code cleanup and enhancements

Alexander Weber 2016-11-21 19:10:40 +01:00
parent 6eca5bf8a8
commit caade5424e
3 changed files with 43 additions and 66 deletions

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@ -10,10 +10,6 @@ CHEST
-- Use LuaFileSystem to list buildings directory if c_use_lfs is set to true
-- If it is set to false os.execute is used
local c_use_lfs = false
--if the value is to big, it can happen the builder stucks and just stay (beter hardware required in RL)
--if to low, it can happen the searching next near node is poor and the builder acts overwhelmed, fail to see some nearly gaps. The order seems to be randomized
--the right value is depend on building size. If the building (or the not builded rest) can full imaginated (less blocks in building then c_npc_imagination) there is the full search potencial active
@ -50,31 +46,15 @@ dofile(modpath.."/".."worldedit-serialization.lua")
-- no input parameters
-- returns a table containing buildings
towntest_chest.get_files = function()
local files = {}
function towntest_chest.get_files()
local out = {}
local files = minetest.get_dir_list(modpath .. "/buildings", false)
if c_use_lfs then -- using LuaFileSystem (needs to be installed)
dprint("use lfs to get files")
local lfs = require("lfs")
files = lfs.dir(modpath .. "/buildings")
elseif os.getenv('HOME')~=nil then
dprint("use GNU tools to get files")
files = io.popen('ls -a "'..modpath..'/buildings/"'):lines() -- linux/mac native "ls -a"
dprint("use DOS to get files")
files = io.popen('dir "'..modpath..'\\buildings\\*.*" /b'):lines() --windows native "dir /b"
for i=1, #files do
table.insert(out, files[i])
local i, t = 0, {}
for filename in files do
if filename ~= "." and filename ~= ".." then
i = i + 1
t[i] = filename
table.sort(t,function(a,b) return a<b end)
return t
table.sort(out,function(a,b) return a<b end)
return out
@ -82,7 +62,7 @@ end
-- filename - the building file to load
-- return - WE-Shema, containing the pos and nodes to build
towntest_chest.load = function(filename)
function towntest_chest.load(filename)
local filepath = modpath.."/buildings/"..filename
local file, err =, "rb")
if err ~= nil then
@ -99,8 +79,7 @@ end
-- node - Node (from file) to check if buildable and payable
-- return - node with enhanced informations
towntest_chest.mapnodes = function(node)
function towntest_chest.mapnodes(node)
-- no name given - something wrong
if not node or == "" then
return nil
@ -126,14 +105,13 @@ towntest_chest.mapnodes = function(node)
--Check for price or if it is free
local recipe = minetest.get_craft_recipe(
if (node_chk.groups.not_in_creative_inventory and --not in creative
not (node_chk.groups.not_in_creative_inventory == 0) and
(not recipe or not recipe.items)) --and not craftable
(not node_chk.description or node_chk.description == "") then -- no description
not (node_chk.groups.not_in_creative_inventory == 0) and
(not recipe or not recipe.items)) --and not craftable
or (not node_chk.description or node_chk.description == "") then -- no description
if node_chk.drop and node_chk.drop ~= "" then
-- use possible drop as payment
if type(node_chk.drop) == "table" then -- drop table
customizednode.matname = node_chk.drop[1] -- use the first one
customizednode.matname = node_chk.drop[1] -- use the first one
customizednode.matname = node_chk.drop
@ -194,8 +172,8 @@ local function skip_already_placed(building_plan, chestpos)
local node_placed = minetest.get_node(pos)
if not (node_placed.drawtype == "airlike" and == "air") then --skip all airlike
if == or == minetest.registered_nodes[].name then -- right node is at the place. there are no costs to touch them
if -- [(def.param1 ~= node_placed.param1 and not (def.param1 == nil and node_placed.param1 == 0)) or ]-- -- param1 (light) is can be changed
(def.param2 ~= node_placed.param2 and not (def.param2 == nil and node_placed.param2 == 0)) then
if -- [(def.param1 ~= node_placed.param1 and not (def.param1 == nil and node_placed.param1 == 0)) or ]-- -- param1 (light) is can be changed
(def.param2 ~= node_placed.param2 and not (def.param2 == nil and node_placed.param2 == 0)) then
def.matname = towntest_chest.c_free_item -- adjust params for free
table.insert(building_out, def)
dprint("adjust params for free",, def.param1, node_placed.param1, def.param2, node_placed.param2 )
@ -205,7 +183,7 @@ local function skip_already_placed(building_plan, chestpos)
elseif is_equal_meta(minetest.get_meta(pos):to_table(), def.meta) then
-- --same metadata. Nothing to do
def.matname = towntest_chest.c_free_item --metadata correction for free
def.matname = towntest_chest.c_free_item --metadata correction for free
table.insert(building_out, def)
