
393 lines
14 KiB

# A purpose-built class to parse certain information from .blend files.
import collections
import json
import io
import re
import struct
class BlendDecodeError(Exception):
class BlendStruct(
Read-only dict-like datatype representing a structure in a .blend file.
def __init__(self, load_cb, type):
Initialize the BlendStruct.
:param load_cb: A callback to load the structure.
:param type: The type of the structure.
self._load_cb = load_cb
self._type = type
self._structure = None
def load(self):
Force the structure to be loaded.
:return The loaded blend struct (self)
if self._structure is None:
self._structure = self._load_cb()
return self
def __str__(self):
if self._structure is None:
return f"<Blender Structure {self._type} (unloaded)>"
return str(self._structure)
def __repr__(self):
if self._structure is None:
return f"<Blender Structure {self._type} (unloaded)>"
return f"<Blender Structure {self._type} (loaded)>"
def __getitem__(self, item):
if self._structure is None:
self._structure = self._load_cb()
return self._structure[item]
def __iter__(self):
if self._structure is None:
self._structure = self._load_cb()
return self._structure.__iter__()
def __len__(self):
if self._structure is None:
self._structure = self._load_cb()
return len(self._structure)
def inspect(self):
Return a human readable representation of the struct.
summary = {}
if self._structure is None:
self._structure = self._load_cb()
for field, value in self._structure.items():
summary[field] = repr(value)
return json.dumps(summary, indent=4)
# A class for opening and reading data from .blend files
class Blendfile(io.FileIO):
# The .blend format begins with a file header consisting of four fields.
# A 7 byte identifier string, which will always be "BLENDER"
# A single char representing pointer size: "-" for 8 byte, "_" for 4 byte.
# A single char representing endianness: "v" for little, "V" for big.
# A 3 byte version string. For example "293" indicates version 2.93.
_blend_header_struct = struct.Struct("7scc3s")
_BlendHeader = collections.namedtuple(
"FileHeader", ("identifier", "pointer_size", "endianness", "version"))
# The file header is followed by a series of file blocks. Each file block
# begins with a header that contains 5 fields.
# A 4 byte code string which is the name of the file block.
# A 4 byte integer representing the size in bytes of the file block body.
# A pointer_size byte memory address (string); the old location in memory.
# A 4 byte integer representing the index of the struct definition
# in the SDNA struct array.
# A 4 byte integer representing the number of structs in the file block.
# The struct object depends on the pointer size read during initialization,
# so it will be initialized per instance at that time.
# The code is called blockcode to distinguish it from the code module.
_BlockHeader = collections.namedtuple(
"BlockHeader", ("blockcode", "size", "address", "sdna_index", "count"))
def __init__(self, filename):
super().__init__(filename, "rb")
# Offset of first file block header.
self._block_start = 12
# Endianess symbol for struct format string.
if self.endianness == "big":
endianness_format = ">"
endianness_format = "<"
self._block_header_struct = struct.Struct(
# Offsets of each file block by code.
self._block_offsets = self._read_block_headers()
# SDNA structures by name.
self._sdna = self._load_sdna()
def __str__(self):
return f"Blender file version {self.version}"
def _read_c_string(self):
Utility method to read a null-terminated C-string.
res = bytes("", "utf-8")
null_char = bytes("\0", "utf-8")
while True:
char =
if char == null_char:
return res.decode("utf-8")
res += char
def _construct_value(self, type, is_ptr, length):
Construct a value from a type.
This is gonna be messy; documentation can come later.
if length > 1:
arr = []
# Skip for now.
size = self._sdna["tlen"][type]
for _ in range(length):, io.SEEK_CUR)
#arr.append(self._construct_value(type, False, 1))
return arr
INT_TYPES = ("short", "int", "long", "long long")
if type in self._sdna["structs"]:
offset = self.tell()["tlen"][type], io.SEEK_CUR)
return BlendStruct(self._struct_loader(type, offset), type)
elif type in INT_TYPES:
size = self._sdna["tlen"][type]
return int.from_bytes(, self.endianness)
elif type == "char":
if is_ptr:
return self._read_c_string()
size = self._sdna["tlen"][type], io.SEEK_CUR)
return type
def _load_header(self):
Unpack the file header.
Verifies the file identifier, and sets the pointer size, endianess, and
blender version.
:raises BlendDecodeError
header_size = self._blend_header_struct.size
# Does not decode bytes. Decoding bytes could raise an exception, so
# by validating the fields ourselves by comparing bytes, we can raise
# an exception with more useful information.
header = self._BlendHeader(
if header.identifier != bytes("BLENDER", "utf-8"):
raise BlendDecodeError("File identifier is not 'BLENDER'!")
if header.pointer_size == bytes("-", "utf-8"):
self.pointer_size = 8
elif header.pointer_size == bytes("_", "utf-8"):
self.pointer_size = 4
raise BlendDecodeError(
f"Invalid pointer size character {header.pointer_size}; " \
f"must be {b'-'} or {b'_'}!")
if header.endianness == bytes("v", "utf-8"):
self.endianness = "little"
elif header.endianess == bytes("V", "utf-8"):
self.endianness = "big"
raise BlendDecodeError(
f"Invalid endianness character {header.endianess}; "\
f"must be {b'v'} or {b'V'}")
if not header.version.isdigit():
raise BlendDecodeError(
f"Invalid version string {header.version}!")
self.version = "v{}.{}{}".format(*header.version.decode("utf-8"))
def _read_block_headers(self):
Read the header of each file block and store the offset of its body.
