
584 lines
18 KiB

import sys
import re
import copy
IN_PLACE = False
# Not actually needed because indent level is autodetected for each block
def log(message):
print("-!- "+message)
input_filenames = []
for a in sys.argv[1:]:
if a == '-v':
elif a == '-i':
elif a == '-b':
elif a == '-a':
def create_zero_levels():
return {
"{}": 0,
"[]": 0,
"()": 0,
"''": 0,
'""': 0,
"<>": 0,
"=;": 0,
"/**/": 0,
"//": 0,
"#": 0,
"):{": 0,
";": 0,
# if(), for() and whatever without a block. Resets at end of statement
# and at beginning of actual block; set by caller.
"implicit_block": 0,
class ParenMatch:
def __init__(self):
self._level = create_zero_levels()
self.level_before_line = None
self.level_before_line_end = None
self.level_after_line = None
self.level_lowest_on_line = None
self.level_highest_on_line = None
self.assignment_begin_paren_level = 0
def feed_part(self, line, i):
if self._level["/**/"] > 0:
if line[i:i+2] == '*/':
self._level["/**/"] = 0
return i + 2
return i + 1 # Ignore all other comment content
if line[i] == '\n':
if self._level["//"] > 0:
self._level["//"] = 0
if self._level["#"] > 0 and line[i-1] != '\\':
self._level["#"] = 0
return i + 1 # Ignore line end otherwise
if self._level["//"] > 0:
return i + 1 # Ignore all comment content
if self._level["''"] > 0:
if line[i] == "\\":
return i + 2
if line[i] == "'":
self._level["''"] = 0
return i + 1 # Ignore '' content
if self._level['""'] > 0:
if line[i] == "\\":
return i + 2
if line[i] == '"':
self._level['""'] = 0
return i + 1 # Ignore "" content
if line[i] == '/':
if line[i+1] == '*':
self._level["/**/"] = 1
return i + 1
if line[i+1] == '/':
self._level["//"] = 1
return i + 1
if line[i] == '#':
self._level["#"] = 1
return i + 1
if self._level["#"]:
return i + 1 # Ignore macro content
# Statements and implicit blocks
if self._level[";"] == 0:
if line[i] not in " \t\n()[]{};":
#print(repr(line[i])+" begins statement")
self._level[";"] = 1 # Automatically start a new statement
if self._level[";"] > 0:
if line[i] in ";{}":
self._level[";"] = 0
self._level["implicit_block"] = 0
if line[i] == ':' and line[i-1] != ':': # Not very precise
self._level[";"] = 0
self._level["implicit_block"] = 0
if line[i] == '{':
self._level["implicit_block"] = 0
if line[i] == '=':
if line[i+1] not in '=<>!' and line[i-1] not in '=<>!':
self._level["=;"] = 1
self.assignment_begin_paren_level = self._level["()"]
return i + 1
if line[i] == ';':
self._level["<>"] = 0
if self._level["=;"] > 0:
self._level["=;"] = 0
return i + 1
if self._level["):{"] > 0:
if line[i] == '{':
self._level["):{"] = 0
# Allow other processing
if line[i] == ':' and line[i-1] == ')':
self._level["):{"] = 1
return i + 1
if line[i] == '<':
if line[i-1] != '<' and line[i+1] != '<':
self._level["<>"] += 1
if line[i] == '>':
self._level["<>"] -= 1
if line[i] in ["|", "&", "(", ")", "]", "["]:
self._level["<>"] = 0
for k in ["{}", "[]", "()", "''", '""']:
if line[i] == k[0]:
self._level[k] += 1
return i + 1
if line[i] == k[1]:
self._level[k] -= 1
if self._level[k] < 0:
log("WARNING: resetting negative "+k+" level")
self._level[k] = 0
if k == "()" and self.assignment_begin_paren_level > self._level[k]:
self._level["=;"] = 0
return i + 1
return i + 1
def record_levels(self):
for bracetype, level in self._level.items():
if level < self.level_lowest_on_line[bracetype]:
self.level_lowest_on_line[bracetype] = level
if level > self.level_highest_on_line[bracetype]:
self.level_highest_on_line[bracetype] = level
def feed_line(self, line):
self.level_lowest_on_line = copy.copy(self._level)
self.level_highest_on_line = copy.copy(self._level)
self.level_before_line = copy.copy(self._level)
i = 0
while True:
# Record state just before the line ends
if line[i] == '\n':
self.level_before_line_end = copy.copy(self._level)
# Process current position
i = self.feed_part(line, i)
# Record levels
# Stop if at end of line
if i == len(line):
# Sanity check
if i > len(line):
print("Issue in feed_part()")
self.level_after_line = copy.copy(self._level)