dprint("rebuild to correct metadata",
@ -217,7 +195,7 @@ local function skip_already_placed(building_plan, chestpos)
local mappednode = towntest_chest.mapnodes(node_placed)
if mappednode and mappednode.matname == mappeddef.matname then
def.matname = towntest_chest.c_free_item --same price. Check/set for free
def.matname = towntest_chest.c_free_item --same price. Check/set for free
table.insert(building_out, def)
dprint("rebuild for free because of the same matname",
@ -240,13 +218,13 @@ end
-- building_in: WE shema
-- return - filtered/enriched WE-Chema to process
towntest_chest.do_prepare_building = function(building_in)
function towntest_chest.do_prepare_building(building_in)
local building_out = {}
local building_indexed = {}
local sizing = {}
for idx,def in pairs(building_in) do
if (def.x and def.y and def.z) and -- more robust. Values should be existing
(tonumber(def.x)~=0 or tonumber(def.y)~=0 or tonumber(def.z)~=0) then
(tonumber(def.x)~=0 or tonumber(def.y)~=0 or tonumber(def.z)~=0) then
-- create sizing information
if not sizing.min_x or sizing.min_x > def.x then
sizing.min_x = def.x
@ -272,7 +250,7 @@ towntest_chest.do_prepare_building = function(building_in)
if mapped_def and mapped_def.matname then -- found
-- the node will be built
table.insert(building_out, mapped_def)
building_indexed[def.x..'-'..def.y..'-'..def.z] = true -- mark as build
building_indexed[minetest.pos_to_string(def)] = true -- mark as build
@ -280,8 +258,8 @@ towntest_chest.do_prepare_building = function(building_in)
for x = sizing.min_x -2, sizing.max_x + 2 do
for y = sizing.min_y, sizing.max_y + 3 do
for z = sizing.min_z - 2, sizing.max_z + 2 do
if not building_indexed[x..'-'..y..'-'..z] and -- not in plan - flat them
(x ~=0 or y ~=0 or z ~=0) then --not the chest
if not building_indexed[minetest.pos_to_string({x=x, y=y, z=z})] and -- not in plan - flat them
(x ~=0 or y ~=0 or z ~=0) then --not the chest
local node = { x=x, y=y, z=z, name="air", matname = towntest_chest.c_free_item }
table.insert(building_out, node)
@ -298,7 +276,7 @@ end
-- inv - inventory object of the chest
-- building - table containing pos and nodes to build
towntest_chest.update_needed = function(inv,building)
function towntest_chest.update_needed(inv, building)
dprint("update_needed - started")
for i=1,inv:get_size("needed") do
inv:set_stack("needed", i, nil)
@ -348,7 +326,7 @@ end
-- meta - meta object of the chest
-- status - integer (will toggle if status not given)
towntest_chest.set_status = function(meta,status)
function towntest_chest.set_status(meta, status)
if status==nil then
if status==1 then status=0 else status=1 end
@ -368,7 +346,7 @@ end
-- build - build a node of the structure
-- chestpos - the position of the chest containing the instructions
----------------------------------------------- = function(chestpos)
-- load the building_plan
local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(chestpos)
@ -382,7 +360,7 @@ = function(chestpos)
-- create the npc if needed
local inv = meta:get_inventory()
local k = chestpos.x..","..chestpos.y..","..chestpos.z
local k = minetest.pos_to_string(chestpos)
if not towntest_chest.npc[k] then
towntest_chest.npc[k] = minetest.env:add_entity(chestpos, "towntest_npc:builder")
towntest_chest.npc[k]:get_luaentity().chestpos = chestpos
@ -402,7 +380,6 @@ = function(chestpos)
return --no thinking during working
local npcpos = npc:getpos()
if not npcpos then --npc not reachable/unloaded
dprint("npc away, disable forceload on the chest and skip processing")
@ -477,7 +454,7 @@ = function(chestpos)
-- next buildable node found
if nextnode.v then
dprint("next node:",, nextnode.v.matname, "distance", nextnode.distance, "at", nextnode.pos.x, nextnode.pos.y, nextnode.pos.z)
dprint("next node:",, nextnode.v.matname, "distance", nextnode.distance, "at", nextnode.pos.x, nextnode.pos.y, nextnode.pos.z)
-- check if npc is on the way or waiting. We can change the route in this case
if npclua and ~= "reached" then
meta:set_string("building_plan", minetest.serialize(building_plan))
@ -584,7 +561,7 @@ = function(chestpos)
--some free_items handling preparation
local free_needed = 0
local all_needed = #full_plan
local all_needed = #full_plan
--get free needed count
if not inv:is_empty("needed") then
for i=1,inv:get_size("needed") do
@ -598,7 +575,7 @@ = function(chestpos)
if all_needed == free_needed then --free items only remeans
rarity_needed = 1
rarity_needed = free_needed / (all_needed - free_needed) -- current rarity
rarity_needed = free_needed / (all_needed - free_needed) -- current rarity
dprint("rarity needed =", rarity_needed, "=", free_needed, all_needed)
@ -616,7 +593,7 @@ = function(chestpos)
