so's from a current Desura install instead of this step.
Have a look at desura/src/third_party/cef/CHROMIUM_BUILD_COMPATIBILITY.txt and note the last svn repo (at time of writing its 91424). Make sure you replace [CEF SVN VERSION]

# Run from root repo dir
# Checkout Chromium
export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/src/third_party/depot_tools
mkdir src/third_party/chromium
cd src/third_party/chromium
gclient config http://src.chromium.org/svn/trunk/src
gclient sync --revision src@[CEF SVN VERSION] #from above
mv ../cef src/
cd ..
ln -s chromium/src/cef cef
chmod a+x cef/*.sh
cd build_lin