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# The colors in this file were primarily chosen so that they make a standard
# minetest world look good.
# Secondarily, they were chosen to span as large a height-range as possible.
-oo -150 4 4 4 4 4 4 # Almost black
-150 -90 4 4 4 48 16 48 # Dark purple -> almost black
-90 -60 48 16 48 16 32 64 # Dark blue -> dark purple
-60 0 16 32 64 32 64 255 # Light blue -> dark blue
# The green, yellow and red-ish colors could be spread over a much
# greater height range, but using these parameters, a map of a regular
# world contains some yellow, and even red-ish as well
# See below
1 10 32 128 32 64 192 64 # Green -> Yellow-ish
10 20 64 192 64 192 192 64 # Yellow-ish -> Yellow
20 40 192 192 64 128 128 64 # Yellow -> dark yellow
40 50 128 128 64 128 64 64 # Dark yellow -> red-ish
50 70 128 64 64 64 32 32 # Red-ish -> dark red-ish
70 80 64 32 32 48 48 48 # Dark red-ish -> dark grey
80 140 48 48 48 96 96 96 # Dark grey -> less dark gray
# Above 140, white suggests snowy :-)
141 250 160 160 160 250 250 250 # Light gray -> almost white
250 oo 250 250 250 250 250 250 # Almost white