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Minetest Mapper
A tool to generate maps of minetest and freeminer worlds.
.. Contents:: :depth: 2
Basic Usage
After installation, minetestmapper is started as follows:
('\\' is a continuation character - the command-line continues
on the next line. Type return only after the line that does
not end with the continuation character)
minetestmapper \
--input <world-directory> \
--output <image-file-name.png>
If the world is not too large, and if minetestmapper is installed in
a system directory, it will most likely work as expected.
Possibly, minetestmapper will not be able to find a colors.txt file. If that happens,
the colors.txt file can be specified on the command-line:
minetestmapper \
--input <world-directory> \
--output <image-file-name.png> \
--colors <filename>
Or the colors.txt file must be installed in a location where minetestmapper will find it.
A colors.txt file (named ``colors.txt``, in lowercase) in the world's directory will certainly
be found. Depending on the system and the configuration, other locations are available. Use the
following command to find out which:
minetestmapper \
--input <world-directory> \
--output <image-file-name.png> \
From the basis above, add any number of other options that are documented below, according
to to personal needs and taste.
Command-line Options Summary
For a more detailed description of the options, see `Detailed Description of Options`_
Basic options:
* ``--help`` : Print an option summary
* ``--version`` : Print version ID of minetestmapper
* ``--input <world-dir>`` : Specify the world directory (mandatory)
* ``--output <image filename>`` : Specify the map file name (mandatory)
* ``--colors <filename>`` : Specify the colors file name.
* ``--heightmap[=color]>`` : Generate a height map instead of a regular map
* ``--heightmap-nodes <filename>`` : Specify the nodes list for the height map
* ``--heightmap-colors <filename>`` : Specify the color definition file for the height map
* ``--geometry <geometry>`` : Specify the desired map dimensions
* ``--scalefactor <factor>`` : Specify the scaling factor for the map
* ``--progress`` : Print progress information while generating the map
* ``--verbose[=2]`` : Report statistics about the world and the generated map
Area options:
* ``--scalefactor <factor>`` : Specify the scaling factor for the map
* ``--geometry <geometry>`` : Specify the desired map dimensions
* ``--cornergeometry <geometry>`` : Suggest interpretation as a corner + dimensions
* ``--centergeometry <geometry>`` : Suggest interpretation as center + dimensions
* ``--min-y <y>`` : Specify the minumum depth of nodes to be included
* ``--max-y <y>`` : Specify the maximum height of nodes to be included
* ``--geometrymode pixel,block,fixed,shrink`` : Specify granularity and whether to shrink the map if possible
Height map-related options:
* ``--heightmap[=color]>`` : Generate a height map instead of a regular map
* ``--heightmap-nodes <filename>`` : Specify the nodes list for the height map
* ``--heightmap-colors <filename>`` : Specify the color definition file for the height map
* ``--heightmap-yscale <factor>`` : Scale the vertical dimensions by a factor
* ``--height-level-0 <height>`` : Set the '0' level differently for determining height map colors
* ``--drawheightscale`` : Draw a height scale at the bottom of the map
* ``--heightscale-interval <major>[[,:]<minor>]`` : Use custom major and minor intervals in the height scale.
Colors for specific areas or parts of the map:
* ``--bgcolor <color>`` : Specify the background color for the image
* ``--blockcolor <color>`` : Specify the color for empty mapblocks
* ``--scalecolor <color>`` : Specify the color for text in the scales on the side
* ``--origincolor <color>`` : Specify the color for drawing the map origin (0,0)
* ``--playercolor <color>`` : Specify the color for drawing player locations
* ``--tilebordercolor <color>`` : Specify the color for drawing tile borders
Map features:
* ``--drawscale[=top,left]`` : Draw a scale on the left and/or top edge
* ``--drawheightscale`` : Draw a height scale at the bottom of the map
* ``--sidescale-interval <major>[[,:]<minor>]`` : Use custom major and minor intervals in the scale.
* ``--heightscale-interval <major>[[,:]<minor>]`` : Use custom major and minor intervals in the height scale.
* ``--draworigin`` : Draw a circle at the origin (0,0) on the map
* ``--drawplayers`` : Draw circles at player positions on the map
* ``--drawalpha[=cumulative|cumulative-darken|average|none]`` : Enable drawing transparency for some nodes (e.g. water)
* ``--drawair`` : Draw air nodes (read the warnings first!)
* ``--noshading`` : Disable shading that accentuates height diffences
* ``--tiles <tilesize>[+<border>]|block|chunk`` : Draw a grid of the specified size on the map
* ``--tileorigin <x>,<y>|world|map`` : Specify the coordinates of one tile's origin (lower-left corner)
* ``--tilecenter <x>,<y>|world|map`` : Specify the coordinates of one tile's center
* ``--tilebordercolor <color>`` : Specify the color for drawing tile borders
* ``--chunksize <size>`` : Specify or override the chunk size (usually 5 blocks)
Drawing figures on the map
Using world coordinates:
* ``--drawpoint "<x>,<y> color"`` : Draw a point (single pixel) on the map
* ``--drawline "<geometry> color"`` : Draw a line on the map
* ``--drawcircle "<geometry> color"`` : Draw a circle on the map
* ``--drawellipse "<geometry> color"`` : Draw an ellipse on the map
* ``--drawrectangle "<geometry> color"`` : Draw a rectangle on the map
* ``--drawtext "<x>,<y> color text"`` : Write some text on the map
Same figures using map/image coordinates (0,0 is the top-left corner of the map)
* ``--drawmappoint "<x>,<y> color"`` : Draw a point (single pixel) on the map
* ``--drawmapline "<geometry> color"`` : Draw a line on the map
* ``--drawmapcircle "<geometry> color"`` : Draw a circle on the map
* ``--drawmapellipse "<geometry> color"`` : Draw an ellipse on the map
* ``--drawmaprectangle "<geometry> color"`` : Draw a rectangle on the map
* ``--drawmaptext "<x>,<y> color text"`` : Write some text on the map
Feedback / information options:
* ``--help`` : Print an option summary
* ``--version`` : Print version ID of minetestmapper
* ``--verbose[=n]`` : Report world and map statistics (size, dimensions, number of blocks)
* ``--verbose-search-colors[=n]`` : Report which colors files are used and/or which locations are searched
* ``--progress`` : Show a progress indicator while generating the map
Miscellaneous options
* ``--backend <auto/sqlite3/leveldb/redis>`` : Specify or override the database backend to use
* ``--sqlite-cacheworldrow`` : Modify how minetestmapper accesses the sqlite3 database. For performance.
