rudimentary implementation luajit mem-managment for taking full advantage of lower 2G memory

Shuxin Yang 2014-08-07 11:05:29 -07:00
parent 31fab6612f
commit 9e6507bd22
13 changed files with 2103 additions and 0 deletions

Makefile Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
# This Makefile is to build following building blocks
AR_NAME := libljmm.a
RBTREE_TEST := rbt_test # test program for red-black tree
DEMO_NAME := demo # A demo illustrating how to use the lib being built.
CFLAGS = -fvisibility=hidden -MMD -Wall $(OPT_FLAGS)
CC ?= gcc
CXX ?= g++
BUILD_AR_DIR = obj/lib
BUILD_SO_DIR = obj/so
RB_TREE_SRCS = rbtree.c
RB_TEST_SRCS = rb_test.cxx
ALLOC_SRCS = trunk.c page_alloc.c
DEMO_SRCS = demo.c
C_OBJS = ${C_SRCS:%.c=%.o}
AR_OBJ = $(addprefix obj/lib/, $(C_OBJS))
SO_OBJ = $(addprefix obj/so/, $(C_OBJS))
.PHONY = all clean test
-include ar_dep.txt
-include so_dep.txt
# Building static lib
$(AR_NAME) : $(AR_OBJ)
$(AR) cru $@ $(AR_OBJ)
cat $(BUILD_AR_DIR)/*.d > ar_dep.txt
$(AR_OBJ) : $(BUILD_AR_DIR)/%.o : %.c
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(AR_BUILD_CFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Building shared lib
$(SO_NAME) : $(SO_OBJ)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(AR_BUILD_CFLAGS) $(SO_OBJ) -shared -o $@
$(SO_OBJ) : $(BUILD_SO_DIR)/%.o : %.c
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(SO_BUILD_CFLAGS) $< -o $@
# Building demo program
$(DEMO_NAME) : ${DEMO_SRCS:%.c=%.o} $(AR_NAME)
$(CC) $(filter %.o, $+) -L. -Wl,-static -lljmm -Wl,-Bdynamic -o $@
$(RBTREE_TEST) : ${RB_TREE_SRCS:%.c=%.o} ${RB_TEST_SRCS:%.cxx=%.o}
$(CXX) $(filter %.o, $+) -o $@
%.o : %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
%.o : %.cxx
$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<
rm -f *.o *.d ar_dep.txt so_dep.txt $(BUILD_AR_DIR)/* $(BUILD_SO_DIR)/*

View File

@ -2,3 +2,30 @@ luajit-mm
Luajit take full advantage of lower 2G memory on AMD64 platform.
Rumdimentary implementation. Not yet fully tested. Not yet cleanup the code.
Quite a few optimizatio is not yet implemented.
Immediate todo
o.Refine and finish this README.
o.test, add enhancements.
problem statement:
On Linux/x86-64 platform, Luajit can use no more than 1G memory due to the
combination of bunch of nasty issues. 1G is way too small for server-side application.
This package is trying to replace mmap/munmap/mremap with hence provide up to
about 2G space.
Basic ideas
o. When a application, which contain luajit, is launched, reserve the the space
from where `sbrk(0)` indidate all the way to 2G.
o. Perform page allocation on the reserved space. the mmap/munmap/mremap is built
on this page allocation. Currently, we use buddy allocation for page allocation
with some optimizations in an attemp to reduce working set.

demo.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include "lj_mm.h"
static void*
mmap_wrap(size_t len) {
return lm_mmap(NULL, len, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_32BIT | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0);
main(int argc, char** argv) {
int size1 = 100;
char* p1 = mmap_wrap(size1);
fprintf(stderr, "\nsize=%d, %p\n", size1, p1);
int size2 = 4097;
char* p2 = mmap_wrap(size2);
fprintf(stderr, "\nsize=%d, %p\n", size2, p2);
int size3 = 4097;
char* p3 = mmap_wrap(size3);
fprintf(stderr, "\nsize=%d %p\n", size3, p3);
int size4 = 4096 * 3;
char* p4 = mmap_wrap(size4);
fprintf(stderr, "\nsize=%d %p\n", size4, p4);
int size5 = 4096 * 2;
char* p5 = mmap_wrap(size5);
fprintf(stderr, "\nsize=%d %p\n", size5, p5);
lm_munmap(p1, size1);
lm_munmap(p2, size2);
lm_munmap(p3, size3);
lm_munmap(p4, size4);
lm_munmap(p5, size5);
fprintf(stderr, "\n\nAfter delete all allocations\n");
/*lm_fini(); */
return 0;

lj_mm.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
#ifndef _LJ_MM_H_
#define _LJ_MM_H_
#include <stdlib.h> /* for size_t */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define LJMM_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility ("protected")))
#define LJMM_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility ("default")))
/* Inititalize the memory-management system. If auto_fini is set
* (i.e. auto_fini != 0), there is no need to call lm_fini() at exit.
int lm_init(int auto_fini) LJMM_EXPORT;
void lm_fini(void) LJMM_EXPORT;
/* Same prototype as mmap(2), and munmap(2) */
void *lm_mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags,
int fd, off_t offset) LJMM_EXPORT;
int lm_munmap(void *addr, size_t length) LJMM_EXPORT;
void* lm_mremap(void* old_addr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size, int flags) LJMM_EXPORT;
/* Some "bonus" interface functions */
void* lm_malloc(size_t sz) LJMM_EXPORT;
int lm_free(void* mem) LJMM_EXPORT;
#ifdef DEBUG
void dump_page_alloc(FILE*) LJMM_EXPORT;
#ifdef __cplusplus

lm_internal.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#ifndef _LM_INTERNAL_H_
#define _LM_INTERNAL_H_
#include <stdio.h> /* for FILE */
#define LJMM_ADDR_UPBOUND ((unsigned int)0x80000000)
/* "Huge" chunk of memmory. Memmory allocations are to carve blocks
* from the big trunk.
typedef struct {
char* base; /* the starting address of the big trunk */
char* start; /* the starting address of the usable portion */
unsigned alloc_size; /* the size of the big trunk */
unsigned usable_size; /* the size of the usable portion.
* usabe_size = page_num * page_size.
unsigned page_num; /* number of available pages */
unsigned page_size; /* cache of sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE); */
} lm_trunk_t;
lm_trunk_t* lm_alloc_trunk(void);
void lm_free_trunk(void);
#ifdef DEBUG
void lm_dump_trunk(FILE* f);
int lm_init_page_alloc(lm_trunk_t*);
void lm_fini_page_alloc(void);
#ifdef DEBUG
void dump_page_alloc(FILE* f);