class DetectedBlock:
def __init__(self, line_i, start_level, base_indent_level,
base_levels, block_type=None):
# If a block starts at the end of some line, the indentation of the
# block should always be one tab level, not more like uncrustify makes
# it in case the block belongs to a function parameter
self.start_line = line_i
self.open_level = start_level
self.base_indent_level = base_indent_level
if block_type == "namespace" and NO_NAMESPACE_INDENT:
self.inner_indent_level = base_indent_level
self.inner_indent_level = base_indent_level + 4
self.base_levels = base_levels # Basae ParenMatch levels inside block
self.block_type = block_type # None/"namespace"/something
("namespace", r'^[\t ]*namespace.*$'),
("struct", r'^[\t ]*struct.*$'),
("class", r'^[\t ]*class.*$'),
("if", r'^[\t ]*if.*$'),
("for", r'^[\t ]*for.*$'),
("while", r'^[\t ]*while.*$'),
("lambda", r'^.*\)\[.*$'),
("enum", r'^[\t ]*enum.*$'),
("=", r'^[\t ]*=[^;=]*$'), # == is probably in if(.*==.*){
STRUCTURE_BLOCK_TYPES = ["namespace", "struct"]
CODE_BLOCK_TYPES = [None, "if", "for", "while", "lambda"]
VALUE_BLOCK_TYPES = ["enum", "="]
class State:
def __init__(self):
self.match = ParenMatch()
self.blocks = [] # Stack
self.paren_level_indentations = {} # Level -> starting indentation level
self.paren_level_start_lines = {} # Level -> starting line
self.paren_level_identifiers = {} # Level -> identifier
self.next_block_type = None
self.comment_orig_base_indent = None
# Output values
def reset_output(self):
# Annotations
self.fix_annotation = None
self.annotation_is_inside_macro = False # Need for macro continuation
self.annotation_is_inside_comment = False # Need for avoiding /*/**/*/
# Actual output
self.indent_level = 0
def print_debug_state(self, level_before, level_after):
if self.blocks:
log("base_levels : "+repr(self.blocks[-1].base_levels))
log("level_before: "+repr(level_before))
log("level_after : "+repr(level_after))
def add_fix_annotation(self, description):
if self.fix_annotation is not None:
self.fix_annotation += "; "
self.fix_annotation = ""
self.fix_annotation += description
def add_indent(self, d, description):
if d == 0:
self.add_fix_annotation("indent"+("+="+str(d) if d >= 0
else "-="+str(-d))+": "+description)
self.indent_level += d
def get_top_block_base_levels(self):
if not self.blocks:
return create_zero_levels()
top_block = self.blocks[-1]
return top_block.base_levels
def feed_line(self, line, line_i):
if line.strip() == "":
level_before = copy.copy(self.match.level_before_line)
level_at_end = copy.copy(self.match.level_before_line_end)
level_after = copy.copy(self.match.level_after_line)
level_lowest = copy.copy(self.match.level_lowest_on_line)
level_highest = copy.copy(self.match.level_highest_on_line)
#self.add_fix_annotation("Levels before line: "+repr(level_before))
# Measure original indentation level
orig_indent_level = 0
for c in line:
if c == "\t":
orig_indent_level += 4
elif c == " ":
orig_indent_level += 1
line_is_comment = False
#if level_at_end["//"] > 0: # Bad; we care if the whole line is a comment
if re.match(r'[\t ]*//.*', line):
line_is_comment = True
#self.add_fix_annotation("Line is C++ comment")
if (re.match(r'[\t ]*/\*.*', line) or re.match(r'.*\*/', line) or
level_after['/**/'] > 0):
line_is_comment = True
#self.add_fix_annotation("Line is C comment")
if level_before['/**/'] > 0:
line_is_comment = True
#self.add_fix_annotation("Line is C comment continuation")
self.annotation_is_inside_comment = True
if not line_is_comment:
self.comment_orig_base_indent = None
line_is_macro = (level_at_end['#'] > 0)
macro_continued = (level_before['#'] > 0)
if line_is_macro:
# Leave macros as-is
self.indent_level = orig_indent_level
if not macro_continued:
self.add_fix_annotation("Line is macro")
self.add_fix_annotation("Line is macro continuation")
self.annotation_is_inside_macro = True
# Set indent level based on block level
self.indent_level = 0
if self.blocks:
top_block = self.blocks[-1]
self.indent_level = top_block.inner_indent_level
