
1113 lines
30 KiB

poi_namefilter = {}
poi_categories = {}
local storage = minetest.get_mod_storage() -- initalize storage file of this mod. This can only happen here and should be always local
poi = {
points = {},
filter = {},
categories = {},
modpath = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()),
modname = minetest.get_current_modname()
-- Load support for intllib.
local S
if(minetest.get_modpath("intllib")) then
S = dofile(poi.modpath .."/intllib.lua")
print("[MOD] " .. poi.modname .. ": translating in intllib-mode.")
S = minetest.get_translator(poi.modname)
print("[MOD] " .. poi.modname .. ": translating in minetest-mode.")
end -- if(minetest.get_modpath(
poi.get_translator = S
dofile(poi.modpath .. "/namefilter.lua") -- avoid servercrash loop if someone decided to rename the modfolder !
dofile(poi.modpath .. "/categories.lua")
-- Options for Print_Message
local log = 0
local green = '#00FF00'
local red = '#FF0000'
local orange = '#FF6700'
local none = 99
-- Options for Categories and Gui management
local call_list = {} -- important array to find jump station in lists reduced by categories
local lastchoice = "" -- last choosen destination from gui by single_click (android support and useful for extended gui in the future)
local selected_category = 0
local choosen_name = 0
local selected_point = ""
local drop_down = 0
local catlist = ""
minetest.register_privilege("poi", S("Player may set and manage Points of Interest."))
*** Functions of POI ***
-- Loads the List of POI's
function poi.openlist()
local load = storage:to_table()
poi.points = load.fields
end -- poi.openlist()
-- Writes the List of POI's
function poi.save()
end -- poi.save()
-- Helpfunctions for the List-Command
function poi.list_filter(name)
local list = ""
local index = 0
for key, value in pairs(poi.filter) do
list = list .. key .. ": " .. value .. "\n"
index = index + 1
end -- for key, value
poi.print(name, list, orange)
poi.print(name, index .. S(" Filter in List."), green)
end -- poi.list_filter()
function poi.list_categories(name)
local list = ""
local index = 0
for key, value in pairs(poi.categories) do
list = list .. key .. ": " .. value .. "\n"
index = index + 1
end -- for key,value
poi.print(name, list, orange) -- Send List to Player
poi.print(name, index .. S(" Categories in List."), green) -- Send List to Player
end -- poi.list_categories()
-- List the POI's with an optional Arg
function poi.list(name, option)
local list = ""
local all = false -- is option list all set?
local pos, cat
local idx = 0 -- a given Index with the option -i <number>
-- Check Options for the Command List
-- Lists only Filterwords
if string.find(string.lower(option), "-f") ~= nil then
return true
-- Lists only the Categories
if string.find(string.lower(option), "-c") ~= nil then
return true
-- List the full Entries of PoI's
if string.find(string.lower(option), "-a") ~= nil then
all = true
if string.find(string.lower(option), "-i") ~= nil then
idx = tonumber(string.sub(string.lower(option), string.find(string.lower(option), "-i") + 2, -1))
if(idx == nil) then -- Option wan't a Number, then try to find out the Categorie by Name
idx = poi.get_categorienumber(poi.trim(string.sub(string.lower(option), string.find(string.lower(option), "-i") + 2, -1)))
idx = idx or 0 -- Convert a invalid Number to 0
if (idx > 0) then
poi.print(name, S("Points of Interest in category ") .. poi.get_categoriename(idx) .. S(" are:"), green)
poi.print(name, poi.count() .. S(" Points of Interest are:"), green)
end -- if(idx > 0)
for key, value in poi.spairs(poi.points) do -- Build up the List
pos, cat = poi.split_pos_cat(value)
if(idx > 0) then
if(cat == idx) then
if all then
list = list .. key .. ": " .. pos .. "\n"
list = list .. key .. "\n"
end -- if all
end -- if (key == idx)
else -- if(idx > 0)
if all then
list = list .. key .. ": " .. pos .. S(" Category: ") .. poi.get_categoriename(cat) .. "\n"
list = list .. key .. "\n"
end -- if(all)
end -- if(key == idx)
end -- for key,value
poi.print(name, list, orange) -- Send List to Player
return true
end -- poi.list()
-- Set's a POI
function poi.set(name, poi_name)
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
local currpos = player:getpos(name)
local currdir = { pitch = player:get_look_vertical(), yaw = player:get_look_horizontal() }
local categorie, p_name
p_name, categorie = poi.split_option(poi_name)
-- Check Categorie, if Unknown then set it to General
if categorie == 0 then categorie = 1
if poi.exist(p_name) then -- Ups, Name exists
if(poi.get_categorie(p_name) ~= categorie) then -- ok, we want to change the Categorie
if(categorie == -1) then -- Invalid Categoriename?