lm_util.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#ifndef _LM_UTIL_H_
#define _LM_UTIL_H_
void entery_mutex();
void leave_mutex();
#define ENTER_MUTEX enter_mutex()
#define LEAVE_MUTEX leave_mutex()
typedef unsigned int uint;
#ifdef DEBUG
// Usage examples: ASSERT(a > b), ASSERT(foo() && "Opps, foo() reutrn 0");
#define ASSERT(c) if (!(c))\
{ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d Assert: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #c); abort(); }
#define ASSERT(c) ((void)0)
#define likely(x) __builtin_expect((x),1)
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect((x),0)

obj/lib/empty_file Normal file
View File

obj/so/empty_file Normal file
View File

page_alloc.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
#include <stdint.h> /* for intptr_t */
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include "lm_util.h"
#include "lm_internal.h"
#include "lj_mm.h"
#include "rbtree.h"
#include "lj_mm.h"
* Depicting page
typedef struct {
short order; /* the order in the buddy allocation */
short flags;
} lm_page_t;
/* A block is a consecutive trunk of memory containing power-of-two pages. A block
* is identified by the id of its first page.
typedef int blk_id_t;
typedef enum {
PF_LEADER = (1 << 0), /* set if it's the first page of a block */
PF_ALLOCATED = (1 << 1), /* set if it's "leader" of a allocated block */
} page_flag_t;
static inline int
is_page_leader(lm_page_t * p) {
return p->flags & PF_LEADER;
static inline void
set_page_leader(lm_page_t* p) {
p->flags |= PF_LEADER;
static inline void
reset_page_leader(lm_page_t* p) {
p->flags &= ~PF_LEADER;
static inline int
is_allocated_blk(lm_page_t* p) {
return is_page_leader(p) && (p->flags & PF_ALLOCATED);
static inline void
set_allocated_blk(lm_page_t* p) {
p->flags |= PF_ALLOCATED;
static inline void
reset_allocated_blk(lm_page_t* p) {
p->flags &= ~PF_ALLOCATED;
static inline int
verify_order(blk_id_t blk_id, int order) {
return (blk_id & ((1<<order) - 1)) == 0;
* Buddy allocation stuff.
/* Forward Decl */
static int add_block(blk_id_t block, int order);
/* We could have up to 1M pages (4G/4k). Hence 20 */
#define MAX_ORDER 20
#define INVALID_ORDER (-1)
typedef struct {
char* first_page; /* The starting address of the first page */
lm_page_t* page_info;
/* Free blocks of the same order are ordered by a RB tree. */
rb_tree_t free_blks[MAX_ORDER];
rb_tree_t alloc_blks;
int max_order;
int page_num; /* This many pages in total */
int page_size; /* The size of page in byte, normally 4k*/
int page_size_log2; /* log2(page_size)*/
} lm_alloc_t;
static lm_alloc_t* alloc_info;
static int log2_int32(unsigned num);
/* Initialize the page allocator, return 0 on success, 1 otherwise. */
lm_init_page_alloc(lm_trunk_t* trunk) {
if (!trunk) {
/* Trunk is not yet allocated */
return 0;
if (alloc_info) {
/* This function was succesfully invoked before */
return 1;
int page_num = trunk->page_num;
int alloc_sz = sizeof(lm_alloc_t) +
sizeof(lm_page_t) * (page_num + 1);
alloc_info = (lm_alloc_t*) malloc(alloc_sz);
if (!alloc_info)
return 0;
alloc_info->first_page = trunk->start;
alloc_info->page_num = page_num;
alloc_info->page_size = trunk->page_size;
alloc_info->page_size_log2 = log2_int32(trunk->page_size);
/* Init the page-info */
char* p = (char*)(alloc_info + 1);
int align = __alignof__(lm_page_t);
p = (char*)((((intptr_t)p) + align - 1) & ~align);
alloc_info->page_info = (lm_page_t*)p;
int i;
lm_page_t* pi = alloc_info->page_info;
for (i = 0; i < page_num; i++) {
pi[i].order = INVALID_ORDER;
pi[i].flags = 0;
/* Init the buddy allocator */
int e;
rb_tree_t* free_blks = &alloc_info->free_blks[0];
for (i = 0, e = MAX_ORDER; i < e; i++)
/* to make subsequent add_block() happy */
alloc_info->max_order = MAX_ORDER;
unsigned int bitmask = 0x80000000;
int max_order = 0, order = 31;
int page_id = 0;
while (bitmask) {
if (page_num & bitmask) {
add_block(page_id, order);
page_id += (1 << order);
if (max_order == 0)
max_order = order;
bitmask = bitmask >> 1;
order --;
alloc_info->max_order = max_order;
return 1;
// Return ceil(log2(num))
static int
ceil_log2_int32 (unsigned num) {
int res = 31 - __builtin_clz(num);
res += (num & (num - 1)) ? 1 : 0;
return res;
static int
log2_int32(unsigned num) {
return 31 - __builtin_clz(num);
/* Add the free block of the given "order" to the buddy system */
static inline int
add_block(blk_id_t block, int order) {
lm_page_t* page = alloc_info->page_info + block;
ASSERT(order >= 0 && order <= alloc_info->max_order);
page->order = order;
return rbt_insert(&alloc_info->free_blks[order], block, 0);
static int
find_block(blk_id_t block, int order, intptr_t* value) {
ASSERT(order >= 0 && order <= alloc_info->max_order &&
verify_order(block, order));
return rbt_search(&alloc_info->free_blks[order], block, value);
static inline int
remove_block(blk_id_t block, int order) {
lm_page_t* page = alloc_info->page_info + block;
ASSERT(page->order == order && find_block(block, order, NULL));
ASSERT(!is_allocated_blk(page) && verify_order(block, order));
return rbt_delete(&alloc_info->free_blks[order], block);
lm_fini_page_alloc(void) {
if (alloc_info) {
rb_tree_t* free_blks = &alloc_info->free_blks[0];
int i, e;
for (i = 0, e = MAX_ORDER; i < e; i++)
rbt_fini(free_blks + i);
alloc_info = 0;
static int
free_block(int page_id) {
int del_res = rbt_delete(&alloc_info->alloc_blks, page_id);
#ifdef DEBUG
lm_page_t* pi = alloc_info->page_info;
lm_page_t* page = pi + page_id;
int order = page->order;
ASSERT (find_block(page_id, order, NULL) == 0);
char* block_addr = alloc_info->first_page +
(page_id << alloc_info->page_size_log2);
size_t block_len = (1<<order) << alloc_info->page_size_log2;
madvise(block_addr, block_len, MADV_DONTNEED);
/* Consolidate adjacent buddies */
int page_num = alloc_info->page_num;
while (1) {
int buddy_id = page_id ^ (1<<order);
if (buddy_id >= page_num ||
pi[buddy_id].order != order ||
!is_page_leader(pi + buddy_id) ||
is_allocated_blk(pi + buddy_id)) {
remove_block(buddy_id, order);
page_id = page_id < buddy_id ? page_id : buddy_id;
add_block(page_id, order);
return 1;
* Implementation of this package's interface funcs
lm_fini(void) {
/* The purpose of this variable is to workaround a link problem: If we were
* directly feeding lm_fini to atexit() in function lm_init(), we would be
* going to see a complaint like this:
* "...relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against protected symbol `lm_fini' can not
* be used when making a shared object"...
* I think it's perfectly fine using R_X86_64_PC32 as a relocation for
* the protected symbol lm_fini. It seems like it's GNU ld (I'm using 2.24)
* problem. Actually gold linker is able to link successfully.
* NOTE: This variable must be visible to other modules, otherwise, with
* higher optimization level, compiler can propagate its initial value (i.e.
* the lm_fini) to where it's referenced.
void (*lm_fini_ptr)() __attribute__((visibility("protected"))) = lm_fini;
/* Initialize the allocation, return non-zero on success, 0 otherwise. */
lm_init(int auto_fini) {
int res = 1;
if (auto_fini != 0) {
/* Do not directly feed lm_fini to atexit(), see the comment to
* variable "lm_fini_ptr" for why.
res = atexit(lm_fini_ptr);
/* Negate the sense of 'success' :-) */
res = (res == 0) ? 1 : 0;
if (res)
res = lm_init_page_alloc(lm_alloc_trunk());
return res;
lm_mmap(void *addr, size_t length, int prot, int flags,
int fd, off_t offset) {
void *p = NULL;
if (addr || fd != -1 || !(flags & MAP_32BIT) || !length) {
errno = EINVAL;
} else {
p = lm_malloc(length);
return p ? p : MAP_FAILED;
static int
lm_unmap_helper(void* addr, size_t length) {
long ofst = ((char*)addr) - ((char*)alloc_info->first_page);
if (unlikely (ofst < 0))
return 0;
long page_sz = alloc_info->page_size;
if (unlikely ((ofst & (page_sz - 1))))
return 0;
long page_id = ofst >> log2_int32(page_sz);
intptr_t map_size;
if (rbt_search(&alloc_info->alloc_blks, page_id, &map_size) == 0)
return 0;
int page_sz_log2 = alloc_info->page_size_log2;
int map_pages = ((uintptr_t)(page_sz - 1 + map_size)) >> page_sz_log2;
int rel_pages = ((uintptr_t)(page_sz - 1 + length)) >> page_sz_log2;
if (map_pages != rel_pages)
return 0;
return free_block(page_id);
lm_munmap(void* addr, size_t length) {
int page_sz = alloc_info->page_size;
length = (length + (page_sz - 1)) & ~(page_sz - 1);
int retval = 0;
if (!length || (((uintptr_t)addr) & (page_sz - 1))) {
errno = EINVAL;
retval = -1;
} else {
retval = lm_unmap_helper(addr, length);
/* negate the sense of succ. */
retval = retval ? 0 : -1;
return retval;
lm_mremap(void* old_addr, size_t old_size, size_t new_size, int flags) {
return MAP_FAILED;
lm_free(void* mem) {
if (unlikely (!alloc_info))
return 0;
long ofst = ((char*)mem) - ((char*)alloc_info->first_page);
if (unlikely (ofst < 0))
return 0;
long page_sz = alloc_info->page_size;
if (unlikely ((ofst & (page_sz - 1))))
return 0;
long page_id = ofst >> log2_int32(page_sz);
int page_num = alloc_info->page_num;
if (unlikely(page_id >= page_num))
return 0;
lm_page_t* pi = alloc_info->page_info;
lm_page_t* page = pi + page_id;
if (unlikely(!is_page_leader(page)))
return 0;
if (unlikely(!is_allocated_blk(page)))
return 0;
return free_block(page_id);
lm_malloc(size_t sz) {
if (!alloc_info) {
if (!alloc_info)
return NULL;
/* Determine the order of allocation request */
int req_order = ceil_log2_int32(sz);
req_order -= alloc_info->page_size_log2;
if (req_order < 0)
req_order = 0;
int max_order = alloc_info->max_order;
if (req_order > max_order)
return 0;
rb_tree_t* free_blks = alloc_info->free_blks;
int i, blk_order = -1;
blk_id_t blk_id = -1;
/* Find the smallest available block big enough to accommodate the
* allocation request.
for (i = req_order; i < max_order; i++) {
rb_tree_t* rbt = free_blks + i;
if (!rbt_is_empty(rbt)) {
blk_id = rbt_get_min(rbt);
blk_order = i;
if (blk_id == -1)
return NULL;
remove_block(blk_id, blk_order);
alloc_info->page_info[blk_id].order = req_order;
/* The free block may be too big. If this is the case, keep splitting
* the block until it tightly fit the allocation request.
int bo = blk_order;
while (bo > req_order) {
bo --;
int split_block = blk_id + (1 << bo);
add_block(split_block, bo);
int insert_res = rbt_insert(&alloc_info->alloc_blks, blk_id, (intptr_t)sz);
#ifdef DEBUG
return alloc_info->first_page + (blk_id << alloc_info->page_size_log2);
* Debugging Support & Misc "cold" functions
#ifdef DEBUG
dump_page_alloc(FILE* f) {
if (!alloc_info) {
fprintf(f, "not initialized yet\n");
/* dump the buddy system */
fprintf (f, "Buddy system: max-order=%d\n", alloc_info->max_order);
int i, e;
char* page_start_addr = alloc_info->first_page;
int page_sz_log = alloc_info->page_size_log2;
for (i = 0, e = alloc_info->max_order; i <= e; i++) {
rb_tree_t* free_blks = &alloc_info->free_blks[i];
if (rbt_is_empty(free_blks))
fprintf(f, "Order = %3d: ", i);
rb_iter_t iter, iter_e;
for (iter = rbt_iter_begin(free_blks),
iter_e = rbt_iter_end(free_blks);
iter != iter_e;
iter = rbt_iter_inc(free_blks, iter)) {
rb_node_t* node = rbt_iter_deref(iter);
int page_id = node->key;
char* addr = page_start_addr + (page_id << page_sz_log);
fprintf(f, "%d (%p, len=%d), ", page_id, addr, (int)node->value);
fputs("\n", f);