:return A dict of file block codes mapped to tuples of the format
(_BlockHeader, byte_offset).
block_offsets = {}
while True:
# If no bytes are read we are at EOF.
header_bytes =
if len(header_bytes) == 0:
# Header will be read and then recreated with decoded values.
header = self._BlockHeader(
blockcode = header.blockcode.decode("utf-8")
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
# Workaround to avoid having "During handling of..." error.
raise BlendDecodeError(
f"Can't decode block code {header.blockcode}!") from None
header_decoded = self._BlockHeader(
blockcode, header.size, header.address,
header.sdna_index, header.count)
# Beginning of file block body.
offset = self.tell()
block_offsets[blockcode] = (header_decoded, offset), io.SEEK_CUR)
return block_offsets
def _load_sdna(self):
Load each SDNA structure.
offset = self._block_offsets["DNA1"][1]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Missing DNA1 file block.") from None
sdna = {}
# Skip file block header.
# Identifier; should be "SDNA", io.SEEK_CUR)
# Name; should be "NAME", io.SEEK_CUR)
# List of structure names.
total_names = int.from_bytes(, self.endianness)
names = []
for _ in range(total_names):
sdna["names"] = names
# List of types
# Align at 4 bytes.
if self.tell() % 4 != 0: - (self.tell() % 4), io.SEEK_CUR)
# Type identifier; should be "TYPE"
type_identifier ="utf-8")
assert(type_identifier == "TYPE")
# Number of types follows.
total_types = int.from_bytes(, self.endianness)
# Avoiding collision with builtin types module.
_types = []
for _ in range(total_types):
sdna["types"] = _types
# Length of each type.
# Align at 4 bytes.
if self.tell() % 4 != 0: - (self.tell() % 4), io.SEEK_CUR)
# Type length identifier; should be "TLEN"
len_identifier ="utf-8")
assert(len_identifier == "TLEN")
type_lengths = {}
for i in range(total_types):
length = int.from_bytes(, self.endianness)
type_lengths[_types[i]] = length
sdna["tlen"] = type_lengths
# Align at 4 bytes.
if self.tell() % 4 != 0: - (self.tell() % 4), io.SEEK_CUR)
# Structure identifier; should be "STRC".
struct_identifier ="utf-8")
assert(struct_identifier == "STRC")
structs = {}
# Number of structures follows.
total_structs = int.from_bytes(, self.endianness)
for _ in range(total_structs):
# Index in types containing the name of the structure.
type_index = int.from_bytes(, self.endianness)
fields = {}
# Number of fields in this structure.
total_fields = int.from_bytes(, self.endianness)
for _ in range(total_fields):
# Index in type
field_type = int.from_bytes(, self.endianness)
# Index in name
field_name = int.from_bytes(, self.endianness)
fields[names[field_name]] = _types[field_type]
structs[_types[type_index]] = fields
sdna["structs"] = structs
return sdna
def _load_struct(self, struct_name, offset):
Load a struct according to the SDNA.
:param struct_name: The name of the structure type.
:param offset: The byte offset at which to begin loading.
:return The loaded structure.
structure = {}
fields = self._sdna["structs"][struct_name]
for name, type in fields.items():
lengths = re.findall(r"\[([0-9]+)\]", name)
if len(lengths) > 1:
raise ValueError(f"Can't handle nested array {name}.")
elif len(lengths) == 1:
length = int(lengths[0])
length = 1
is_ptr = name.startswith("*")
structure[name] = self._construct_value(type, is_ptr, length)
return structure
def get_blocks(self, match=""):
Get file blocks from the blend file.
To be efficient, functions that load the file blocks will be returned.
:param match: Filter file blocks by matching the beginning of the name
against a string. Default is "" (matches everything). Case sensitive.
:return A dictionary mapping identifiers to a function to load the
# Invoking the load_block() closure will load the file block at offset.
def create_loader(header, at_offset):
def load_block():
return self._load_block(header, at_offset)
return load_block
matched_blocks = {}
for identifier, header in self._block_offsets.items():
if identifier.startswith(match):
matched_blocks[identifier] = create_loader(*header)
return matched_blocks
# Helper for creating a callback to load a given structure.
def _struct_loader(self, name, at_offset):
def load_struct():
return self._load_struct(name, at_offset)
return load_struct
def _load_block(self, header, offset):
Load a file block at a given offset to the beginning of the blend file.
:param header: The file block header.
:param offset: The byte offset to the file block body.
:return Generator that yields dictionaries, each representing a struct.
# We might allow loading cached blocks after the file is closed, so
# I'm leaving this here to be explicit. XD
if self.closed:
raise ValueError("I/O operation on a closed file.")
# The type of the structure.
name = list(self._sdna["structs"])[header.sdna_index]
for _ in range(header.count):
yield BlendStruct(self._struct_loader(name, self.tell()), name)
__all__ = ("BlendStruct", "Blendfile")