poi.print(name, S("Given category doesn't exist."), red)
return false
end -- if(poi.get_categoriename())
local value = poi.points[p_name]
local pos, cat
pos, cat, dir = poi.split_pos_cat(poi.points[p_name])
poi.points[p_name] = poi.combine_pos_cat(pos, categorie, dir) -- Changes the Entry
poi.print(name, name .. S(" has changed the POI: ") .. p_name .. S(" at ") .. pos .. S(" category: ") .. poi.get_categoriename(cat) .. S(" to category: ") .. poi.get_categoriename(categorie) .. "\n", log)
poi.print(name, "POI: " .. p_name .. S(" at ") .. pos .. S(" in category: ") .. poi.get_categoriename(cat) .. S(" changed to category: ") .. poi.get_categoriename(categorie), green)
return true
poi.print(name, "PoI <" .. p_name .. S("> in category <") .. categorie .. " - " .. poi.get_categoriename(categorie) .. S("> already exists."), red)
return false -- Name exists, leave function
end -- if(poi.get_categorie)
end -- if poi.exist
if not poi.check_name(p_name) then
poi_name = poi.convertnil(poi_name) -- convert possible NIL
poi.print(name, S("Invalid or Forbidden Name <") .. p_name .. S("> for POI."), red)
return false
end -- if poi.check_name
if(categorie == -1) then -- Checks invalid Categoriename, then set it on new Entry to 1
poi.print(name, S("Warning: Unkown category, setting to category 1."), red)
categorie = 1
poi.points[p_name] = poi.combine_pos_cat(currpos, categorie, currdir)-- Insert the new Entry
poi.save() -- and write the new List
poi.print(name, name .. S(" has set the POI: ") .. p_name .. S(" at ") .. minetest.pos_to_string(currpos) .. S(" Categorie: ") .. "{" .. poi.get_categoriename(categorie) .. "}\n", log)
poi.print(name, "POI: " .. p_name .. S(" at ") .. minetest.pos_to_string(currpos) .. S(" in Categorie: ") .. poi.get_categoriename(categorie) .. S(" stored."), green)
return true
end -- poi.set()
-- Deletes a POI
function poi.delete(name, poi_name)
if(poi_name == nil or poi_name == "") then -- No PoI-Name given ..