rb_test.cxx Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include "rbtree.h"
using namespace std;
#define KEY_VAL_DELTA 123
#define RN(v) {v + KEY_VAL_DELTA, v, RB_RED}
#define BN(v) {v + KEY_VAL_DELTA, v, RB_BLACK}
class RB_UNIT_TEST {
// If come across a bug, turn on "dump_tree" to instruct the unit-tester
// to dump the RB-tree before and after the problematic operation.
// The "id" is just used to identify the testing case, and hence ease
// trouble-shooting.
RB_UNIT_TEST(int test_id, rb_valcolor_t* nodes, int nd_num,
bool dump_tree = false) : _test_id(test_id),
_dump_tree(dump_tree) {
fprintf(stdout, "Testing unit test %d ...", test_id);
_rbt = rbt_create_manually(nodes, nd_num);
_save_fail_cnt = _fail_cnt;
if (_rbt)
fprintf(stdout, " %s\n", (_save_fail_cnt == _fail_cnt) ? "succ" : "fail");
static void Reset_Fail_Cnt() { _fail_cnt = 0; }
static int Get_Fail_Cnt() { return _fail_cnt; }
bool Delete(int val, int expect_ret_val = 1) {
if (DeleteHelper(val, expect_ret_val))
return true;
_fail_cnt ++;
return false;
bool Insert(int val, int expect_ret_val = 1) {
if (InsertHelper(val, expect_ret_val))
return true;
_fail_cnt ++;
return false;
bool Search(int key, intptr_t val, bool expect_ret_val = 1) {
if (SearchHelper(key, val, expect_ret_val))
return true;
_fail_cnt ++;
return false;
bool DeleteHelper(int val, int expect_ret_val) {
if (!_rbt)
return false;
if (_dump_tree)
if (!rbt_verify(_rbt))
return false;
int ret = rbt_delete(_rbt, val);
if (_dump_tree)
if (ret == expect_ret_val && rbt_verify(_rbt) && VerifyKeyVal())
return true;
fprintf(stdout, " fail to delete %d", val);
return false;
bool InsertHelper(int key, int expect_ret_val) {
if (!_rbt)
return false;
if (_dump_tree)
if (!rbt_verify(_rbt))
return false;
int ret = rbt_insert(_rbt, key, key + KEY_VAL_DELTA);
if (_dump_tree)
if (ret == expect_ret_val && rbt_verify(_rbt) && VerifyKeyVal())
return true;
fprintf(stdout, " fail to insert %d", key);
return false;
bool SearchHelper(int key, intptr_t val, bool expect_ret_val) {
if (!_rbt)
return false;
if (_dump_tree)
if (!rbt_verify(_rbt))
return false;
intptr_t tmpval;
int ret = rbt_search(_rbt, key, &tmpval);
if (_dump_tree)
if (ret == expect_ret_val && val == tmpval && rbt_verify(_rbt))
return true;
fprintf(stdout, " fail to search %d", key);
return false;
string GetDumpFileName(const char* op_name) {
char buf[200];
int len = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "", _test_id, op_name);
buf[len] = '\0';
return string(buf);
// In most testing cases, we set "value = key + KEY_VAL_DELTA" (The
// rationale is just to ease testing). This function is to verify the
// key/value relation is broken.
bool VerifyKeyVal() {
for (rb_iter_t iter = rbt_iter_begin(_rbt),
iter_e = rbt_iter_begin(_rbt);
iter != iter_e;
iter = rbt_iter_inc(_iter, iter)) {
rb_node_t* nd = rbt_iter_deref(iter);
if (nd->value != nd->key + KEY_VAL_DELTA)
return false;
return true;
void Dump_Tree(const char* op_name) {
#ifdef DEBUG
rbt_dump_dot(_rbt, GetDumpFileName(op_name).c_str());
int _test_id;
bool _dump_tree;
rb_tree_t* _rbt;
static int _fail_cnt;
int _save_fail_cnt;
int RB_UNIT_TEST::_fail_cnt = 0;
unit_test() {
// test 8.
rb_valcolor_t nodes[] = { BN(1), RN(2) };
RB_UNIT_TEST ut(8, nodes, 2);
// Insert tests
fprintf(stdout, "\n>Testing insert operation...\n");
// Test 1, Cover the case 1, 2 and 3 of insertion.
// Testing case is from book :
// Thomas H. Cormen et. al, Instruction to Algorithm, 2nd edition,
// page 282.
rb_valcolor_t nodes[] = { BN(11), RN(2), BN(14), BN(1), BN(7),
RN(15), RN(5), RN(8) };
RB_UNIT_TEST ut(1, nodes, sizeof(nodes)/sizeof(nodes[0]));
// Test 2. A contrived example for covering case 1', 2' and 3'
rb_valcolor_t nodes[] = { BN(4), BN(2), RN(10), RN(1), BN(7),
BN(11), RN(6), RN(9) };
RB_UNIT_TEST ut(2, nodes, sizeof(nodes)/sizeof(nodes[0]));
// Delete Tests
fprintf(stdout, "\n>Testing delete operation...\n");
// test 1
rb_valcolor_t nodes[] = { BN(40), BN(20), BN(60), RN(10), RN(50), RN(70) };
RB_UNIT_TEST ut(1, nodes, sizeof(nodes)/sizeof(nodes[0]));
// test 2
rb_valcolor_t nodes[] = { BN(40), BN(20), BN(60), RN(10), RN(30),
RN(50), RN(70) };
RB_UNIT_TEST ut(2, nodes, sizeof(nodes)/sizeof(nodes[0]));
// test 3
rb_valcolor_t nodes[] = { BN(40), BN(20), BN(60), BN(10), BN(30),
BN(50), BN(70), RN(21) };
RB_UNIT_TEST ut(3, nodes, sizeof(nodes)/sizeof(nodes[0]));
// test 4. Test the case 1 and 2 in rbt_delete_fixup().
rb_valcolor_t nodes[] = { BN(8), RN(2), BN(10), BN(0), BN(4), BN(9),
BN(11), BN(-1), BN(1), BN(3), RN(6),
BN(5), BN(7) };
RB_UNIT_TEST ut(4, nodes, sizeof(nodes)/sizeof(nodes[0]));
// test 5. Test the case 2 and 4 in rbt_delete_fixup().
rb_valcolor_t nodes[] = { BN(80), RN(20), BN(100), BN(00), BN(40), BN(90),
BN(110), BN(-10), BN(10), BN(30),
BN(60), RN(50), RN(70),
BN(49), BN(51), BN(69), BN(71),
BN(-11), BN(-9), BN(9), BN(11),
BN(29), BN(31),
BN(89), BN(91), BN(109), BN(111) };
RB_UNIT_TEST ut(5, nodes, sizeof(nodes)/sizeof(nodes[0]));
// test 6. For case 1' and 2'
rb_valcolor_t nodes[] = { BN(4), RN(2), BN(5), BN(1), BN(3) };
RB_UNIT_TEST ut(6, nodes, sizeof(nodes)/sizeof(nodes[0]));
// test 7. For case 2', 3' and 4'.
rb_valcolor_t nodes[] = { BN(6), BN(2), BN(8), BN(1), RN(4), BN(7),
BN(9), BN(3), BN(5) };
RB_UNIT_TEST ut(7, nodes, sizeof(nodes)/sizeof(nodes[0]));
// test 8.
rb_valcolor_t nodes[] = { BN(1), RN(2) };
RB_UNIT_TEST ut(8, nodes, 2);
// test 9.
rb_valcolor_t nodes[] = { BN(1) };
RB_UNIT_TEST ut(8, nodes, 1);
// Search Tests
return RB_UNIT_TEST::Get_Fail_Cnt() == 0;
main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (!unit_test())
return 1;
return 0;

