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# This file contains settings of Antum game that can be changed in
# minetest.conf
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tools & weapons will wear down & break when used for digging, chopping, etc.
enable_tool_wear (Tools wear & break on use) bool true
# Tools & weapons will wear down & break when used for attacking/fighting.
enable_weapon_wear (Weapons wear & break when fighting) bool true
# Logs extra debug messages.
enable_debug_mods (Enable debugging messages) bool false
# Limits flowing liquids.
liquid_finite (Finite liquid) bool false
# Inventory interface to use.
inventory (Inventory interface) enum sfinv sfinv,inventory_plus
# Allow players to craft ATM machines.
allow_atm_craft (Allow ATM crafting) bool true
[*Mobiles General]
# Only spawn mobs that don't attack players.
only_peaceful_mobs (Peaceful only) bool false
# Mounts turn with player look direction.
# Often mounts use the a/d keys for turning. For mods that respect
# this setting, this will be changed to turn with the direction the
# player is looking.
mount_turn_player_look (Turn with look direction) bool false
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# If false then mobs no longer spawn in world without spawner or spawn egg
mobs_spawn (Spawn Mobs) bool true
# Disable blood splatter when attacking mobs.
mobs_disable_blood (Disable Mob blood) bool false
# If disabled then Mobs no longer destroy world blocks
mobs_griefing (Griefing Mobs) bool true
# If false then Mobs no longer spawn inside player protected areas
mobs_spawn_protected (Spawn Mobs in protected areas) bool true
# If true Mobs will be removed once a map chunk is out of view
remove_far_mobs (Remove far Mobs) bool true
# Sets Mob difficulty level by multiplying punch damage
mob_difficulty (Mob difficulty) float 1.0
# If disabled health status no longer appears above Mob when punched
mob_show_health (Show Mob health) bool true
# Contains a value used to multiply Mob spawn values
mob_chance_multiplier (Mob chance multiplier) float 1.0
# When false Mob no longer drop items when killed
mobs_drop_items (Mob drops) bool true
# Sets minimum distance around player that mobs cannot spawn
mob_nospawn_range (Mob no-spawn range) float 12.0
# Sets maximum number of active mobs in game (0 for unlimited)
mob_active_limit (Mob Active Limit) float 0
# Enables area check when spawning mobs
mob_area_spawn (Mob Area Spawn) bool false
# Enable peaceful player attack prevention
enable_peaceful_player (Mobs do not attack peaceful player without reason) bool false