poi.print(name, S("Name of the POI needed."), red)
return false -- can't delete a non-existing Entry, leave function
if poi.exist(poi_name) == false then
poi_name = poi.convertnil(poi_name) -- convert possible NIL
poi.print(name, "PoI <" .. poi_name .. S("> unknown to delete."), red)
return false -- can't delete a non-existing Entry, leave function
end -- if poi.exist
local list = ""
list = poi_name .. ": " .. poi.points[poi_name] -- Get the full Name of the PoI and save it in a temporary var
poi.points[poi_name] = nil -- and delete it
poi.print(name, name .. S(" has deleted POI-Name: ") .. list .. "\n", log)
poi.print(name, list .. S(" deleted."), red)
poi.save() -- Write the new list at the server
return true
end -- poi.delete()
-- Reload or Reset the List of PoI's and load it new
function poi.reload(name)
poi.points = nil -- Deletes the List of PoI's
poi.openlist() -- and Load it new
poi.print(name, S("POI-List reloaded."), red)
return true
end -- poi.reload()
-- Jumps to PoI
function poi.jump(name, poi_name)
if (poi.exist(poi_name) == false) then -- Unknown or not existing Point of Interest
poi_name = poi.convertnil(poi_name) -- convert possible NIL
poi.print(name, S("Unknown Point of Interest: ") .. poi_name .. ".", red)
return false -- POI not in List, leave function
end -- if poi.exist
local Position = poi.points[poi_name]
local direction
Position, _, direction = poi.split_pos_cat(Position) -- Extract the Position
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
lastchoice = "" -- set lastchoice back to zero
poi.play_soundeffect(name, "teleport") -- Play's a Sound
player:setpos(minetest.string_to_pos(Position)) -- Move Player to Point
if direction ~= nil then
poi.print(name, S("You are moved to POI: ") .. poi_name .. ".", green)
return true
end -- poi.jump()
-- ***********************************
-- ***********************************
-- ** The Gui section starting here **
-- ***********************************
-- ***********************************
-- shows gui with all available PoIs
function poi.gui(player_name, showup, main)
local list = ""
local showcat = ""
local cat
local count = 0
local manageme = ""
for key, value in poi.spairs(poi.points) do -- Build up the List
cat = poi.get_categorie(key)
if not showup then
drop_down = 0
if list == "" then
list = key
list = list .. "," .. key
count = count +1
call_list[count] = key -- makes it easier to find jump point
drop_down = poi.get_categorienumber(showup)
--showcat = "label[0.6,0.4;Category is: "..showup.."]" -- show choosen categorie in gui ##not needed anymore
if poi.get_categorienumber(showup) == cat then
if list == "" then
list = key
list = list .. "," .. key
count = count +1
call_list[count] = key -- makes it easier to find jump point
end -- for key,value
if minetest.get_player_privs(player_name).poi then
manageme = "button[5,6.5;2,1;poimanager;" .. S("Manage PoI") .. "]"
if main then
minetest.show_formspec(player_name,"minetest_poi:thegui", -- The main gui for everyone with interact
"size[7,8]" ..
"label[0.4,0;> ".. S("Double-click on destination to teleport") .. " <]"..
"label[0.6,6;".. count .. S(" points in list") .. "]" ..
"label[4.3,0.5; ".. S("Categories") .. " ]" ..
"button[0.4,6.5;1,1;poitelme;".. S("Go") .. "]" ..
"button[1.4,6.5;2,1;poishowall;" .. S("Show all") .. "]" ..manageme..
"button_exit[0.4,7.4;3.4,1;poiexit;" .. S("Quit") .. "]"
minetest.show_formspec(player_name,"minetest_poi:manager", -- The management gui for people with poi priv
"size[7,9]" ..
"button[4,2.5;2,1;reload;" .. S("Reload") .. "]" ..
"button[4,3.5;2,1;validate;" .. S("Validate") .. "]"..
"field[0.3,5.4;7,1;managename; - ".. S("Enter Name").." -;"..selected_point.."]"..
"button[0.4,6;6,1;set;" .. S("Set Point or change category") .. "]"..
"button[0.4,7;2,1;rename;" .. S("Rename") .. "]"..
"button[2.4,7;2,1;move;" .. S("Move") .. "]"..
"button_exit[0.4,8;3,1;doexit;" .. S("Quit") .. "]"..
