
478 lines
13 KiB

#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h> /* for memcpy() */
#include "page_alloc.h"
#include "rbtree.h"
#include "lj_mm.h"
/* Forward Decl */
static int lm_unmap_helper(void* addr, size_t um_size);
lm_malloc(size_t sz) {
errno = 0;
if (!alloc_info) {
if (!alloc_info)
return NULL;
/* Determine the order of allocation request */
int req_order = ceil_log2_int32(sz);
req_order -= alloc_info->page_size_log2;
if (req_order < 0)
req_order = 0;
int max_order = alloc_info->max_order;
if (req_order > max_order) {
errno = ENOMEM;
return 0;
rb_tree_t* free_blks = alloc_info->free_blks;
int i, blk_order = -1;
page_idx_t blk_idx = -1;
/* Find the smallest available block big enough to accommodate the
* allocation request.
for (i = req_order; i <= max_order; i++) {
rb_tree_t* rbt = free_blks + i;
if (!rbt_is_empty(rbt)) {
blk_idx = rbt_get_min(rbt);
blk_order = i;
if (blk_idx == -1)
return NULL;
remove_free_block(blk_idx, blk_order, 0);
/* The free block may be too big. If this is the case, keep splitting
* the block until it tightly fit the allocation request.
int bo = blk_order;
while (bo > req_order) {
bo --;
int split_block = blk_idx + (1 << bo);
add_free_block(split_block, bo);
(void)add_alloc_block(blk_idx, sz, bo);
return alloc_info->first_page + (blk_idx << alloc_info->page_size_log2);
lm_free(void* mem) {
if (unlikely (!alloc_info))
return 0;
long ofst = ((char*)mem) - ((char*)alloc_info->first_page);
if (unlikely (ofst < 0))
return 0;
long page_sz = alloc_info->page_size;
if (unlikely ((ofst & (page_sz - 1))))
return 0;
long page_id = ofst >> log2_int32(page_sz);
int page_num = alloc_info->page_num;
if (unlikely(page_id >= page_num))
return 0;
lm_page_t* pi = alloc_info->page_info;
lm_page_t* page = pi + page_id;
if (unlikely(!is_page_leader(page)))
return 0;
if (unlikely(!is_allocated_blk(page)))
return 0;
return free_block(page_id);
* Implementation of lm_mremap()
static void*
lm_mremap_helper(void* old_addr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size, int flags) {
long ofst = ((char*)old_addr) - ((char*)alloc_info->first_page);
long page_sz = alloc_info->page_size;
if (unlikely ((ofst & (page_sz - 1)))) {
errno = EINVAL;
return NULL;
/* We are not supporting MREMAP_FIXED */
if (unlikely(flags & ~MREMAP_MAYMOVE)) {
errno = EINVAL;
return NULL;
int page_sz_log2 = alloc_info->page_size_log2;
int page_idx = ofst >> page_sz_log2;
intptr_t size_verify;
rb_tree_t* rbt = &alloc_info->alloc_blks;
if (!rbt_search(rbt, page_idx, &size_verify) || size_verify != old_size) {
errno = EINVAL;
return NULL;
int old_page_num = (old_size + page_sz - 1) >> page_sz_log2;
int new_page_num = (new_size + page_sz - 1) >> page_sz_log2;
/* Shrink the existing allocated block */
if (old_page_num > new_page_num) {
char* unmap_start = (char*)alloc_info->first_page +
(new_page_num << page_sz_log2);
size_t unmap_len = old_size - (((size_t)new_page_num) << page_sz_log2);
if (lm_unmap_helper(unmap_start, unmap_len)) {
rbt_set_value(rbt, page_idx, new_size);
return old_addr;
errno = EINVAL;
return NULL;
/* Expand the existing allocated block */
if (old_page_num < new_page_num) {
int order = alloc_info->page_info[page_idx].order;
/* Block is big enough to accommodate the old-size byte.*/
if (new_page_num < (1<<order)) {
rbt_set_value(rbt, page_idx, new_size);
return old_addr;
/* Try to merge with the buddy block */
if (extend_alloc_block(page_idx, new_size))
return old_addr;
if (flags & MREMAP_MAYMOVE) {
char* p = lm_malloc(new_size);
if (!p) {
errno = ENOMEM;
return NULL;
memcpy(p, old_addr, old_size);
return p;
errno = EINVAL;
return NULL;
ASSERT(old_page_num == new_page_num);
rbt_set_value(&alloc_info->alloc_blks, page_idx, new_size);
return old_addr;
lm_mremap(void* old_addr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size, int flags) {
void* res = NULL;
res = lm_mremap_helper(old_addr, old_size, new_size, flags);
return res ? res : MAP_FAILED;
* Implementation of lm_munmap()
typedef struct {
int order; /* The order of the mapped block */
int m_page_idx; /* The index of the 1st page of the mapped block*/
int m_end_idx;
int um_page_idx;
int um_end_idx;
size_t m_size; /* The mmap size in byte.*/
} unmap_info_t;
static int
unmap_lower_part(const unmap_info_t* ui) {
int order = ui->order;
int m_page_idx = ui->m_page_idx;
int um_end_idx = ui->um_end_idx;
// new_ord is used to keep track of the order the remaining allocated blk.
