128 lines
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128 lines
6.2 KiB
side is a string:
"U" = +Y = up/top
"D" = -Y = down/bottom
"N" = +Z = north
"S" = -Z = south
"E" = +X = east
"W" = -X = west
API has utility functions to get a node's side
node_io.get_target_side(pos, target_pos) -> side
-- pos is position of transfer node and target_pos is position of inventory node
-- returns the side on inventory node
node_io.get_pointed_side(pointer, pointed_thing) -> side
-- pointer is player and pointed_thing is the node player is pointing at
-- returns the side of node the player is pointing at
node definition implements all or some of these functions:
node_io_can_put_item(pos, node, side) -> bool
node_io_can_put_liquid(pos, node, side) -> bool
node_io_can_take_item(pos, node, side) -> bool
node_io_can_take_liquid(pos, node, side) -> bool
node_io_accepts_millibuckets(pos, node, side) -> bool
-- if false, transfer node should only put and take in 1000 increments
-- inventory nodes that don't accept milibuckets should:
-- return zero in node_io_room_for_liquid() if non-1000 increment
-- return millibuckets parameter in node_io_put_liquid() if non-1000 increment
-- only return upto a 1000 increment in node_io_take_liquid()
-- transfer nodes that can put non-1000 increments should always check this or the inventory node might pretend to be full
node_io_put_item(pos, node, side, putter, itemstack)
-- returns itemstack with leftovers or cleared
-- putter is a fake player
node_io_put_liquid(pos, node, side, putter, liquid, millibuckets)
-- returns millibuckets with leftovers or zero if all was stored
-- liquid should be the name of a source liquid (in bucket.liquids of bucket mod)
-- 1 bucket or source block is 1000 millibuckets
node_io_room_for_item(pos, node, side, itemstack, count) -> int
-- ignore count in itemstack, only use the count parameter
-- returns count if inventory can hold entire stack, else returns amount the inventory can hold
-- use count=1 to check if not full, then call put_item() with actual amount to transfer
-- the non-zero return count is needed by transfer nodes that take from one inventory node and put in another inventory node
node_io_room_for_liquid(pos, node, side, liquid, millibuckets) -> int
-- returns millibuckets if inventory can hold entire amount, else returns amount the inventory can hold
-- use millibuckets=1 to check if not full, then call put_liquid() with actual amount to transfer
-- use millibuckets=1000 with room_for_liquid() and put_liquid() to only insert full buckets
node_io_take_item(pos, node, side, taker, want_item, want_count)
-- returns an itemstack with <= want_count or nil if inventory is empty or doesn't have want_item
-- taker is a fake player
-- want_item should be nil for any item, contain a string with item name to filter by name or contain an itemstack to filter by name, wear and metadata
-- want_count should be greater than zero
-- returned itemstack shouldn't exceed max stack size, even if want_count does
node_io_take_liquid(pos, node, side, taker, want_liquid, want_millibuckets)
-- returns {name:string, millibuckets:int} with <= want_millibuckets or nil if inventory is empty or doesn't have want_liquid
-- want_liquid should be the name of a source liquid (in bucket.liquids of bucket mod)
-- items and liquid should not be put back after taken
-- use the following API to check if taken item can be used/stored before taking it
node_io_get_item_size(pos, node, side) -> number of item inventory slots
-- can be used to iterate over an inventory
-- for i = 1, size do ... end
node_io_get_liquid_size(pos, node, side) -> number of liquid inventory slots
-- this is always 1 unless inventory can hold multiple liquid types
node_io_get_item_name(pos, node, side, index) -> item name
-- can be used to get the name of the stack in inventory slot, and determine if it will fit in local inventory before taking it
-- want_count parameter for take_*() can be adjusted to only take what will fit in local inventory
-- return value should be a string with name or empty string
node_io_get_liquid_name(pos, node, side, index) -> liquid name
node_io_get_item_stack(pos, node, side, index) -> item itemstack
-- can be used to get a copy of the itemstack in inventory slot, and determine if it will fit in local inventory before taking it
-- want_count parameter for take_*() can be adjusted to only take what will fit in local inventory
-- return value should be an itemstack with count=1 or nil
node_io_get_liquid_stack(pos, node, side, index) -> liquid itemstack
-- TODO: support power and signals
API has utility functions for transfer nodes to easily call every node function above
-- node_io.can_put_item() calls ndef.node_io_can_put_item()
-- the can_put_* functions should always be called before using the room_for_* or put_* functions on an inventory node
-- the can_take_* functions should always be called before using the get_*_size, get_*_name, get_*_stack or take_* functions on an inventory node
API has utility functions for standard inventory nodes to easily implement the API
-- pos parameter can be:
-- {x=<X>, y=<Y>, z=<Z>}
-- {type="node", pos={x=<X>, y=<Y>, z=<Z>}}
-- {type="detached", name="<name>"}
-- {type="player", name="<name>"}
node_io.compare_itemstack(itemstack1, itemstack2) -> bool
-- returns true if both itemstacks are identical, excluding count
node_io.room_for_item_in_inventory(inv, inv_name, itemstack, count) -> int
-- call from node_io_room_for_item()
node_io.get_inventory_size(pos, inv_name)
-- call from node_io_get_item_size()
node_io.get_inventory_name(pos, inv_name, index)
-- call from node_io_get_item_name()
node_io.get_inventory_stack(pos, inv_name, index)
-- call from node_io_get_item_stack()
node_io.put_item_in_inventory(pos, node, inv_name, putter, itemstack)
-- call from node_io_put_item()
node_io.take_item_from_inventory(pos, node, inv_name, taker, want_item, want_count)
-- call from node_io_take_item()
node_io.init_main_inventory(node_name, allow_take)
-- implement the API for standard inventory nodes that have a single "main" inventory
See default_support.lua for API implementation in default:chest and default:furnace inventory nodes.
See patches/hopper-tenplus1.patch for example API use by the hopper:hopper transfer node.