# Entity lifespan.
# type: int
# default: 300
chicken.lifetime (Lifespan) int 300 1
# Spawn interval in seconds.
# type: int
# default: 120
chicken.spawn_interval (Spawn interval) int 120 1
# Chance of spawn at interval.
# type: int
# default: 9000
chicken.spawn_chance (Spawn chance) int 9000 1
# Spawn interval in seconds.
# type: int
# default: 60
cow.spawn_interval (Spawn interval) int 60 1
# Chance of spawn at interval.
# type: int
# default: 8000
cow.spawn_chance (Spawn chance) int 8000 1
# Entity lifespan.
# type: int
# default: 300
ghost.lifetime (Lifespan) int 300 1
# Spawn interval in seconds.
# type: int
# default: 40
ghost.spawn_interval (Spawn interval) int 40 1
# Chance of spawn at interval.
# type: int
# default: 7300
ghost.spawn_chance (Spawn chance) int 7300 1
# Spawn interval in seconds.
# type: int
# default: 60
kitten.spawn_interval (Spawn interval) int 60 1
# Chance of spawn at interval.
# type: int
# default: 10000
kitten.spawn_chance (Spawn chance) int 10000 1
# Interval in seconds that specifies how often shark spawns.
shark.interval (Shark spawn interval) int 60 0
# Chance for each node of spawning shark at each interval. The value
# is inverted. So a chance of value of 9000 equals 1/9000.
shark.chance (Shark spawn chance) int 9000 0
# Minimum node light required for spawning. "0" is darkest & "14" is
# lightest (daylight).
# See: [Node definition] light_source
shark.min_light (Shark min spawn light) int 4 0 14
# Maximum node light required for spawning. "0" is darkest & "14" is
# lightest (daylight).
# See: [Node definition] light_source
shark.max_light (Shark max spawn light) int 14 0 14
# Minimum height at which shark can spawn.
shark.min_height (Shark min spawn height) int -30
# Maximum height at which shark can spawn.
shark.max_height (Shark max spawn height) int 100
# Times that shark can spawn.
# Modes supported:
# | ■ day: spawns during day
# | ■ night: spawns during night
# | ■ any: spawns anytime
shark.spawn_time (Shark spawn time) enum any day,night,any
# Extra debugging messages.
enable_debug_mods (Mod debugging) bool false
# How long (in seconds) sneeker remains in world after spawn.
# Default: 900 (15 minutes)
sneeker.lifetime (Sneeker lifetime) int 900
# Loudness of explosion.
# Those with a weak heart might want to turn it down.
sneeker.boom_gain (Boom volume) float 1.5
# Determines whether or not a player must be close for spawn to occur.
sneeker.spawn_require_player_nearby (Require player nearby for spawn) bool true
# Distance in nodes a player must be for spawn to occur.
# Only used if `sneeker.spawn_require_player_nearby` enabled.
sneeker.spawn_player_radius (Player spawn detect radius) int 100
# If enabled, mobs not near any players will despawn.
sneeker.despawn_player_far (Despawn sneekers not near players) bool true
# Distance determining if a player is near enough to prevent despawn.
# Only used if `sneeker.despawn_player_far` enabled.
sneeker.despawn_player_radius (Player despawn detect radius) int 500
# Sets possibility for spawn.
# Rate is the inverted value (e.g. 1/value).
sneeker.spawn_chance (Sneeker spawn chance) int 10000
# Sets frequency of spawn chance. Default 240 is equivalent to 4 minutes (60 * 4).
sneeker.spawn_interval (Sneeker spawn interval) int 240
# Sets the minimum light that a node must have for spawn to occur.
sneeker.spawn_minlight (Sneeker min light for spawn) int 0 0 15
# Sets the maximum light that a node can have for spawn to occur.
sneeker.spawn_maxlight (Sneeker max light for spawn) int 4 0 15
# Sets the lowest position at which sneeker can spawn.
sneeker.spawn_minheight (Sneeker min spawn height) int -31000
# Sets the highest position at which sneeker can spawn.
sneeker.spawn_maxheight (Sneeker max spawn height) int 31000
# Limits the number of entities that can spawn per mapblock (16x16x16).
sneeker.spawn_mapblock_limit (Sneeker spawn limit) int 1
# Used alternate "feathered" texture.
mobs.velociraptor_feathered (Feathered velociraptor) bool false
# Interval in seconds that specifies how often velociraptor spawns.
mobs.velociraptor_interval (Velociraptor spawn interval) int 30 0
# Chance for each node of spawning velociraptor at each interval. The value
# is inverted. So a chance of value of 32000 equals 1/32000.
mobs.velociraptor_chance (Velociraptor spawn chance) int 32000 0
# Minimum node light required for spawning. "0" is darkest & "14" is
# lightest (daylight).
# See: [Node definition] light_source
mobs.velociraptor_min_light (Velociraptor min spawn light) int 10 0 14
# Maximum node light required for spawning. "0" is darkest & "14" is
# lightest (daylight).
# See: [Node definition] light_source
mobs.velociraptor_max_light (Velociraptor max spawn light) int 14 0 14
# Maximum height at which velociraptor can spawn.
mobs.velociraptor_max_height (Velociraptor max spawn height) int 31000
# Times that velociraptor can spawn.
# Modes supported:
# | ■ day: spawns during day
# | ■ night: spawns during night
# | ■ any: spawns anytime
mobs.velociraptor_spawn_time (Velociraptor spawn time) enum any day,night,any
# If enabled, messages all players when spawned.
display_mob_spawn (Display spawn) bool false
# If disabled, whinny will attack players.
whinny.peaceful_only (Only peaceful) bool true
# Inverted chance that entity will spawn.
whinny.spawn_chance (Spawn chance) int 50000 0
# Minimum height at which entity can spawn.
whinny.spawn_height_min (Spawn min height) int -500
# Maximum height at which entity can spawn.
whinny.spawn_height_max (Spawn max height) int 500
# Use mouse to control direction instead of a/d keys.
whinny.enable_mouse_ctrl (Turn with mouse) bool true
# Number of uses for steel air tanks.
airtanks_steel_uses (Steel air tank uses) int 30 2 1000
# Number of uses for copper air tanks.
airtanks_copper_uses (Copper air tank uses) int 10 2 1000
# Number of uses for bronze air tanks.
airtanks_bronze_uses (Bronze air tank uses) int 20 2 1000