rbtree.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,795 @@
#ifdef DEBUG
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "rbtree.h"
#define INVALID_IDX (-1)
#define SENTINEL_IDX 0
#define likely(x) __builtin_expect((x),1)
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect((x),0)
#define SWAP(a, b) { typeof(a) t = a; a = b; b = t; }
* Constructors & Destructors
rbt_init(rb_tree_t* rbt) {
rbt->capacity = 16;
rbt->tree = (rb_node_t*)malloc(rbt->capacity * sizeof(rb_node_t));
if (rbt->tree == 0)
return 0;
rbt->root = SENTINEL_IDX;
rbt->node_num = 1; /* sentinel */
/* Init the sentinel */
rb_node_t* s = rbt->tree;
s->left = s->right = s->parent = INVALID_IDX;
s->color = RB_BLACK;
return 1;
rbt_fini(rb_tree_t* rbt) {
if (rbt && rbt->tree) {
rbt->tree = 0;
rbt->capacity = rbt->node_num = 0;
rbt->root = INVALID_IDX;
rbt_create(void) {
rb_tree_t* rbt = (rb_tree_t*)malloc(sizeof(rb_tree_t));
if (rbt && rbt_init(rbt))
return rbt;
return NULL;
rbt_destroy(rb_tree_t* rbt) {
if (rbt) {
* Untility functions
/* Return 0 if val < node->data, 1 otherwise */
static inline int
less_than(rb_node_t* node, int key) {
return key < node->key;
static inline int
greater_than(rb_node_t* node, int key) {
return key > node->key;
static void
update_kid(rb_node_t* dad, int kid_was, int kid_is) {
if (dad->left == kid_was)
dad->left = kid_is;
else {
ASSERT(dad->right == kid_was);
dad->right = kid_is;
static void
rbt_left_rotate(rb_tree_t* rbt, rb_node_t* node) {
rb_node_t* nd_vect = rbt->tree;
int node_idx = node - nd_vect;
int kid_idx = node->right;
int par_idx = node->parent;
rb_node_t* kid = nd_vect + kid_idx;
if (kid->left != INVALID_IDX) {
nd_vect[kid->left].parent = node_idx;
node->right = kid->left;
node->parent = kid_idx;
kid->left = node_idx;
kid->parent = par_idx;
if (par_idx != INVALID_IDX) {
rb_node_t* dad = nd_vect + par_idx;
if (dad->left == node_idx)
dad->left = kid_idx;
else {
dad->right = kid_idx;
} else {
ASSERT(rbt->root == node_idx);
rbt->root = kid_idx;
static void
rbt_right_rotate(rb_tree_t* rbt, rb_node_t* node) {
rb_node_t* nd_vect = rbt->tree;
int node_idx = node - nd_vect;
int kid_idx = node->left;
int par_idx = node->parent;
rb_node_t* kid = nd_vect + kid_idx;
if (kid->right != INVALID_IDX) {
nd_vect[kid->right].parent = node_idx;
node->left = kid->right;
node->parent = kid_idx;
kid->right = node_idx;
kid->parent = par_idx;
if (par_idx != INVALID_IDX) {
rb_node_t* dad = nd_vect + par_idx;
if (dad->left == node_idx)
dad->left = kid_idx;
else {
dad->right = kid_idx;
} else {
ASSERT(rbt->root == node_idx);
rbt->root = kid_idx;
/* Try to shrink the node vector */
static int
rbt_try_shrink(rb_tree_t* rbt) {
if (rbt->capacity < 2*rbt->node_num ||
rbt->capacity < 32)
return 1;
int cap = rbt->node_num * 3 / 2;
rbt->tree = (rb_node_t*)realloc(rbt->tree, cap * sizeof(rb_node_t));
if (rbt->tree == 0)
return 0;
rbt->capacity = cap;
return 1;
* Binary-search-tree operations
/* Search the binary-search-tree; if found, return the index of node,
* INVALID_IDX otherwise.
inline static int
bst_search(rb_tree_t* rbt, int key) {
rb_node_t* nd_vect = rbt->tree;
rb_node_t* sentinel = rbt->tree;
rb_node_t* cur = nd_vect + rbt->root;
while (cur != sentinel) {
if (less_than(cur, key))
cur = nd_vect + cur->left;
else if (greater_than(cur, key))
cur = nd_vect + cur->right;
return cur - nd_vect;
/* Insert "val" in the the binary-search-tree. the "bst" stands
* for binary-search-tree. This function has nothing to do with
* rb tree specific features.
* Return the index of the node being inserted if it was successful,
* or INVALID_IDX otherwise.
static int
bst_insert(rb_tree_t* t, int key, intptr_t value) {
rb_node_t* nodes = t->tree;
/* Resize the vector if necessary */
if (t->capacity <= t->node_num) {
int cap = t->node_num * 3/2;
if (cap <= 16)
cap = 16;
nodes = t->tree = (rb_node_t*)realloc(nodes, 100* sizeof(rb_node_t));
t->capacity = cap;
if (!nodes)
/* The tree is empty */
if (unlikely(t->root == SENTINEL_IDX)) {
int root_id = 1;
t->root = root_id;
t->node_num = 2;
rb_node_t* root = nodes + root_id;
root->key = key;
root->value = value;
root->left = root->right = SENTINEL_IDX;
root->parent = INVALID_IDX;
root->color = RB_BLACK;
return root_id;
/* Insert the value in the tree. Care must be taken to avoid inserting a
* value which is already in the tree.
rb_node_t* prev = 0;
rb_node_t* cur = nodes + t->root;
rb_node_t* sentinel = nodes;
while (cur != sentinel) {
prev = cur;
if (less_than(cur, key))
cur = nodes + cur->left;
else if (greater_than(cur, key))
cur = nodes + cur->right;
else {
/* the value is already in the tree */
int new_nd_idx = t->node_num++;
rb_node_t* new_nd = nodes + new_nd_idx;
new_nd->key = key;
new_nd->value = value;
new_nd->parent = prev - nodes;
new_nd->left = new_nd->right = SENTINEL_IDX;
new_nd->color = RB_RED;
if (less_than(prev, key))
prev->left = new_nd_idx;
prev->right = new_nd_idx;
return new_nd_idx;
* RB-tree operations
rbt_search(rb_tree_t* rbt, int key, intptr_t* value) {
int nd_idx = bst_search(rbt, key);
if (nd_idx != INVALID_IDX) {
if (value)
*value = rbt->tree[nd_idx].value;
return 1;
return 0;
rbt_get_min(rb_tree_t* rbt) {
rb_node_t* nd_vect = rbt->tree;
rb_node_t* root = nd_vect + rbt->root;
rb_node_t* node = 0;
if (root->left != SENTINEL_IDX)
node = nd_vect + root->left;
else if (root->right != SENTINEL_IDX)
node = nd_vect + root->right;
node = root;
while (node->left != SENTINEL_IDX) {
