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2014-01-30 11:23:00 -08:00
#include "stdafx.h"
int atoi( const string &s ){
return atoi( s.c_str() );
double atof( const string &s ){
return atof( s.c_str() );
string itoa( int n ){
char buff[32];itoa( n,buff,10 );
return string( buff );
static int _finite( double n ){ // definition: exponent anything but 2047.
int e; // 11 bit exponent
const int eMax = 2047; // 0x7ff, all bits = 1
int *pn = (int *) &n;
e = *++pn; // Intel order!
e = ( e >> 20 ) & eMax;
return e != eMax;
static int _isnan( double n ){ // definition: exponent 2047, nonzero fraction.
int e; // 11 bit exponent
const int eMax = 2047; // 0x7ff, all bits = 1
int *pn = (int *) &n;
e = *++pn; // Intel order!
e = ( e >> 20 ) & eMax;
if ( e != 2047 ) return 0; // almost always return here
int fHi, fLo; // 52 bit fraction
fHi = ( *pn ) & 0xfffff; // first 20 bits
fLo = *--pn; // last 32 bits
return ( fHi | fLo ) != 0; // returns 0,1 not just 0,nonzero
//By FLOYD!//
string ftoa( float n ){
static const int digits=6;
int eNeg = -4, ePos = 8; // limits for e notation.
char buffer[50]; // from MSDN example, 25 would probably suffice
string t;
int dec, sign;
if ( _finite( n ) ){
// if ( digits < 1 ) digits = 1; // less than one digit is nonsense
// if ( digits > 8 ) digits = 8; // practical maximum for float
t = _ecvt( n, digits, &dec, &sign );
if ( dec <= eNeg + 1 || dec > ePos ){
_gcvt( n, digits, buffer );
t = buffer;
return t;
// Here is the tricky case. We want a nicely formatted
// number with no e-notation or multiple trailing zeroes.
if ( dec <= 0 ){
t = "0." + string( -dec, '0' ) + t;
dec = 1; // new location for decimal point
else if( dec < digits ){
t = t.substr( 0, dec ) + "." + t.substr( dec );
t = t + string( dec - digits, '0' ) + ".0";
dec += dec - digits;
// Finally, trim off excess zeroes.
int dp1 = dec + 1, p = t.length();
while( --p > dp1 && t[p] == '0' );
t = string( t, 0, ++p );
return sign ? "-" + t : t;
} // end of finite case
if ( _isnan( n ) ) return "NaN";
if ( n > 0.0 ) return "Infinity";
if ( n < 0.0 ) return "-Infinity";
string ftoa( float n ){
static const float min=.000001f,max=9999999.0f;
int i=*(int*)&n;
int e=(i>>23)&0xff;
int f=i&0x007fffff;
if( e==0xff && f ) return "NAN";
string t;
int s=(i>>31)&0x01;
if( e==0xff ){
}else if( !e && !f ){
}else if( n>=min && n<=max ){
int dec,sgn;
t=_fcvt( fabs(n),6,&dec,&sgn );
if( dec<=0 ){
t="0."+string( -dec,'0' )+t;
}else if( dec<t.size() ){
t=t.substr( 0,dec )+"."+t.substr( dec );
t=t+string( '0',dec-t.size() )+".000000";
char buff[32];
_gcvt( fabs(n),7,buff );
return s ? "-"+t : t;
string tolower( const string &s ){
string t=s;
for( int k=0;k<t.size();++k ) t[k]=tolower(t[k]);
return t;
string toupper( const string &s ){
string t=s;
for( int k=0;k<t.size();++k ) t[k]=toupper(t[k]);
return t;
string fullfilename( const string &t ){
char buff[MAX_PATH+1],*p;
GetFullPathName( t.c_str(),MAX_PATH,buff,&p );
return string(buff);
string filenamepath( const string &t ){
char buff[MAX_PATH+1],*p;
GetFullPathName( t.c_str(),MAX_PATH,buff,&p );
if( !p ) return "";
*p=0;return string(buff);
string filenamefile( const string &t ){
char buff[MAX_PATH+1],*p;
GetFullPathName( t.c_str(),MAX_PATH,buff,&p );
if( !p ) return "";
return string( p );