2009-07-12 21:37:57 +02:00
# Source `init.tcl' again to restore the `unknown' procedure
# NOTE: DejaGnu has an old `unknown' procedure which unfortunately disables
# tcl auto-loading.
source [file join [info library] init.tcl]
package require textutil::string
2009-06-09 22:49:53 +02:00
# Execute a bash command and make sure the exit status is succesful.
# If not, output the error message.
# @param string $cmd Bash command line to execute. If emptry string (""), the
# exit status of the previously executed bash command will be
# checked; specify `title' to adorn the error message.
# @param string $title (optional) Command title. If empty, `cmd' is used.
proc assert_bash_exec {{aCmd ""} {title ""}} {
if {[string length $aCmd] != 0} {
send "$aCmd\r"
expect -ex "$aCmd\r\n"
}; # if
if {[string length $title] == 0} {set title $aCmd}
expect -ex "/@"
set out $expect_out(buffer); # Catch (non-expected) output
set cmd "echo $?"
send "$cmd\r"
expect {
-ex "$cmd\r\n0\r\n/@" {}
/@ {
if {[info exists multipass_name]} {
fail "ERROR executing bash command \"$title\""
}; # if
send_user "ERROR executing bash command \"$title\"\n$out"
}; # expect
}; # assert_bash_exec()
# Test `type ...' in bash
# Indicate "unsupported" if `type' exits with error status.
# @param string $command Command to locate
proc assert_bash_type {command} {
set test "$command should be available in bash"
set cmd "type $command &> /dev/null && echo -n 0 || echo -n 1"
send "$cmd\r"
expect "$cmd\r\n"
expect {
-ex 0 { set result true }
-ex 1 { set result false; unsupported "$test" }
}; # expect
expect "/@"
return $result
}; # assert_bash_type()
# Make sure the expected items are also returned by TAB-completing the
# specified command.
# Break items into chunks because `expect' seems to have a limited buffer size
# @param list $expected
# @param string $cmd Command given to generate items
# @param string $test (optional) Test titel. Default is "$cmd<TAB> should show completions"
# @param integer $size (optional) Chunk size. Default is 20.
# @result boolean True if successful, False if not
proc assert_complete {expected cmd {test ""} {prompt /@} {size 20}} {
if {$test == ""} {set test "$cmd should show completions"}
send "$cmd\t"
2009-06-14 12:18:24 +02:00
if {[llength $expected] == 1} {
expect -ex "$cmd"
2009-06-19 14:23:57 +02:00
# Assume second word is word to complete on.
2009-06-14 12:18:24 +02:00
set cur [lindex [split $cmd] 1]
2009-06-19 14:23:57 +02:00
# Remove second word from beginning of single item $expected
2009-06-14 12:18:24 +02:00
if {[string first $cur $expected] == 0} {
set expected [string range $expected [string length $cur] end]
}; # if
} else {
expect -ex "$cmd\r\n"
}; # if
2009-06-09 22:49:53 +02:00
if {[match_items $expected $test]} {
2009-06-14 12:18:24 +02:00
if {[llength $expected] == 1} {
pass "$test"
} else {
2009-07-12 21:37:57 +02:00
set common [::textutil::string::longestCommonPrefixList $expected]
2009-06-14 12:18:24 +02:00
expect {
2009-07-12 21:37:57 +02:00
-ex "$prompt$cmd$common" { pass "$test" }
2009-06-14 12:18:24 +02:00
-re $prompt { unresolved "$test at prompt" }
-re eof { unresolved "eof" }
}; # expect
}; # if
2009-06-09 22:49:53 +02:00
} else {
fail "$test"
}; # if
}; # assert_complete()