# If 'enable_tool_wear' is enabled, air tanks will begin to wear out when used.
airtanks_enable_wear (Wear out when used) bool true
# Air tanks will wear out even in creative mode.
airtanks_wear_in_creative (Wear out in creative mode) bool true
# Enable double tanks.
airtanks_enable_double (Enable double tanks) bool true
# Enable triple tanks.
airtanks_enable_triple (Enable triple tanks) bool true
# Compressor requires fuel.
airtanks_compressor_needs_fuel (Compressor requires fuel) bool true
# Add default achievements from the awards mod.
awards.add_defaults (Add Default Achievements) bool true
# The maximum speed of a bike in m/s
bike_max_speed (Maximum speed) float 6.9
# The acceleration of a bike in m/s^2
bike_acceleration (Acceleration) float 3.16
# The decceleration of a bike caused by braking in m/s^2
bike_decceleration (Decceleration) float 7.9
# The decceleration of a bike caused by friciton in m/s^2
bike_friction (Friction) float 0.79
# The turning speed of a stopped bike in rad/s
bike_turn_speed (Turn speed) float 1.58
# The speed in m/s bellow which the bike accelerates linearily
bike_friction_cone (Friction cone) float 0.4
# The factor by which the turning speed is increased by wheely
bike_wheely_factor (Wheely factor) float 2.0
# The factor by which the bike slows down per second in water
bike_water_friction (Water friction) float 13.8
# The factor by which the bike slows down per second offroad
bike_offroad_friction (Offroad friction) float 1.62
# Comma-separated list of things that a spawned node is allowed to grow
# through. Air is always added to whatever else you specify here.
biome_lib_default_grow_through_nodes (List of things a plant can grow through) string default:snow
# Comma-separated list of nodes that should be treated as water or water-like
# for the sake of looking for neighboring wet ground.
biome_lib_default_water_nodes (List of "water-like" sources) string default:water_source,default:water_flowing,default:river_water_source,default:river_water_flowing
# Comma-separated list of nodes that should be considered "wet" if one of
# the configured "water-like" sources is nearby.
biome_lib_default_wet_surfaces (List of "wet" nodes) string default:dirt,default:dirt_with_grass,default:sand
# Comma-separated list of nodes that something must be sitting on to be
# able to actively change from one thing to another (such as a sapling
# growing into a tree), to be used if the mod that added that growable
# thing didn't provide its own list of suitable surfaces.
biome_lib_default_grow_nodes (List of default surfaces a plant can thrive on) string default:dirt_with_grass
# Comma-separated list of nodes to use as the "root" of something that can
# gradually climb up a wall (such as ivy), to be used if the mod that added
# the climing thing didn't provide its own list.
biome_lib_default_ground_nodes (List of default root nodes) string default:dirt_with_grass
# biome_lib divides its workload into "actions", as dictated by the sum
# total of all mods that use it, and this sets how much of that work is done
# per globalstep tick. If positive, a single action is executed on that
# percentage of ticks, on average. If negative, it becomes positive, and
# that many actions are executed on every single tick, skipping none.
# More negative means more throughput, at the expense of lag. On fast PC's,
# a setting of between -500 and -2000 might be good.
biome_lib_queue_ratio (Queue run ratio) int -200
# Minetest's map generator allows neighboring areas to overflow into one
# another, to create smooth terrain, but it often hands the map blocks that
# comprise those areas to Lua (and hence, to biome_lib) before that overflow
# function happens, which causes the mapgen to overwrite whatever Lua does
# to them. This setting (in seconds) makes biome_lib wait before adding its
# normal output to those map blocks, to give the engine plenty of time to
# run that overflow feature first.
biome_lib_block_timeout (Deferred block timeout) int 300
# This does just what it sounds like - it shows all debug output that's sent
# with a level equal to or greater than this value. A setting of 0 shows only
# the bare necessities, such as the startup and shutdown messages, 1 adds
# internal non-fatal errors to what's shown, 2 adds warnings, 3 adds other
# basic info, 4 adds all the verbose debugging spew. 3 is perhaps the most
# useful setting.
biome_lib_debug_log_level (Debug log level) int 0
# Minimum light level for night time. Must be between 3 and 15.
bright_night_light (Night light level) int 4
# Whether month is displayed before day in timestamp (E.g. 'dd/mm/yyyy' vs. 'mm/dd/yy').
chatlog.monthfirst (Timestamp shows month before day) bool true
# The progressive mode shows recipes you can craft from items you ever had in your inventory.
craftguide_progressive_mode (Learn crafting recipes progressively) bool false
# Enables/Disables craftguide button in inventory if sfinv mod present.
craftguide.show_inv_button (Show craftguide in inventory) bool false
# Is income enabled?
currency.income_enabled (Is currency income enabled?) bool true
# Is income enabled for creative players?
currency.creative_income_enabled (Is income enabled for creative players?) bool true
# Item that is given as income by the currency mod.
currency.income_item (Currency income item) string currency:minegeld_10
# Number of items given as income.
currency.income_count (Currency income item) int 1 1 65535
# Length of time (in seconds) between checking if a user should get income.
currency.income_period (Currency income period) int 720
# Instead of registering new item 'ethereal:bone', registers alias of 'animalmaterials.bone'.
ethereal.use_animalmaterials (Use bone from animalmaterials) bool false
#If true, automatically hides the armor HUD bar when the player wears no
#armor. Otherwise, the armor bar shows “0%”.
hbarmor_autohide (Automatically hide armor HUD bar) bool true
#Time difference in seconds between updates to the armor HUD bar.
