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matrix changelog
- Gauss-Jordan bug fix. Also affects matrix inverse.
- Add _VERSION to modules.
v 0.2.9: 2008-08-26
[ David Manura ]
- decoupled symbol class from matrix class:
- matrix.replace has new semantics, applying a function to each element.
For old behavior: mtx = mtx:replace(matrix.symbol.makereplacer(...))
- replaced mtx:gsub(a,b) with mtx = mtx:replace(symbol.gsub,a,b)
- replaced matrix.tosymbol(mtx) with mtx = mtx:replace(symbol)
- eliminated dependency on complex:
- replaced matrix.tocomplex(mtx) with mtx = mtx:replace(complex)
- replaced matrix.conjugate(mtx) with mtx = mtx:replace(complex.conjugate)
- mulnum and divnum no longer can take num of type string
- complex table no longer returned on module load
- renamed remcomplex to elementstostrings and changed it to return new
matrix rather than doing in-place modification
- Fixed matrix.numround (numround variable mispelled).
Reported by Goeff Richards.
v 0.2.8: 2007-08-26
[ Michael Lutz ]
- fixed rotr and rotl for rotating type 'complex','symbol' and 'tensor'
- mulscalar is now mulnum, divscalar is now divnum, mul/div a complex number or a string,
strings first get checked if they can be converted to a complex number (what returns a
complex matrix) and if that fails they get converted to a symbol (what returns a symbol matrix)
- require "matrix" will return 'matrix, complex' just for convinience
- matrix.size will now returns the correct size of tensors
- function matrix.div returns rank on failed invertion of m2
- function matrix.det, was adjusted to better combine complex and number matrices
and made sure it finds the element nearest to 1 or -1
- function dogauss, was updated to handle complex and number matrices in one
- tweaked some utility functions, should speed up number matrices at least
- updated matrix.latex to support all types of matrices
- matrix.tostring can now also format the output, and was updated to handle all types better
- matrix.print now just calls matrix.tostring
- updated test_matrix.lua
- added fit (curve fitting to LuaMatrix package)
[ David Manura ]
- tweaked matrix.sqrt and matrix.root function;
replaced "dist1 > dist or dist1 == dist" with "dist1 >= dist"
- tweaked get_abs_avg function
- added function matrix.normf ( mtx ), returns the norm abs of a matrix
- added function matrix.normmax ( mtx ), returns the biggest abs(element)
- added __pow to symbol
- added abs() and sqrt() to symbol
- fixed some global variables, that were allocated
v 0.2.7: 2007-08-19
- added __div to metatable and the corresponding matrix functions( matrix.div(m1,m2); matrix.divscalar(m1,num) )
- updated square root function, now returns to the matrix the average error of the calculated to the original matrix
- added matrix.root function (from David Manura/
to calculate any root of a matrix, returns same values as matrix.sqrt
- added function matrix.rotl and matrix.rotr, for rotate left and rotate right
v 0.2.6: 2007-08-12
- added patch#5 from DavidManura, fixes symbolic matrices handling
- added sqrt function to function list, thx David for the hint, that some matrices don't convergent
- added print function for rank3 tensors
- added solve function, for symbolic matrices, tries to solve a symbolic matrix so that is numeric again
- tocomplex converts to a complex matrix, remcomplex removes the complex metatable and returns its
string/number value
v 0.2.5: 2007-08-11
- added path#4 from DavidManura
It contains some doc updates, fixed handling mtx^-1 for singular matrices,
and a few checks that can be useful.
- added setting up of a vector as matrix{1,2,3}
v 0.2.4
- added patch#3 from DavidManura, fixes negative exponent
- removed concat, added concath (concat horizontal) and concatv (concat vertical)
- removed get from all commands, all commands return a matrix even those only changing
the input matrix itself, except getelement and setelement
- submatrix is now subm, and dogaussjordan is now dogauss
- __tostring returns matrix.tostring, matrix.tostring returns a simple string with the matrix elements
- __call; e.g. mtx(arg), will return matrix.print(mtx,arg)
- added function matrix.cross( v1,v2 ) to get the cross product of 2 matrices e.g. m1[3][1], m2[3][1]
to get the scalar product of these you have to do m1:scalar( m2 );
to create a vector do matrix{{ 1,2,3 }}^'T'
v 0.2.3
- some optimising, in parts where complex and normal matrix are separate anyways
- added patch from DavidManura; matrix^0 returning the identitiy matrix, makes a lot sense
print and printf merged, scalar multiply fixed, and __unm and __tostring added, 'good to know'
v 0.2.2
updated matrix function to suit new complex functions, function names
should become more stable now
matrix can now be loaded via local matrix = require "matrix"
or local matrix = dofile( "matrixfile" ), but require is better and faster
when loading multiple times
v 0.2.1
updated matrix functions to suit new complex functions
v 0.2.0
changed matrix functions to use the updated
complex number functions; makes a lot less code
now complex and normal matrices share the same functions
one can add/sub/mul complex and normal matrices, returning a complex matrix
v 0.1.6
optimised functions a bit
changed matrix.getinv to matrix.invert
matrix:new is now, 'matrix' should only provide functions
added mtx = matrix( ... ); as ... )
matrix functions only return tables with metatable of first argument matrix
changed complex functions to
matrix.c<func_name>; e.g. matirx.cadd; matrix.csub
added: function matrix.cconjugate, returns the conjuagte complex matrix
v 0.1.5
written complex functions from normal matrices
added metatable handling for overloading operators
v 0.1.4
added complex add on, to be able to handle
complex elements in the format declaired in 'complex'
v 0.1.3
added many functions also getdet and dogaussjordan
only defined one way to get the determinant, so we are
slow here in certain cases where matrices have a triangle shape for exsample
v 0.1.2
object returns mainly internal errors for lighter code,
structure should be no checks
v 0.1.0
structure of matrix m[i][j]
added simple operations +-..