974 lines
37 KiB
974 lines
37 KiB
* dosee-loader.js
* DOSee emulator
* Fork of https://github.com/db48x/emularity/blob/master/loader.js
* Last commit synced to: Feb 15, 2018
* Major differences:
* Requires ES6 compatible browser
* Only DOS emulation
* No local save game states
* No Web Assembly builds [todo]
/* global storageAvailable Module BrowserFS ES6Promise FS Promise */
/* eslint strict: ["error", "safe"] */
/* eslint no-global-assign: ["error", {"exceptions": ["Module"]}] */
Module = null;
(function (Promise) {
"use strict"
const doseeVersion = `1.8p`
// DOSBox requires a valid IndexedDB
// See: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/IndexedDB_API/Using_IndexedDB
if (window.indexedDB) {
document.getElementById(`doseeCrashed`).style.display = `none`
// Common API functions
// DOSee is based off The Emularity which supports multiple emulators.
// The BaseLoader naming convention was used to highlight the shared functions.
function DoseeAPI() {
return Array.prototype.reduce.call(arguments, extend)
// HTML <canvas> element used to display the emulation
DoseeAPI.canvas = function (id) {
const elem = id instanceof Element ? id : document.getElementById(id)
return { canvas: elem }
DoseeAPI.emulatorJS = function (url) {
return { emulatorJS: url }
DoseeAPI.locateAdditionalEmulatorJS = function (func) {
return { locateAdditionalJS: func }
DoseeAPI.nativeResolution = function (width, height) {
if (typeof width !== `number` || typeof height !== `number`)
throw new Error(`Width and height must be numbers`)
return {
nativeResolution: {
width: Math.floor(width),
height: Math.floor(height),
DoseeAPI.aspectRatio = function (ratio) {
if (typeof ratio !== `number`)
throw new Error(`Aspect ratio must be a number`)
return { aspectRatio: ratio }
DoseeAPI.mountZip = function (drive, file) {
return {
files: [{
drive: drive,
mountpoint: `/${drive}`,
file: file,
DoseeAPI.mountFile = function (filename, file) {
return {
files: [{
mountpoint: filename,
file: file,
DoseeAPI.fetchFile = function (title, url) {
return {
title: title,
url: url,
DoseeAPI.fetchOptionalFile = function (title, url) {
return {
title: title,
url: url,
optional: true,
DoseeAPI.localFile = function (title, data) {
return {
title: title,
data: data,
function DoseeLoader() {
const config = Array.prototype.reduce.call(arguments, extend)
config.emulator_arguments = build_dosbox_arguments(config.emulatorStart, config.files, config.emulatorCPU)
return config
Object.setPrototypeOf(DoseeLoader, DoseeAPI)
DoseeLoader.startExe = function (path) {
return { emulatorStart: path }
const build_dosbox_arguments = function (emulator_start, files) {
console.log(`Initialisation of DOSee ` + doseeVersion)
let verbose = `with the following configuration:`
// get guest program path
const path = emulator_start.split(/\\|\//) // I have LTS already
// get guest program file name
let prog = path.pop()
// dosbox command line arguments
const args = []
// parse URL query string
if (`URLSearchParams` in window == false) {
console.log(`DOSee needs the URLSearchParams interface to read URL query string values`)
return args
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.href)
// graphic engine scalers (https://www.dosbox.com/wiki/Scaler)
let scaler = null
if (storageAvailable(`local`)) scaler = localStorage.getItem(`doseeScaler`) // look for saved option
if (scaler === null) scaler = `none`
switch (scaler) {
case `advinterp3x`:
verbose += ` Advanced interpolation engine (advinterp3x).`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/engine-advinterp3x.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosscale5`).checked = true
case `hq3x`:
verbose += ` High Quality 3 magnification (hq3x).`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/engine-hq3x.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosscale4`).checked = true
case `rgb3x`:
verbose += ` RGB engine (rgb3x).`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/engine-rgb3x.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosscale3`).checked = true
case `super2xsai`:
verbose += ` Super scale and interpolation engine (super2xsai).`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/engine-super2xsai.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosscale1`).checked = true
case `tv3x`:
verbose += ` TV 3x scale engine (tv3x).`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/engine-tv3x.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosscale2`).checked = true
default: document.getElementById(`dosscale0`).checked = true
// impose aspect ratio correction
let aspect = null
if (storageAvailable(`local`)) aspect = localStorage.getItem(`doseeAspect`) // look for saved option
if (aspect === null) aspect = `true`
