112 lines
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112 lines
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Persistent player attributes
-- change this to inject into other module
local M = thirsty
M.persistent_player_attributes = {}
local PPA = M.persistent_player_attributes
Helper functions that take care of the conversions *and* the
clamping for us
local function _count_for_val(value, def)
local count = math.floor((value - def.min) / (def.max - def.min) * 65535)
if count < 0 then count = 0 end
if count > 65535 then count = 65535 end
return count
local function _val_for_count(count, def)
local value = count / 65535 * (def.max - def.min) + def.min
if value < def.min then value = def.min end
if value > def.max then value = def.max end
return value
-- end helper functions
-- the stash of registered attributes
PPA.defs = {--[[
name = {
name = "mymod_attr1",
min = 0,
max = 10,
default = 5,
PPA.read_cache = {--[[
player_name = {
attr1 = value1,
attr2 = value2,
How to register a new attribute, with named parameters:
PPA.register({ name = "mymod_attr1", min = 0, ... })
PPA.register = function(def)
PPA.defs[def.name] = {
name = def.name,
min = def.min or 0.0,
max = def.max or 1.0,
default = def.default or def.min or 0.0,
-- The on_joinplayer handler
PPA.on_joinplayer = function(player)
local inv = player:get_inventory()
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
PPA.read_cache[player_name] = {}
for name, def in pairs(PPA.defs) do
inv:set_size(name, 1)
if inv:is_empty(name) then
-- set default value
inv:set_stack(name, 1, ItemStack({ name = ":", count = _count_for_val(def.default, def) }))
-- cache default value
PPA.read_cache[player_name][name] = def.default
--[[ get an attribute, procedural style:
local attr1 = PPA.get_value(player, "mymod_attr1")
PPA.get_value = function(player, name)
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
if PPA.read_cache[player_name][name] == nil then
local def = PPA.defs[name]
local inv = player:get_inventory()
local count = inv:get_stack(name, 1):get_count()
PPA.read_cache[player_name][name] = _val_for_count(count, def)
return PPA.read_cache[player_name][name]
--[[ set an attribute, procedural style:
PPA.set_value(player, "mymod_attr1", attr1)
PPA.set_value = function(player, name, value)
local def = PPA.defs[name]
local inv = player:get_inventory()
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
if value > def.max then value = def.max end
if value < def.min then value = def.min end
PPA.read_cache[player_name][name] = value
inv:set_stack(name, 1, ItemStack({ name = ":", count = _count_for_val(value, def) }))