134 lines
3.8 KiB
134 lines
3.8 KiB
* ESLint configuration.
* This config was last revised for ESLint v7
* Rules: https://eslint.org/docs/rules/
module.exports = {
env: {
// Browser global variables.
browser: true,
// Es2017 JS syntax
es2017: true,
* Prettier must be the last item in extends.
* It uses the npm package eslint-config-prettier.
* https://github.com/prettier/eslint-config-prettier
* No other plugins or addons are required, instead in VSCode,
* simply enable the Prettier and ESLint extensions.
extends: [`eslint:recommended`, `prettier`],
// global variables
globals: {
module: `readonly`,
BrowserFS: `readonly`,
DOSee: `readonly`,
DoseeLoader: `readonly`,
Emulator: `readonly`,
FileSaver: `readonly`,
FS: `readonly`,
Module: true,
parserOptions: {
ecmaVersion: 2017,
rules: {
"no-unused-vars": [`error`, { vars: `local` }],
// Possible errors
"no-template-curly-in-string": `error`,
"no-unreachable-loop": `error`,
//"no-unsafe-optional-chaining": `error`,
// Best practices
"array-callback-return": `error`,
"block-scoped-var": `error`,
//"consistent-return": `error`,
"default-case": `error`,
"default-case-last": `error`,
eqeqeq: [`error`, `smart`],
//"no-alert": `error`,
"no-else-return": `error`,
"no-empty-function": [`error`],
"no-eval": `error`,
"no-extend-native": `error`,
"no-extra-bind": `error`,
"no-extra-label": `error`,
"no-floating-decimal": `error`,
"no-implicit-coercion": `error`,
"no-implicit-globals": `error`,
"no-implied-eval": `error`,
"no-invalid-this": `error`,
"no-iterator": `error`,
"no-labels": `error`,
"no-lone-blocks": `error`,
"no-loop-func": `error`,
"no-magic-numbers": [
{ ignore: [0, 1, 2], ignoreArrayIndexes: true },
"no-multi-spaces": `error`,
"no-multi-str": `error`,
"no-new": `error`,
"no-new-func": `error`,
"no-new-wrappers": `error`,
//"no-nonoctal-decimal-escape": `error`,
"no-octal": `error`,
"no-octal-escape": `error`,
"no-param-reassign": `error`,
"no-proto": `error`,
"no-return-assign": `error`,
"no-return-await": `error`,
"no-script-url": `error`,
"no-self-compare": `error`,
"no-sequences": `error`,
"no-throw-literal": `error`,
"no-unmodified-loop-condition": `error`,
"no-useless-call": `error`,
"no-useless-concat": `error`,
"no-useless-return": `error`,
"no-void": `error`,
"no-warning-comments": `error`,
"prefer-promise-reject-errors": `error`,
"require-await": `error`,
"vars-on-top": `error`,
yoda: [`error`, `never`],
// Strict mode
strict: `error`,
// Variables
//"init-declarations": [`error`, `never`, { ignoreForLoopInit: true }],
"no-label-var": `error`,
"no-shadow": `error`,
"no-undef-init": `error`,
"no-undefined": `error`,
//"no-use-before-define": `error`,
// Stylistic issues
camelcase: `error`,
"new-cap": `error`,
"no-array-constructor": `error`,
"no-inline-comments": `error`,
"no-lonely-if": `error`,
"no-multi-assign": `error`,
"no-negated-condition": `error`,
"no-nested-ternary": `error`,
"no-new-object": `error`,
"no-tabs": [`error`, { allowIndentationTabs: true }],
quotes: [`error`, `backtick`],
"unicode-bom": [`error`, `never`],
// ES2015
"no-confusing-arrow": `error`,
"no-duplicate-imports": `error`,
"no-useless-computed-key": `error`,
"no-useless-constructor": `error`,
"no-var": `error`,
"object-shorthand": `error`,
"prefer-const": `error`,
"prefer-rest-params": `error`,
"prefer-spread": `error`,
"prefer-template": `error`,
"symbol-description": `error`,
"template-curly-spacing": `error`,