175 lines
5.5 KiB
175 lines
5.5 KiB
-- Buildat: test1/client_lua/init.lua
-- http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Copyright 2014 Perttu Ahola <celeron55@gmail.com>
local log = buildat.Logger("test1")
local dump = buildat.dump
local u3d = require("buildat/extension/urho3d")
log:info("test1/init.lua loaded")
-- 3D things
-- NOTE: Create global variable so that it doesn't get automatically deleted
scene_ = u3d.Scene()
-- Note that naming the scene nodes is optional
local plane_node = scene_:CreateChild("Plane")
plane_node.scale = u3d.Vector3(10.0, 1.0, 10.0)
local plane_object = plane_node:CreateComponent("StaticModel")
plane_object.model = u3d.cache:GetResource("Model", "Models/Plane.mdl")
plane_object.material = u3d.cache:GetResource("Material", "Materials/StoneTiled.xml")
local light_node = scene_:CreateChild("DirectionalLight")
light_node.direction = u3d.Vector3(0.6, -1.0, 0.8) -- The direction vector does not need to be normalized
local light = light_node:CreateComponent("Light")
light.lightType = u3d.LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL
-- Add a camera so we can look at the scene
camera_node = scene_:CreateChild("Camera")
camera_node.position = u3d.Vector3(7.0, 7.0, 7.0)
--camera_node.rotation = Quaternion(0, 0, 0.0)
camera_node:LookAt(u3d.Vector3(0, 1, 0))
-- And this thing so the camera is shown on the screen
local viewport = u3d.Viewport:new(scene_, camera_node:GetComponent("Camera"))
u3d.renderer:SetViewport(0, viewport)
-- Add some text
local title_text = u3d.ui.root:CreateChild("Text")
title_text:SetFont(u3d.cache:GetResource("Font", "Fonts/Anonymous Pro.ttf"), 15)
title_text.horizontalAlignment = u3d.HA_CENTER
title_text.verticalAlignment = u3d.VA_CENTER
title_text:SetPosition(0, u3d.ui.root.height*(-0.33))
local cereal = require("buildat/extension/cereal")
local the_box = nil
buildat.sub_packet("test1:add_box", function(data)
local values = cereal.binary_input(data, {"object",
{"w", "double"},
{"h", "double"},
{"d", "double"},
{"x", "double"},
{"y", "double"},
{"z", "double"},
local w = values.w
local h = values.h
local d = values.d
local x = values.x
local y = values.y
local z = values.z
-- Mission: Make a box
-- 1) Make the entity in the scene
local node = scene_:CreateChild("THE GLORIOUS BOX")
the_box = node
node.scale = u3d.Vector3(w, h, d)
node.position = u3d.Vector3(x, y, z)
-- 2) Create a StaticModel which kind of is what we need
local object = node:CreateComponent("StaticModel")
-- 3) First it needs a model. We could just load this binaray blob:
object.model = u3d.cache:GetResource("Model", "Models/Box.mdl")
-- TODO: let's not. Let's generate some geometry!
--[[local cc = u3d.CustomGeometry()
cc.BeginGeometry(0, u3d.TRIANGLE_STRIP)
-- 4) Create a material. Again we could just load it from a file:
--object.material = u3d.cache:GetResource("Material", "Materials/Stone.xml")
-- ...but let's create a material ourselves:
g_m = u3d.Material() -- It has to be global because deletion causes a crash
object.material = g_m
-- We use this Diff.xml file to define that we want diffuse rendering. It
-- doesn't make much sense to define it ourselves as it consists of quite many
-- parameters:
object.material:SetTechnique(0, u3d.cache:GetResource("Technique", "Techniques/Diff.xml"))
-- And load the texture from a file:
object.material:SetTexture(u3d.TU_DIFFUSE, u3d.cache:GetResource("Texture2D", "Textures/LogoLarge.png"))
-- Make a non-useful but nice reply packet and send it to the server
values = {
a = 128,
b = 1000,
c = 3.14,
d = "Foo",
e = {"Bar1", "Bar2"},
f = {x=1, y=2},
data = cereal.binary_output(values, {"object",
{"a", "byte"},
{"b", "int32_t"},
{"c", "double"},
{"d", "string"},
{"e", {"array", "string"}},
{"f", {"object", {"x", "int32_t"}, {"y", "int32_t"}}}
buildat.send_packet("test1:box_added", data)
-- Try deserializing it too and see if all is working
values = cereal.binary_input(data, {"object",
{"a", "byte"},
{"b", "int32_t"},
{"c", "double"},
{"d", "string"},
{"e", {"array", "string"}},
{"f", {"object", {"x", "int32_t"}, {"y", "int32_t"}}}
assert(values.a == 128)
assert(values.b == 1000)
assert(values.c == 3.14)
assert(values.d == "Foo")
assert(values.e[2] == "Bar2")
assert(values.f.y == 2)
function move_box_by_user_input(dt)
-- Do not move if the UI has a focused element (the console)
if u3d.ui.focusElement ~= nil then
local MOVE_SPEED = 6.0
if the_box then
local p = the_box.position
p.y = u3d.Clamp(p.y - u3d.input.mouseMove.y * MOUSE_SENSITIVITY, 0, 5)
the_box.position = p -- Needed?
if u3d.input:GetKeyDown(u3d.KEY_W) then
the_box:Translate(u3d.Vector3(-1.0, 0.0, 0.0) * MOVE_SPEED * dt)
if u3d.input:GetKeyDown(u3d.KEY_S) then
the_box:Translate(u3d.Vector3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) * MOVE_SPEED * dt)
if u3d.input:GetKeyDown(u3d.KEY_A) then
the_box:Translate(u3d.Vector3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0) * MOVE_SPEED * dt)
if u3d.input:GetKeyDown(u3d.KEY_D) then
the_box:Translate(u3d.Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0) * MOVE_SPEED * dt)
function handle_update(eventType, eventData)
--log:info("handle_update() in test1/init.lua")
local dt = eventData:GetFloat("TimeStep")
--node:Rotate(Quaternion(50, 80*dt, 0, 0))
u3d.SubscribeToEvent("Update", "handle_update")