if (aspect !== `false`) {
verbose += ` With aspect correction.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/render.con`) // aspect=true
} else {
document.getElementById(`doseeAspect`).checked = true
verbose += ` No aspect correction.`
// emulation cpu speed
const cpuspeed = urlParams.get(`dosspeed`)
switch (cpuspeed) {
case `8086`:
verbose += ` 8086 real mode CPU.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/cpu-8086.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosspeed4`).checked = true
case `386`:
verbose += ` 386 protect mode CPU.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/cpu-386.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosspeed3`).checked = true
case `486`: case `max`:
verbose += ` Unlocked CPU speed.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/cpu-max.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosspeed2`).checked = true
verbose += ` Automatic CPU speed.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/cpu-auto.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosspeed1`).checked = true
// emulation sound cards
const sound = urlParams.get(`dosaudio`)
switch (sound) {
case `none`:
verbose += ` No audio.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/noaudio.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosaudio5`).checked = true
case `sb1`:
verbose += ` Sound Blaster 1.0 audio.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/sb1.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosaudio3`).checked = true
case `gus`:
verbose += ` Gravis Ultrasound audio.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/g/gus.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosaudio1`).checked = true
case `covox`:
verbose += ` Covox Speech Accelerator audio.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/covox.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosaudio4`).checked = true
verbose += ` Sound Blaster 16 audio.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/sb16.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosaudio2`).checked = true
// emulation graphics or machine type
const machine = urlParams.get(`dosmachine`)
switch (machine) {
case `svga`:
verbose += ` SVGA s3 graphics.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/svga.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosmachine1`).checked = true
document.getElementById(`svgaEffectsMsg`).style.display = `none`
case `cga`:
verbose += ` CGA graphics.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/cga.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosmachine5`).checked = true
case `ega`:
verbose += ` EGA graphics.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/ega.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosmachine3`).checked = true
case `herc`:
verbose += ` Hercules graphics.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/herc.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosmachine6`).checked = true
case `tandy`:
verbose += ` Tandy graphics.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/tandy.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosmachine4`).checked = true
case `et3000`:
verbose += ` SVGA ET3000 graphics.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/et3000.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosmachine1`).checked = true
case `et4000`:
verbose += ` SVGA ET4000 graphics.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/et4000.con`)
case `paradise`:
verbose += ` Paradise PVGA1A graphics.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/paradise.con`)
case `nolfb`:
verbose += ` SVGA s3 graphics with no-line frame buffer hack.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/nolfb.con`)
case `oldvbe`:
verbose += ` VESA 1.3 graphics.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/oldvbe.con`)
verbose += ` VGA graphics.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/vgaonly.con`)
document.getElementById(`dosmachine2`).checked = true
// dosbox memory managers
const ems = urlParams.get(`dosems`)
if (ems === `false`) {
verbose += ` ✗ Expanded (EMS) memory.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/noems.con`)
const umb = urlParams.get(`dosumb`)
if (umb === `false`) {
verbose += ` ✗ Upper Memory Block (UMB) access.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/noumb.con`)
const xms = urlParams.get(`dosxms`)
if (xms === `false`) {
verbose += ` ✗ Extended (XMS) memory.`
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/noxms.con`)
// dosbox mount points (dos drive letters)
for (const i in files) {
if (`drive` in files[i]) {
args.push(`-c`, `mount ${files[i].drive} /dos${files[i].mountpoint}`)
// dosbox default drive letter