# So let's process the REAL CODE
if line_is_comment:
# Fluctuate comment's indentation from block-based self.indent_level
# by the amount the indentation originally fluctuates
if self.comment_orig_base_indent is None:
self.comment_orig_base_indent = orig_indent_level
# Add difference to output level
d = orig_indent_level - self.comment_orig_base_indent
self.add_indent(d, "Comment's internal indentation variation")
# Detect parenthesis starting levels
if level_highest["()"] > level_before["()"]:
for paren_level in range(level_before["()"], level_highest["()"]):
# NOTE: This isn't accurate because the line can contain
# multiple opening parenthesis with all having a different
# keyword
identifier = None
m = re.match(r'^.*?([^(){}\t ]+)[ \t]*\(.*$', line)
if m is not None:
identifier =
self.paren_level_indentations[paren_level] = self.indent_level
self.paren_level_start_lines[paren_level] = line_i
self.paren_level_identifiers[paren_level] = identifier
log("Detected paren level "+str(paren_level)+": indentation "+
str(self.indent_level)+", start line "+str(line_i)+
", identifier "+repr(identifier))
# Get current block type
current_block_type = None
if self.blocks:
block = self.blocks[-1]
current_block_type = block.block_type
self.add_fix_annotation("Current block type: "+repr(current_block_type))
is_value_block = (current_block_type in ["enum", "="])
# Block type
# Not ideal but generally works
# Reset block type in these (rather common) cases
if (level_lowest["{}"] < level_before["{}"] or
level_lowest["()"] != level_highest["()"] or
level_lowest["):{"] != level_highest["):{"]):
self.next_block_type = None
for (t, regex) in BLOCK_TYPE_REGEXES:
if re.match(regex, line):
self.next_block_type = t
# The '=' block type is inherited when there is no other option
if self.next_block_type is None and current_block_type == '=':
self.next_block_type = current_block_type
self.add_fix_annotation("Next block type: "+repr(self.next_block_type))
# Block level
# Update current block level
while self.blocks:
block = self.blocks[-1]
if level_lowest["{}"] <= block.open_level:
base_indent_level = block.base_indent_level
self.add_fix_annotation("Block level "+str(block.open_level)+
" end (begun on line "+str(block.start_line)+
", base_indent_level="+str(base_indent_level)+")")
self.blocks = self.blocks[:-1]
# Fix indentation of last line if it begins with '}'
if re.match(r'^[\t ]*}.*$', line):
self.print_debug_state(level_before, level_after)
self.add_indent(-4, "Fixing indent of block end")
# Block level detection: Detect block starts
# Really works only if there is only one { on the line
if level_after["{}"] > level_lowest["{}"]:
block_open_level = level_lowest["{}"]
base_indent = self.indent_level
# If this line closes parenthesis, take the indent level from the
# parentheesis starting indentation level
use_paren_based_indentation = False
if level_after["()"] < level_before["()"]:
base_paren_level = level_after["()"]
base_indent = self.paren_level_indentations[
use_paren_based_indentation = True
self.add_fix_annotation("This line closes parenthesis; taking "+
"indent level from the line that started the "+
if not use_paren_based_indentation and self.blocks:
# Use the indent level of the outside block if possible
parent = self.blocks[-1]
if parent.inner_indent_level is not None:
base_indent = parent.inner_indent_level
self.add_fix_annotation("Basing on inner indentation level "+
str(base_indent)+" of outside block level "+
block_type = self.next_block_type
self.next_block_type = None
self.add_fix_annotation("Block level "+
str(block_open_level)+" begin; base indent "+
str(base_indent)+", type "+repr(block_type))
self.blocks.append(DetectedBlock(line_i, block_open_level,
base_indent, level_after, block_type))
if not use_paren_based_indentation:
# Fix { to be on the correct indentation level
d = base_indent - self.indent_level
self.add_indent(d, "Fixing { to have correct indentation")
# Indentation level fine-tuning
# Indent some stuff
block_base_levels = self.get_top_block_base_levels()