Detailed Description of Options
A number of options have shorthand equivalent options. For instance
``--help`` and ``-h`` are synonyms. The following are notable:
* ``-h`` = ``--help``
* ``-V`` = ``--version``
* ``-o`` = ``--output``
* ``-i`` = ``--input``
For the others, please consult the source code. Note that support
for other short options than mentioned above might be removed in
the future.
**Available options**:
.. Contents:: :local:
``--backend <auto|sqlite3|leveldb|redis>``
Set or override the database backend to use.
By default (``auto``), the database is obtained from the world configuration,
and there is no need to set it,
``--bgcolor <color>``
Specify the background color for the image. See `Color Syntax`_ below.
Two maps with different background:
.. image:: images/background-white.png
.. image:: images/background-blueish.png
``--blockcolor <color>``
Specify the color for empty mapblocks. See `Color Syntax`_ below.
An empty mapblock exists in the database, and contains only air or *ignore*
nodes. It is normally not visible, even if no other mapblocks exist above
or below it. This color makes such blocks visible if no nodes other than
air or ignore are above or below it.
To see the difference between empty blocks and absent blocks, generate a map
that is larger than the world size by at least 2 map blocks.
Two maps, the second with blockcolor enabled:
.. image:: images/background-white.png
.. image:: images/blockcolor-yellowish.png
``--centergeometry <geometry>``
Suggest interpreting a geometry as center coordinates and dimensions. If possible.
See also `--geometry`_
``--chunksize <size>``
Set or override the chunk size.
The chunk size is the unit of map generation minetest. Minetest never generates
a single block at a time, it always generates a chunk at a time.
The chunk size may be used by the `--tiles`_ option. It is obtained from
the world by default. It is usually but not necessarily 5 (i.e. 5x5x5 blocks).
``--colors <file>``
Specify the name of the 'colors.txt' to use.
See `Colors and Nodes Files`_ and `Colors.txt Syntax`_.
Minetestmapper will attempt to automatically find a suitable
colors.txt file. See `Colors Files Search Locations`_.
``--cornergeometry <geometry>``
Suggest interpreting a geometry as corner coordinates and dimensions. If
See also `--geometry`_
``--draw[map]<figure> "<geometry> color"``
Draw a figure on the map, with the given geometry and color.
Possible figures are:
* circle
* ellipse (which is synonymous for circle)
* line
* point (which uses simple coordinates (x,y) instead of a geometry)
* rectangle
* text (which uses simple coordinates (x,y) instead of a geometry)
If ``--draw<figure>`` is used, the geometry specifies world coordinates;
If ``--drawmap<figure>`` is used, the geometry specifies map (image)
coordinates, where 0,0 is the top-left corner of the map-part of
the image, and coordinates increase to the right and down. Any points
on the left and top scale have negative coordinates.
Note that the combination of geometry and color should be a single
argument. This means that the pair must be enclosed in quotes together
on the command-line, else they will be misinterpreted as two command-line
``minetestmapper --drawcircle "10,10:6x6 red"``
For the color of figures, an alpha value can be specified. Note that
due to a bug in the drawing library, this has not the expected effect
when drawing circles and ellipses.
See also `Geometry Syntax`_ and `Color Syntax`_.
**Interaction of figure geometry and map scaling**
If the map is scaled, figures could either keep the same size in pixels,
or the same size relative to the world, which would make them appear
smaller, like the entire map.
Figures which are drawn using map (image) coordinates are never scaled.
It is assumed that it was the intention to draw them on the image to
begin with, and not in the world.
At the moment, figures which are drawn using world coordinates may or
may not scale with the world.
If the geometry of a figure is specified using 2 corners, then these
coordinates obviously scale with the world, and the resulting figure
will be visually smaller as well.
If the geometry of a figure is specified using a corner or the center
and dimensions, then the corner or center is obviously also interpreted
as world-coordinates, but the dimensions will be interpreted relative
to the image.
In practise this means that two identically-sized figures in a full-scale
map, may have different sizes after scaling, depending on how their
geometry was specified. The jury is still out as to whether this is
a bug or a feature.
``--draw[map]circle "<geometry> color"``
Draw a circle on the map, with the given geometry and color.
See `--draw[map]<figure>`_ for details.
An example circle:
.. image:: images/drawcircle.png
``--draw[map]ellipse "<geometry> color"``
Draw an ellipse on the map. This is a synonym for ``--draw[map]circle``.
See `--draw[map]<figure>`_ for details.
``--draw[map]line "<geometry> color"``
Draw a line on the map, with the given geometry and color.
