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2018-05-27 10:01:49 -07:00
import logging
2018-05-27 11:59:51 -07:00
import sys
2018-05-28 12:36:40 -07:00
import shutil
2018-05-31 04:04:47 -07:00
import click
2018-06-05 14:11:43 -07:00
import subprocess
import platform
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
import re
import os
2020-08-20 06:47:56 -07:00
import json
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
import errno
import time
2018-08-06 08:46:58 -07:00
import ast
import math
2019-02-23 08:23:42 -08:00
import coloredlogs
import pickle
import tempfile
import requests
from tabulate import tabulate
from uuid import uuid4
from secrets import choice
from urllib.parse import urlparse, unquote
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
from anime_downloader import session
from anime_downloader.sites import get_anime_class, helpers
from anime_downloader.const import desktop_headers, get_random_header
2019-02-23 08:23:42 -08:00
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
2019-03-09 06:29:30 -08:00
__all__ = [
2019-02-23 08:23:42 -08:00
def check_in_path(app):
Checks to see if the given app exists on the path
:param app: app name to look for
:return: true if the app exists, false otherwise
return shutil.which(app) is not None
2019-02-23 08:23:42 -08:00
2018-05-27 10:01:49 -07:00
def setup_logger(log_level):
if log_level == 'DEBUG':
2019-02-23 08:23:42 -08:00
format = '%(asctime)s %(hostname)s %(name)s[%(process)d] %(levelname)s %(message)s'
from http.client import HTTPConnection
HTTPConnection.debuglevel = 1
requests_log = logging.getLogger("requests.packages.urllib3")
requests_log.propagate = True
2018-05-27 10:01:49 -07:00
2018-06-10 05:37:59 -07:00
format ='anime', fg='green') + ': %(message)s'
2018-05-27 10:01:49 -07:00
2019-02-23 08:23:42 -08:00
logger = logging.getLogger("anime_downloader")
coloredlogs.install(level=log_level, fmt=format, logger=logger)
2018-06-05 14:11:43 -07:00
2018-05-27 11:59:51 -07:00
2018-05-28 12:36:40 -07:00
def format_search_results(search_results):
headers = [
table = [(i + 1, v.title, v.pretty_metadata)
for i, v in enumerate(search_results)]
table = tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt='psql')
table = '\n'.join(table.split('\n')[::-1])
return table
2018-05-31 04:04:47 -07:00
2020-11-25 12:01:30 -08:00
def format_matches(matches):
if matches:
table = [[[p], [sr]] for p, sr, r in sorted(matches, key = lambda x: x[2], reverse=True)]
table = [a for b in table for a in b]
table = [["None"]]
table = tabulate(table, ['RESULTS'], tablefmt='grid', colalign=("center",))
return table
2018-05-31 04:04:47 -07:00
def search(query, provider, val=None, season_info=None, ratio=50):
# Will use animeinfo sync if season_info is provided
2018-06-01 01:13:44 -07:00
# Since this function outputs to stdout this should ideally be in
# cli. But it is used in watch too. :(
cls = get_anime_class(provider)
search_results =
2018-06-19 05:41:41 -07:00
if not search_results:
2019-02-23 08:23:42 -08:00
logger.error('No such Anime found. Please ensure correct spelling.')
return None, None
if season_info:
from anime_downloader import animeinfo
match = animeinfo.fuzzy_match_metadata([season_info], search_results)
logger.debug('Match ratio: {}'.format(match.ratio))
# ratios are a range between 0-100 where 100 means 100% match.
if match.ratio >= ratio and not val:
logger.debug('Selected {}'.format(match.SearchResult.title))
return match.SearchResult.url, None
2018-05-31 04:04:47 -07:00
click.echo(format_search_results(search_results), err=True)
# Loop to allow re-propmt if the user chooses incorrectly
# Makes it harder to unintentionally exit the anime command if it's automated
while True:
if val == None:
val = click.prompt('Enter the anime no{}:'. format(' (0 to switch provider)' * (season_info != None)),
type=int, default=1, err=True)
url = search_results[val - 1].url
title = search_results[val - 1].title
except IndexError:
logger.error('Only maximum of {} search results are allowed.'
' Please input a number less than {}'.format(
len(search_results), len(search_results) + 1))
val = False
2020-09-26 11:16:56 -07:00
# Doesn't print if skipped.
if season_info is None or val != 0:'Selected {}'.format(title))
2018-05-31 04:04:47 -07:00
return url, val
def primitive_search(search_results):
headers = [
table = [(i + 1, v.title)
for i, v in enumerate(search_results)]
table = tabulate(table, headers, tablefmt='psql')
table = '\n'.join(table.split('\n')[::-1])
click.echo(table, err=True)
while True:
val = click.prompt('Enter the anime no: ',
type=int, default=1, err=True)
return search_results[val - 1]
except IndexError:
logger.error('Only maximum of {} search results are allowed.'