node = nd_vect + node->left;
return node->key;
rbt_insert(rb_tree_t* rbt, int key, intptr_t value) {
/* step 1: insert the key/val pair into the binary-search-tree */
int nd_idx = bst_insert(rbt, key, value);
if (nd_idx == INVALID_IDX)
return 0;
/* step 2: Perform color fix up */
rb_node_t* nd_vect = rbt->tree;
rb_node_t* cur = nd_vect + nd_idx;
while (cur->parent != INVALID_IDX && nd_vect[cur->parent].color == RB_RED) {
rb_node_t* dad = nd_vect + cur->parent;
rb_node_t* grandpar = nd_vect + dad->parent;
if (nd_vect + grandpar->left == dad) {
rb_node_t* uncle = nd_vect + grandpar->right;
/* case 1: Both parent and uncle are in red. Just flip the color
* of parent, uncle and grand-parent.
if (uncle->color == RB_RED) {
grandpar->color = RB_RED;
dad->color = uncle->color = RB_BLACK;
cur = grandpar;
/* case 2: Parent and uncle's color are different (i.e. parent in
* red, uncle in black), and "cur" is parent's *RIGHT* kid.
if (dad->right + nd_vect == cur) {
/* left rotate around parent */
rbt_left_rotate(rbt, dad);
SWAP(cur, dad);
/* Fall through to case 3 */
/* case 3: The condition is the same as case 2, except that 'cur'
* is the *LEFT* kid of the parent.
rbt_right_rotate(rbt, grandpar);
dad->color = RB_BLACK;
grandpar->color = RB_RED;
break; /* we are done, almost*/
} else {
rb_node_t* uncle = nd_vect + grandpar->left;
/* case 1': Both parent and uncle are in red. Just flip the color
* of parent, uncle and grand-parent.
if (uncle->color == RB_RED) {
grandpar->color = RB_RED;
dad->color = uncle->color = RB_BLACK;
cur = grandpar;
/* case 2': Parent and uncle's color are different (i.e. parent in
* red, uncle in black), and "cur" is parent's *LEFT* kid.
if (dad->left + nd_vect == cur) {
/* left rotate around parent */
rbt_right_rotate(rbt, dad);
SWAP(cur, dad);
/* Fall through to case 3 */
/* case 3: The condition is the same as case 2, except that 'cur'
* is the *RIGHT* kid of the parent.
rbt_left_rotate(rbt, grandpar);
dad->color = RB_BLACK;
grandpar->color = RB_RED;
/* make sure the root is in black */
nd_vect[rbt->root].color = RB_BLACK;
return 1;
static void
rbt_delete_fixup(rb_tree_t* rbt, int node_idx) {
rb_node_t* nd_vect = rbt->tree;
while (node_idx != rbt->root && nd_vect[node_idx].color == RB_BLACK) {
rb_node_t* node = nd_vect + node_idx;
rb_node_t* dad = nd_vect + node->parent;
if (dad->left == node_idx) {
int sibling_idx = dad->right;
rb_node_t* sibling = nd_vect + sibling_idx;
/* case 1: sibling is in red color. Rotate around dad. */
if (sibling->color == RB_RED) {
sibling->color = RB_BLACK;
dad->color = RB_RED;
rbt_left_rotate(rbt, dad);
/* Both "current" node and its parent remain unchanged, but
* sibling is changed.
sibling_idx = dad->right;
sibling = nd_vect + sibling_idx;
ASSERT(sibling->color == RB_BLACK);
rb_node_t* slk = nd_vect + sibling->left;
rb_node_t* srk = nd_vect + sibling->right;
if (slk->color == RB_BLACK && srk->color == RB_BLACK) {
/* case 2: sibling's both kids are in black. Set sibling's
* color to be red.
sibling->color = RB_RED;
node_idx = dad - nd_vect;
} else {
if (srk->color == RB_BLACK) {
/* case 3: sibling's right kid is in black, while the left
* kid in in red.
slk->color = RB_BLACK;
sibling->color = RB_RED;
rbt_right_rotate(rbt, sibling);
sibling = slk;
sibling_idx = sibling - nd_vect;
/* case 4: sibling's right kid is in red */
rbt_left_rotate(rbt, dad);
/* Now dad is still dad, sibling become grand-parent. Propagate
* dad's color to grandpar.
sibling->color = dad->color;
/* dad and new uncle are in black */
dad->color = RB_BLACK;
nd_vect[sibling->right].color = RB_BLACK;
} else {
int sibling_idx = dad->left;
rb_node_t* sibling = nd_vect + sibling_idx;
/* case 1': sibling is in red color. Rotate around dad. */
if (sibling->color == RB_RED) {
sibling->color = RB_BLACK;
dad->color = RB_RED;
rbt_right_rotate(rbt, dad);
/* Both "current" node and its parent remain unchanged, but
* sibling is changed.
sibling_idx = dad->left;
sibling = nd_vect + sibling_idx;
ASSERT(sibling->color == RB_BLACK);
rb_node_t* slk = nd_vect + sibling->right;
rb_node_t* srk = nd_vect + sibling->left;
if (slk->color == RB_BLACK && srk->color == RB_BLACK) {
/* case 2': sibling's both kids are in black. Set sibling's
* color to be red.
sibling->color = RB_RED;
node_idx = dad - nd_vect;
} else {
if (srk->color == RB_BLACK) {
/* case 3': sibling's left kid is in black, while the right
* kid in in red.
slk->color = RB_BLACK;
sibling->color = RB_RED;
rbt_left_rotate(rbt, sibling);
sibling = slk;
sibling_idx = sibling - nd_vect;
/* case 4': sibling's left kid is in red */
rbt_right_rotate(rbt, dad);
/* Now dad is still dad, sibling become grand-parent. Propagate
* dad's color to grandpar.
sibling->color = dad->color;
/* dad and new uncle are in black */
dad->color = RB_BLACK;
nd_vect[sibling->left].color = RB_BLACK;
nd_vect[node_idx].color = RB_BLACK;
rbt_delete(rb_tree_t* rbt, int key) {
/* step 1: find the element to be deleted */
int nd_idx = bst_search(rbt, key);
if (nd_idx == INVALID_IDX)
return 0;
/* step 2: delete the element as we normally do with a binary-search tree */
rb_node_t* nd_vect = rbt->tree;
rb_node_t* node = nd_vect + nd_idx; /* the node being deleted*/
int splice_out_idx;
if (node->left == SENTINEL_IDX || node->right == SENTINEL_IDX) {
splice_out_idx = nd_idx;
} else {
/* Get the successor of the node corrponding to nd_idx */
rb_node_t* succ = nd_vect + node->right;
