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muenz 46f7051389 Updated README file, INSTALL file refers to README file
git-svn-id: file:///Users/braun/svn/vermont/branches/vermont/dtls-merge@2411 aef3b71b-58ee-0310-9ba9-8811b9f0742f
2010-06-10 12:50:25 +00:00
cmake/modules fixed mysql cmake script (could not find mysql any more) 2010-05-20 12:23:53 +00:00
configs adopted recent changes from new-template branch until rev 2406 2010-06-09 15:21:34 +00:00
docs adopted recent changes from new-template branch until rev 2406 2010-06-09 15:21:34 +00:00
src adopted bugfix from new-template 2010-06-09 19:47:26 +00:00
tools merged DTLS support 2010-05-27 15:44:33 +00:00
CMakeLists.txt merged DTLS support 2010-05-27 15:44:33 +00:00
Doxyfile added preliminary doxygen configuration file 2010-05-20 12:23:41 +00:00
INSTALL Updated README file, INSTALL file refers to README file 2010-06-10 12:50:25 +00:00
LICENSE better documenation and license 2009-12-22 16:06:53 +00:00
README Updated README file, INSTALL file refers to README file 2010-06-10 12:50:25 +00:00
configure added top-level build scripts and modified INSTALL 2009-06-24 07:35:59 +00:00


This is VERMONT - VERsatile MONitoring Tool.
Released under GPL2
Project website: http://vermont.berlios.de 


VERMONT has been tested on Linux and FreeBSD systems.

For compilation, GNU C/C++ compiler and standard libraries are required,
as well as the following Ubuntu/Debian packages (or equivalent packages
of other Linux distributions):
 - cmake 
 - libboost-filesystem-dev
 - libboost-regex-dev
 - libboost-test-dev
 - libxml2-dev 
 - libpcap-dev 
 - libsctp-dev (if not available, disable cmake option SUPPORT_SCTP)

The following packages are optional:
 - cmake-curses-gui (ccmake, interactive user interface of cmake)
 - libpq-dev (for PostGreSQL support)
    ==> cmake option SUPPORT_PGSQL
 - libmysqlclient-dev (for MySQL support)
    ==> cmake option SUPPORT_MYSQL
 - libgsl-dev (for connection-based sampling with Bloom filters)
    ==> cmake option USE_GSL


This project uses cmake for setting platform- and user-specific compile 
options. In order to generate the Makefile for actual compilation, you 
need to call in the root of the source directory:

$ cmake .

In order to change the default compile options, use:

$ cmake -D OPTION1=value1 -D OPTION2=value2 ...

To get a list of the most important options, call:

$ cmake -LH
As a user-friendly alternative, you can use the interactive user 

$ ccmake .

If some libraries are installed in custom directories, use:

$ cmake -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/custom/directory1:/custom/directory2

After successfully generating the Makefile with cmake, start the 
compilation with:

$ make

Although not strictly necessary, VERMONT binaries and data files can be 
copied to the usual install location by running:

$ make install 


In order to run VERMONT, a configuration file is needed which specifies the 
modules to be used and their parameters:

$ ./vermont -f <config-file>

Example configuration files can be found in configs/.
A documentation of the available modules and their configuration parameters
can be found at http://vermont.berlios.de/vermont_module_configuration .
A snapshot of this file is located at docs/config/. 

Use Ctrl-C to stop VERMONT. If VERMONT does not exit properly, enter Ctrl-C
for a second time.


VERMONT can be used to capture traffic at a mirror port of a switch. If
the mirror port is configured for VLAN traffic, the Ethernet frames will
usually include a VLAN tag in the Ethernet header, increasing the header 
length from 14 to 18 bytes.

In order to capture such traffic correctly, you need to set the cmake 
option IP_HEADER_OFFSET to 18. Furthermore, make sure that the observer
is configured with <pap_filter> parameter set to "vlan and ip".


VERMONT can be used as an IPFIX/PSAMP and NetFlow.v9 collector. As the 
incoming IPFIX/PSAMP/NetFlow messages usually arrive in bursts, losses 
may occur due to insufficient buffer space.

As a solution, the socket receive buffer can be increased. To check the
current settings, use the following system calls on Linux systems with 
/proc file system:

$ cat /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default
$ cat /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max

In order to configure a new value X (in bytes), call:

$ sysctl -w net/core/rmem_default=X
$ sysctl -w net/core/rmem_max=X


To reduce the number of times packets need to be copied on their way from
the network interface card to the user space (i.e., VERMONT), we recommend 
the utilization of pcap library 1.0.0 or higher.

For earlier versions of pcap, the pcap-mmap patch can be applied to 
improve the performance: http://public.lanl.gov/cpw/