-- handle free items. There can be added, but relativelly to the needed
if v.matname == towntest_chest.c_free_item and -- is free item
#free_nodes_pipe < 10 then --limit for beter performance
#free_nodes_pipe < 10 then --limit for beter performance
table.insert(free_nodes_pipe, v)
dprint("free items pipeline:", #free_nodes_pipe)
@ -626,9 +603,9 @@ = function(chestpos)
if all_selected == free_selected then -- free only selected
rarity_selected = 1
rarity_selected = free_selected / (all_selected - free_selected) -- current rarity
rarity_selected = free_selected / (all_selected - free_selected) -- current rarity
if rarity_selected <= rarity_needed then -- current selection have less rarity
if rarity_selected <= rarity_needed then -- current selection have less rarity
inv:add_item("builder", towntest_chest.c_free_item.." 1")
inv:remove_item("needed", towntest_chest.c_free_item.." 1")
free_selected = free_selected + 1
@ -638,7 +615,7 @@ = function(chestpos)
dprint("rarity selected =", rarity_selected, "=", free_selected, all_selected)
dprint("free item selected. left:", #free_nodes_pipe)
if #free_nodes_pipe == 0 then
break --exit free nodes pipe loop
break --exit free nodes pipe loop
@ -650,7 +627,7 @@ = function(chestpos)
-- create next chunk to be processed. only buildable items
if v.matname ~= towntest_chest.c_free_item and -- free item already handled
inv:contains_item("builder",v.matname.." 1") then -- is in builder inventory
inv:contains_item("builder",v.matname.." 1") then -- is in builder inventory
@ -681,7 +658,7 @@ end
-- formspec - get the chest formspec
towntest_chest.formspec = function(pos,page)
function towntest_chest.formspec(pos, page)
local formspec = ""
-- chest page
if page=="chest" then
@ -711,7 +688,7 @@ towntest_chest.formspec = function(pos,page)
local firstpage = 1
if string.sub(page,0,5) == "page_" then
firstpage = tonumber(string.sub(page,6))
firstpage = (firstpage - 1) * 30 + 1 -- 1, 31, 61, ...
firstpage = (firstpage - 1) * 30 + 1 -- 1, 31, 61, ...
local lastpage = #pages
if lastpage >= firstpage + 30 then
@ -752,7 +729,7 @@ end
-- on_receive_fields - called when a chest button is submitted
towntest_chest.on_receive_fields = function(pos, formname, fields, sender)
function towntest_chest.on_receive_fields(pos, formname, fields, sender)
local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos)
if fields.building then
local we = towntest_chest.load(fields.building)
@ -780,7 +757,7 @@ end
-- on_construct
towntest_chest.on_construct = function(pos)
function towntest_chest.on_construct(pos)
-- setup chest meta and inventory
local meta = minetest.env:get_meta(pos)
meta:get_inventory():set_size("main", 8)
@ -809,7 +786,7 @@ minetest.register_node("towntest_chest:chest", {
on_construct = towntest_chest.on_construct,
on_receive_fields = towntest_chest.on_receive_fields,
after_dig_node = function(pos, oldnode, oldmetadata, digger)
local k = pos.x..","..pos.y..","..pos.z
local k = minetest.pos_to_string(pos)
if towntest_chest.npc[k] then

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ towntest_chest.mapping.customize_data = c
-- Fallback nodes replacement of unknown nodes
-- Maybe it is beter to use aliases for unknown notes. But anyway
-- TODO: should be editable in game trough a nice gui, to customize the building before build
towntest_chest.mapping.unknown_nodes = function(node)
function towntest_chest.mapping.unknown_nodes(node)
local map = towntest_chest.mapping.unknown_nodes_data[]
if not map or == then -- no fallback mapping. don't use the node
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ end
-- Nodes replacement to customizie buildings
-- TODO: should be editable in game trough a nice gui, to customize the building before build
towntest_chest.mapping.customize = function(node)
function towntest_chest.mapping.customize(node)
local map = towntest_chest.mapping.customize_data[]
if not map then -- no mapping. return unchanged
return node

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@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ minetest.register_entity("towntest_npc:builder", {
local data = minetest.deserialize(staticdata)
-- load chestpos
if data and data.chestpos then
local k = data.chestpos.x..","","
local k = minetest.pos_to_string(data.chestpos)
if towntest_chest.npc[k] then
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ minetest.register_entity("towntest_npc:builder", {
on_punch = function(self)
-- remove npc from the list of npcs when they die
if self.object:get_hp() <= 0 and self.chestpos then
towntest_chest.npc[self.chestpos.x..","..self.chestpos.y..","..self.chestpos.z] = nil
towntest_chest.npc[minetest.pos_to_string(self.chestpos)] = nil