while (succ->left != SENTINEL_IDX)
succ = nd_vect + succ->left;
splice_out_idx = succ - nd_vect;
rb_node_t* splice_out = nd_vect + splice_out_idx;
int so_kid_idx = (splice_out->left != SENTINEL_IDX) ?
splice_out->left : splice_out->right;
rb_node_t* so_kid = nd_vect + so_kid_idx;
if (splice_out->parent != INVALID_IDX) {
update_kid(nd_vect + splice_out->parent, splice_out_idx/*was*/, so_kid_idx);
} else {
ASSERT(rbt->root == splice_out_idx);
rbt->root = so_kid_idx;
so_kid->parent = splice_out->parent;
if (splice_out_idx != nd_idx) {
nd_vect[nd_idx].key = splice_out->key;
nd_vect[nd_idx].value = splice_out->value;
/* step 3: color fix up */
if (splice_out->color == RB_BLACK) {
rbt_delete_fixup(rbt, so_kid_idx);
/* step 4: Misc finialization.
* o. Migrate the last element to splice_out to avoid "hole" in
* the node vector. If we perform migration before step 3, care must
* be taken that the last element could be the "so_kid", in that case,
* the "so_kid" need to be re-evaluated.
* o. Misc update.
if (splice_out_idx + 1 != rbt->node_num) {
int last_idx = rbt->node_num - 1;
rb_node_t* last = nd_vect + last_idx;
*splice_out = *last;
if (last->parent != INVALID_IDX) {
update_kid(nd_vect + last->parent, last_idx, splice_out_idx);
} else {
ASSERT(rbt->root == last_idx);
rbt->root = splice_out_idx;
nd_vect[last->left].parent = splice_out_idx;
nd_vect[last->right].parent = splice_out_idx;
nd_vect[rbt->root].color = RB_BLACK;
return rbt_try_shrink(rbt);
* Debugging and Testing Support
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(ENABLE_TESTING)
rbt_create_manually(rb_valcolor_t* node_info, int len) {
rb_tree_t* rbt = rbt_create();
if (!rbt)
return NULL;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int nd_idx = bst_insert(rbt, node_info[i].key, node_info[i].value);
if (nd_idx == INVALID_IDX) {
return NULL;
rbt->tree[nd_idx].color = node_info[i].color;
return rbt;
rbt_verify(rb_tree_t* rbt) {
/* step 1: Make sure the internal data structure are consistent.*/
if (rbt->node_num > rbt->capacity)
return 0;
if (rbt->tree == 0)
return 0;
/* step 2: Make sure it is a tree */
int node_num = rbt->node_num;
rb_node_t* nd_vect = rbt->tree;
int* cnt = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * node_num);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < node_num; i++) cnt[i] = 0;
for (i = SENTINEL_IDX + 1; i < node_num; i++) {
rb_node_t* nd = nd_vect + i;
int kid = nd->left;
if (kid < SENTINEL_IDX || kid >= node_num)
return 0;
kid = nd->right;
if (kid < SENTINEL_IDX || kid >= node_num)
return 0;
/* Take this opportunity to check if the color is either red or black.*/
if (nd->color != RB_BLACK && nd->color != RB_RED)
return 0;
/* make sure the "parent" pointer make sense */
if (nd->parent != INVALID_IDX) {
rb_node_t* dad = nd_vect + nd->parent;
if (dad->left != i && dad->right != i)
return 0;
int root_cnt = 0;
for (i = SENTINEL_IDX + 1; i < node_num; i++) {
int t = cnt[i];
if (t > 1) {
/* It is DAG, not tree */
return 0;
} else if (t == 0) {
if (i != rbt->root) {
/* we either have multiple roots, or rbt->root is not set
* properly.
return 0;
cnt = 0;
if (root_cnt != 1) {
if (root_cnt == 0 && node_num != 1)
return 0;
/* Following is to check if the RB-tree properies are preserved */
/* step 3: check if root and leaf are in black color */
if (nd_vect[rbt->root].color != RB_BLACK ||
nd_vect[SENTINEL_IDX].color != RB_BLACK)
return 0;
/* step 4: Check if there are adjacent red nodes. */
for (i = SENTINEL_IDX + 1; i < node_num; i++) {
rb_node_t* nd = nd_vect + i;
if (nd->color == RB_RED) {
if (nd_vect[nd->left].color == RB_RED ||
nd_vect[nd->right].color == RB_RED)
return 0;
/* step 5: check if all paths contain the same number of black nodes.*/
int len = -1;
rb_node_t* sentinel = rbt->tree;
for (i = SENTINEL_IDX + 1; i < node_num; i++) {
rb_node_t* nd = nd_vect + i;
if (nd->left != SENTINEL_IDX || nd->right != SENTINEL_IDX) {
/* ignore internal node */
rb_node_t* cur = nd_vect + rbt->root;
int key = nd->key;
int this_len = 0;
while (cur != sentinel) {
if (cur->color == RB_BLACK)
if (less_than(cur, key)) {
cur = nd_vect + cur->left;
} else if (greater_than(cur, key)) {
cur = nd_vect + cur->right;
} else {
if (len == -1)
len = this_len;
if (len != this_len)
return 0;
return 1;
rbt_dump_dot(rb_tree_t* rbt, const char* name) {
FILE* f = fopen(name, "w");
if (f == 0)
return 0;
fprintf(f, "digraph G {\n");
int i, e = rbt->node_num;
rb_node_t* nd_vect = rbt->tree;
for (i = SENTINEL_IDX + 1; i < e; i++) {
rb_node_t* node = nd_vect + i;
fprintf(f, "\t\%d [style=filled, color=%s, fontcolor=white];\n",
node->key, node->color == RB_RED ? "red" : "black");
for (i = SENTINEL_IDX + 1; i < e; i++) {
rb_node_t* node = nd_vect + i;
if (node->left != SENTINEL_IDX)
fprintf(f, "%d -> %d;\n", node->key, nd_vect[node->left].key);
if (node->right != SENTINEL_IDX) {
fprintf(f, "%d -> %d [label=r];\n", node->key,
fprintf(f, "}");
return 1;
/* Print the rb tree directly to the console in plain text format*/
rbt_dump_text(rb_tree_t* rbt) {
rb_node_t* nd_vect = rbt->tree;
fprintf(stdout, "RB tree: root id:%d, node_num:%d\n",
rbt->root, rbt->node_num);
int i, e;
for (i = 0, e = rbt->node_num; i < e; i++) {
rb_node_t* node = nd_vect + i;
" Node:%d, key:%d, value:%ld, left:%d, right:%d, parent:%d\n",
i, node->key, node->value, node->left, node->right,
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
#endif /*defined(DEBUG) || defined(ENABLE_TESTING)*/

