Minetest mod "Jukebox" ====================== Version: 2.0 License of source code: ----------------------- Copyright (C) 2013 BlockMen <blockmen2015@gmail.com> Copyright (C) 2015-2016 LNJ <lnj.git@gmail.com> Copyright (C) 2016 Rui DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, December 2004 Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net> Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long as the name is changed. DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. License of textures: -------------------- (by Authors) BlockMen (WTFPL): jukebox_disc_*.png (added coulors by lightonflux) License of music: CC0 --------------------- The authors are (freesound.org): - cheesepuff (song1) - geerterig (song2) - rap2h (song3) - keffstay (song4) - usedtobe (song5) - zagi2 (song6) Notice: ------- This mod is only useable with Minetest 0.4.14 or above! Description: ------------ In the Jukebox plus mod you've got 9 different music discs. You can add music by copy your ogg file to the sounds folder and renaming them to e.g. this: jukebox_disc_2.0.ogg But pay attention that the sounds have to be mono, else you can hear the music all over the world. There are 9 discs so there are the sound files jukebox_disc_1.*.ogg to jukebox_disc_9.*.ogg. The small star can be replaced by the numbers 0 to 9. So you can have up to 9x10 (90) songs! Using the mod: -------------- To use the jukebox, you have to craft one. You need 8 wood and 1 mese crystal to craft it following way: wood wood wood wood mese crystal wood wood wood wood Just rightclick with a music disc in your hand on the jukebox and it will play a random song from this disc. To stop the music rightclick the box again and it will drop the music disc. API Documentation: ------------------ The jukebox mod offers a simple API to register new discs. See here how to use it: jukebox.register_disc("mymod:new_disc", { description = "New Disc", ^ The item description inventory_image = "mymod_new_disc.png", ^ The disc image / texture music_name = "mymod_new_disc", ^ This is the sound that'll be played if you insert the disc -- if you want to you can add here more options as in minetest.register_craftitem (except stack_max) }) Links: ------ Forum Topic: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?id=13505 GitHub: https://github.com/minetest-mods/jukebox