int new_ord = order;
int new_page_idx = m_page_idx;
int split = 0;
/* Step 1: Try to deallocate leading free blocks */
while(1) {
int first_valid_page = um_end_idx + 1;
int half_blk_ord = new_ord - 1;
if (new_page_idx + (1 << half_blk_ord) > first_valid_page) {
// [first_valid_page, new_page_idx + 1<<new_order] contains valid
// data, it should not be discarded.
split = 1;
/* De-allocate the first half */
add_free_block(new_page_idx, half_blk_ord);
new_page_idx += (1 << half_blk_ord);
if (!split)
return 0;
/* Step 2: Try the shrink the trailing block */
/* As many as "alloc_page_num" pages are allocate to accommodate the data.
* The data is stored in the leading "data_page_num" pages.
int alloc_page_num = (1 << order) - (new_page_idx - m_page_idx);
int data_page_num = ui->m_end_idx - new_page_idx + 1;
while (alloc_page_num >= 2 * data_page_num) {
new_ord --;
add_free_block(new_page_idx + (1 << new_ord), new_ord);
alloc_page_num >>= 1;
size_t new_map_sz = ui->m_size;
new_map_sz -= ((new_page_idx - m_page_idx) << alloc_info->page_size_log2);
add_alloc_block(new_page_idx, new_map_sz, new_ord);
return 1;
static int
unmap_higher_part(const unmap_info_t* ui) {
int order = ui->order;
int m_page_idx = ui->m_page_idx;
int um_page_idx = ui->um_page_idx;
int split = 0;
int new_ord = order;
while (m_page_idx + (1 << (new_ord - 1)) >= um_page_idx) {
add_free_block(m_page_idx + (1 << new_ord), new_ord);
split = 1;
if (split) {
int new_sz;
new_sz = (um_page_idx - m_page_idx) << alloc_info->page_size_log2;
migrade_alloc_block(m_page_idx, order, new_ord, new_sz);
return split;
/* Helper function of lm_munmap() */
static int
lm_unmap_helper(void* addr, size_t um_size) {
/* Step 1: preliminary check if the parameters make sense */
long ofst = ((char*)addr) - ((char*)alloc_info->first_page);
if (unlikely (ofst < 0)) {
return 0;
long page_sz = alloc_info->page_size;
/* This was previously checked by lm_munmap() */
ASSERT((ofst & (page_sz - 1)) == 0);
/* The index of the first page of the area to be unmapped. */
long um_page_idx = ofst >> log2_int32(page_sz);
/* step 2: Find the previously mmapped blk which cover the unmapped area.*/
intptr_t m_size;
int m_page_idx;
RBS_RESULT sr = rbt_search_le(&alloc_info->alloc_blks, um_page_idx,
&m_page_idx, &m_size);
if (unlikely(sr == RBS_FAIL)) {
return 0;
/* Check if previously mapped block completely cover the to-be-unmapped
* area.