rbtree.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
#ifndef _RBTREE_H_
#define _RBTREE_H_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdint.h> /* for intptr_t */
typedef enum {
RB_RED = 1
} rb_color_t;
typedef struct {
intptr_t value;
int key;
int parent;
int left;
int right;
unsigned char color; /* either RB_BLACK or RB_RED */
} rb_node_t;
typedef struct {
rb_node_t* tree;
int root;
int node_num;
int capacity;
} rb_tree_t;
/* Construt/destruct RB tree */
rb_tree_t* rbt_create(void);
void rbt_destroy(rb_tree_t*);
/* Alternative way to construct/destrut RB tree -- the instance is already
* allocated (say a global variable), but the content is not yet initialized.
int rbt_init(rb_tree_t*);
void rbt_fini(rb_tree_t*);
/* RB-tree operations */
int rbt_insert(rb_tree_t*, int key, intptr_t val);
int rbt_delete(rb_tree_t*, int key);
int rbt_search(rb_tree_t*, int key, intptr_t* val);
int rbt_get_min(rb_tree_t*);
int rbt_get_max(rb_tree_t*);
#define rbt_is_empty(rbt) ((rbt)->node_num == 1 ? 1 : 0)
/* RB-tree iterator */
typedef rb_node_t* rb_iter_t;
#define rbt_iter_begin(rbt) ((rbt)->tree + 1)
#define rbt_iter_end(rbt) ((rbt)->tree + (rbt)->node_num)
#define rbt_iter_inc(rbt, iter) ((iter) + 1)
#define rbt_iter_deref(iter) ((iter))
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(ENABLE_TESTING)
/* NOTE: If DEBUG is off and ENABLE_TESTING is on, functions enclosed by this
* directive should not be invoked by RB-tree opertaions. The ENABLE_TESTING
* can be used with release-build without degrading the performance.
/* Create a RB tree manually. The nodes' value, color as well as their
* insertion order are specified by "node_info". The color fix-up is disabled
* each time a node is inserted. It's up to the caller to ensure the final
* resulting tree conform to the RB-tree spec.
* The purpose of this function is to constuct a RB tree for testing
* purpose.
typedef struct {
intptr_t value;
int key;
rb_color_t color;
} rb_valcolor_t;
rb_tree_t* rbt_create_manually(rb_valcolor_t* node_info, int len);
int rbt_verify(rb_tree_t*);
/* dump in dotty format */
int rbt_dump_dot(rb_tree_t*, const char* file_name);
void rbt_dump_text(rb_tree_t* rbt);
#endif /*defined(DEBUG) || defined(ENABLE_TESTING)*/
#ifdef DEBUG
// Usage examples: ASSERT(a > b), ASSERT(foo() && "Opps, foo() reutrn 0");
#define ASSERT(c) if (!(c))\
{ fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d Assert: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #c); abort(); }
#define ASSERT(c) ((void)0)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /*_RBTREE_H_*/

