Only call amulet code if inventory contains an amulet

Ben Deutsch 2015-05-11 06:54:32 +02:00
parent f1626b7465
commit 372d6fa2e3
1 changed files with 68 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -268,75 +268,80 @@ minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime)
-- amulets
local extractor_found = false
local injector_found = false
local container_not_full = nil
local container_not_empty = nil
local inv_main = player:get_inventory():get_list('main')
for i, itemstack in ipairs(inv_main) do
local name = itemstack:get_name()
if name == 'thirsty:injector' then
injector_found = true
-- TODO: I *guess* we need to optimize this, but I haven't
-- measured it yet. No premature optimizations!
local pl_inv = player:get_inventory()
if pl_inv:contains_item('main', 'thirsty:injector') or pl_inv:contains_item('main', 'thirsty:extractor') then
local extractor_found = false
local injector_found = false
local container_not_full = nil
local container_not_empty = nil
local inv_main = player:get_inventory():get_list('main')
for i, itemstack in ipairs(inv_main) do
local name = itemstack:get_name()
if name == 'thirsty:injector' then
injector_found = true
if name == 'thirsty:extractor' then
extractor_found = true
if thirsty.container_capacity[name] then
local wear = itemstack:get_wear()
-- can be both!
if wear == 0 or wear > 1 then
container_not_full = { i, itemstack }
if wear > 0 and wear < 65534 then
container_not_empty = { i, itemstack }
if name == 'thirsty:extractor' then
extractor_found = true
if thirsty.container_capacity[name] then
if extractor_found and container_not_full then
local i = container_not_full[1]
local itemstack = container_not_full[2]
local capacity = thirsty.container_capacity[itemstack:get_name()]
local wear = itemstack:get_wear()
-- can be both!
if wear == 0 or wear > 1 then
container_not_full = { i, itemstack }
if wear > 0 and wear < 65534 then
container_not_empty = { i, itemstack }
if wear == 0 then wear = 65535.0 end
local drink = thirsty.extractor_speed * thirsty.tick_time
local drinkwear = drink / capacity * 65535.0
wear = wear - drinkwear
if wear < 1 then wear = 1 end
player:get_inventory():set_stack("main", i, itemstack)
if injector_found and container_not_empty then
local i = container_not_empty[1]
local itemstack = container_not_empty[2]
local capacity = thirsty.container_capacity[itemstack:get_name()]
local wear = itemstack:get_wear()
if wear == 0 then wear = 65535.0 end
local drink = thirsty.injector_speed * thirsty.tick_time
local drink_missing = 20 - pl.hydro
drink = math.max(math.min(drink, drink_missing), 0)
local drinkwear = drink / capacity * 65535.0
wear = wear + drinkwear
if wear > 65534 then wear = 65534 end
pl.hydro = pl.hydro + drink
if pl.hydro > 20 then pl.hydro = 20 end
player:get_inventory():set_stack("main", i, itemstack)
if extractor_found and container_not_full then
local i = container_not_full[1]
local itemstack = container_not_full[2]
local capacity = thirsty.container_capacity[itemstack:get_name()]
local wear = itemstack:get_wear()
if wear == 0 then wear = 65535.0 end
local drink = thirsty.extractor_speed * thirsty.tick_time
local drinkwear = drink / capacity * 65535.0
wear = wear - drinkwear
if wear < 1 then wear = 1 end
player:get_inventory():set_stack("main", i, itemstack)
if injector_found and container_not_empty then
local i = container_not_empty[1]
local itemstack = container_not_empty[2]
local capacity = thirsty.container_capacity[itemstack:get_name()]
local wear = itemstack:get_wear()
if wear == 0 then wear = 65535.0 end
local drink = thirsty.injector_speed * thirsty.tick_time
local drink_missing = 20 - pl.hydro
drink = math.max(math.min(drink, drink_missing), 0)
local drinkwear = drink / capacity * 65535.0
wear = wear + drinkwear
if wear > 65534 then wear = 65534 end
pl.hydro = pl.hydro + drink
if pl.hydro > 20 then pl.hydro = 20 end
player:get_inventory():set_stack("main", i, itemstack)
if drink_per_second > 0 and pl_standing then
pl.hydro = pl.hydro + drink_per_second * thirsty.tick_time
-- Drinking from the ground won't give you more than max
if pl.hydro > 20 then pl.hydro = 20 end
--print("Raising hydration by "..(drink_per_second*thirsty.tick_time).." to "
if not pl_afk then
-- only get thirsty if not AFK
pl.hydro = pl.hydro - thirsty.thirst_per_second * thirsty.tick_time
if pl.hydro < 0 then pl.hydro = 0 end
--print("Lowering hydration by "..(thirsty.thirst_per_second*thirsty.tick_time).." to "
if drink_per_second > 0 and pl_standing then
pl.hydro = pl.hydro + drink_per_second * thirsty.tick_time
-- Drinking from the ground won't give you more than max
if pl.hydro > 20 then pl.hydro = 20 end
--print("Raising hydration by "..(drink_per_second*thirsty.tick_time).." to "
if not pl_afk then
-- only get thirsty if not AFK
pl.hydro = pl.hydro - thirsty.thirst_per_second * thirsty.tick_time
if pl.hydro < 0 then pl.hydro = 0 end
--print("Lowering hydration by "..(thirsty.thirst_per_second*thirsty.tick_time).." to "
end -- if contains_item injector or extractor
-- should we only update the hud on an actual change?