"button[3.4,8;3,1;goback;" .. S("Back") .. "]"
end -- poi.gui()
-- Callback for formspec
minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
if formname == "minetest_poi:thegui" and player then -- The form name and player must be online
local event = minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields.name) -- get values of what was clicked
if fields.poiexit then
lastchoice = nil
choosen_name = 0
selected_point = ""
return false
if fields.poishowall then
lastchoice = nil
poi.gui(player:get_player_name(), nil, true)
return false
if fields.poimanager then
poi.gui(player:get_player_name(), nil, false)
return false
if fields.poitelme and lastchoice ~= "" then -- single click and go-Button is much easier for tablet users
poi.jump(player:get_player_name(), lastchoice)
return false
if (event.type == "CHG") and event.index then -- save the last choosen PoI by singleclick
lastchoice = call_list[event.index]
if fields.dname and fields.dname ~= "" then
poi.gui(player:get_player_name(), fields.dname, true)
if (event.type == "DCL") then -- DCL =doubleclick CHG = leftclick single by minetest definition
poi.jump(player:get_player_name(), call_list[event.index])
return false
end -- if event.type
end -- if formname
if formname == "minetest_poi:manager" and player then -- The form name and player must be online
local youaretheboss = minetest.get_player_privs(player:get_player_name()).server
local event = minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields.maname) -- get values of what was clicked in PoI
local catevent = minetest.explode_textlist_event(fields.madname) -- get values of what was clicked in Categories
if fields.goback then
selected_category = 0
choosen_name = 0
selected_point = ""
poi.gui(player:get_player_name(), nil, true)
return false
if fields.doexit then
selected_category = 0
choosen_name = 0
selected_point = ""
return false
if fields.reload then
poi.gui(player:get_player_name(), nil, false)
if fields.validate then
poi.gui(player:get_player_name(), nil, false)
if fields.delete then
if youaretheboss then -- Sorry I couldn't resist :D
poi.gui(player:get_player_name(), nil, false)
poi.print(player:get_player_name(),S(" >>> Sorry this button is for admin only, please use /poi_delete ")..selected_point,red)
if fields.move then
poi.gui(player:get_player_name(), nil, false)
if fields.rename then
poi.gui(player:get_player_name(), nil, false)
if fields.managename then
choosen_name = 0
selected_point = fields.managename
poi.gui(player:get_player_name(), nil, false)
if fields.set then
poi.set(player:get_player_name(), selected_point..","..selected_category)
selected_category = 0
choosen_name = 0
selected_point = ""
poi.gui(player:get_player_name(), nil, false)
if (event.type == "CHG") and event.index then -- save the last choosen poi
selected_point = call_list[event.index]
choosen_name = event.index
selected_category = poi.get_categorie(selected_point)
poi.gui(player:get_player_name(), nil, false)
if (catevent.type == "CHG") and catevent.index then -- save the last choosen category
selected_category = catevent.index
poi.gui(player:get_player_name(), nil, false)
-- *********************************
-- *********************************
-- ** The Gui section ending here **
-- *********************************
-- *********************************
-- Changes a POI-Position
function poi.move(name, poi_name)
if (poi.exist(poi_name) == false) then
poi_name = poi.convertnil(poi_name) -- convert possible NIL
poi.print(name, S("Unknown POI <") .. poi_name .. ">.", red)
return false
end -- if poi.exist
local exist = false
local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name)
local currpos = player:getpos(name)
local currdir = { pitch = player:get_look_vertical(), yaw = player:get_look_horizontal() }
local oldpos, cat, dir = poi.split_pos_cat(poi.points[poi_name])
poi.points[poi_name] = poi.combine_pos_cat(currpos, cat, currdir) -- Write the Position new
poi.save() -- and write the List
poi.print(name, name .. S(" has moved the POI: ") .. poi_name .. S(" at ") .. oldpos .. S(" to Position: ") .. minetest.pos_to_string(currpos) .. "\n", log)
poi.print(name, "POI: " .. poi_name .. S(" at ") .. oldpos .. S(" moved to Position: ") .. minetest.pos_to_string(currpos) .."\n", green)
return true
end -- poi.move
-- Renames a POI
function poi.rename(name, poi_name)
local oldname, newname
if string.find(poi_name, ",") == nil then
poi.print(name, S("/poi_rename: No new name for Point given.") .. "\n", red)
return false
oldname = poi.trim(string.sub(poi_name,1, string.find(poi_name, ",")-1))
if not poi.exist(oldname) then
poi.print(name, S("Point to rename not found.") .. "\n", red)
return false
newname = poi.trim(string.sub(poi_name, string.find(poi_name, ",") + 1, -1))
if not poi.check_name(newname) then
poi.print(name, S("New name of POI is invalid.") .. "\n", red)
return false
if poi.exist(newname) then
poi.print(name, S("New name of POI already exists.") .. "\n", red)
return false
local old_position
old_position = poi.points[oldname] -- get the Positioni
poi.points[newname] = old_position -- and make a new entry
poi.points[oldname] = nil -- now deletes the old one
poi.save() -- saves the List
poi.print(name, name .. S(" has renamed POI-Name: ") .. oldname .. S(" to: ") .. newname .. S(" - Position: ") .. old_position .. "\n", log)
poi.print(name, S("POI-Name: ") .. oldname .. S(" renamed to ") .. newname .. S(" - Position: ") .. old_position .. "\n", green)
end -- poi.rename()
-- Check the PoI in the List? Return true if the Name exsists, else false
function poi.exist(poi_name)
local exist = true
if(poi_name == "" or poi_name == nil) then
exist = false
local Position = poi.points[poi_name]
if(Position == nil or Position == "") then
exist = false
end -- if Position == nil
end -- if poi_name ==
return exist
end -- poi.exist
-- Checks the List and deletes invalid Poi's
function poi.validate(name)
local count = 0 -- Value of invalid Entries
local invalid_cat = 0 -- Value of Entries without Categorie
local key, value
for key, value in pairs(poi.points) do
if not poi.check_name(key) then -- is the Name valid?
