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-- sokoban 3D, rnd
if not init then
spos = self.spawnpos(); spos.x = spos.x +5; spos.z = spos.z +5;
for i = 1, 2 do
for j = 1,2 do
puzzle.set_node({x=spos.x+i,y=spos.y,z=spos.z+j}, {name = "basic_robot:buttonFFFFFF"})
init = true
players = find_player(5);
if not players then say("no players nearby") self.remove() end
puzzle.get_player(players[1]):set_physics_override({jump = 0.85}) -- just allow jump on 1 block up
say("BOX PUSH demo. punch the white box to move it around ")
"SOKOBAN 3D. RULES:\n1. pushable blocks: white,gray,yellow. you can not push block if another block is on top of it,\n2. elevator block: yellow - can push other blocks on top of it,"..
"\n3. if block falls it breaks, unless it falls less than 1 deep onto green block\n"..
"4. if you push block into blue it dissapears\n"..
"5. you can only push block by standing close in front of it, not too low below it or too high above it\n"..
"LEVEL 1: push white block on top of red block")
pushables = {[1] = true,[2] = true,[6] = true} -- button types: white,gray, yellow
canpushnodes = {-- you can push into these nodes, 1 push node, 2 absorb node, 3 = elevator
["air"] = 1,
["basic_robot:button8080FF"] = 2,
["basic_robot:buttonFFFF80"] = 3,
event = keyboard.get()
if event then
local boxtype = event.type
if pushables[boxtype] then
player = puzzle.get_player(event.puncher)
local pos = player:getpos();
local boxpos = {x = event.x, y = event.y, z = event.z};
local diff = { pos.x-boxpos.x, pos.z-boxpos.z, pos.y - boxpos.y}; -- x,z,y
local newx,newy,newz
newy = boxpos.y
local allowpush = true
if diff[3]<-1.5 or diff[3]>0.5 then allowpush = false end -- dont allow to push if height difference to large
if math.abs(diff[1])>math.abs(diff[2]) then -- punch in x-direction
newx = boxpos.x - (diff[1]>0 and 1 or -1)
newz = boxpos.z
if math.abs(diff[1])<0.7 or math.abs(diff[1])>1 then allowpush = false end -- dont allow push if too close
if math.abs(diff[2]) > 0.25 then allowpush = false end -- must stand in front to push, not from side
newx = boxpos.x
newz = boxpos.z - (diff[2]>0 and 1 or -1)
if math.abs(diff[2])<0.7 or math.abs(diff[2])>1 then allowpush = false end -- dont allow push if too close
if math.abs(diff[1]) > 0.25 then allowpush = false end -- must stand in front to push, not from side
--self.label(diff[1] .. " " .. diff[2] .. " " .. diff[3])
local newnode = puzzle.get_node({x=newx, y= boxpos.y, z= newz}).name
local canpush = canpushnodes[newnode]
if allowpush and canpush then
local oldnode = puzzle.get_node(boxpos).name
if canpush == 1 then -- simply move the box
newnode = oldnode
elseif canpush == 2 then -- absorb the box
newnode = newnode
elseif canpush == 3 then
newnode = oldnode
newy = newy+1
local nodeabove = puzzle.get_node({x=boxpos.x, y=boxpos.y+1, z= boxpos.z}).name
if nodeabove ~="air" then allowpush = false end -- no floating nodes allowed
local nodebelow = puzzle.get_node({x=newx, y=newy-1, z= newz}).name
if nodebelow == "air" then
if puzzle.get_node({x=newx, y=newy-2, z= newz}).name ~= "basic_robot:button80FF80" then
newnode = "air"
end -- fall down
if allowpush then
puzzle.set_node(boxpos,{name= "air"}) -- remove node
puzzle.set_node({x=newx, y= newy, z= newz}, {name = newnode})