' Please input a number less than {}'.format(
len(search_results), len(search_results) + 1))
2018-05-31 04:04:47 -07:00
2020-08-20 06:47:56 -07:00
def download_metadata(file_format, metdata, episode, filename='metdata.json'):
# turns '{animeinfo_anime_title}/{animeinfo_anime_title}_{provider}_{ep_no}'
# to '{animeinfo_anime_title}/'
location = ''.join(file_format.split('/')[:-1])
location = format_filename(location, episode)
location_metadata = location + '/' + filename
if os.path.isfile(location_metadata):
logger.debug('Metadata file already downloaded.')
return False
with open(location_metadata, 'w') as file:
json.dump(metdata, file, indent=4)
logger.debug('Downloaded metadata to "{}".'.format(location_metadata))
return location_metadata
2018-06-05 14:11:43 -07:00
def split_anime(anime, episode_range):
from anime_downloader.sites.anime import AnimeEpisode
2018-06-05 14:11:43 -07:00
start, end = [int(x) for x in episode_range.split(':')]
ep_range = [x for x in range(start, end)]
eps = [x for x in anime._episode_urls if x[0] in ep_range]
2020-11-20 09:40:26 -08:00
anime._episode_urls = [(x[0], x[1]) for x in eps]
anime._len = len(anime._episode_urls)
2018-06-05 14:11:43 -07:00
except ValueError:
# Only one episode specified
episode = int(episode_range)
anime = anime[episode - 1:episode]
2018-06-05 14:11:43 -07:00
return anime
def parse_episode_range(max_range, episode_range):
if not episode_range:
episode_range = '1:'
if episode_range.endswith(':'):
2021-02-08 14:11:58 -08:00
length = max_range if type(max_range) == int else (
episode_range += str(length + 1)
if episode_range.startswith(':'):
episode_range = '1' + episode_range
return episode_range
def parse_ep_str(anime, grammar):
episodes = []
if not grammar:
return split_anime(anime, parse_episode_range(anime, grammar))
for episode_grammar in grammar.split(','):
if ':' in episode_grammar:
start, end = parse_episode_range(anime, episode_grammar).split(':')
episode_grammar = '%d:%d' % (int(start), int(end) + 1)
for episode in split_anime(anime, episode_grammar):
from anime_downloader.sites.anime import AnimeEpisode
2021-02-11 11:48:08 -08:00
2021-04-04 06:20:42 -07:00
if episode_grammar == '0':
2021-02-11 11:48:08 -08:00
ep = sorted(anime._episode_urls)[-1]
ep = [x for x in anime._episode_urls if x[0]
== int(episode_grammar)][0]
2021-02-11 11:48:08 -08:00
ep_cls = AnimeEpisode.subclasses[anime.sitename]
episodes.append(ep_cls(ep[1], parent=anime, ep_no=ep[0]))
return episodes
def print_episodeurl(episode):
# if episode.source().referer != '':
# print(episode.source().stream_url + "?referer=" + episode.source().referer)
# else:
# Currently I don't know of a way to specify referer in url itself so leaving it here.
url = episode.url if episode.url.startswith(
"magnet") else episode.source().stream_url
2018-06-05 14:11:43 -07:00
2021-02-08 14:11:58 -08:00
2021-02-05 19:39:50 -08:00
def play_episode(episode, *, player, title, episodes="0:0"):
2020-07-23 11:29:02 -07:00
if player == 'mpv':
p = subprocess.Popen([player,
2021-02-08 14:11:58 -08:00
2021-02-05 19:39:50 -08:00
elif player == "android":
2021-02-08 14:11:58 -08:00
p = subprocess.Popen(['am', 'start', '-a', 'android.intent.action.VIEW',
'-t', 'video/*', '-d', f'{episode.source().stream_url}'])
2021-02-08 14:08:57 -08:00
if episodes == None or ':' in episodes and episodes != "0:1":
input("Press enter to continue\n")
2020-07-23 11:29:02 -07:00
p = subprocess.Popen([player, episode.source().stream_url])
2018-06-09 08:24:42 -07:00
2018-06-05 14:11:43 -07:00
2021-02-08 14:11:58 -08:00
2018-06-05 14:11:43 -07:00
def print_info(version):
2019-02-23 08:23:42 -08:00'anime-downloader {}'.format(version))
logger.debug('Platform: {}'.format(platform.platform()))
logger.debug('Python {}'.format(platform.python_version()))
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
def get_json(url, params=None):
2019-02-23 08:23:42 -08:00
logger.debug('API call URL: {} with params {!r}'.format(url, params))
res = session.get_session().get(url, headers=desktop_headers, params=params)
2019-02-23 08:23:42 -08:00
logger.debug('URL: {}'.format(res.url))
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
data = res.json()
2019-02-23 08:23:42 -08:00
logger.debug('Returned data: {}'.format(data))
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
return data
def slugify(file_name):
file_name = str(file_name).strip().replace(' ', '_')