# Label
if re.match(r'^[\t ]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]*:$', line):
self.add_indent(-4, "Label")
# case
if re.match(r'^[\t ]*case .*:$', line):
self.add_indent(-4, "case")
# Detect statements that look enough like function calls to be
# considered statements (macro calls without trailing ';')
# (if(), for() and others look like this too)
# It can look like a statement only if the parenthesis are ending to the
# block's base parenthesis level
may_create_implicit_block = False
if (level_highest["()"] > level_after["()"] and
level_after["()"] == block_base_levels["()"] and
level_highest[";"] > 0 and
level_after[";"] == level_highest[";"]):
identifier = self.paren_level_identifiers[level_after["()"]]
if identifier in ["if", "for", "while"]:
#self.add_fix_annotation("Keyword "+repr(identifier))
if level_lowest["{}"] == level_after["{}"]:
self.add_fix_annotation("May create implicit "+
repr(identifier)+" block")
self.match._level["implicit_block"] = 1
may_create_implicit_block = True
# Cheat the state
self.match._level[";"] = 0
elif (identifier and re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$', identifier) and
re.match(r'^.*\)$', line)):
self.add_fix_annotation("Isn't a full statement but looks "+
"like a function call to "+repr(identifier))
# Cheat the state
self.match._level[";"] = 0
except KeyError:
# Handle else's implicit block
if re.match(r'^[ \t]*else[ \t]*$', line):
self.add_fix_annotation("May create implicit "+
repr("else")+" block")
self.match._level["implicit_block"] = 1
may_create_implicit_block = True
# Cheat the state
self.match._level[";"] = 0
# Keep member initializers at proper indentation level
if (current_block_type in ["struct", "class"] and
level_before["):{"] > 0 and
level_after["()"] <= block_base_levels["()"]):
self.add_fix_annotation("Keeping member initializer at proper "+
"indentation level")
# Cheat the state
self.match._level[";"] = 0
# Implicit block indentation
if (not may_create_implicit_block and # Handle blockless nested loop
level_before["implicit_block"] > 0 and line.strip() != "{"):
self.add_indent(4, "Implicit block")
# Multi-line statements
if (
not is_value_block and
level_before[";"] > 0 and
level_lowest["{}"] == level_after["{}"] or
level_before["()"] > block_base_levels["()"]
) and
line.strip() not in ["{}", "{", "}", "};", ")", ");"]
self.add_indent(8, "Multi-line statement")
# Class member initializer indentation
if (level_before["):{"] > 0 and
line.strip() not in ["{}", "{", "}", "};"]):
self.add_indent(4, "Adding indentation between ): and {")
# Add two levels to inside multiline <> content because
# uncrustify does not do that.
if level_before["<>"] > block_base_levels["<>"]:
self.add_indent(4, "Adding indentation to regular multiline <>")
def fix_line(line, state):
# Remove all indentation
num_whitespace_chars = 0
for i in range(0, len(line)):
num_whitespace_chars = i
if line[i] not in ' \t':
line = line[num_whitespace_chars:]
# Set wanted indentation
tabs = int(state.indent_level / 4)
remaining_spaces = state.indent_level - tabs * 4
for i in range(0, remaining_spaces):
line = " " + line
for i in range(0, tabs):
line = "\t" + line
return line
for input_filename in input_filenames:
f = open(input_filename)
lines = f.readlines()
state = State()
fixed_lines = []
for line_i, orig_line in enumerate(lines):
if ANNOTATION_PREFIX in orig_line:
state.feed_line(orig_line, line_i)
fixed_line = fix_line(orig_line, state)
if state.fix_annotation and ANNOTATE_FILES:
if state.annotation_is_inside_comment:
pre = "("
post = ")"
elif state.annotation_is_inside_macro:
pre = "/* "
post = " */ \\"
pre = "// "
post = ""
annotation_line = (pre + ANNOTATION_PREFIX + state.fix_annotation +
sys.stdout.write("original "+str(line_i)+": "+orig_line)
if fixed_line != orig_line:
sys.stdout.write(" fixed "+str(line_i)+": "+fixed_line)
if not IN_PLACE:
f = open(input_filename, "w")
for line in fixed_lines:
# vim: set noet ts=4 sw=4: