util/extra_cpp_style.py; tweak util/uncrustify.cfg

Perttu Ahola 2014-10-07 14:00:09 +03:00
parent feca5c5471
commit 7923502d6b
4 changed files with 445 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -38,6 +38,13 @@ cat "$uncrustify_base" "$uncrustify_add_cpp" > "$uncrustify_cpp"
uncrustify -c "$uncrustify_header" --no-backup $header_files
uncrustify -c "$uncrustify_cpp" --no-backup $cpp_files
# Fix miscellaneous stuff that uncrustify isn't capable of doing
python "$script_dir/extra_cpp_style.py" -i $header_files
python "$script_dir/extra_cpp_style.py" -i -b $cpp_files
# Remove trailing whitespace
#sed -i -e 's/[\t ]*$//' $header_files $cpp_files $lua_files $cmake_files
# Fix or add Vim modeline magic
sed -i '/^\/\/ vim: set /d' $header_files $cpp_files
for f in $header_files $cpp_files; do

util/extra_cpp_style.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
import sys
import re
import copy
IN_PLACE = False
# Not actually needed because indent level is autodetected for eaach block
def log(message):
print("-!- "+message)
input_filenames = []
for a in sys.argv[1:]:
if a == '-v':
elif a == '-i':
elif a == '-b':
class ParenMatch:
def __init__(self):
self.level = {
"{}": 0,
"[]": 0,
"()": 0,
"''": 0,
'""': 0,
'=;': 0,
'/**/': 0,
'//': 0,
'#': 0,
self.assignment_begin_paren_level = 0
def feed_part(self, line, i):
if self.level["/**/"] > 0:
if line[i:i+2] == '*/':
self.level["/**/"] = 0
return i + 2
return i + 1
if self.level["//"] > 0:
if line[i] == '\n':
self.level["//"] = 0
return i + 1
if self.level["''"] > 0:
if line[i] == "\\":
return i + 2
if line[i] == "'":
self.level["''"] = 0
return i + 1
if self.level['""'] > 0:
if line[i] == "\\":
return i + 2
if line[i] == '"':
self.level['""'] = 0
return i + 1
if line[i] == '/':
if line[i+1] == '*':
self.level["/**/"] = 1
return i + 1
if line[i+1] == '/':
self.level["//"] = 1
return i + 1
if line[i] == '=':
if line[i+1] not in '=<>!' and line[i-1] not in '=<>!':
self.level["=;"] = 1
self.assignment_begin_paren_level = self.level["()"]
return i + 2
if self.level["=;"] > 0:
if line[i] == ';':
self.level["=;"] = 0
return i + 1
if self.level["#"] > 0:
if line[i] == '\n' and line[i-1] != '\\':
self.level["#"] = 0
return i + 1
if line[i] == '#':
self.level["#"] = 1
return i + 1
for k in ["{}", "[]", "()", "''", '""']:
if line[i] == k[0]:
self.level[k] += 1
return i + 1
if line[i] == k[1]:
self.level[k] -= 1
if self.level[k] < 0:
log("WARNING: resetting negative "+k+" level")
self.level[k] = 0
if k == "()" and self.assignment_begin_paren_level > self.level[k]:
self.level["=;"] = 0
return i + 1
return i + 1
def feed_line(self, line):
i = 0
while True:
i = self.feed_part(line, i)
if i == len(line):
class DetectedBlock:
def __init__(self, line_i, start_level, base_indent_level, base_levels):
# If a block starts at the end of some line, the indentation of the
# block should always be one tab level, not more like uncrustify makes
# it in case the block belongs to a function parameter
self.start_line = line_i
self.open_level = start_level
self.base_indent_level = base_indent_level
self.inner_indent_level = None # Detected level (which can be wrong)
self.base_levels = base_levels # Basae ParenMatch levels inside block
class State:
def __init__(self):
self.match = ParenMatch()
self.blocks = [] # Stack
self.assign_multiline_params_paren_level = None
self.paren_level_indentations = {} # Level -> starting indentation level
# Output values
self.indent_fix_amount = 0
def print_debug_state(self, level_before, level_after):
if self.blocks:
log("base_levels : "+repr(self.blocks[-1].base_levels))
log("level_before: "+repr(level_before))
log("level_after : "+repr(level_after))
def fix_indent(self, d, description):
if d == 0:
self.indent_fix_amount += d
log("indent"+("+="+str(d) if d >= 0 else "-="+str(-d))+": "+description)
def feed_line(self, line, line_i):
self.indent_fix_amount = 0
if line.strip() == "":
level_before = copy.copy(self.match.level)
level_after = copy.copy(self.match.level)
line_is_comment = bool(re.match(r'[\t ]*//.*', line))
if level_before['/**/'] > 0 or level_after['/**/'] > 0:
line_is_comment = True
line_is_macro = (level_before['#'] > 0 or level_after['#'] > 0)
if line_is_macro:
# Leave macros as-is
indent_level = 0
space_count = 0
for c in line:
if c == "\t":
indent_level += 4
elif c == " ":
indent_level += 1
if not line_is_comment and not line_is_macro:
if level_after["()"] > level_before["()"]:
for paren_level in range(level_before["()"], level_after["()"]):
self.paren_level_indentations[paren_level] = indent_level
log("Detected paren level "+str(paren_level)+" indentation "+
# Fill in inner block level of topmost block
if (line.strip() != "" and self.blocks and
level_after["{}"] >= level_before["{}"]):
block = self.blocks[-1]
if block.inner_indent_level is None:
if re.match(r'^[ \t]*[a-z]+.*:$', line):
block.inner_indent_level = indent_level + 4
block.inner_indent_level = indent_level
log("Detected inner indent level: "+str(block.inner_indent_level))
# Final indentation level fix
is_inside_broken_block = False
# Fix block indentation level
for i, block in enumerate(self.blocks):
if i == 0: # Ignore first block, it's the namespace or something
if block.inner_indent_level is None:
#log("block.base_indent_level: "+str(block.base_indent_level))
#log("block.inner_indent_level: "+str(block.inner_indent_level))
if block.inner_indent_level - block.base_indent_level != 4:
d = block.base_indent_level - block.inner_indent_level + 4
self.fix_indent(d, "Fixing broken block indent")
is_inside_broken_block = True
# Hack: If line contains 'else', it has to be on lower indentation level
# This has to be done because we do stuff on a line-by-line basis
#if re.match(r'^.*}[\t ]else[\t ]+(if|).*$', line):
# self.fix_indent(-4, "Hack: else")
# Another hack; "case FOO: {" must be on lower indetation level
if not line_is_comment and not line_is_macro:
if re.match(r'^.*:[\t ]*{.*$', line):
self.fix_indent(-4, "Hack: case Foo: {")
# Another hack; "public:, private:, protected:"
if not line_is_comment and not line_is_macro:
if self.blocks:
top_block = self.blocks[-1]
if (re.match(r'^[\t ]*(public|private|protected):$', line) and
top_block.base_indent_level != indent_level):
d = top_block.base_indent_level - indent_level
self.fix_indent(d, "Hack: public/private/protected at"+
" wrong level")
if not line_is_comment and not line_is_macro:
# Block level detection: Detect block starts
# Really works only if there is only one { on the line
m = re.match(r'.*{', line)
m2 = re.match(r'.*}.*{', line)
if m and not m2 and level_after["{}"] > level_before["{}"]:
block_open_level = level_before["{}"]
block_indent_level = indent_level
# Use the indent level of the outside block if possible
if self.blocks:
parent = self.blocks[-1]
if parent.inner_indent_level is not None:
block_indent_level = parent.inner_indent_level
# If this line closes parenthesis, take the indent level from the
# parentheesis starting indentation level
use_paren_based_indentation = False
if level_after["()"] < level_before["()"]:
base_paren_level = level_after["()"]
block_indent_level = self.paren_level_indentations[base_paren_level]
use_paren_based_indentation = True
log("Detected block level "+str(block_open_level)+" begin; indent "+
self.blocks.append(DetectedBlock(line_i, block_open_level,
block_indent_level, level_after))
if not use_paren_based_indentation:
# Fix { to be on the correct indentation level
d = block_indent_level - indent_level
self.fix_indent(d, "Fixing { to have correct indentation")
if not line_is_comment and not line_is_macro:
# Update current block level
while self.blocks:
block = self.blocks[-1]
if level_after["{}"] <= block.open_level:
base_indent_level = block.base_indent_level
log("Detected block level "+str(block.open_level)+
" end (begun on line "+str(block.start_line)+
", base_indent_level="+str(base_indent_level)+")")
self.blocks = self.blocks[:-1]
# Fix indentation of last line if it doesn't contain
# anything special at all (only '}' or ';', no ')')
# This applies to blocks that are not parameters or are not
# being assigned to anything
self.print_debug_state(level_before, level_after)
if re.match(r'^[ \t]*[};]+$', line) and level_after["{}"] == 0:
self.fix_indent(-4, "Fixing indent of simple block end")
# Can't do this because we don't have the correct logic for all
# constructs; we only track block level
## Fix indentation level
#wanted_indent_level = 0
#for i, block in enumerate(self.blocks):
# if i == 0: # Ignore first block, it's the namespace or something
# continue
# if block.inner_indent_level is None:
# continue
# wanted_indent_level += 4
#self.indent_fix_amount = wanted_indent_level - indent_level
#log("Line should have indent level "+str(wanted_indent_level)+
# ", fix amount: "+str(self.indent_fix_amount))
if not line_is_comment and not line_is_macro:
# Assignment-with-multiline-parameters handling
m = re.match(r'.*=.*\(', line)
if m and self.assign_multiline_params_paren_level is None:
if level_after["()"] > level_before["()"]:
log("Detected assignment with starting multi-line parameters at "+
"paren level "+str(level_after["()"]))
self.assign_multiline_params_paren_level = level_after["()"]
if not line_is_comment and not line_is_macro:
# Match sole ); without extra stuff except more parentheses
if (self.assign_multiline_params_paren_level is not None and
level_after["()"] < self.assign_multiline_params_paren_level):
self.assign_multiline_params_paren_level = None
log("Detected end of multi-line parameters")
# Fix indentation of last line if it doesn't contain any
# parameters
if re.match(r'^[ \t]*[});]+$', line):
# Indent it properly according to the current block level
# Use the indent level of the outside block
block_indent_level = 0
if self.blocks:
parent = self.blocks[-1]
if parent.inner_indent_level is not None:
block_indent_level = parent.inner_indent_level
#log("block_indent_level: "+str(block_indent_level))
#log("indent_level: "+str(indent_level))
d = block_indent_level - indent_level
self.fix_indent(d, "Aligning parameter-less end of multi-line "+
if not line_is_comment and not line_is_macro:
added_multiline_paren_indentation = False # Avoid adding twice
# If inside broken indentation, do manual indentation of things
# content because uncrustify can't bother
if is_inside_broken_block and self.blocks:
top_block = self.blocks[-1]
# Manual indentation of multiline () content
if level_before["()"] > top_block.base_levels["()"]:
self.print_debug_state(level_before, level_after)
if top_block.base_levels["()"] < level_before["()"]:
if top_block.base_levels["{}"] >= level_before["{}"]:
"Indenting multiline () in broken block")
added_multiline_paren_indentation = True
# Manual indentation of multiline assignment
self.print_debug_state(level_before, level_after)
if (level_before["=;"] > top_block.base_levels["=;"] and
not re.match(r'^.*[ \t]=( |\t|\n).*$', line) and
not added_multiline_paren_indentation):
self.fix_indent(4, "Indenting multiline assigmnent in "+
"broken block")
# If not inside broken indentation, add one level to inside
# multiline () content because uncrustify is unable to do so
# consistently. It randomly uses 1 and 2 tabs if an attempt is made
# to configure it to do this. It is now configured to always add 1.
# Also member initializers get correct indentation this way.
if not is_inside_broken_block and self.blocks:
top_block = self.blocks[-1]
if (level_before["()"] > top_block.base_levels["()"] and
not re.match(r'^[ \t]*[)}\];].*$', line)):
self.fix_indent(4, "Adding indentation to regular multiline ()")
added_multiline_paren_indentation = True
# If not inside broken indentation, add one level to inside
# multiline assignment content because uncrustify is unable to do
# so consistently. It randomly uses 1 and 2 tabs if an attempt is
# made to configure it to do this. It is now configured to always
# add 1.
if (not is_inside_broken_block and self.blocks and
not added_multiline_paren_indentation):
top_block = self.blocks[-1]
if (level_before["=;"] > top_block.base_levels["=;"] and
not re.match(r'^.*[ \t]=( |\t|\n).*$', line) and
not re.match(r'^[ \t]*[)}\];].*$', line)):
self.fix_indent(4, "Adding indentation to regular multiline =;")
# Log final indent fix amount
if self.indent_fix_amount != 0:
log("Indent has to be fixed by "+str(self.indent_fix_amount))
def fix_line(line, state):
if state.indent_fix_amount < 0:
remove_spaces_total = -state.indent_fix_amount
remove_tabs = int(remove_spaces_total / 4)
remove_spaces = remove_spaces_total - remove_tabs * 4
#log("Removing "+str(remove_tabs)+" tabs and "+str(remove_spaces)+" spaces")
for i in range(0, remove_tabs):
if line[0] == '\t':
line = line[1:]
log("Can't remove enough tabs")
for i in range(0, remove_spaces):
did = False
for i, c in enumerate(line):
if c not in ' \t':
if c == ' ':
line = line[0:i] + line[i+1:]
did = True
if not did:
log("Can't remove enough spaces")
elif state.indent_fix_amount > 0:
for i in range(0, state.indent_fix_amount / 4):
line = "\t" + line
return line
for input_filename in input_filenames:
f = open(input_filename)
lines = f.readlines()
state = State()
fixed_lines = []
for line_i, orig_line in enumerate(lines):
state.feed_line(orig_line, line_i)
fixed_line = fix_line(orig_line, state)
sys.stdout.write("original "+str(line_i)+": "+orig_line)
if fixed_line != orig_line:
sys.stdout.write(" fixed "+str(line_i)+": "+fixed_line)
if not IN_PLACE:
f = open(input_filename, "w")
for line in fixed_lines:
# vim: set noet ts=4 sw=4:

View File