args.push(`-c`, /^[a-zA-Z]:$/.test(path[0]) ? path.shift() : `C:`)
// load drivers not natively supplied by DOSBox and after emulated drives are mounted
// paths to drivers has been set in the sb1.con under [autoexec]
if (sound === `sb1`) {
args.push(`-c`, `SBFMDRV.COM`)
args.push(`-c`, `SOUND.COM`)
// dos utilities with PATH setup
const dosutilities = urlParams.get(`dosutils`)
if (dosutilities === `true`) {
args.push(`-conf`, `/dos/s/utils.con`)
// some programs don't run correctly unless their root directory is active
if (path && path.length) {
let pathStr = path.toString()
pathStr = pathStr.replace(`,`, `\\`)
console.log(`Execute path ${pathStr}`)
args.push(`-c`, `CD ${pathStr}`)
// automatically run the guest program
const skiprun = urlParams.get(`dosautorun`)
if (skiprun !== `false`) {
prog = prog.replace(` :`, ` /`) // hack to implement program options
verbose = `Will execute \`${prog}\` ${verbose}`
args.push(`-c`, prog)
// partial ansi escape code generator for coloured text
const ansi = function (code, str) {
let c = String.fromCharCode(27, 91, 48, 109) // esc[0m
switch (code) {
case `bold`: c = String.fromCharCode(27, 91, 49, 109); break // esc[1m
case `blue`: c = String.fromCharCode(27, 91, 51, 52, 109); break // esc[34m
case `white`: c = String.fromCharCode(27, 91, 51, 55, 109); break // esc[37m
if (str === undefined) return c
return `${c}${str}`
// test to display after guest program is complete
if (urlParams.get(`name`) !== `waitingapproval`) {
const finCmd = `@echo ${prog} has finished. -${ansi(`bold`)}${ansi(`blue`, `d`)}${ansi(`white`, `e`)}\
${ansi(`blue`, `f`)}${ansi(`white`, `acto`)}${ansi(`blue`, `2`)}${ansi(`white`, `.net`)}${ansi()}-`
args.push(`-c`, finCmd)
return args
* Emulator
function Emulator(canvas, callbacks, loadFiles) {
if (typeof callbacks !== `object`) {
callbacks = {
before_emulator: null,
before_run: callbacks,
let has_started = false
const defaultSplashColors = {
foreground: `white`,
background: `black`,
failure: `red`,
success: `green`,
const splash = {
loading_text: ``,
spinning: true,
finished_loading: false,
colors: defaultSplashColors,
table: null,
splashimg: new Image(),
let cssResolution, scale, aspectRatio
// right off the bat we set the canvas's inner dimensions to
// whatever it's current css dimensions are this isn't likely to be
// the same size that dosbox will set it to, but it avoids
// the case where the size was left at the default 300x150
if (!canvas.hasAttribute(`width`)) {
const style = getComputedStyle(canvas)
canvas.width = parseInt(style.width, 10)
canvas.height = parseInt(style.height, 10)
this.setSplashImage = function (_splashimg) {
if (_splashimg) {
if (_splashimg instanceof Image) {
if (splash.splashimg.parentNode) {
splash.splashimg.src = _splashimg.src
} else {
splash.splashimg = _splashimg
} else {
splash.splashimg.src = _splashimg
return this
this.setCallbacks = function (_callbacks) {
if (typeof _callbacks !== `object`) {
callbacks = {
before_emulator: null,
before_run: _callbacks,
} else {
callbacks = _callbacks
return this
this.setSplashColors = function (colors) {
splash.colors = colors
return this
this.setLoad = function (loadFunc) {
loadFiles = loadFunc
return this
const start = function (options) {
if (has_started) return false
has_started = true
if (typeof options !== `object`) {
options = { waitAfterDownloading: false }
let k, c, game_data
setupSplash(canvas, splash)
let loading
if (typeof loadFiles === `function`) {
loading = loadFiles(fetch_file, splash)
} else {
loading = Promise.resolve(loadFiles)
.then(loadBranding, errBranding)
.then(loadDosWarp, errDosWarp)
// hide long load time messages once emulator has loaded
const sdlm = document.getElementById(`doseeSlowLoad`)
if (sdlm !== `undefined`) {
sdlm.style.display = `none`
return this
function loadHardDrive(_game_data) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
const deltaFS = new BrowserFS.FileSystem.InMemory()
function finish() {
game_data = _game_data
// Any file system writes to MountableFileSystem will be written to the
// deltaFS, letting us mount read-only zip files into the MountableFileSystem
// while being able to 'write' to them.
game_data.fs = new BrowserFS.FileSystem.OverlayFS(deltaFS,
new BrowserFS.FileSystem.MountableFileSystem())
game_data.fs.initialize(function () {
const Buffer = BrowserFS.BFSRequire(`buffer`).Buffer
function fetch(file) {
if (`data` in file && file.data !== null && typeof file.data !== `undefined`) {
return Promise.resolve(file.data)
return fetch_file(file.title, file.url, `arraybuffer`, file.optional)
function mountAt(drive) {
return function (data) {
if (data !== null) {
drive = drive.toLowerCase()
const mountpoint = `/${drive}`
// Mount into RO MFS.