#Increase this number for slow servers.
hbarmor_tick (Armor HUD bar update frequency) float 0.1 0.0 4.0
# If enabled (default), the stamina indicators in the HUD will be automatically hidden shortly
# after stamina has filled up. Otherwise, stamina will always be displayed.
hudbars_autohide_stamina (Automatically hide staminal indicator) bool true
# Sprint speed multiplier.
sprint_speed (Sprint speed multiplier) float 1.5
# Sprint jump multiplier.
sprint_jump (Sprint jump multiplier) float 1.3
# Which key to use for sprint. Default: "Use" ("E" key by default).
sprint_key (Sprint key) enum Use Use
# Require player to move forward only to be able to sprint.
sprint_forward_only (Sprint forward only) bool true
# The amount of particles to spawn behind a sprinting player.
sprint_particles (Particles) float 2
# Drain stamina while sprinting.
sprint_stamina (Stamina) bool true
# The amount of stamina to drain while sprinting.
sprint_stamina_drain (Stamina drain) float 2
# The amount of seconds before starting to replenish stamina.
sprint_stamina_replenish (Stamina replenish) float 2
# Drain satiation while sprinting.
sprint_starve (Starve) bool true
# The amount of satiation to drain while sprinting.
sprint_starve_drain (Starve drain) float 0.5
# Drain air while sprinting under water.
sprint_breath (Breath) bool true
# The amount of air to drain while sprinting under water.
sprint_breath_drain (Breath drain) float 1
# If enabled, places helicopter in inventory instead of destroying it
# when punched.
helicopter.pick_up (Place in inventory) bool false
# Use alpha color level to hide nametag instead of clearing text.
hidename.use_alpha (Use nametag alpha level) bool false
# Specifies how the value indicators (i.e. health, breah, etc.) look.
# There are 3 styles available. You can choose between the default
# progress-bar-like bars and the good old statbars like you know from
# vanilla Minetest.
# The following values are allowed:
# | ■ progress_bar:
# | ● A horizontal progress-bar-like bar with a label, showing
# | numerical value (current, maximum), and an icon. These
# | bars usually convey the most information. This is the
# | default and recommended value.
# | ■ statbar_classic:
# | ● Classic statbar, like in vanilla Minetest. Made out of
# | up to 20 half-symbols. Those bars represent the vague
# | ratio between the current value and the maximum value.
# | 1 half-symbol stands for approximately 5% of the maximum
# | value.
# | ■ statbar_modern:
# | ● Like the classic statbar, but also supports background
# | images, this kind of statbar may be considered to be
# | more user-friendly than the classic statbar. This bar
# | type closely resembles the mod “Better HUD” [hud] by
# | BlockMen.
hudbars_bar_type (HUD bars style) enum progress_bar progress_bar,statbar_classic,statbar_modern
# If enabled (default), the breath indicators in the HUD will be automatically hidden shortly
# after the breath has been filled up. Otherwise, the breath will always be displayed.
hudbars_autohide_breath (Automatically hide breath indicators) bool true
# This setting changes the way the HUD bars are ordered on the display. You can choose
# between a zig-zag pattern (default) or a vertically stacked pattern.
# The following values are allowed:
# | ■ zigzag:
# | ● Starting from the left bottom, the next is right
# | from the first, the next is above the first, the
# | next is right of the third, etc.
# | ■ stack_up:
# | ● The HUD bars are stacked vertically, going upwards.
# | ■ stack_down:
# | ● The HUD bars are stacked vertically, going downwards.
hudbars_alignment_pattern (HUD bars alignment pattern) enum zigzag zigzag,stack_up,stack_down
