added blue agave to mapgen and abm to make it spread, also bonemeal support

TenPlus1 2018-05-07 10:24:13 +01:00
parent bdaf8d69ff
commit 5ca1bd332b
3 changed files with 58 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ by TenPlus1
Depends: Farming Redo
This mod adds a barrel used to ferment grapes into glasses of wine, 9 of which can then be crafted into a bottle of wine. It can also ferment honey into mead, barley into beer and apples into cider.
This mod adds a barrel used to ferment grapes into glasses of wine, 9 of which can then be crafted into a bottle of wine. It can also ferment honey into mead, barley into beer, wheat into weizen (wheat beer), and apples into cider.
Change log:
@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ Change log:
- 0.4 - Added ability to ferment barley from farming redo into beer and also honey from mobs redo into honey mead
- 0.5 - Added apple cider
- 0.6 - Added API so drinks can easily be added, also added wheat beer thanks to h-v-smacker and support for pipeworks/tubelib
- 0.7 - Blue Agave now appears in desert areas and spreads very slowly, can me fermented into tequila
Lucky Blocks: 8
Lucky Blocks: 9
Wine Mod API

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@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ default

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@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ minetest.register_node("wine:glass_beer", {
on_use = minetest.item_eat(2),
-- glass of honey mead
minetest.register_node("wine:glass_mead", {
description = S("Honey-Mead"),
@ -247,7 +248,7 @@ minetest.register_node("wine:blue_agave", {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {-0.2, -0.5, -0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2}
groups = {dig_immediate = 3, attached_node = 1},
groups = {snappy = 3, attached_node = 1, plant = 1},
sounds = default.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
@ -257,6 +258,56 @@ minetest.register_craft( {
recipe = {"wine:blue_agave"}
deco_type = "simple",
place_on = {"default:desert_sand"},
sidelen = 16,
fill_ratio = 0.001,
biomes = {"desert"},
decoration = {"wine:blue_agave"},
label = "Blue Agave growth",
nodenames = {"wine:blue_agave"},
interval = 17,
chance = 33,
action = function(pos, node)
local n = minetest.find_nodes_in_area(
{x = pos.x - 2, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z - 2},
{x = pos.x + 2, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z + 2},
if #n > 3 then
-- needs to have 2 neighbors or less to propagate (3 = +itself)
-- find desert sand with air above
n = minetest.find_nodes_in_area_under_air(
{x = pos.x - 1, y = pos.y - 1, z = pos.z - 1},
{x = pos.x + 1, y = pos.y + 1, z = pos.z + 1},
-- place blue agave
if n and #n > 0 then
local new_pos = n[math.random(#n)]
new_pos.y = new_pos.y + 1
minetest.set_node(new_pos, {name = "wine:blue_agave"})
if minetest.get_modpath("bonemeal") then
{"default:desert_sand", {}, {"default:dry_shrub", "wine:blue_agave", "", ""} }
-- Wine barrel
winebarrel_formspec = "size[8,9]"
.. default.gui_bg..default.gui_bg_img..default.gui_slots
@ -281,6 +332,7 @@ minetest.register_node("wine:wine_barrel", {
tubedevice = 1, tubedevice_receiver = 1
legacy_facedir_simple = true,
on_place = minetest.rotate_node,
on_construct = function(pos)
local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos)
@ -441,6 +493,7 @@ if minetest.get_modpath("lucky_block") then
{"dro", {"wine:glass_wine"}, 5},
{"dro", {"wine:glass_beer"}, 5},
{"dro", {"wine:glass_wheat_beer"}, 5},
{"dro", {"wine:glass_mead"}, 5},
{"dro", {"wine:glass_cider"}, 5},
{"dro", {"wine:glass_tequila"}, 5},