See `--draw[map]<figure>`_ for details.
An example line:
.. image:: images/drawline.png
``--draw[map]point "<x>,<y> color"``
Draw a point on the map, at the given location, using the given color.
See `--draw[map]<figure>`_ for details.
An example point (red, in te white area):
.. image:: images/drawpoint.png
``--draw[map]rectangle "<geometry> color"``
Draw a reactangle on the map, with the given geometry and color.
See `--draw[map]<figure>`_ for details.
An example rectangle:
.. image:: images/drawrectangle.png
``--draw[map]text "<x>,<y> color text"``
Write text on the map, at the specified location, using the given color.
The text can consist of
Note that the combination of geometry, color and text should be a
single argument. This means that they must be enclosed in quotes
together on the command-line, else they will be misinterpreted as three
command-line arguments.
``minetestmapper --drawtext "20,-10 red This text will be on the map"``
See also `--draw[map]<figure>`_ for more details.
Example text:
.. image:: images/drawtext.png
Draw air nodes, as if they were regular nodes.
The color of air will be obtained from the colors file.
the color of air nodes should most probably have an alpha value of
0, so that it is fully transparent. The effect will be, that
air nodes are only visible if nothing else is below them.
Setting alpha to anything other than 0, will most probably cause
all non-air nodes to be obscured by all of the air that is
above them.
Drawing air nodes instead of ignoring them will have a significant
performance impact (unless they happen to be defined as opaque).
Use this with consideration.
Two images, one with air, the other without. Look inside the rectangle:
.. image:: images/background-white.png
.. image:: images/drawair.png
Specify how to render the alpha (transparency) value of nodes.
* **none**: don't render transparency. This is the same as
omitting this option.
* **average**: average the entire stack of transparent nodes
before combining the resulting color with the color of the
first opaque node below the stack. Water will remain transparent
* **cumulative**: make lower nodes progressively more opaque.
The effect is for instance, that water becomes opaque below
a certain depth - only height differences will 'shine' through,
if shading is not disabled (`--noshading`_)
* **cumulative-darken**: Same as *cumulative*, except that
after the color has become opaque, it is progressively
darkened to visually simulate greater depth. This is looks great
for deeper waters that are not too deep.
The downside is that very deep water will eventually become black
when using this option.
If this option is used without a method argument, the
default is 'average'.
For backward compatibility, 'nodarken' is still recognised as alias
for 'cumulative'; 'darken' is still recognised as alias for
'cumulative-darken'. They are otherwise undocumented. Please don't
use them, they may disappear in the future.
Note that each of the different modes has a different color definition
for transparent blocks that looks best. For instance, for water, the following
are suggested:
(disabled): 39 66 106 [192 224 - optional: alpha configuration will be ignored]
cumulative: 78 132 255 64 224
cumulative-darken: 78 132 255 64 224 (same as cumulative)
average: 49 82 132 192 224 (look also good with alpha disabled)
Custom colors files are provided for these alternatives: colors-average-alpha.txt
and colors-cumulative-alpha.txt. If desired, these must be manually selected.
The following images show average alpha mode, cumulative mode and cumulative-darken
mode. In each case, the matching custom color file was selected:
.. image:: images/alpha-average.png
.. image:: images/alpha-cumulative.png
.. image:: images/alpha-cumulative-darken.png
If drawing a height map (`--heightmap`_), draw a height scale below the image.
A height map with scale:
.. image:: images/heightmap-scale.png
Draw a circle at the world origin (coordinates 0,0)
The color can be set with `--origincolor`_.
An image with world origin drawn:
.. image:: images/draworigin.png
Draw circles at the positions of players
The color can be set with `--origincolor`_.
An image with a few players:
.. image:: images/players.png
Draw scales at the left and.or top of the map.
If neither 'left' nor 'top' is specified, draw them on both sides.
The color of the lines and numbers can be set with `--scalecolor`_.
The major and minor interval can be configured using
Images of scales on the top, left and on both sides
.. image:: images/drawscale-left.png
.. image:: images/drawscale-top.png
.. image:: images/drawscale-both.png
``--geometry <geometry>``
Specify the map geometry (i.e. which part of the world to draw).
See `Geometry Syntax`_ for how the geometry can be specified.
By default, the entire visible world is drawn.
``--geometrymode pixel,block,fixed,shrink``
Specify explicitly how the geometry should be interpreted.
One or more of the flags may be used, separated by commas or
spaces. In case of conflicts, the last flag takes precedence.
See also `Geometry Syntax`_
The geometry can have pixel or block granularity:
* **pixel**: interpret the coordinates with pixel granularity.
A map of exactly the requested size is generated (after
adjustments due to the 'shrink' flag, or possible adjustments
required by the scale factor).
* **block**: round the coodinates to a multiple of 16.
The requested geometry will be extended so that the map does
not contain partial map blocks (of 16x16 nodes each).
At *least* all pixels covered by the geometry will be in the
map, but there may be up to 15 more in every direction.
The geometry can be fixed as requested, or the map can be shrunk:
* **shrink**: Generate a map of at most the requested geometry.
Shrink it to the smallest possible size that still includes the
same information.
Currently, shrinking is done with block granularity, and
based on which blocks are in the database. As the database
always contains a row or and column of empty, or partially
empty blocks at the map edges, there will still be empty
pixels at the edges of the map. Use `--blockcolor`_ to visualize
these empty blocks.
* **fixed**: don't reduce the map size. What ever is specified
using a geometry option, is what will be draw, even if partly
or fully empty.