2009-06-19 14:23:57 +02:00
# Make sure a partial argument is completed.
# A completion is tried with `$partial', or if this is empty, the first
# character of the first item of `$expected'. Only the items from $expected,
# starting with this character are then expected as completions.
# @param list $expected List of all completions.
# @param string $cmd Command given to generate items
# @param string $test (optional) Test titel. Default is "$cmd<TAB> should show completions"
# @param integer $size (optional) Chunk size. Default is 20.
# @result boolean True if successful, False if not
proc assert_complete_partial {expected cmd {partial ""} {test ""} {prompt /@} {size 20}} {
if {$test == ""} {set test "$cmd should complete partial argument"}
if {[llength $expected] == 0} {
unresolved "$test"
} else {
set pick {}
foreach item $expected {
if {$partial == ""} {set partial [string range $item 0 0]}
# Only append item if starting with $partial
if {[string range $item 0 [expr [string length $partial] - 1]] == "$partial"} {
lappend pick $item
}; # if
}; # foreach
assert_complete $pick "$cmd $partial" $test $prompt $size
}; # if
}; # assert_complete_partial()
2009-06-14 16:22:25 +02:00
# Make sure any completions are returned
proc assert_complete_any {cmd {test ""} {prompt /@}} {
if {$test == ""} {set test "$cmd should show completions"}
send "$cmd\t"
expect -ex "$cmd"
# Escape special regexp characters
regsub -all {([\[\]\(\)\.\\\+])} $cmd {\\\1} cmd
expect {
-re "^\r\n.*$prompt$cmd$" { pass "$test" }
-re /@ { unresolved "$test at prompt" }
-re eof { unresolved "eof" }
}; # expect
}; # assert_complete_any()
2009-06-09 22:49:53 +02:00
# Make sure the bash environment hasn't changed between now and the last call
# to `save_env()'.
# @param string $sed Sed commands to preprocess diff output.
# @param string $file Filename to generate environment save file from. See
# `gen_env_filename()'.
# @param string $diff Expected diff output (after being processed by $sed)
# @see save_env()
proc assert_env_unmodified {{sed ""} {file ""} {diff ""}} {
set test "Environment should not be modified"
_save_env [gen_env_filename $file 2]
# Prepare sed script
# Escape special bash characters ("\)
regsub -all {([\"\\])} $sed {\\\1} sed
# Escape newlines
regsub -all {\n} [string trim $sed] "\r\n" sed
# Mark end of sed script, so that `expect' can match on that
append sed "# End of sed script"
# Prepare diff script
# If diff is filled, escape newlines and make sure it ends with a newline
if {[string length [string trim $diff]]} {
regsub -all {\n} [string trim $diff] "\r\n" diff
append diff "\r\n"
} else {
set diff ""
}; # if
# Execute diff
set cmd "diff_env \"[gen_env_filename $file 1]\" \"[gen_env_filename $file 2]\" \"$sed\""
send "$cmd\r"
expect "# End of sed script\"\r\n"
expect {
-re "^$diff[wd]@$" { pass "$test" }
-re [wd]@ {
fail "$test"
# Show diff to user
set diff $expect_out(buffer)
# Remove possible `\r\n[wd]@' from end of diff
if {[string last "\r\n[wd]@" $diff] == [string length $diff] - [string length "\r\n[wd]@"]} {
set diff [string range $diff 0 [expr [string last "\r\n[wd]@" $diff] - 1]]
}; # if
send_user $diff;
}; # expect
}; # assert_env_unmodified()
# Make sure the specified command executed from within Tcl/Expect.
# Fail the test with status UNSUPPORTED if Tcl fails with error "POSIX/ENOENT
# (No such file or directory)", or UNRESOLVED if other error occurs.
# NOTE: Further tests are assumed if executing the command is successful. The
# test isn't immediately declared to have PASSED if the command is
# executed successful.
# @param string $command
# @param string $stdout (optional) Reference to variable to hold stdout.
# @param string $test (optional) Test titel
# @see assert_bash_exec()
proc assert_exec {cmd {stdout ''} {test ''}} {
if {$test == ""} {set test "$cmd should execute successful"}
upvar $stdout results
set status [catch {eval exec $cmd} results]
if {$status == 0} {
set result true
} else {
set result false
# Command not found (POSIX/ENOENT = no such file or directory)?
if {[lindex $::errorCode 0] == "POSIX" && [lindex $::errorCode 1] == "ENOENT"} {
# Yes, command not found;
# Indicate test is unsupported
unsupported "$test"
} else {
unresolved "$test"
}; # if
}; # if
return $result
}; # assert_exec()
2009-06-19 14:56:36 +02:00
# Get known hostnames
# @return list Hostnames
proc get_hosts {} {
set hosts [exec bash -c "compgen -A hostname"]
lappend hosts [exec bash -c {
type avahi-browse >&/dev/null &&
avahi-browse -kcpr _workstation._tcp | grep ^= | cut -d\; -f7 | sort -u
return $hosts
}; # get_hosts()
