basic_robot/scripts/web/irc bot.lua

62 lines
2.4 KiB

-- irc_bot, 05/02/2022 by rnd
-- adds irc bot commands with password login
if not init then init = true
_G.basic_robot.ircbot = {}; ircbot = _G.basic_robot.ircbot
ircbot.user_list = {} -- [user] = true, must login first
ircbot.auth_data = { -- [user] = {pass_hash,level,robot_name}
["r_n_d"] = {"5yfRRkrhJDbomacm2lsvEdg4GyY",3,"rnd1"},
["Noah"] = {"5yfRRkrhJDbomacm2lsvEdg4GyY",3,"noah1"}
}; --
robotname =
_G.irc.register_bot_command("c", {
params = "",
description = "",
func = function(usr,msg)
-- user not logged in yet?
local lvl = ircbot.user_list[usr.nick]
if not lvl then
if msg == "" then return false,"basic_robot: login first using: c $password" end
if not ircbot.auth_data[usr.nick] then return false, "basic_robot: you are not in user database. please contact server admin." end
if ircbot.auth_data[usr.nick][1] == minetest.get_password_hash("", msg) then
ircbot.user_list[usr.nick] = ircbot.auth_data[usr.nick][2]
local msg = "basic_robot: Logged in as " .. usr.nick ..", level " .. ircbot.user_list[usr.nick]
lvl = ircbot.auth_data[usr.nick][2]
local robotname = ircbot.auth_data[usr.nick][3]
if lvl>=3 then msg = msg .. ". you can use 'c !lua_cmd' to run lua_cmd in robot " .. robotname .. " sandbox" end
return false, msg
return false,"basic_robot: wrong password!"
-- action here : DEMO just displays message once logged in
local c = string.sub(msg,1,1)
if c~="!" or lvl<3 then _G.basic_robot.ircmsg = msg return end
local ScriptFunc, CompileError = _G.loadstring( string.sub(msg,2))
if CompileError then return false, CompileError end
local robotname = ircbot.auth_data[usr.nick][3]
_G.setfenv( ScriptFunc,[robotname].sandbox ) -- run code in robot sandbox
local Result, RuntimeError = _G.pcall( ScriptFunc );
if result then return false, _G.tostring(Result) end
if RuntimeError then return false,RuntimeError end
-- how to send msg to irc user
ircchat = minetest.registered_chatcommands["irc_msg"].func;
name = "r_n_d" -- client on irc you want to send msg too
-- ircchat("ROBOT", name .." " .. "hello irc world") -- chat will appear as coming from <ROBOT> on skyblock
self.label(_G.basic_robot.ircmsg or "")