**NOTE**: If this flag is used, and no actual geometry is
specified, this would result in a maximum-size map (65536
x 65536), which is currently not possible, and will fail,
due to a bug in the drawing library.
The default is normally 'pixel' and 'fixed', if a geometry
option was specified. See `Legacy Geometry Format`_ for one
Default image in the center, block mode enabled to the left and
shrink mode enabled to the right:
.. image:: images/geometrymode-block.png
.. image:: images/geometrymode.png
.. image:: images/geometrymode-shrink.png
Use the specified file as the heightmap colors file.
See `Colors and Nodes Files`_ and `Heightmap-colors.txt Syntax`_.
Minetestmapper will attempt to automatically find a suitable
heightmap-colors.txt file. See `Colors Files Search Locations`_.
``--heightmap-nodes <file>``
Use the specified file as the heightmap nodes file.
See `Colors and Nodes Files`_ and `Heightmap-nodes.txt Syntax`_.
Minetestmapper will attempt to automatically find a suitable
heightmap-nodes.txt file. See `Colors Files Search Locations`_.
``--heightmap-yscale <factor>``
Scale the heights of the map before computing the height map colors.
This is useful when there are very large, or only very small, height
differences in the world, and too much of the map is drawn in a
single, or similar, colors.
Using this option improves the spread of colors in the height map.
The option `--height-level-0`_ may also be of use.
'Factor' is a decimal number. A value of 1 means no change; a larger
value stretches the color range, a smaller value (but larger than 0)
condenses the color range.
Note that the water level will probably not be rendered correctly for
scale factors smaller than 1, nor for small non-integer scale factors.
A suitable choice of ``--height-level-0`` may lessen this effect somewhat.
For the same effect, a modified colors file could be used.
``--heightmap-yscale`` is easier and quicker.
Two images with a different y scale:
.. image:: images/heightmap-scale.png
.. image:: images/heightmap-yscale.png
Generate a height map instead of a regular map.
If a color is given, a monochrome map is generated in shades of that
color, ranging from black at depth -128 to the given color at height 127.
See also `Color Syntax`_.
Three colors are treated specially:
* **white**: The entire map will be white. Any visible structure will
result of the rendering of height differences.
* **black**: The entire map will be black. Any visible structure will
result of the rendering of height differences. This actually looks
pretty good
* **grey**: The map will be drawn in shades of grey, ranging from black
at level -128 to white at level 127
If no color is specified, minetestmapper will use a colors file to
determine which colors to use at which height level. See
`Colors and Nodes Files`_ and `Heightmap-colors.txt Syntax`_.
In any case, minetestmapper also needs a nodes file. See
`Heightmap-nodes.txt Syntax`_ for details.
A regular map, a greyscale height map and a colored height map:
.. image:: images/scalefactor-2.png
.. image:: images/heightmap-grey.png
.. image:: images/heightmap-color.png
``--heightscale-interval <major>[[,:]<minor>]``
When drawing a height scale at the bottom of the map, use the specified
'major' specifies the interval for major marks, which are accompanied
by a number indicating the height.
When specified as 'major,minor', 'minor' specifies the interval for
minor tick marks
When specified as 'major:minor', 'minor' specifies the number of subdivisions
of the major interval. In that case, major should be divisible by minor.
E.g.: ``10:2`` is OK (equivalent to 10,5), ``10:3`` is not.
By default, the major interval is calculated based on the available space
and the range of heights in the map.
The default minor interval is 0 (i.e. no minor ticks)
A custom height scale interval:
.. image:: images/heightmap-scale.png
.. image:: images/heightmap-scale-interval.png
``--height-level-0 <level>``
Specify the zero height level of the map to use for height maps.
This is the world height that will be drawn using the color that the
colors file specifies for level 0.
This is useful when the average level of the world is lower
or higher than the colors file caters for. It may also be of some use
for height maps when the world has a non-standard sea level.
The option `--heightmap-yscale`_ may also be of use if this option
is used.
For the same effect, a modified colors file could be used.
``--height-level-0`` is easier and quicker.
Print the option summary.
``--input <world_path>``
Specify the world to map.
This option is mandatory.
``--max-y <y>``
Specify the upper height limit for the map
Nodes higher than this level will not be drawn. This can be used
to avoid floating islands or floating artefacts from abscuring the
world below.
``--min-y <y>``
Specify the lower height limit for the map
Any nodes below this level will not be drawn.
Disable shading.
Shading accentuates height differences by drawing artifical shade
(i.e. making nodes lighter or darker depending on the height difference
with adjacent nodes).
A map with and without shading:
.. image:: images/default-0.0.png
.. image:: images/noshading.png
``--origincolor <color>``
Specify the color to use for drawing the origin.
An alpha value can be specified, but due to a bug in the
drawing library, it will not have the desired effect.
Use `--draworigin`_ to enable drawing the origin.
See also `Color Syntax`_
``--output <output_image.png>``
Specify the name of the image to be generated.
This parameter is mandatory.
Note that minetestmapper generates images in png format, regardless of
the extension of this file.
``--playercolor <color>``
Specify the color to use for drawing player locations
An alpha value can be specified, but due to a bug in the
drawing library, it will not have the desired effect.
Use `--drawplayers`_ to enable drawing players.
See also `Color Syntax`_
Show a progress indicator while generating the map.
``--scalecolor <color>``
Specify the color to use for drawing the text and lines of the scales
(both the side scales and the height map scale).
Use `--drawscale`_ to enable drawing side scales.
Use `--drawheightscale`_ to enable drawing the height scale.
