40 lines
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# bashrc file for DejaGnu testsuite
# Use emacs key bindings
set -o emacs
# Use bash strict mode
set -o posix
# Unset `command_not_found_handle' as defined on Debian/Ubuntu, because this
# troubles and slows down testing
unset -f command_not_found_handle
# Set prompt to ignore current root directory; display path starting
# from here. E.g. prompt: /fixtures/@
export PS1='$(wd=$(pwd); echo ${wd#$TESTDIR}/)@'
export PS2='> '
# Configure readline
export INPUTRC=$TESTDIR/config/inputrc
# Avoid escape junk at beginning of line from readline, see e.g.
# http://bugs.gentoo.org/246091
export TERM=dummy
# Ensure enough columns so expect doesn't have to care about line breaks
stty columns 150
# Make sure default settings are in effect
unset -v \
# Load bash testsuite helper functions
. lib/library.sh
# Local variables:
# mode: shell-script
# sh-basic-offset: 4
# sh-indent-comment: t
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End:
# ex: ts=4 sw=4 et filetype=sh