
123 lines
3.7 KiB

from anime_downloader.sites.anime import Anime, AnimeEpisode, SearchResult
from anime_downloader.sites import helpers
from difflib import get_close_matches
import re
def format_title_case(text):
Will format text to title case and it will have roman numbers in capital case
only I is supported so only up to III, any number bigger than that will keep its original capitalization case
words = text.split()
new_text = []
for word in words:
if word.lower().replace('i', '') == '':
new_text += ['I' * len(word)]
elif word.lower() == 'dub':
new_text += ['(Dub)']
new_text += [word.title()]
return ' '.join(new_text)
def get_title_dict(script):
Returns a tuple with two dictionaries
the 1st one has the anime slugs with their pretty title
and the 2nd one has the anime slugs with their ids
script_text = helpers.get(script).text
title_function ="tm=.*?}", script_text).group()
titles_dict = {
x[0]: format_title_case(x[1].replace('-', ' '))
for x in re.findall(r"qd\[tm\.(.*?)\]=.*?\".*?/animtime/(.*?)/", script_text)
id_dict = {
x[0]: x[1]
for x in re.findall(r"t\[t\.(.*?)=(\d+)", title_function)
for title in id_dict:
For any anime that are not matched in the pretty titles dictionary (titles_dict)
for example Bleach (with the id of 1 is not in titles_dict)
if title not in titles_dict:
titles_dict[title] = ' '.join(
re.sub(r"([A-Z])", r" \1", title).split())
return titles_dict, id_dict
def get_script_link():
soup = helpers.soupify(helpers.get(''))
script = '' + \'script[src*=main]')[0].get('src')
return script
class AnimTime(Anime, sitename='animtime'):
sitename = 'animtime'
def search(cls, query):
titles = get_title_dict(get_script_link())
matches = get_close_matches(query, titles[0], cutoff=0.2)
search_results = [
for match in matches
return search_results
def _scrape_episodes(self):
link = get_script_link()
titles = dict((y, x) for x, y in get_title_dict(link)[1].items())
current_title = titles.get(self.url.split('/')[-1])
script_text = helpers.get(link).text
ep_count = int(
r"\[tm\.{}\]=(\d+)".format(current_title.replace(' ', '')), script_text).group(1))
episodes = []
for i in range(ep_count):
episodes.append(self.url + f'/episode/{i + 1}')
return episodes
def _scrape_metadata(self):
titles = get_title_dict(get_script_link())[1]
self.title = next(x for x, y in titles.items()
if int(y) == int(self.url.split('/')[-1]))
class AnimTimeEpisode(AnimeEpisode, sitename='animtime'):
def _get_sources(self):
titles = get_title_dict(get_script_link())[1]
current_title = next(x for x, y in titles.items()
if int(y) == int(self.url.split('/')[-3]))
current_ep = "{0:03}".format(int(self.url.split('/')[-1]))
script_text = helpers.get(get_script_link()).text
regexed_link ='tm\.' + current_title.replace(" ", "") +
'\]=function\(.*?return.*?(https.*?)"}', script_text).group(1)
link = regexed_link.replace('"+t+"', current_ep)
return [('wasabisys', link)]