See also `Color Syntax`_
``--scalefactor 1:<n>``
Generate the map in a reduced size.
Basically, the image is be reduced in size while it is generated,
by averaging a square region of pixels into one new pixel.
This has several uses:
* to generate overview maps of large worlds
* if the image is otherwise too large to be practical
* if the map image would be too large to be generated
(see `Known Problems`_).
An other advantage of generating scaled maps directly, is that
minetestmapper does not scale all parts of the map, like for instance
the scales on the side.
The following scale factors are supported:
* **1:1**: no scaling. This value has no effect.
* **1:2**: reduce the map size by a factor 2
* **1:4**: reduce the map size by a factor 4
* **1:8**: reduce the map size by a factor 8
* **1:16**: reduce the map size by a factor 16
In addition, scaling needs to follow map block boundaries. That
means that when scaling the map, regardless of the geometry,
the same pixels will be averaged. E.g. if the scale factor is 1:16,
then entire map blocks will be averaged, so therefore the map
geometry can only include full map-blocks.
If the requested geometry of the map is not suited to the
requested scale factor, the map will be enlarged by as many nodes as
needed. The number of added nodes depends on the scale factor. E.g.
if the scale factor is 1:8, then at most 7 nodes may be added to on
each of the four sides of the map.
Original map, and the same map, scaled to 1:2 and 1:4. The geometry is
increased to keep the images the same size:
.. image:: images/default-0.0.png
.. image:: images/scalefactor-2.png
.. image:: images/scalefactor-4.png
``--sidescale-interval <major>[[,:]<minor>]``
When drawing a side scale at the top or left of the map, use the specified
'major' specifies the interval for major marks, which are accompanied
by a number indicating the coordinate.
When specified as 'major,minor', 'minor' specifies the interval for
minor tick marks
When specified as 'major:minor', 'minor' specifies the number of subdivisions
of the major interval. In that case, major should be divisible by minor.
E.g.: ``100:20`` is OK (equivalent to 100,5), ``100:33`` is not.
By default, the major interval is 64 for a 1:1 map, 128 for a 1:2 map etc.
The default minor interval is 0 (i.e. no minor ticks)
Default side scale, and custom version:
.. image:: images/drawscale-both.png
.. image:: images/sidescale-interval.png
Modify the way minetestmapper accesses the sqlite3 database.
When using sqlite3, read an entire world row at one, instead of reading
one block at a time.
This option was added to possibly achieve better performance
in some cases where a complete map is drawn of a very large world.
It may or may not have the desired effect. Any feedback is welcome.
``--tilebordercolor <color>``
Specify the color to use for drawing tile borders.
Use `--tiles`_ to enable drawing tiles.
See also `Color Syntax`_
``--tilecenter <x>,<y>|world|map``
Arrange the tiles so that one tile has, or would have, its center
at map coordinates x,y.
If the value 'world' is used, arrange for one tile to have its center
at the center of the world instead. This is the default.
If the value 'map' is used, arrange for one tile to have its center
at the center of the map instead.
(see also `--tileorigin`_)
``--tileorigin <x>,<y>|world|map``
Arrange the tiles so that one tile has, or would have, its bottom-left
(i.e. south-west) corner at map coordinates x,y.
If the value 'world' is used, arrange for one tile to have its lower-left
corner the origin of the world (0,0) instead.
If the value 'map' is used, arrange for one tile to have its upper-left
corner at map coordinate 0,0 (which is the upper-left pixel of the
map-part of the image)
(see also `--tilecenter`_)
``--tiles <tilesize>[+<border>]|block|chunk``
Divide the map in square tiles of the requested size. A border of the
requested width (or width 1, of not specfied) is drawn between the tiles.
In order to preserve all map pixels (and to prevent overwriting them with
borders), extra pixel rows and columns for the borders are inserted into
the map.
The special values 'block' and 'chunk' draw tiles that correspond to map
blocks (16x16 nodes) or to chunks (the unit of map generation: 5x5 blocks
for a world with default settings).
In order to allow partial world maps to be combined into larger maps, edge
borders of the map are always drawn on the same side (left or top). Other
edges are always border-less.
NOTE: As a consequence of preserving all map pixels:
* tiled maps (in particular slanted straight lines) may look slightly
skewed, due to the inserted borders.
* scale markers never align with tile borders, as the borders are
logically *between* pixels, so they have no actual coordinates.
* On scaled maps, only tile sizes and tile offsets that are a multiple
of the inverse scale (e.g. '8' for scale 1:8) are supported.
See the options `--tileorigin`_ and `--tilecenter`_ for specifying the
positioning of tiles. By default, tiles are arranged so that one tile
has, or would have, its center at the world origin (0,0).
Tiled map. On the left, 16x16 tiles with corner at the world origin. In
the middle, 16x16 tiles with center at the world origin. To the right,
20x20 tiles with center at the world origin:
.. image:: images/tiles-16.png
.. image:: images/tiles-16-centered.png
.. image:: images/tiles-20-centered.png
report the location of the colors file(s) that are being used.
With ``--verbose-search-colors=2``, report all search locations
that are being considered as well.
report some useful / interesting information:
* maximum coordinates of the world
* world coordinates included the map being generated
* number of blocks: in the world, and in the map area.
Using `--verbose=2`, report some more statistics, including:
* database access statistics.
Report the version of this instance of minetestmapper.
This is great information to include in a bug report.
