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2019-03-07 18:06:08 -05:00
To contribute to this project, you must understand and agree to the
terms in this document at the time of contribution.
- A "contribution" consists of all files, patches and changes, source
control commits, comments and other metadata submitted to the project
maintainer(s) for inclusion or other use in the project.
- All contributions must consist only of your own original work, to
which you retain copyright, or to which copyright is not applicable.
- All copyrightable portions must be non-exclusively, perpetually and
irrevocably licensed under the same license terms as the overall
- You will receive attribution in the project's license, in the form of
"Portions (C) ...", which shall cover all portions of all
contributions. You agree that this constitutes adequate attribution
under the terms of the license.
- You may request to be attributed pseudonymously at the time of
submission. Unless otherwise specified, source control metadata
will be used for attribution.