Still need to rework install process due to of issues installing FileServer.js
167 lines
6.1 KiB
167 lines
6.1 KiB
* dosee-init.js
* DOSee initialisation
"use strict"
;(() => {
// Relative file paths to DOSee emulation dependencies
const paths = new Map()
.set(`driveG`, `/disk_drives/g_drive.zip`)
.set(`driveS`, `/disk_drives/s_drive.zip`)
.set(`driveU`, `/disk_drives/u_drive.zip`)
.set(`core`, `/emulator/dosee-core.js`)
.set(`mem`, `/emulator/dosee-core.mem`)
// Load configurations that are obtained from the <meta name="dosee:"> HTML tags
const config = new Map()
.set(`exe`, DOSee.getMetaContent(`dosee:startexe`))
.set(`filename`, DOSee.getMetaContent(`dosee:filename`))
.set(`gus`, DOSee.getMetaContent(`dosee:gusaudio`))
.set(`path`, DOSee.getMetaContent(`dosee:gamefilepath`))
.set(`res`, DOSee.getMetaContent(`dosee:resolution`))
.set(`start`, false)
.set(`utils`, DOSee.getMetaContent(`dosee:utils`))
// Extract and save the filename from config path
const index = config.get(`path`).lastIndexOf(`/`)
const filename = config.get(`filename`)
if (filename === null || config.get(`filename`).length == 0) {
if (index > -1)
config.set(`filename`, config.get(`path`).slice(index + 1))
else config.set(`filename`, config.get(`path`))
// Handle URL params special cases that need additional files to be loaded by DOSee
const urlParams = DOSee.newQueryString()
// Gravis Ultrasound Audio drivers (dosaudio=gus)
const audio = urlParams.get(`dosaudio`)
if (audio === `gus`) {
config.set(`gus`, `true`)
DOSee.setMetaContent(`dosee:gusaudio`, `true`)
// DOSee Utilities (dosutils=true)
const utils = urlParams.get(`dosutils`)
if (utils === `true`) {
config.set(`utils`, `true`)
DOSee.setMetaContent(`dosee:utils`, `true`)
// Load the GUS (Gravis UltraSound) driver
const gusDriver = load => {
if (load !== `true`) return null
return DoseeLoader.mountZip(
`gravis ultrasound drivers`,
// Load the Emscripten static memory initialization code external file
// https://kripken.github.io/emscripten-site/docs/optimizing/Optimizing-Code.html#code-size
const locateFiles = filename => {
if (filename === `dosbox.html.mem`) return `${paths.get(`mem`)}`
return `libs/${filename}`
// Initialise the resolution of the DOS program - width, height
const nativeRes = () => {
const defaults = [640, 480]
const arr = config.get(`res`).split(`,`)
if (arr.length < 1) return defaults
return [parseInt(arr[0]), parseInt(arr[1])]
// Load additional DOS tools and utilities
const utils = load => {
if (load !== `true`) return null
return DoseeLoader.mountZip(
DoseeLoader.fetchFile(`dos utilities`, `${paths.get(`driveU`)}`)
// Start DOSee without user interaction
// NOTE: This may break audio support in Chrome 71+ due to its Web Audio autoplay policy?
// https://goo.gl/7K7WLu
if (DOSee.storageAvailable(`local`)) {
if (localStorage.getItem(`doseeAutoStart`) === `true`)
config.set(`start`, true)
if (config.get(`start`) === true)
console.log(`DOSee will launch automatically`)
// Initialise DOSee
// Note order of these DoseeLoader values are important and swapping them could cause failures
// dosee-core.js is the compiled Emscripten edition of DOSBox and should not be minified
const init = new DoseeLoader(
DoseeLoader.nativeResolution(nativeRes()[0], nativeRes()[1]),
`DOSee configurations`,
// Start DOSee!
const emulator = new Emulator(
emulator.start({ waitAfterDownloading: !config.get(`start`) })
// Checks for and provides feedback for missing dependencies after all other JS has been loaded
window.addEventListener(`load`, () => {
const checks = [`BrowserFS`, `FileSaver`]
let pass = true
checks.forEach(objName => {
if (typeof window[objName] === `undefined`) {
console.error(`checking ${objName}, ${typeof window[objName]}`)
pass = false
} else console.log(`checking ${objName}, ${typeof window[objName]}`)
if (!pass) {
// error link
const a = document.createElement(`a`)
a.href = `https://github.com/bengarrett/DOSee`
a.textContent = `Installation instructions?`
a.style.color = `white`
a.style.textDecoration = `underline`
// error message
const errMsg = `DOSee cannot load the required dependencies listed the Browser Console. Did you follow the `
// error containers
document.getElementById(`doseeSlowLoad`).style.display = `none`
const crash = document.getElementById(`doseeCrashed`)
const error = document.getElementById(`doseeError`)
error.textContent = errMsg
// console output
throw new Error(
`DOSee has aborted as it is missing the above dependencies.`