game_data.fs.getOverlayedFileSystems().readable.mount(mountpoint, BFSOpenZip(new Buffer(data)))
.map(function (f) {
if (f && f.file) {
if (f.drive) return fetch(f.file).then(mountAt(f.drive))
return null
})).then(resolve, reject)
function loadBranding() {
if (!game_data || splash.failed_loading) return null
if (options.waitAfterDownloading) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
splash.setTitle(`✔ Click here to run`)
splash.spinning = false
// stashes these event listeners so that we can remove them after
window.addEventListener(`keydown`, k = keyevent(resolve))
canvas.addEventListener(`click`, c = resolve)
splash.splashElt.addEventListener(`click`, c)
return Promise.resolve()
function loadDosWarp() {
if (!game_data || splash.failed_loading) return
splash.spinning = true
window.removeEventListener(`keypress`, k)
canvas.removeEventListener(`click`, c)
splash.splashElt.removeEventListener(`click`, c)
// Don't let arrow, pg up/down, home, end affect page position
// Emscripten doesn't use the proper prefixed functions for fullscreen requests,
// so let's map the prefixed versions to the correct function.
canvas.requestPointerLock = getpointerlockenabler()
Module = init_module(
if (callbacks && callbacks.before_emulator) {
try {
} catch (x) {
if (game_data.emulatorJS) {
// enable the operator screenshot and upload button plus jump to the emulation canvas
const oscb = document.getElementById(`doseeCaptureUpload`)
if (oscb !== null) {
oscb.disabled = false
window.location.href = `#emulator`
splash.setTitle(`Warping to DOS`)
} else {
splash.setTitle(`Non-system disk or disk error`)
function errBranding() {
if (splash.failed_loading) return null
splash.setTitle(`The emulator broke ${String.fromCharCode(9785)}`) // frown face
splash.failed_loading = true
function errDosWarp() {
if (splash.failed_loading) return
splash.setTitle(`Invalid media, track 0 bad or unusable`)
splash.failed_loading = true
this.start = start
const init_module = function (args, fs, locateAdditionalJS, nativeResolution, aspectRatio) {
return {
arguments: args,
screenIsReadOnly: true,
print: function (text) {
// feedback from DOSBox
canvas: canvas,
noInitialRun: false,
locateFile: locateAdditionalJS,
preInit: function () {
splash.setTitle(`Loading program into the file system`)
// Re-initialize BFS to just use the writeable in-memory storage.
const BFS = new BrowserFS.EmscriptenFS()
// Mount the file system into Emscripten.
FS.mount(BFS, { root: `/` }, `/dos`)
splash.finished_loading = true
setTimeout(function () {
scale = scale || scale,
cssResolution = nativeResolution || cssResolution,
aspectRatio = aspectRatio || aspectRatio)
if (callbacks && callbacks.before_run) {
window.setTimeout(function () {
}, 0)
const formatSize = function (event) {
if (event.lengthComputable)
return `(${(event.total ? (event.loaded / event.total * 100).toFixed(0) : `100`)}% \
${formatBytes(event.loaded)} of ${formatBytes(event.total)})`
return `(${formatBytes(event.loaded)})`
const formatBytes = function (bytes, base10) {
if (bytes === 0) return `0 B`
const unit = base10 ? 1000 : 1024,
units = base10 ? [`B`, `kB`, `MB`, `GB`, `TB`, `PB`, `EB`, `ZB`, `YB`] : [`B`, `KiB`, `MiB`, `GiB`, `TiB`, `PiB`, `EiB`, `ZiB`, `YiB`],
exp = parseInt((Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(unit))),
size = bytes / Math.pow(unit, exp)
return `${size.toFixed(1)} ${units[exp]}`
const fetch_file = function (title, url, rt, optional) {
const row = addRow(splash.table)
const titleCell = row[0],
statusCell = row[1]
titleCell.textContent = title
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
xhr.open(`GET`, url, true)
xhr.responseType = rt || `arraybuffer`
xhr.onprogress = function (e) {
titleCell.textContent = `${title} ${formatSize(e)}`
xhr.onload = function () {
if (xhr.status === 200 || xhr.status === 0) {
} else if (optional) {
} else {
xhr.onerror = function () {
if (optional) {
} else {
function success() {
statusCell.textContent = `✔`
statusCell.style.color = splash.getColor(`success`)
titleCell.textContent = title
titleCell.style.fontWeight = `bold`
titleCell.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = splash.getColor(`foreground`)
titleCell.parentNode.style.color = splash.getColor(`background`)
function failure() {
statusCell.textContent = `✘`
statusCell.style.color = splash.getColor(`failure`)
titleCell.textContent = title
titleCell.style.fontWeight = `bold`
titleCell.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = splash.getColor(`foreground`)
titleCell.parentNode.style.color = splash.getColor(`failure`)
function keyevent(resolve) {
return function (e) {
if ((e.keycode || e.which) == 32) {
const resizeCanvas = function (canvas, scale, resolution) {
if (scale && resolution) {
// optimizeSpeed is the standardized value. different
// browsers support different values they will all ignore
// values that they don't understand.