# This setting allows you to specify the order of the HUD bars explicitly. If left empty
# (the default), the health and breath indicators come first, additional indicators
# may appear in any order. This setting is quite technical and normal users probably do not
# need to worry about it.
# Syntax:
# The setting has to be specified as a comma-seperated list of key=value pairs, where a key
# refers to the identifier of a HUD bar and the value refers to the slot number of where the
# HUD bar should be placed. The slot number must be an integer greater of equal to 0. Where
# the HUD bars will be displayed exactly depends on the alignment pattern being used.
# All HUD bars to which no order value has been applied will fill in all slots which have
# not been occupied by the HUD bars specified in this setting, the slots will be filled in
# from the lowest slot number.
# Note that the order of those remaining HUD bars is not fixed, it basically just boils
# down on which mod “came” first. Don't worry, the mod will still work perfectly fine, this
# setting is entirely optional.
# The identifier for the health bar is “health” and the identifier for the breath bar is
# “breath”. For other HUD bars, you have to learn it from the mod which is supplying them.
# Be careful not to use slot indices twice, or else different HUD bars will be drawn over
# each other!
# Example: “breath=0, health=1”
# This makes the breath bar first and the health bar second, which is the opposite order
# of the default one.
hudbars_sorting (HUD bars order) string
[**Positions and offsets]
# Horizontal (x) main position of the HUD bars over the entire screen.
# 0.0 is left-most, 1.0 is right-most.
# For the zig-zag alignment pattern, this is for the left HUD bars.
hudbars_pos_left_x (Left HUD bar screen x position) float 0.5 0.0 1.0
# Vertical (y) main position of the HUD bars over the entire screen.
# 0.0 is top, 1.0 is bottom.
# For the zig-zag alignment pattern, this is for the left HUD bars.
hudbars_pos_left_y (Left HUD bar screen y position) float 1.0 0.0 1.0
# Horizontal (x) main position of the right HUD bars over the entire screen.
# 0.0 is left-most, 1.0 is right-most.
# Only used for the zig-zag alignment pattern.
hudbars_pos_right_x (Right HUD bar screen x position) float 0.5 0.0 1.0
# Vertical main position (y) of the right HUD bars over the entire screen.
# 0.0 is top, 1.0 is bottom.
# Only used for the zig-zag alignment pattern.
hudbars_pos_right_y (Right HUD bar screen y position) float 1.0 0.0 1.0
# Precise x offset in pixels from the basic screen x position of the HUD bars.
# For the zig-zag alignment pattern, this is for the left HUD bars.
# This setting is used for the progress bar HUD bar style.
hudbars_start_offset_left_x (Left HUD bar x offset) int -175
# Precise y offset in pixels from the basic screen y position of the HUD bars.
# For the zig-zag alignment pattern, this is for the left HUD bars.
# This setting is used for the progress bar HUD bar style.
hudbars_start_offset_left_y (Left HUD bar y offset) int -86
# Precise x offset in pixels from the basic screen x position of the right HUD bars.
# Only used for the zig-zag alignment pattern.
# This setting is used for the progress bar HUD bar style.
hudbars_start_offset_right_x (Right HUD bar x offset) int 15
# Precise y offset in pixels from the basic screen y position of the right HUD bars.
# Only used for the zig-zag alignment pattern.
# This setting is used for the progress bar HUD bar style.
hudbars_start_offset_right_y (Right HUD bar y offset) int -86
# Precise x offset in pixels from the basic screen x position of the HUD statbars.
# For the zig-zag alignment pattern, this is for the left HUD statbars.
# This setting is used for the classic and modern statbar styles.
hudbars_start_statbar_offset_left_x (Left HUD statbar x offset) int -265
# Precise y offset in pixels from the basic screen y position of the HUD statbars.
# For the zig-zag alignment pattern, this is for the left HUD statbars.
# This setting is used for the classic and modern statbar styles.
hudbars_start_statbar_offset_left_y (Left HUD statbar y offset) int -90
# Precise x offset in pixels from the basic screen x position of the right HUD statbars.
# Only used for the zig-zag alignment pattern.
# This setting is used for the classic and modern statbar styles.
hudbars_start_statbar_offset_right_x (Right HUD statbar x offset) int 25
# Precise y offset in pixels from the basic screen y position of the right HUD statbars.
# Only used for the zig-zag alignment pattern.
# This setting is used for the classic and modern statbar styles.
hudbars_start_statbar_offset_right_y (Right HUD statbar y offset) int -90
# The vertical distance between two HUD bars, in pixels.
hudbars_vmargin (Vertical distance between HUD bars) int 24 0
# The of seconds which need to pass before the server updates the default HUD bars
# (health and breath). Increase this number if you have a slow server or a slow network
# connection and experience performance problems.
hudbars_tick (Default HUD bars update interval) float 0.1 0.0 4.0
# Displays items in a bulleted list.
listitems.bullet_list (Bulleted list) bool true
# Registers "/list<type>" commands.
listitems.enable_singleword (Enable singleword commands) bool true
# If enabled, Stairs+ nodes will be displayed in the inventory when playing in creative mode.
# Disabling this can speed up loading times for clients as fewer nodes need to be registered in the creative inventory.
moreblocks.stairsplus_in_creative_inventory (Display Stairs+ nodes in creative inventory) bool true
# If enabled, bike is placed in inventory when punched.
motorbike.punch_inv (Punch places in inventory) bool false
#Enable pipes.
pipeworks_enable_pipes (Enable Pipes) bool true
#Enable autocrafter.
