
18 lines
1007 B

v 0.2
Added: marble, that comes in 6 colours (white, pink, red, green, blue, black)
Added: Decorative blocks, craftable out of marble
Added: Slimes, slimeballs and slime blocks (green, blue, red, yellow, purple, brown)
Added: Gemstone bricks and blocks
Added: Coal, Rich iron, Poor gold, sulfur, saltpeter ores, lapis lazuli, that generate in deserts
Added: Decorative blocks for lapis lazuli
Added: 5 Achievements for awards mod
Added: ores, aswell as items craftable of them, of Tier:6
Added: Accessories, and now, the unused 6th armor slot is for them
Added: few more gems to Tier:5
Added: Tier:6 crates, with 1 mele and 1 ranged weapon, only obtainable from it
Added: 1 mele weapon for tier:5 crates
Changed: Loot Crates can now also generate in desertstone
Changed: Amethyst ore had a texture change, and topaz ore is now in a form of cubic crystal cluster
Changed: topaz moved to tier 6
support: Now healing potions and pills, still restore HP, if HBhunger or Hunger mod is present