Color Syntax
For a number of command-line parameters, a color argument it needed. Such
colors are specified as follows:
Color Codes
Colors can be specified using color codes:
E.g.: ``#ff34c1``
The alpha component is optional in some cases, and not allowed in others. It
defaults to opaque (ff).
The color components can also be specified using a single digit per color,
which are duplicated to obtain the full value. E.g.
``#4c2 --> #44cc22``
Symbolic Colors
In addition to the color codes, a few named colors are also available:
:white: ``#ffffff``
:black: ``#000000``
:gray: ``#7f7f7f`` - (same as grey)
:grey: ``#7f7f7f`` - (same as gray)
:red: ``#ff0000``
:green: ``#00ff00``
:blue: ``#0000ff``
:yellow: ``#ffff00``
:magenta: ``#ff00ff`` - (same as fuchsia)
:fuchsia: ``#ff00ff`` - (same as magenta)
:cyan: ``#00ffff`` - (sama as aqua)
:aqua: ``#00ffff`` - (sama as cyan)
:orange: ``#ff7f00``
:chartreuse: ``#7fff00``
:pink: ``#ff007f``
:violet: ``#7f00ff``
:springgreen: ``#00ff7f``
:azure: ``#007fff``
:brown: ``#7f3f00``
Lighter or Darker Colors
As an additional feature, any color can lightened or darkened, or in general,
be mixed with a basic color using the following syntax:
Where '+' mixes in, and '-' mixes out. one of the colors white (w), black (k), red (r), green (g), blue (b),
cyan (c), magenta (m), yellow (y). The value specifies the amount, ranging from 0 (mix in/out no color) to
1 (mix in/out as much of the color as possible). E.g.:
red+w0.25: add 25% white: light red (#ff3f3f)
red+k0.50: add 50% black: dark red (#7f0000)
red-w0.50: remove 50% white: dark red as well (#7f0000)
white-b1: remove 100% blue: yellow (#ffff00)
Geometry Syntax
For a number of options, like the 'geometry' options, but also
the drawing options for instance, a geometry parameter must
be specified. It can specify the dimensions in a few different
* As the corners of the area
* As the lower-left corner, and the area's dimensions
* As the center of the are, and the area's dimensions
* Legacy format (compatible with stock minetestmapper)
By default, the specified geometry has node granularity, in contrast
with block (16x16) granularity.
Using block granularity, all coordinates are rounded to the
next multiple of 16. Node granularity keeps the sub-block
coordinates as they are.
Use `--geometrymode`_ if non-default behavior is desired.
**Map Shrinking**
By default, a map of exactly the requested size is generated
(after any granularity adjustment, or adjustments that are
required by scaling).
Alternatively, the map size can be automatically reduced to
remove empty blocks at its edges. This is the behavior of
the stock minetestmapper.
Use `--geometrymode`_ if non-default behavior is desired.
**Coordinate Direction**
The world coordinates 0,0 are the very center of the world. Coordinates
decrease towards the lower-left (south-west) corner of the map,
and they increase towards the upper-right (north-east) corner of the map.
Note that this differs from the image coordinates, which are 0,0
in the top-left corner of the map-part of the image, and increase towards
the bottom-right. Coordinates in the left and top scale areas of
the image are negative.
Geometry Using Two Corners
A geometry using two corners of the area is specified as follows:
where ``xcorner1,ycorner1`` are the coordinates of
one corner, and ``xcorner2,ycorner2`` are the coordinates
of the opposite corner of the area.
The coordinates are interpreted as inclusive: both
the first and the second coordinate will be in the map.
``--geometry -200,-100:200,200``
Geometry Using Corner and Dimensions
A geometry using a corner of the area and its dimensions is
specified as follows:
where ``xoffset,yoffset`` are the coordinates of the
lower-left corner of the area, and ``width`` and ``height``
are the dimensions of the map.
Note that ``width`` and/or ``height`` can be negative, making
``xoffset,yoffset`` another corner of the image. For ease
of using in scripting, the sign of a dimension does not need
to replace the '+'. E.g. the following are valid and equivalent:
``--geometry -10,-10+11+11``
``--geometry -10,10+11-11``
``--geometry -10,10+11+-11``
``--geometry 10,10-11+-11``
``--geometry -10,-10:10,10``
The following alternate syntax is also supported:
where ``xoffset,yoffset`` are the coordinates of the lower-left
corner of the area. In this case, the offsets can be omitted,
resulting in a map of the requested dimensions, centered at 0,0.
``--geometry 1000x1200``
``--geometry 1000x1200-500+500``
For backward compatibility, if the ``--centergeometry``
option is used with a corner-style geometry, then that geometry is
interpreted as a center geometry instead.
Geometry Using Center and Dimensions
A geometry using the center of the area and its dimensions
is specified as follows
where ``xcenter,ycenter`` are the coordinates of the center
of the area, and ``width`` and ``height`` are its dimensions.
``--geometry 100,100:300x150``
For backward compatibility, if the ``--cornergeometry``
option is used with a center-style geometry, then that geometry is
interpreted as a corner geometry instead.
Legacy Geometry Format
The legacy format, compatible with stock minetestmapper is
also still supported:
where ``xoffset,yoffset`` are the coordinates of the lower-left
corner of the area, and ``width`` and ``height`` specify its
**Compatibility mode**
This format has a compatibility mode with stick minetestmapper.
If the very first geometry option on the command-line is ``--geometry``,
*and* uses this syntax, then block granularity and map shrinking
are enabled, just like stock minetest would. If this is not desired,
then use a different geometry format, or use the option
``--geometrymode`` to change the behavior.