count = count + 1
poi.points[key] = nil
if value == nil then -- is the Position of the PoI valid?
count = count + 1
poi.points[key] = nil
else -- Yeahh, valid Entry, let us see the Categorie ...
if( not (string.find(poi.points[key], "{")) and not (string.find(poi.points[key], "}"))) then
-- Entry without Categorie found
invalid_cat = invalid_cat + 1
poi.points[key] = value .. "{1}" -- Set Categorie to 1
end -- if(string.find)
local pos, cat
pos, cat, dir = poi.split_pos_cat(poi.points[key])
if( (cat == nil) or (cat > poi.max_categories) or (cat <= 0) )then -- Invalid Categorienumber found
poi.points[key] = poi.combine_pos_cat(pos, 1, dir) -- Changes the Categorienumber to 1
invalid_cat = invalid_cat + 1
end -- if(cat ==)
end -- if value
end -- if check_name
end -- for key,value
if (count > 0) or (invalid_cat > 0) then
poi.print(name, name .. " has deleted with validate " .. count .. " PoI's.\n", log)
poi.print(name, name .. " has found " .. invalid_cat .. " Entries with an invalid Categorie.\n", log)
poi.print(name, count .. S(" invalid POIs found and deleted."), red)
poi.print(name, invalid_cat .. S(" POIs with an invalid category found and set to 1."), red)
poi.print(name, S("No invalid POI found.") .. "\n", green)
end -- poi.validate
*** Helpfunctions ***
-- Trims a String
function poi.trim(myString)
return (string.gsub(myString, "^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1"))
end -- poi.trim()
-- builds the list of Categories for drop down menu in the gui
function poi.build_cat_list()
for key, value in pairs(poi_categories) do -- build the dropdown menu
if catlist == "" then
catlist = value
catlist = catlist .. "," .. value
-- Checks the valid of the name
function poi.check_name(name)
if (name == "") or (name == nil) then
return false
end -- if name
local valid = true
for key, value in ipairs(poi.filter) do
if string.find(string.lower(name), string.lower(value)) ~= nil then
valid = false
end -- if string.find
end -- for key,value
return valid -- Name was in Filter?