2009-06-09 22:49:53 +02:00
# Expect items.
# Break items into chunks because `expect' seems to have a limited buffer size
# @param list $items
# @param integer $size Chunk size
# @result boolean True if successful, False if not
proc match_items {items test {size 20}} {
2009-07-10 23:08:11 +02:00
set items [exec sort << [join $items "\n"]]
2009-06-09 22:49:53 +02:00
set result false
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $items]} {set i [expr {$i + $size}]} {
set expected ""
for {set j 0} {$j < $size && $i + $j < [llength $items]} {incr j} {
set item "[lindex $items [expr {$i + $j}]]"
# Escape special regexp characters
regsub -all {([\[\]\(\)\.\\\+])} $item {\\\1} item
2009-06-14 12:18:24 +02:00
append expected $item
2009-06-19 14:23:57 +02:00
if {[llength $items] > 1} {append expected {\s+}};
2009-06-09 22:49:53 +02:00
}; # for
2009-06-19 14:23:57 +02:00
if {[llength $items] == 1} {
expect {
-re "$expected" { set result true }
"\r\n" { set result false; break }
default { set result false; break }
timeout { set result false; break }
}; # expect
} else {
expect {
-re "$expected" { set result true }
default { set result false; break }
timeout { set result false; break }
}; # expect
}; # if
2009-06-09 22:49:53 +02:00
}; # for
return $result
}; # match_items()
# Get real command.
# - arg: $1 Command
# - stdout: Filename of command in PATH with possible symbolic links resolved.
# - return: Command found, empty string if not found
proc realcommand {cmd} {
set result ""
if [string length [set path [auto_execok $cmd]]] {
if {[string length [auto_execok realpath]]} {
set result [exec realpath $path]
} elseif {[string length [auto_execok readlink]]} {
set result [exec readlink -f $path]
} else {
set result $path
}; # if
}; # if
return $result
}; # realcommand()
# Generate filename to save environment to.
# @param string $file File-basename to save environment to. If the file has a
# `.exp' suffix, it is removed. E.g.:
# - "file.exp" becomes "file.env1~"
# - "" becomes "env.env1~"
# - "filename" becomes "filename.env1~"
# The file will be stored in the $TESTDIR/tmp directory.
# @param integer $seq Sequence number. Must be either 1 or 2.
proc gen_env_filename {{file ""} {seq 1}} {
if {[string length $file] == 0} {
set file "env"
} else {
# Remove possible directories
set file [file tail $file]
# Remove possible '.exp' suffix from filename
if {[string last ".exp" $file] == [string length $file] - [string length ".exp"]} {
set file [string range $file 0 [expr [string last ".exp" $file] - 1]]
}; # if
}; # if
return "\$TESTDIR/tmp/$file.env$seq~"
}; # gen_env_filename()
# Save the environment for later comparison
# @param string $file Filename to generate environment save file from. See
# `gen_env_filename()'.
proc save_env {{file ""}} {
_save_env [gen_env_filename $file 1]
}; # save_env()
# Save the environment for later comparison
# @param string File to save the environment to. Default is "$TESTDIR/tmp/env1~".
# @see assert_env_unmodified()
proc _save_env {{file ""}} {
assert_bash_exec "{ set; declare -F; } > $file"
}; # save_env()
# Interrupt completion and sync with prompt.
# Send signals QUIT & INT.
proc sync_after_int {} {
set test "Sync after INT"
sleep .1
send \031\003; # QUIT/INT
expect /@
}; # sync_after_int()
proc sync_after_tab {} {
# NOTE: Wait in case completion returns nothing - because `units' isn't
# installed, so that "^$cdm.*$" doesn't match too early - before
# comp_install has finished
sleep .4
}; # sync_after_tab()
# Return current working directory with `TESTDIR' stripped
# @return string Working directory. E.g. /, or /fixtures/
proc wd {} {
global TESTDIR
# Remove `$TESTDIR' prefix from current working directory
set wd [string replace [pwd] 0 [expr [string length $TESTDIR] - 1]]/