Block granularity is also enabled when the obsolete (and otherwise
undocumented) option ``--forcegeometry`` is found first on the command-line.
Advanced coordinate specification
Coordinates are normally specified as node coordinates. E.g.:
``--geometry -100,-100:100,100``
Minetestmapper also supports another way to specify coordinate values:
specifying the minetest block number, and a node. Blocks are 16x16 nodes.
There are two variants:
The first variant specifies the block number, and a node within that block.
The node must be a value between 0 and 15:
``0#2``: node 2 in block 0, i.e. coordinate 2
``1#2``: node 2 in block 1, i.e. coordinate 16+2 = 18
``-10#6``: node 6 in block -10, i.e. coordinate -160+2 = -158
``-3#11``: node 11 in block -3, i.e. coordinate -48+11 = -37
The second variant specifies a block and a node offset in the
same direction. I.e. for negative block numbers, the offset is
in the negative direction as well.
``0.5``: the 5th node from block 0, i.e. coordinate 5
``4.11``: the 11th node from block 4, i.e. coordinate 64+11 = 75
``-0.1``: the 1st node in negative direction from block 0, i.e. coordinate -1
``1.9``: the 9th node in positive direction from block 1, i.e. coordinate 16+9 = 25
``-1.9``: the 9th node in negative direction from block -1, i.e. coordinate -16-9 = -25
``-5.0``: the 0th node in negative direction from block -5, i.e. coordinate -80-0 = -80
Colors and Nodes Files
In order to know how to render a map, minetestmapper needs a colors and/or
a nodes file. This section documents their format.
* If a regular map is generated, a 'colors.txt' file is required.
* If a height map is generated, a 'heightmap-nodes.txt' file is required, and
optionally, a 'heightmap-colors.txt' file.
All three types of files have some commonalities with respect to where minetest
looks form them by default, and with respect to comments and file inclusion. These are
documented in separate paragraphs below (`Colors Files Common Syntax`_,
`Colors Files Search Locations`_)
Colors.txt Syntax
The colors.txt file contains a list of minetest node names and associated
colors. A minetest world node is converted to at most one pixel on the map.
Lines in the colors.txt file have toe following syntax:
``<node-name> <red> <green> <blue> [<alpha> [<t>]]``
``default:apple 50 0 0``
``default:sandstonebrick 160 144 108``
``default:copperblock 110 86 60``
``default:water_flowing 49 82 132 192 224``
**Duplicate Entries**
If the colors file contains duplicate entries for the same node, in general
the later entry overrides the former.
There is one exception to this rule: if one color is opaque (no alpha, or
alpha = 255), and one is transparent (alpha < 255), the former will be selected when
`--drawalpha`_ is diabled, and the latter will be selected when ``drawalpha``
is enabled:
``# Entry that will be used without 'drawalpha':``
``default:water_source 39 66 106``
``# Entry that will be used with 'drawalpha':``
``default:water_source 78 132 212 64 224``
This is useful, as colors that look nice in a map without transparency
don't always look nice in a map with transparency.
A default colors.txt is included with minetestmapper, which includes
the default nodes from minetest_game, as well as nodes from several
popular mods.
Two variants of the colors.txt are also included:
This version is recommended to be used in combination with
This version is recommended to be used in combination with
``--drawalpha=cumulative`` or ``--drawalpha=cumulative-darken``
Heightmap-nodes.txt Syntax
The heightmap-nodes.txt file contains a list of minetest node names that
determine the ground height for a height map.
The highest node of any of the types in this file determines the height at
that point. Any nodes that should be ignored, like obviously air, but
probably also default:water_source, and default:grass_1, or default:torch,
should not be in this file.
As a general directive, plants, trees and any special nodes should not
be included in the file. Stone, sand, gravel, minerals, etc. are the
kinds of nodes that should be included. Normally, water nodes should
probably not be included either.
This file *can* have the same syntax as the colors.txt file, but the
actual colors will be ignored. Alternatively, a simple list of node
names also suffices:
``<node-name 1>``
``<node-name 2>``
A default heightmap-nodes.txt is included with minetestmapper, and
is searched for in the default locations. Alternatively, the file to use
can be specified on the command line with ``--heightmap-nodes <file>``
Heightmap-colors.txt Syntax
When generating a height map, either a single-color map can be
generated, with colors ranging from black to one specific color,
or a multi-color map can be generated.
For a multi-color map, a heightmap-colors.txt is needed, which
describes which colors to use. It has lines with the following syntax:
``<height 1> <height 2> <color 1> <color 2>``
Where the heights are a number, or the special values ``-oo`` or ``oo`` (for
negative and positive infinity).
For example:
``-50 50 255 0 0 0 255 0``
``50 100 0 255 0 0 0 255``
While signifies that between height -50 to 50, the color of the nodes will
slowly change from red to green, and between 50 and 100, the color will slowly
change from green to blue.
It is possible to specify overlapping ranges. The colors they specify will
be averaged:
``-50 50 255 0 0 0 255 0``
``-50 50 0 255 0 0 0 255``
Between the heights -50 and 50, the colors will change from ``#7f7f00`` to ``#007f7f``.
(because the colors are *averaged*)
A default heightmap-colors.txt is included with minetestmapper, and
is searched for in the default locations. An attempt was made to make
a standard minetest world look reasonably good, while at the same time
providing colors for a large height range.
A second file that is included, called heightmap-colors-rainbow.txt, defines rainbow
colors instead.
The file to use can also be specified on the command line with
``--heightmap-colors <file>``
Colors Files Common Syntax
All three types of colors files (colors.txt, heightmap-nodes.txt and heightmap-colors.txt)
have some syntax elements in common:
* Any text after the first '#' on a line are comments, and is ignored.