end -- poi.check_name()
-- Count's the amount of Entries
function poi.count()
local count = 0
for _,key in pairs(poi.points) do
count = count + 1
end -- for _,key
return count
end -- poi.count
-- Returns a sorted Table
function poi.spairs(t, order)
-- collect the keys
local keys = {}
for k in pairs(t) do
keys[#keys+1] = k
end -- for k
-- if order function given, sort by it by passing the table and keys a, b,
-- otherwise just sort the keys
if order then
table.sort(keys, function(a,b) return order(t, a, b) end)
end -- if order
-- return the iterator function
local i = 0
return function()
i = i + 1
if keys[i] then
return keys[i], t[keys[i]]
end -- if keys
end -- function()
end -- poi.spairs
-- Writes a Message in a specific color or Logs it
function poi.print(name, message, color)
error = error or none -- No Error given, set it to 99 (none)
-- Logs a Message
if(color == log) then
minetest.log("action","[POI] "..name .. " : " .. message)
if(color ~= none) then
minetest.chat_send_player(name, core.colorize(color, message))
minetest.chat_send_player(name, message)
end -- if(error ~=none)
end -- if(error == log)
end -- print_message()
-- Returns the Entryname and the Categorieindex from an given Option
function poi.split_option(poi_name)
local categorie, p_name
categorie = 1 -- Set's categorie to 1 per default
if(string.find(poi_name, ",") ~= nil) then
p_name = poi.trim(string.sub(poi_name,1, string.find(poi_name, ",")-1)) -- Extract only the Name
categorie = tonumber(poi.trim(string.sub(poi_name,string.find(poi_name, ",")+1,-1))) -- Extract the Number of Categorie
if(categorie == nil) then -- Categorie was not a Number, then check the name
categorie = poi.trim(string.sub(poi_name,string.find(poi_name, ",")+1,-1))
categorie = poi.get_categorienumber(categorie) -- Find the Categorienumber
if(categorie == nil) then -- Puuhhh, unknown Categorie
categorie = -1 -- ok, set it to 1
end -- if(categorie == nil) -- unknown Name
end -- if(categorie == nil)
p_name = poi_name -- No Categorie found, only a Name was given
return p_name, categorie
end -- poi.split_option()
-- Returns Coordinates, Categorieindex and direction from an Entry
-- direction may be nil, as earlier POIs didn't save this
function poi.split_pos_cat(position)
local pos, cat, dir
if( (string.find(position,"{")) and (string.find(position, "}"))) then
local posAndDir = string.sub(position, 1, string.find(position, "{") - 1) -- Extract the pos coords and direction angles
pos, dir = string.match(posAndDir, "(%([%d, .-]+%))[, ]*([%p%s%d]*)") -- split "(x,y,z), (p,y)" into "(x,y,z)" and "(p,y)". The pattern is a bit awkward because Lua doesn't support optional captures.
dir = poi.string_to_direction(dir) -- convert "(p,y)" to either nil or a table with pitch and yaw
cat = tonumber(string.sub(position, string.find(position, "{") + 1, string.find(position, "}") - 1)) -- Extract the Categorie
cat = cat or 1 -- Convert it in an invalid case to 1
-- No Categorie found
pos = position
cat = 1 -- Categorie general
dir = nil -- No direction specified
end -- if(string.find(position)
return pos, cat, dir
end -- poi.split_pos_cat()
function poi.combine_pos_cat(position, category, dir)
local dirStr = ""
if dir ~= nil and dir.pitch ~= null and dir.yaw ~= null then
dirStr = ", (" .. tonumber(dir.pitch) .. "," .. tonumber(dir.yaw) .. ")"
if type(position) == "table" then
position = minetest.pos_to_string(position)
return position .. dirStr .. "{" .. tonumber(category) .. "}"
end -- poi.combine_pos_cat()
-- return nil, or a table with pitch and yaw
function poi.string_to_direction(value)
if value == nil then
return nil
p = {}
p.pitch, p.yaw = string.match(value, "^%( *([%d.-]+)[, ] *([%d.-]+) *%)$")
if p.pitch and p.yaw then
p.pitch = tonumber(p.pitch)
p.yaw = tonumber(p.yaw)
return p
return nil
end -- poi.string_to_direction()
-- Get's a Categoriename by Index
function poi.get_categoriename(cat)
local categorie = "Unknown"
for key, value in pairs(poi.categories) do
if(key == cat) then
categorie = value
end -- if(key == cat)
end -- for key,value
return categorie
end -- get_categoriename()
-- Gets a Categorienumber by Name
