
156 lines
5.5 KiB

-- Exit if damage is not enabled and create dummy functions so mods using the
-- API do not crash the server.
if not minetest.is_yes(minetest.settings:get('enable_damage')) then
local info = 'Hunger NG is disabled because damage is disabled.'
local call = function (function_name)
minetest.log('warning', ('+m tried to use +f but +i'):gsub('%+%a+', {
['+m'] = minetest.get_current_modname(),
['+f'] = 'hunger_ng.'..function_name..'()',
['+i'] = info
hunger_ng = {
add_hunger_data = function () call('add_hunger_data') end,
alter_hunger = function () call('alter_hunger') end,
configure_hunger = function () call('configure_hunger') end,
get_hunger_information = function () call('get_hunger_information') end
minetest.log('info', '[hunger_ng] '..info)
-- Paths for later use
local modpath = minetest.get_modpath('hunger_ng')..DIR_DELIM
local worldpath = minetest.get_worldpath()..DIR_DELIM
local configpath = worldpath..'_hunger_ng'..DIR_DELIM..'hunger_ng_settings.conf'
-- World-specific configuration interface for use in the get function
local worldconfig = Settings(configpath)
-- Wrapper for getting configuration options
-- The function automatically prefixes the given setting with `hunger_ng_` and
-- returns the requested setting from one of the three sources.
-- 1. world-specific `./worlds/worldname/_hunger_ng/hunger_ng.conf` file
-- 2. default `minetest.conf` file
-- 3. the given default value
-- If 1. is found then it will be returned from there. If 2. is found then it
-- will be returned from there and after that it will be returned using 3.
-- @param setting The unprefixed setting name
-- @param default The default value if the setting is not found
-- @return string The value for the requested setting
local get = function (setting, default)
local parameter = 'hunger_ng_'..setting
local global_setting = minetest.settings:get(parameter)
local world_specific_setting = worldconfig:get(parameter)
return world_specific_setting or global_setting or default
-- Global hunger_ng table that will be used to pass around variables and use
-- them later in the game.
hunger_ng = {
functions = {},
food_items = {
satiating = 0,
starving = 0,
healing = 0,
injuring = 0,
attributes = {
hunger_bar_id = 'hunger_ng:hunger_bar_id',
hunger_value = 'hunger_ng:hunger_value',
eating_timestamp = 'hunger_ng:eating_timestamp',
hunger_disabled = 'hunger_ng:hunger_disabled'
configuration = {
debug_mode = minetest.is_yes(get('debug_mode', false)),
log_prefix = '[hunger_ng] ',
translator = minetest.get_translator('hunger_ng')
settings = {
hunger_bar = {
image = get('hunger_bar_image', 'hunger_ng_builtin_bread_icon.png'),
use = minetest.is_yes(get('use_hunger_bar', true))
timers = {
heal = tonumber(get('timer_heal', 5)),
starve = tonumber(get('timer_starve', 10)),
basal_metabolism = tonumber(get('timer_basal_metabolism', 60)),
movement = tonumber(get('timer_movement', 0.5))
hunger = {
timeout = tonumber(get('hunger_timeout', 0)),
persistent = minetest.is_yes(get('hunger_persistent', true)),
start_with = tonumber(get('hunger_start_with', 20)),
maximum = tonumber(get('hunger_maximum', 20))
effects = {
heal = {
above = tonumber(get('heal_above', 16)),
amount = tonumber(get('heal_amount', 1))
starve = {
below = tonumber(get('starve_below', 1)),
amount = tonumber(get('starve_amount', 1)),
die = minetest.is_yes(get('starve_die', false))
disabled_attribute = 'hunger_ng:hunger_disabled'
costs = {
base = tonumber(get('cost_base', 0.1)),
dig = tonumber(get('cost_dig', 0.005)),
place = tonumber(get('cost_place', 0.01)),
movement = tonumber(get('cost_movement', 0.008))
-- Load mod parts
-- Log debug mode warning
if hunger_ng.configuration.debug_mode then
local log_prefix = hunger_ng.configuration.log_prefix
minetest.log('warning', log_prefix..'Mod loaded with debug mode enabled!')
-- Replace the global table used for easy variable access within the mod with
-- an API-like global table for other mods to utilize.
local api_functions = {
add_hunger_data = hunger_ng.functions.add_hunger_data,
alter_hunger = hunger_ng.functions.alter_hunger,
configure_hunger = hunger_ng.functions.configure_hunger,
get_hunger_information = hunger_ng.functions.get_hunger_information,
hunger_bar_image = hunger_ng.settings.hunger_bar.image,
food_items = hunger_ng.food_items,
interoperability = {
settings = hunger_ng.settings,
attributes = hunger_ng.attributes,
translator = hunger_ng.configuration.translator,
get_data = hunger_ng.functions.get_data,
set_data = hunger_ng.functions.set_data,
effects = hunger_ng.effects,
hunger_ng = api_functions