
135 lines
3.8 KiB

import logging
from platform import node
import re
import subprocess
import requests
import tempfile
from anime_downloader.extractors.base_extractor import BaseExtractor
from anime_downloader.sites.helpers.request import temp_dir
from anime_downloader.sites import helpers
from anime_downloader import util
from anime_downloader.util import eval_in_node
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Kwik(BaseExtractor):
'''Extracts video url from kwik pages, Kwik has some `security`
which allows to access kwik pages when only referred by something
and the kwik video stream when referred through the corresponding
kwik video page.
def _get_data(self):
ld = logger.debug
# Kwik servers don't have direct link access you need to be referred
# from somewhere, I will just use the url itself. We then
# have to rebuild the url. Hopefully kwik doesn't block this too
# Necessary
#self.url = self.url.replace(".cx/e/", ".cx/f/")
#self.headers.update({"referer": self.url})
headers = {"Referer": ""}
res = requests.get(self.url, headers=headers)
evalText = helpers.soupify(res.text)
scripts ="script")
for i in scripts:
rexd = re.compile("<script>eval[\s\S]*<\/script>").match(str(i))
if not rexd == None:
rexd =
rexd = rexd.replace("<script>", "")
rexd = rexd.replace("</script>", "")
tf = tempfile.mktemp(dir=temp_dir)
with open(tf, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
nodeRes = str(subprocess.getoutput(f"node {tf}"))
stream_url ="source='([^;]*)';", nodeRes).group().replace("source='", "").replace("';", "")
#reg = re.compile("[\s\S]*")
#kwik_text = resp.text
#title_re = re.compile(r'title>(.*)<')
#title =
return {
'stream_url': stream_url,
# 'meta': {
# 'title': title,
# 'thumbnail': ''
# },
'referer': ""
#cookies = util.get_hcaptcha_cookies(self.url)
#if not cookies:
# resp = util.bypass_hcaptcha(self.url)
# resp = requests.get(self.url, cookies=cookies)
#deobfuscated = None
#loops = 0
#while not deobfuscated and loops < 6:
# try:
# deobfuscated = helpers.soupify(util.deobfuscate_packed_js('<(script).*(var\s+_.*escape.*?)</\1>(?s)', kwik_text).group(2)))
# except (AttributeError, CalledProcessError) as e:
# if type(e) == AttributeError:
# resp = util.bypass_hcaptcha(self.url)
# kwik_text = resp.text
# if type(e) == CalledProcessError:
# resp = requests.get(self.url, cookies=cookies)
# finally:
# cookies = resp.cookies
# loops += 1
#post_url = deobfuscated.form["action"]
#token = deobfuscated.input["value"]
#resp =, headers=self.headers, params={"_token": token}, cookies=cookies, allow_redirects=False)
#stream_url = resp.headers["Location"]
#logger.debug('Stream URL: %s' % stream_url)
#return {
# 'stream_url': stream_url,
# 'meta': {
# 'title': title,
# 'thumbnail': ''
# },
# 'referer': None