2020-10-09 10:23:40 -07:00
# First group removes filenames starting with a dot making them hidden.
# Second group removes anything not in it, for example '"/\|
return re.sub(r'(^\.)|([^-\w.!+-])', '', file_name)
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
def format_filename(filename, episode):
zerosTofill = math.ceil(math.log10(episode._parent._len))
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
rep_dict = {
'anime_title': slugify(episode._parent.title),
'ep_no': str(episode.ep_no).zfill(zerosTofill),
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
filename = filename.format(**rep_dict)
return filename
def format_command(cmd, episode, file_format, speed_limit, path):
from anime_downloader.config import Config
if not Config._CONFIG['dl']['aria2c_for_torrents'] and (episode.url.startswith('magnet:?xt=urn:btih:') or episode.source().stream_url.startswith('https://magnet:?xt=urn:btih:')):
2021-02-08 14:11:58 -08:00
url = episode.url if episode.url.startswith(
"magnet") else episode.source().stream_url
url = url.replace("https://", "")
return ['open', url]
# For aria2c.
log_levels = ['debug', 'info', 'notice', 'warn', 'error']
log_level = Config['dl']['aria2c_log_level'].lower()
if log_level not in log_levels:
'Invalid logging level "{}", defaulting to "error".'.format(log_level))
logger.debug('Possible levels: {}.'.format(log_levels))
log_level = 'error'
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
cmd_dict = {
'{aria2}': 'aria2c {stream_url} -x 12 -s 12 -j 12 -k 10M -o '
'{file_format}.mp4 --continue=true --dir={download_dir} '
'--stream-piece-selector=inorder --min-split-size=5M --referer={referer} '
'--check-certificate=false --user-agent={useragent} --max-overall-download-limit={speed_limit} '
'{idm}': 'idman.exe /n /d {stream_url} /p {download_dir} /f {file_format}.mp4',
2021-05-03 08:41:16 -07:00
'{wget}': 'wget {stream_url} --referer={referer} --user-agent={useragent} -O {download_dir}/{file_format}.mp4 -c',
2021-05-08 13:33:02 -07:00
'{uget}': '/CMD/ --http-referer={referer} --http-user-agent={useragent} --folder={download_dir} --filename={file_format}.mp4 {stream_url}'
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
2019-07-12 03:37:06 -07:00
# Allows for passing the user agent with self.headers in the site.
# Some sites block downloads using a different user agent.
if episode.headers.get('user-agent'):
useragent = episode.headers['user-agent']
2021-05-23 13:50:55 -07:00
useragent = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/605.1.15'
2019-07-12 03:37:06 -07:00
2021-02-08 14:11:58 -08:00
stream_url = episode.source().stream_url if not episode.url.startswith(
'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:') else episode.url
stream_url = stream_url if 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:' not in stream_url else stream_url.replace(
'https://', '')
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
rep_dict = {
'stream_url': stream_url,
2018-06-29 08:42:46 -07:00
'file_format': file_format,
'download_dir': os.path.abspath(path),
'referer': episode.source().referer,
'useragent': useragent,
'speed_limit': speed_limit,
'log_level': log_level
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
if cmd == "{wget}":
# Create the directory if it doesn't exist
f"{rep_dict['download_dir']}/{os.path.dirname(format_filename(rep_dict['file_format'], episode))}")
path_string = file_format.replace('\\', '/').split('/')
rep_dict['file_format'] = path_string.pop(-1)
path_string = '/'.join(path_string)
rep_dict['download_dir'] = os.path.join(path, path_string)
2019-07-12 03:37:06 -07:00
if cmd == "{idm}":
rep_dict['file_format'] = rep_dict['file_format'].replace('/', '\\')
2019-07-12 03:37:06 -07:00
2021-05-08 13:33:02 -07:00
if cmd == '{uget}':
cmd_dict['{uget}'] = cmd_dict['{uget}'].replace('/CMD/', 'uget-gtk' if check_in_path('uget-gtk') else 'uget')
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
if cmd in cmd_dict:
cmd = cmd_dict[cmd]
cmd = cmd.split(' ')
cmd = [c.format(**rep_dict) for c in cmd]
cmd = [format_filename(c, episode) for c in cmd]
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
return cmd
def deobfuscate_packed_js(packedjs):
return eval_in_node('eval=console.log; ' + packedjs)
2020-08-27 05:02:22 -07:00
2019-07-12 04:53:54 -07:00
def eval_in_node(js: str):
2020-08-27 05:02:22 -07:00
# TODO: This should be in util
output = subprocess.check_output(['node', '-e', js])
2019-07-12 04:53:54 -07:00
return output.decode('utf-8')
def open_magnet(magnet):
2020-09-19 14:22:19 -07:00
if sys.platform.startswith('win32') or sys.platform.startswith('cygwin'):
elif sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