pipeworks_enable_autocrafter (Enable Autocrafter) bool true
#Enable deployer.
pipeworks_enable_deployer (Enable Deployer) bool true
#Enable dispenser.
pipeworks_enable_dispenser (Enable Dispenser) bool true
#Enable node breaker.
pipeworks_enable_node_breaker (Enable Node Breaker) bool true
#Enable teleport tube.
pipeworks_enable_teleport_tube (Enable Teleport Tube) bool true
#Enable pipe devices.
pipeworks_enable_pipe_devices (Enable Pipe Devices) bool true
#Enable redefines.
pipeworks_enable_redefines (Enable Node Redefines) bool true
#Enable sorting tube.
pipeworks_enable_mese_tube (Enable Sorting Tube) bool true
#Enable detector tube.
pipeworks_enable_detector_tube (Enable Detector Tube) bool true
#Enable digiline detector tube.
pipeworks_enable_digiline_detector_tube (Enable Digiline Detector Tube) bool true
#Enable mesecon signal conducting tube.
pipeworks_enable_conductor_tube (Enable Conductor Tube) bool true
#Enable accelerator tube.
pipeworks_enable_accelerator_tube (Enable Accelerator Tube) bool true
#Enable crossing tube.
#It sends all incoming items to the other side, or if there is no other tube, it sends them back.
pipeworks_enable_crossing_tube (Enable Crossing Tube) bool true
#Enable vacuum tube.
#It picks up all items that lay around next to it.
pipeworks_enable_sand_tube (Enable Vacuum Tube) bool true
#Enable mese vacuum tube.
#It's like the normal vacuum tube with the
#differance that you can set the radius up to 8 nodes.
pipeworks_enable_mese_sand_tube (Enable Mese Vacuum Tube) bool true
#Enable one way tube.
#It sends items only in one direction.
#Use it to drop items out of tubes.
pipeworks_enable_one_way_tube (Enable One Way Tube) bool true
#Enable high priority tube.
#It has a very high priority and so, on crossings, the items will
#always go to it if there are multible ways.
pipeworks_enable_priority_tube (Enable High Priority Tube) bool true
#Enable cyclic mode.
pipeworks_enable_cyclic_mode (Enable Cyclic Mode) bool true
#Drop on routing fail.
pipeworks_drop_on_routing_fail (Drop On Routing Fail) bool false
#Delete item on clearobject.
pipeworks_delete_item_on_clearobject (Delete Item On Clearobject) bool true
# Allow PvP by default.
pvp_areas.enable_pvp (PvP by default) bool false
# When not enabled PvP Control areas are kill zones.
pvp_areas.safemode (PvP Control areas are safe zones) bool false
# If ShadowNinja's `areas` mod is also present with HUD registration feature,
# this label will be displayed anywhere a PvP Control area has been set.
pvp_areas.label (Show PvP area labels) string Defined area.
# If currency mod is installed, automatically set up values for minegeld notes.
server_shop.use_currency_defaults (Use currency mod defaults) bool true
# Require rubber band as additional ingredient in slingshot craft recipes.
slingshot.require_rubber_band (Require rubber band in craft recipe) bool true
# Percent of damage absorbed when falling on a trampoline. Set to 100 to disable damage.
trampoline.damage_absorb (Trampoline damage absorption) int 100 0 100
## Number of skins shown per page.
# default: 8
wardrobe.skins_per_page (Skins per page) int 8
# Enables/Disables whitelist feature.
whitelist.enable (Enable whitelist) bool false
# Sets a custom message to display when access to server is denied.
whitelist.message (Whitelist message) string This server is whitelisted and you are not on the whitelist.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[*3D Armor]