canvas.style.imageRendering = `-moz-crisp-edges`
canvas.style.imageRendering = `-o-crisp-edges`
canvas.style.imageRendering = `-webkit-optimize-contrast`
canvas.style.imageRendering = `optimize-contrast`
canvas.style.imageRendering = `crisp-edges`
canvas.style.imageRendering = `pixelated`
canvas.style.imageRendering = `optimizeSpeed`
canvas.style.width = `${resolution.width * scale}px`
canvas.style.height = `${resolution.height * scale}px`
canvas.width = resolution.width
canvas.height = resolution.height
function setupSplash(canvas, splash) {
splash.splashElt = document.getElementById(`doseeSplashScreen`)
if (!splash.splashElt) {
splash.splashElt = document.createElement(`div`)
splash.splashElt.setAttribute(`id`, `doseeSplashScreen`)
splash.splashElt.style.position = `absolute`
splash.splashElt.style.top = `${canvas.offsetTop}px`
splash.splashElt.style.left = `${canvas.offsetLeft}px`
splash.splashElt.style.width = `${canvas.offsetWidth}px`
splash.splashElt.style.color = splash.getColor(`foreground`)
splash.splashElt.style.backgroundColor = splash.getColor(`background`)
splash.splashimg.setAttribute(`id`, `doseeSplashImg`)
splash.splashimg.style.display = `block`
splash.splashimg.style.marginLeft = `auto`
splash.splashimg.style.marginRight = `auto`
splash.titleElt = document.createElement(`span`)
splash.titleElt.setAttribute(`id`, `doseeSplashTitle`)
splash.titleElt.style.display = `block`
splash.titleElt.style.width = `100%`
splash.titleElt.style.marginTop = `1em`
splash.titleElt.style.marginBottom = `1em`
splash.titleElt.style.textAlign = `center`
splash.titleElt.style.font = `24px sans-serif`
splash.titleElt.textContent = ``
let table = document.getElementById(`doseeProgressIndicator`)
if (!table) {
table = document.createElement(`table`)
table.setAttribute(`id`, `doseeProgressIndicator`)
table.style.width = `50%`
table.style.color = splash.getColor(`foreground`)
table.style.backgroundColor = splash.getColor(`background`)
table.style.marginLeft = `auto`
table.style.marginRight = `auto`
table.style.borderCollapse = `separate`
table.style.borderSpacing = `2px`
splash.table = table
splash.setTitle = function (title) {
splash.titleElt.textContent = title
splash.hide = function () {
splash.splashElt.style.display = `none`
splash.getColor = function (name) {
return name in splash.colors ? splash.colors[name] : defaultSplashColors[name]
const addRow = function (table) {
const row = table.insertRow(-1)
row.style.textAlign = `center`
const cell = row.insertCell(-1)
cell.style.position = `relative`
const titleCell = document.createElement(`span`)
titleCell.textContent = `—`
titleCell.style.verticalAlign = `center`
titleCell.style.minHeight = `24px`
const statusCell = document.createElement(`span`)
statusCell.style.position = `absolute`
statusCell.style.left = `0`
statusCell.style.paddingLeft = `0.5em`
return [titleCell, statusCell]
const drawsplash = function () {
canvas.setAttribute(`moz-opaque`, ``)
if (!splash.splashimg.src) {
splash.splashimg.src = `images/floppy_disk_icon-180x180.png`
function attach_script(js_url) {
if (js_url) {
const head = document.getElementsByTagName(`head`)[0]
const newScript = document.createElement(`script`)
newScript.type = `text/javascript`
newScript.src = js_url
function getpointerlockenabler() {
return canvas.requestPointerLock || canvas.mozRequestPointerLock || canvas.webkitRequestPointerLock
function getfullscreenenabler() {
return canvas.webkitRequestFullScreen || canvas.mozRequestFullScreen || canvas.requestFullScreen
this.isfullscreensupported = function () {