int page_sz_log2 = alloc_info->page_size_log2;
intptr_t m_end = (((intptr_t)m_page_idx) << page_sz_log2) + m_size;
intptr_t um_end = (((intptr_t)um_page_idx) << page_sz_log2) + um_size;
if ((um_end & ~(page_sz - 1)) == (m_end & ~(page_sz - 1))) {
/* The the ends of mapped area and unmapped area are in the same
* page, ignore their difference.
um_end = m_end;
} else {
if (um_end > m_end) {
return 0;
int m_end_idx = ((m_end + page_sz - 1) >> page_sz_log2) - 1;
int um_end_idx = ((um_end + page_sz - 1) >> page_sz_log2) - 1;
/* step 3: try to split the mapped area */
/* The most common case, unmap the entire mapped block */
if (m_page_idx == um_page_idx) {
if (m_end_idx == um_end_idx)
return free_block(m_page_idx);
unmap_info_t ui;
ui.order = alloc_info->page_info[m_page_idx].order;
ui.m_page_idx = m_page_idx;
ui.m_end_idx = m_end_idx;
ui.um_page_idx = um_page_idx;
ui.um_end_idx = um_end_idx;
ui.m_size = m_size;
/* case 1: unmap lower portion */
if (m_page_idx == um_page_idx)
return unmap_lower_part(&ui);
/* case 2: unmap higher portion */
if (m_end_idx == um_end_idx)
return unmap_higher_part(&ui);
/* TODO: case 3: unmap the middle portion. Bit tricky */
return 0;
lm_munmap(void* addr, size_t length) {
int page_sz = alloc_info->page_size;
int retval = 0;
/* The <addr> must be aligned at page boundary */
if (!length || (((uintptr_t)addr) & (page_sz - 1))) {
errno = EINVAL;
retval = -1;
} else {
retval = lm_unmap_helper(addr, length);
if (!retval)
errno = EINVAL;
/* negate the sense of succ. */
retval = retval ? 0 : -1;
return retval;
* Implementation of lm_mmap()
lm_mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags,
int fd, off_t offset) {
void *p = NULL;
if (addr /* we completely ignore hint */ ||
fd != -1 /* Only support anonymous mapp */ ||
!(flags & MAP_32BIT) /* Otherwise, directly use mmap(2) */ ||
!length ||
(flags & MAP_FIXED) /* not suppoted*/) {
errno = EINVAL;
} else {
p = lm_malloc(length);
return p ? p : MAP_FAILED;
* Init and Fini
lm_fini(void) {
/* The purpose of this variable is to workaround a link problem: If we were
* directly feeding lm_fini to atexit() in function lm_init(), we would be
* going to see a complaint like this:
* "...relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against protected symbol `lm_fini' can not
* be used when making a shared object"...
* I think it's perfectly fine using R_X86_64_PC32 as a relocation for
* the protected symbol lm_fini. It seems like it's GNU ld (I'm using 2.24)
* problem. Actually gold linker is able to link successfully.
* NOTE: This variable must be visible to other modules, otherwise, with
* higher optimization level, compiler can propagate its initial value (i.e.
* the lm_fini) to where it's referenced.
void (*lm_fini_ptr)() __attribute__((visibility("protected"))) = lm_fini;
static inline int
lm_init_helper(int auto_fini, lj_mm_opt_t* mm_opt) {
int res = 1;
if (auto_fini != 0) {
/* Do not directly feed lm_fini to atexit(), see the comment to
* variable "lm_fini_ptr" for why.
res = atexit(lm_fini_ptr);
/* Negate the sense of 'success' :-) */
res = (res == 0) ? 1 : 0;
if (res)
res = lm_init_page_alloc(lm_alloc_chunk(), mm_opt);
return res;
/* Initialize the allocation, return non-zero on success, 0 otherwise. */
lm_init(int auto_fini) {
int res = lm_init_helper(auto_fini, NULL);
return res;
lm_init2(int auto_fini, lj_mm_opt_t* mm_opt) {
int res = lm_init_helper(auto_fini, mm_opt);
return res;