armor_material_wood (Enable wood armor) bool true
armor_material_cactus (Enable cactus armor) bool true
armor_material_steel (Enable steel armor) bool true
armor_material_bronze (Enable bronze armor) bool true
armor_material_diamond (Enable diamond armor) bool true
armor_material_gold (Enable gold armor) bool true
armor_material_mithril (Enable mithril armor) bool true
armor_material_crystal (Enable crystal armor) bool true
# Increase this if you get initialization glitches when a player first joins.
armor_init_delay (Initialization delay) int 2
# Number of initialization attempts.
# Use in conjunction with armor_init_delay if initialization problems persist.
armor_init_times (Initialization attempts) int 10
# Increase this if armor is not getting into bones due to server lag.
armor_bones_delay (Delay for bones) int 1
# How often player armor items are updated.
armor_update_time (Armor refresh rate [seconds]) int 1
# Drop armor when a player dies.
# Uses bones mod if present, otherwise items are dropped around the player.
armor_drop (Drop armor on death) bool true
# Pulverize armor when a player dies, overrides armor_drop.
armor_destroy (Pulverize armor on death) bool false
# You can use this to increase or decrease overall armor effectiveness,
# eg: level_multiplier = 0.5 will reduce armor level by half.
armor_level_multiplier (Armor effectiveness multiplier) float 1
# You can use this to increase or decrease overall armor healing,
# eg: armor_heal_multiplier = 0 will disable healing altogether.
armor_heal_multiplier (Armor healing multiplier) float 1
# Armor set item names, remove or add items to include them or remove them from whats considered an Armor set.
armor_set_elements (Armor set items) string head torso legs feet shield
# Bonus multiplier when wearing armor set, set to the same as armor_level_multiplier to disable
armor_set_multiplier (Armor Set Bonus multiplier) float 1.1
# Enable water protection (periodically restores breath when activated).
armor_water_protect (Enable water protection) bool true
# Enable fire protection (defaults true if using ethereal mod).
armor_fire_protect (Enable fire protection) bool false
# Enable fire damage from torches (defaults true if using ethereal mod).
armor_fire_protect_torch (Enable fire protection torch damage) bool false
# Enable punch damage effects.
armor_punch_damage (Enable damage effects) bool true
# Enable migration of old armor inventories.
armor_migrate_old_inventory (Migrate old armor inventories) bool true
# Don't show armor on character model.
armor_transparent (Transparent armor) bool false
shields_disable_sounds (Disable shield sounds) bool false
# Enable or disable technic_armor.
armor_enable_technic (Enable technic armor) bool true
# Set number of seconds between visible wielded item updates.
wieldview_update_time (Wieldview refresh rate [seconds]) int 2
# Show nodes as tiles, disabled by default.
wieldview_node_tiles (Show nodes as tiles) bool false
castle_masonry_stonewall (Stonewall) bool true
castle_masonry_cobble (Cobble) bool true
castle_masonry_stonebrick (Stone Brick) bool true
castle_masonry_sandstonebrick (Sandstone Brick) bool true
castle_masonry_desertstonebrick (Desert Stone Brick) bool true
castle_masonry_stone (Stone) bool true
castle_masonry_sandstone (Sandstone) bool true
castle_masonry_desertstone (Desert Stone) bool true
castle_masonry_wood (Wood) bool false
castle_masonry_ice (Ice) bool false
castle_masonry_snow (Snow) bool false
castle_masonry_obsidianbrick (Obsidian Brick) bool false
castle_masonry_pillar (Pillars) bool true
castle_masonry_arrowslit (Arrow slits) bool true
castle_masonry_murderhole (Murder holes and machicolations) bool true
# The number of seconds between each operation of the crafting bench.
crafting_bench_crafting_rate (Crafting rate) int 5 1 60
mesecon.resumetime (Startup delay) int 4 1 10
# The value at which circuits will overheat.
mesecon.overheat_max (Device heat limit) int 20 1 100
mesecon.cooldown_time (Device cooldown time) float 2.0 0.1 10.0
mesecon.cooldown_granularity (Cooldown step length) float 0.5 0.0 1.0
mesecon.blinky_plant_interval (Plant blinking interval) int 3 1 5
mesecon.detector_radius (Player detector scanning radius) int 6 3 16
mesecon.node_detector_distance_max (Node detector distance limit) int 10 1 16
mesecon.luacontroller_string_rep_max (string:rep result length limit) int 64000 1000 1000000
mesecon.luacontroller_digiline_maxlen (Digiline message size limit) int 50000 1000 1000000
mesecon.luacontroller_maxevents (Controller execution time limit) int 10000 1000 100000
mesecon.luacontroller_memsize (Controller memory limit) int 100000 10000 1000000
mesecon.movestone_speed (Speed) int 3 1 10
mesecon.movestone_max_push (Max push) int 50 1 100
mesecon.movestone_max_pull (Max pull) int 50 1 100
mesecon.piston_max_push (Max push) int 15 1 100
mesecon.piston_max_pull (Max pull) int 15 1 100
mesecon.pplate_interval (Check interval) float 0.1 0.1 1.0
[*Minetest Game]