return !!(getfullscreenenabler())
function setupFullScreen() {
const fullScreenChangeHandler = function () {
if (!(document.mozFullScreenElement || document.fullScreenElement)) {
resizeCanvas(canvas, scale, cssResolution, aspectRatio)
if (`onfullscreenchange` in document) {
document.addEventListener(`fullscreenchange`, fullScreenChangeHandler)
} else if (`onmozfullscreenchange` in document) {
document.addEventListener(`mozfullscreenchange`, fullScreenChangeHandler)
} else if (`onwebkitfullscreenchange` in document) {
document.addEventListener(`webkitfullscreenchange`, fullScreenChangeHandler)
this.requestFullScreen = function () {
Module.requestFullScreen(1, 0)
* Prevents page navigation keys such as page up/page down from
* moving the page while the user is playing.
function blockSomeKeys() {
function keypress(e) {
if (e.which >= 33 && e.which <= 40) {
return false
return true
window.onkeydown = keypress
* Disables the right click menu for the given element.
function disableRightClickContextMenu(element) {
function (e) {
if (e.button == 2) {
// Block right-click menu thru preventing default action.
* misc
function BFSOpenZip(loadedData) {
return new BrowserFS.FileSystem.ZipFS(loadedData)
// This is such a hack. We're not calling the BrowserFS api
// 'correctly', so we have to synthesize these flags ourselves
const flag_r = {
isReadable: function () { return true },
isWriteable: function () { return false },
isTruncating: function () { return false },
isAppendable: function () { return false },
isSynchronous: function () { return false },
isExclusive: function () { return false },
pathExistsAction: function () { return 0 },
pathNotExistsAction: function () { return 1 },
const flag_w = {
isReadable: function () { return false },
isWriteable: function () { return true },
isTruncating: function () { return false },
isAppendable: function () { return false },
isSynchronous: function () { return false },
isExclusive: function () { return false },
pathExistsAction: function () { return 0 },
pathNotExistsAction: function () { return 3 },
* Searches for dosbox.conf, and moves it to '/dosbox.conf'
so dosbox uses it.
function moveConfigToRoot(fs) {
let dosboxConfPath = null
// Recursively search for dosbox.conf.
function searchDirectory(dirPath) {
fs.readdirSync(dirPath).forEach(function (item) {
if (dosboxConfPath) return
// Avoid infinite recursion by ignoring these entries, which exist at
// the root.
if (item === `.` || item === `..`) return
// Append `/` between dirPath and the item's name... unless dirPath
// already ends in it (which always occurs if dirPath is the root, `/`).
const itemPath = dirPath + (dirPath[dirPath.length - 1] !== `/` ? `/` : ``) + item, itemStat = fs.statSync(itemPath)
if (itemStat.isDirectory(itemStat.mode)) {
} else if (item === `dosbox.conf`) {
dosboxConfPath = itemPath
if (dosboxConfPath !== null) {
fs.writeFileSync(`/dosbox.conf`, fs.readFileSync(dosboxConfPath, null, flag_r), null, flag_w, 0x1a4)
function extend(a, b) {
if (a === null) return b
if (b === null) return a
const ta = typeof a,
tb = typeof b
if (ta !== tb) {
if (ta === `undefined`) return b
if (tb === `undefined`) return a
throw new Error(`Cannot extend an ${ta} with an ${tb}`)
if (Array.isArray(a)) return a.concat(b)
if (ta === `object`) {
Object.keys(b).forEach(function (k) { a[k] = extend(a[k], b[k]) })
return a
return b
document.getElementById(`doseeVersion`).innerHTML = ` version ${doseeVersion}`
window.DoseeLoader = DoseeLoader
window.Emulator = Emulator
})(typeof Promise === `undefined` ? ES6Promise.Promise : Promise) |