* Any empty lines (afer ignoring comments), or lines containing only whitespace are ignored.
In addition, a colors file may include another colors file using ``@include`` on a line. Any
color definitions after the inclusion point override the colors from the included file. For
example in the following colors.txt file:
# Defining default:stone here is useless, as the color from the system
# colors file will override this.
default:stone 71 68 67
# Get all colors from the system colors file
# (your system colors file may be located elsewhere!)
@include /usr/share/minetestmapper/colors.txt
# Use own color for default:dirt_with_grass, overriding the
# one from the system file
default:dirt_with_grass 82 117 54
The colors.txt file also supports undefining colors (so that minetestmapper will complain
about unknown nodes). This is achieved by specifying '-' instead of a color:
# Get all colors from the system colors file
# (your system colors file may be located elsewhere!)
@include /usr/share/minetestmapper/colors.txt
# Water is undefined. Minetestmapper will complain
# about it and not draw water nodes.
default:water_source -
default:water_flowing -
# The same effect might be achieved by defining water
# to have an alpha of 0. Minetest will not complain.
#default:water_source 78 132 212 0
#default:water_flowing 78 132 212 0
Colors Files Search Locations
When minetestmapper needs a colors file (colors.txt, heightmap-nodes.txt and
heightmap-colors.txt), it will search for in a few predefined locations, which
depend on your system and the way minetestmapper was built. In general, the
following locations can be searched:
* The directory of the world being mapped
* The directory two levels up from the directory of the world being mapped,
(i.e. the global minetest configuration directory) provided that that directory
contains a file 'minetest.conf'
* The user's private minetest directory (``$HOME/.minetest``) - if the environment
variable ``$HOME`` exists.
* The system directory corresponding to the location where minetestmapper
is installed. Usually, this would be ``/usr/share/games/minetestmapper/``
or ``/usr/local/share/games/minetestmapper/``.
* For compatibility, in the current directory as a last resort.
This causes a warning message to be printed.
If the location of a colors file was specified using the appropriate option
on the command-line, no further locations are searched for that type of
colors file.
In order to find out exactly where a specific copy of minetestmapper searched
its files, use the option ``--verbose-search-colors=2``,
More Information
More information is available:
* A feature summary: `<features.rst>`_ (HTML version, if available: `<features.html>`_)
* Building instructions: `<build-instructions.rst>`_ (HTML version, if available: `<build-instructions.html>`_)
* Github repository: `<https://github.com/Rogier-5/minetest-mapper-cpp>`_
* Reporting bugs: `<https://github.com/Rogier-5/minetest-mapper-cpp/issues>`_
.. ----------------- END OF MANUAL ----------------------------
.. Shorthands for some links
.. _known problems: features.rst#known-problems
.. _--backend: `--backend <auto\|sqlite3\|leveldb\|redis>`_
.. _--bgcolor: `--bgcolor <color>`_
.. _--blockcolor: `--blockcolor <color>`_
.. _--centergeometry: `--centergeometry <geometry>`_
.. _--chunksize: `--chunksize <size>`_
.. _--colors: `--colors <file>`_
.. _--cornergeometry: `--cornergeometry <geometry>`_
.. _--draw[map]<figure>: `--draw[map]<figure> "<geometry> color"`_
.. _--draw[map]circle: `--draw[map]circle "<geometry> color"`_
.. _--draw[map]ellipse: `--draw[map]ellipse "<geometry> color"`_
.. _--draw[map]line: `--draw[map]line "<geometry> color"`_
.. _--draw[map]point: `--draw[map]point "<x>,<y> color"`_
.. _--draw[map]rectangle: `--draw[map]rectangle "<geometry> color"`_
.. _--draw[map]text: `--draw[map]text "<x>,<y> color text"`_
.. _--drawalpha: `--drawalpha[=cumulative\|cumulative-darken\|average\|none]`_
.. _--drawscale: `--drawscale[=left,top]`_
.. _--geometry: `--geometry <geometry>`_
.. _--geometrymode: `--geometrymode pixel,block,fixed,shrink`_
.. _--heightmap-colors: `--heightmap-colors[=<file>]`_
.. _--heightmap-nodes: `--heightmap-nodes <file>`_
.. _--heightmap-yscale: `--heightmap-yscale <factor>`_
.. _--heightmap: `--heightmap[=<color>]`_
.. _--heightscale-interval: `--heightscale-interval <major>[[,:]<minor>]`_
.. _--input: `--input <world_path>`_
.. _--max-y: `--max-y <y>`_
.. _--min-y: `--min-y <y>`_
.. _--origincolor: `--origincolor <color>`_
.. _--output: `--output <output_image.png>`_
.. _--playercolor: `--playercolor <color>`_
.. _--scalecolor: `--scalecolor <color>`_
.. _--scalefactor: `--scalefactor 1:<n>`_
.. _--height-level-0: `--height-level-0 <level>`_
.. _--sidescale-interval: `--sidescale-interval <major>[[,:]<minor>]`_
.. _--tilebordercolor: `--tilebordercolor <color>`_
.. _--tilecenter: `--tilecenter <x>,<y>\|world\|map`_
.. _--tileorigin: `--tileorigin <x>,<y>\|world\|map`_
.. _--tiles: `--tiles <tilesize>[+<border>]\|block\|chunk`_
.. _--verbose-search-colors: `--verbose-search-colors[=n]`_
.. _--verbose: `--verbose[=n]`_