trunk.c Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <strings.h> /* for bzero() */
#include "lm_util.h"
#include "lm_internal.h"
#include "lj_mm.h"
#define LM_ADDR_UPBOUND ((uint)0x80000000)
#define SIZE_1MB ((uint)0x100000)
#define SIZE_1GB ((uint)0x40000000)
/* If we end up allocating a trunk no larger than this size, we might as well
* pull the plug, and give up for good.
#define MEM_TOO_SMALL (SIZE_1MB * 8)
static lm_trunk_t big_trunk;
static int
get_malloc_mmap_max (void) {
/* Per mallopt(3), the default size of max mmap threshold is 65535 */
size_t mmap_max = 65536;
const char* envvar = getenv("MALLOC_MMAP_MAX_");
if (envvar)
mmap_max = atoi(envvar);
return mmap_max;
lm_alloc_trunk (void) {
if (big_trunk.base)
return &big_trunk;
void* cur_brk = sbrk(0);
uint avail = LM_ADDR_UPBOUND - ((intptr_t)cur_brk);
if (avail < MEM_TOO_SMALL) {
/* We can achieve almost nothing with 1MB, might as well bail out. */
return 0;
/* Disable malloc using mmap */
int mmap_max = get_malloc_mmap_max ();
if (!mallopt(M_MMAP_MAX, 0))
return 0;
intptr_t trunk = (intptr_t)malloc (avail);
/* Restore the original M_MMAP_MAX*/
if (!mallopt (M_MMAP_MAX, mmap_max)) {
/* Hey, not all gotos are bad. */
goto fail_ret;
if (trunk > LM_ADDR_UPBOUND ||
(LM_ADDR_UPBOUND - (intptr_t)trunk) <= MEM_TOO_SMALL) {
goto fail_ret;
long page_sz = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
intptr_t usable_start = (trunk + page_sz - 1) & ~(page_sz - 1);
intptr_t usable_end = (trunk + avail) & ~(page_sz - 1);
if (usable_end > LM_ADDR_UPBOUND)
usable_end = LM_ADDR_UPBOUND;
if (usable_end - usable_start <= MEM_TOO_SMALL)
goto fail_ret;
big_trunk.base = (char*)trunk;
big_trunk.start = (char*)usable_start;
big_trunk.alloc_size = avail;
big_trunk.usable_size = usable_end - usable_start;
big_trunk.page_size = page_sz;
big_trunk.page_num = big_trunk.usable_size / page_sz;
ASSERT(big_trunk.page_num * big_trunk.page_size == big_trunk.usable_size);
return &big_trunk;
free ((void*)trunk);
return 0;
lm_free_trunk(void) {
if (big_trunk.base) {
bzero(&big_trunk, sizeof(big_trunk));
#ifdef DEBUG
lm_dump_trunk (FILE* f) {
uint num_page = big_trunk.usable_size / sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
fprintf(f, "Base:%8p, alloc-size :%fG, usage-start:%8p, usage-size %fG (%u pages)\n",
big_trunk.base, big_trunk.alloc_size / ((float)SIZE_1GB),
big_trunk.start, big_trunk.usable_size / ((float)SIZE_1GB),