@ -43,17 +43,18 @@ indent_columns = 4
# The continuation indent. If non-zero, this overrides the indent of '(' and '=' continuation indents.
# For FreeBSD, this is set to 4. Negative value is absolute and not increased for each ( level
indent_continue = 8
#indent_continue = 8 # Doesn't apply to everything as it should
indent_continue = 4 # Use this instead and post-process things to be correct
# How to use tabs when indenting code
# 0=spaces only
# 1=indent with tabs to brace level, align with spaces
# 2=indent and align with tabs, using spaces when not on a tabstop
indent_with_tabs = 1
indent_with_tabs = 2 # Needed because otherwise spaces are placed in stupid places
# Comments that are not a brace level are indented with tabs on a tabstop.
# Requires indent_with_tabs=2. If false, will use spaces.
indent_cmt_with_tabs = false
indent_cmt_with_tabs = true
# Whether to indent strings broken by '\' so that they line up
indent_align_string = false
@ -81,14 +82,14 @@ indent_braces_no_struct = false
indent_brace_parent = false
# Whether the 'namespace' body is indented
indent_namespace = ignore
#indent_namespace = false
# The number of spaces to indent a namespace block
indent_namespace_level = 4
#indent_namespace_level = 4
# If the body of the namespace is longer than this number, it won't be indented.
# Requires indent_namespace=true. Default=0 (no limit)
indent_namespace_limit = 0
#indent_namespace_limit = 0
# Whether the 'extern "C"' body is indented
indent_extern = true
@ -149,14 +150,14 @@ indent_func_throw = 0
# The number of spaces to indent a continued '->' or '.'
# Usually set to 0, 1, or indent_columns.
indent_member = 0
indent_member = 0 # NOTE: Does not seem to work at all
# Spaces to indent single line ('//') comments on lines before code
indent_sing_line_comments = 0
# If set, will indent trailing single line ('//') comments relative
# to the code instead of trying to keep the same absolute column
indent_relative_single_line_comments = false
indent_relative_single_line_comments = true
# Spaces to indent 'case' from 'switch'
# Usually 0 or indent_columns.
@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ indent_preserve_sql = false
# Align continued statements at the '='. Default=True
# If FALSE or the '=' is followed by a newline, the next line is indent one tab.
indent_align_assign = true
indent_align_assign = false
# Indent OC blocks at brace level instead of usual rules.
indent_oc_block = false
@ -695,7 +696,7 @@ sp_endif_cmt = ignore
sp_after_new = add
# Controls the spaces before a trailing or embedded comment
sp_before_tr_emb_cmt = add
sp_before_tr_emb_cmt = force
# Number of spaces before a trailing or embedded comment
sp_num_before_tr_emb_cmt = 1
@ -711,7 +712,7 @@ sp_annotation_paren = ignore
align_keep_tabs = true
# Whether to use tabs for aligning
align_with_tabs = true
align_with_tabs = false
# Whether to bump out to the next tab when aligning
align_on_tabstop = false
@ -757,15 +758,19 @@ align_var_def_attribute = false
align_var_def_inline = false
# The span for aligning on '=' in assignments (0=don't align)
#align_assign_span = 5
align_assign_span = 0
# The threshold for aligning on '=' in assignments (0=no limit)
#align_assign_thresh = 2
align_assign_thresh = 0
# The span for aligning on '=' in enums (0=don't align)
#align_enum_equ_span = 5
align_enum_equ_span = 0
# The threshold for aligning on '=' in enums (0=no limit)
#align_enum_equ_thresh = 2
align_enum_equ_thresh = 0
# The span for aligning struct/union (0=don't align)
@ -1212,6 +1217,7 @@ nl_create_while_one_liner = false
# Positioning options
# ignore/join/lead/lead_break/lead_force/trail/trail_break/trail_force
# The position of arithmetic operators in wrapped expressions
@ -1244,7 +1250,7 @@ pos_class_colon = ignore
# Try to limit code width to N number of columns
code_width = 0
code_width = 85
# Whether to fully split long 'for' statements at semi-colons
ls_for_split_full = false
@ -1443,7 +1449,7 @@ cmt_reflow_mode = 0
# If false, disable all multi-line comment changes, including cmt_width. keyword substitution, and leading chars.
# Default is true.
cmt_indent_multi = true
cmt_indent_multi = false
# Whether to group c-comments that look like they are in a block
cmt_c_group = false

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Uncrustify 0.60
indent_namespace = true
indent_namespace = false
indent_namespace_level = 0
indent_namespace_limit = 0