function poi.get_categorienumber(name)
local categorie = nil
if(name == "" or name == nil) then
return categorie
end -- if(name)
name = string.lower(name)
for key, value in pairs(poi.categories) do
if(string.lower(value) == name) then
categorie = key
end -- if(string.lower)
end -- for key,value
return categorie
end -- poi.get_categorienumber()
-- Gets a Categorie of an Entry
function poi.get_categorie(poi_name)
local value, cat, pos
value = poi.points[poi_name]
pos, cat = poi.split_pos_cat(value)
return cat
end -- get_categorie()
function poi.count_categories()
local cat = 0
for key,value in pairs(poi.categories) do
cat = cat + 1
end -- for key,value
return cat
end -- count_categories()
function poi.play_soundeffect(name, soundname)
if(soundname == nil or soundname == "") then
soundname = "teleport"
end -- if(soundname)
minetest.sound_play("minetest_poi_" .. soundname, {
to_player = name,
loop = false,
--poi.print(name, name .. " has played the Sound: " .. poi.modpath .. "/sounds/minetest_poi_" .. soundname .. ".ogg.", log)
end -- poi.play_soundeffect()
function poi.convertnil(poi_name)
if(poi_name == nil) then
poi_name = " "
return poi_name
end -- poi.convertnil()
*** Commands to Register ***
minetest.register_chatcommand("poi_set", {
params = S("<poi_name, category[number]>"),
description = S("Sets a Point of Interest or changes the category of an existing point."),
privs = {poi = true},
func = function(name, poi_name)
poi.set(name, poi_name)
minetest.register_chatcommand("poi_gui", {
params = "",
description = S("Shows POIs in a GUI."),
privs = {interact = true},
func = function(name)
minetest.register_chatcommand("poi_list", {
params = S("<-a> <-c> <-f> <-i [Categorie[Number]]>"),
description = S("Shows Points of Interest.\nOption -a shows Points of Interest with Coordinates.\nOption -c shows you Categories.\nOption -f shows you the Namefilter\nOption -i <Categorie[number]> shows only the Entries of the given Categorienumber or Name"),
privs = {interact = true},
func = function(name, arg)
poi.list(name, arg)
minetest.register_chatcommand("poi_delete", {
params = S("<POI-Name>"),
description = S("Deletes a Point of Interest."),
privs = {poi = true},
func = function(name, poi_name)
poi.delete(name, poi_name)
minetest.register_chatcommand("poi_reload", {
params = "",
description = S("Reloads the list of POIs."),
privs = {poi = true},
func = function(name)
minetest.register_chatcommand("poi_jump", {
params = S("<POI-Name>"),
description = S("Jumps to the Position of the Point of Interest."),
privs = {interact = true},
func = function(name, poi_name)
poi.jump(name, poi_name)
minetest.register_chatcommand("poi_move", {
params = S("<POI-Name>"),
description = S("Changes the Position of the Point of Interest."),
privs = {poi = true},
func = function(name, poi_name)
poi.move(name, poi_name)
minetest.register_chatcommand("poi_rename", {
params = S("<POI Old Name>,<POI New Name>"),
description = S("Changes the Name of the Point of Interest."),
privs = {poi = true},
func = function(name, poi_name)
poi.rename(name, poi_name)
minetest.register_chatcommand("poi_validate", {
params = "",
description = S("Validates the List of POIs."),
privs = {poi = true},
func = function(name)
-- add button to unified_inventory
if (minetest.get_modpath("unified_inventory")) then
unified_inventory.register_button("minetest_poi", {
type = "image",
image = "minetest_poi_button_32x32.png",
tooltip = S("Show Points of Interest"),
action = function(player)
local player_name = player:get_player_name()
if not player_name then return end
if minetest.check_player_privs(player_name, {interact=true}) then
minetest.chat_send_player(player_name,core.colorize(red, S("You need the"))..core.colorize(green, S(" interact"))..core.colorize(red,S(" priv, please type"))..core.colorize(green,S(" /rules"))..core.colorize(red,S(" and search for the keyword")))
*** Start of the Mod ***
poi.openlist() -- Initalize the List on Start
poi.filter = poi_namefilter
poi.categories = poi_categories
poi.max_categories = poi.count_categories()
print("[MOD] " .. minetest.get_current_modname() .. " loaded.")