# If enabled, players respawn at the bed they last lay on instead of normal
# spawn.
# This setting is only read at startup.
enable_bed_respawn (Respawn at bed) bool true
# If enabled, the night can be skipped if more than half of the players are
# in beds.
enable_bed_night_skip (Skip night when sleeping) bool true
# If enabled with 'enable_bed_night_skip', allows any single player in bed
# to skip night.
enable_single_night_skip (Skip night if any player in bed) bool false
# Manages how item loss is handled when a player dies.
# Modes supported:
# | ■ bones:
# | ● Bones containing player's inventory contents are
# | placed where/near player died.
# | ■ drop:
# | ● Inventory contents are dropped on the ground.
# | ■ keep:
# | ● Player does not lose items at death.
bones_mode (Bones mode) enum bones bones,drop,keep
# The time in seconds after which the bones of a dead player can be looted
# by everyone.
# Setting this to 0 will disable sharing of bones completely.
share_bones_time (Bones share time) int 1200 0
# How much earlier the bones of a dead player can be looted by everyone if
# the player dies in a protected area they don't own.
# 0 to disable. Default is "share_bones_time" divide by four (300).
share_bones_time_early (Bones early share time) int 300 0
# In creative mode players are able to dig all kind of blocks nearly
# instantly, and have access to unlimited resources.
# Some of the functionality is only available if this setting is present
# at startup.
creative_mode (Creative mode) bool false
# If enabled, lava will "cool" & turn into stone & obsidian when touching
# water.
enable_lavacooling (Lavacooling) bool true
# Flammable nodes will be ignited by nearby igniters. Spreading fire may
# cause severe destruction.
# Spreading fire nodes will disappear when fire is disabled, but
# 'permanent_flame' nodes are unaffected.
enable_fire (Fire) bool true
# Opposite of (& overridden by) 'enable_fire'.
disable_fire (Disable fire) bool false
# Enable flame sound.
flame_sound (Flame sound) bool true
# If enabled, items defined in 'initial_stuff' setting will be given
# to players.
give_initial_stuff (Give initial items) bool false
# Defines what items new players will start with if 'give_initial_stuff' setting
# is enabled.
# Comma-separated list: item1,item2 10,item3
initial_stuff (Initial items) string default:sword_stone,default:pick_steel,default:apple 10
# Replaces old stairs with new ones (Only required for older worlds).
enable_stairs_replace_abm (Replace old stairs) bool false
# When TNT explodes, it destroys nearby nodes and damages nearby players.
# NOTE: This setting is disabled by default on servers.
enable_tnt (TNT) bool true
# The radius in which nodes will be destroyed by a TNT explosion.
tnt_radius (TNT radius) int 3 0
[*More Mesecons]
# Minimal interval authorized. Any lower will be set to it.
moremesecons_adjustable_blinky_plant.min_interval (Minimum interval) float 0.5
# Space-separated list of authorized commands (empty to authorize all).
moremesecons_commandblock.authorized_commands (Authorized commands) string tell
# Any value less than or equal to 0 will be changed to 1 and a NaN value will be changed to the default value.
moremesecons_commandblock.nearest_max_distance (Nearest player maximum distance) float 8
# Any value less than or equal to 0 will be changed to 1 and a NaN value will be changed to the default value.
moremesecons_jammer.max_distance (Jammer action range) float 10
# The registration LBM will recover the jammer database if the moremesecons_jammer
# mod storage has been removed, and will create that mod storage after an update
# from an older version which did not use it.
moremesecons_jammer.enable_lbm (Enable Jammer registration LBM) bool false
# Any value less than or equal to 0 will be changed to 1 and a NaN value will be changed to the default value.
moremesecons_playerkiller.max_distance (Player Killer action range) float 8
# It will work only if:
# * moremesecons_sayer is present in your trusted_mods setting
# * you are playing in singleplayer
# * the speech-dispatcher is installed on your system
# * you are using a POSIX-compliant system and a sh-compatible shell (such as bash, dash, zsh...)
moremesecons_sayer.use_speech_dispatcher (Use Speech Dispatcher) bool true
# Any value less than or equal to 0 will be changed to 1 and a NaN value will be changed to the default value.
moremesecons_sayer.max_distance (Sayer range) float 8
# Any value less than or equal to 0 will be changed to 1 and a NaN value will be changed to the default value.
moremesecons_teleporter.max_t2t_distance (Maximum teleporter-to-teleporter distance) float 50
# Any value less than or equal to 0 will be set to 1
moremesecons_teleporter.max_p2t_distance (Maximum player-to-teleporter distance) float 25
# The registration LBM will recover a teleporter network if the moremesecons_teleporter
# mod storage has been removed, and will create that mod storage after an update
# from an older version which did not use it.
moremesecons_teleporter.enable_lbm (Enable Teleporter registration LBM) bool false
# Whether to enable the wireless jammer node
moremesecons_wireless.enable_jammer (Enable wireless jammer) bool true
# Any value less than or equal to 0 will be changed to 1 and a NaN value will be changed to the default value.
moremesecons_wireless.jammer_max_distance (Wireless Jammer action range) float 15
# The registration LBM will recover a wireless network if the moremesecons_wireless
# mod storage has been removed, and will create that mod storage after an update
# from an older version which did not use it.
moremesecons_wireless.enable_lbm (Enable Wireless registration LBM) bool false