subprocess.Popen(['open', magnet],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
subprocess.Popen(['xdg-open', magnet],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
2019-07-12 04:53:54 -07:00
def external_download(cmd, episode, file_format, speed_limit, path=''):
logger.debug('cmd: ' + cmd)
logger.debug('episode: {!r}'.format(episode))
logger.debug('file format: ' + file_format)
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
cmd = format_command(cmd, episode, file_format, speed_limit, path=path)
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
logger.debug('formatted cmd: ' + ' '.join(cmd))
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
if cmd[0] == 'open': # for torrents
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
return_code = p.wait()
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
if return_code != 0:
# Sleep for a while to make sure downloader exits correctly
2018-06-27 12:52:31 -07:00
def make_dir(path):
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
2018-08-06 08:46:58 -07:00
def get_filler_episodes(query):
def search_filler_episodes(query, page):
url = ''
search_results = helpers.soupify(helpers.get(
url + query, params={'page': page})).select('h3.title > a')
urls = [a.get('href') for a in search_results if a.get(
'href').split('/')[-2] == 'shows']
search_results = [
for a in range(len(search_results)) if search_results[a].get('href').split('/')[-2] == 'shows'
return search_results, urls
results_list, urls_list = [], []
prev = ['']
for a in range(5): # Max 5 pages, could be done using the pager element
search_results, urls = search_filler_episodes(query, a)
# stops the loop if the same site is visited twice
if urls == prev and not (len(urls) == 0 or a == 0):
prev = urls[:]
for b in search_results:
for c in urls:
[results_list[a].insert(0, a + 1)
for a in range(len(results_list))] # inserts numbers
headers = ["SlNo", "Title"]
table = tabulate(results_list, headers, tablefmt='psql')
table = '\n'.join(table.split('\n')[::-1])
val = click.prompt(
'Enter the filler-anime no (0 to cancel): ', type=int, default=1, err=True)
if val == 0:
return False
url = urls_list[val - 1]
try:"Fetching filler episodes...")
res = helpers.get(url)
soup = helpers.soupify(res.text)
episodes = []
for filler_episode in soup.find("div", attrs={"class": "filler"}).find_all("a"):
txt = filler_episode.text.strip()
if '-' in txt:
split = txt.split('-')
for a in range(int(split[0]), int(split[1]) + 1):
logger.debug("Found {} filler episodes.".format(len(episodes)))
return episodes
"Can't get filler episodes. Will download all specified episodes.")
return False
2018-08-06 08:46:58 -07:00
class ClickListOption(click.Option):
def type_cast_value(self, ctx, value):
if isinstance(value, list):
return value
return ast.literal_eval(value)
raise click.BadParameter(value)
2021-10-17 00:32:19 -07:00
class Process:
def __init__(self, name, cmdline, pid): = name = pid
self.cmdline = cmdline
def __str__(self):
return str({
'cmdline': self.cmdline
def getAllProcesses_Win32():
placeholder = list()
out = os.popen('WMIC path win32_process get Caption,Processid,Commandline').read(
for line in out:
f = line.split()
if f:
if len(f) > 2:
Process(name=f[0], cmdline=f[1:-1], pid=int(f[-1])))
Process(name=f[0], cmdline=None, pid=int(f[-1])))
return placeholder
def getAllProcesses_unix():
if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
cmd = 'ps -Ao user,pid,%cpu,%mem,vsz,rss,tt,stat,start,time,command'
return []
elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
cmd = 'ps aux'
2021-11-12 10:02:16 -08:00
return []
2021-10-17 00:32:19 -07:00
out = os.popen(cmd).read()
out = out.split('\n')[1:]
placeholder = list()
for line in out:
line_list = line.lower().split()
PID = line_list[1]
NAME = line_list[10:][0]
CMD = line_list[10:]
placeholder.append(Process(name=NAME, cmdline=CMD, pid=PID))
except IndexError:
return placeholder
def get_all_processes():
2021-11-19 08:37:06 -08:00
return []
2021-10-17 00:32:19 -07:00
if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
return getAllProcesses_Win32()
return getAllProcesses_unix()
def is_running(regex, expected_matches):
Iterates through all the processes that are running
and returns a boolean if a process matches the regex passed
and the groups matched are equal to or more than the expected_matches.
already_running = False
dict_pids = { [, p.cmdline]
for p in get_all_processes()
if os.getpid() in dict_pids:
del dict_pids[os.getpid()]
for key, value in dict_pids.items():
if value[1]:
list_of_matches = re.findall(regex, ' '.join(value[1]))
if list_of_matches and len(list_of_matches) >= expected_matches:
already_running = True
return already_running