233 lines
5.5 KiB
233 lines
5.5 KiB
## @brief Single-file autoload for debug drawing and printing.
## Draw and print on screen from anywhere in a single line of code.
## Find it quickly by naming it "DDD".
# TODO Thread-safety
# TODO 2D functions
extends Node
## @brief How many frames HUD text lines remain shown after being invoked.
## @brief How many frames lines remain shown after being drawn.
## @brief Color of the text drawn as HUD
const TEXT_COLOR = Color(1,1,1)
## @brief Background color of the text drawn as HUD
const TEXT_BG_COLOR = Color(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.8)
# 2D
var _canvas_item : CanvasItem = null
var _texts := {}
var _font : Font = null
# 3D
var _boxes := []
var _box_pool := []
var _box_mesh : Mesh = null
var _lines := []
var _line_material_pool := []
func _ready():
# Get default font
# Meh
var c := Control.new()
_font = c.get_font("font")
## @brief Draws the unshaded outline of a 3D box.
## @param position: world-space position of the center of the box
## @param size: size of the box in world units
## @param color
func draw_box(position: Vector3, size: Vector3, color: Color = Color(1,1,1)):
var mi := _get_box()
var mat := _get_line_material()
mat.albedo_color = color
mi.material_override = mat
mi.translation = position
mi.scale = size
"node": mi,
"frame": Engine.get_frames_drawn() + LINES_LINGER_FRAMES
## @brief Draws an unshaded 3D line.
## @param a: begin position in world units
## @param b: end position in world units
## @param color
func draw_line_3d(a: Vector3, b: Vector3, color: Color):
var g = ImmediateGeometry.new()
g.material_override = _get_line_material()
"node": g,
"frame": Engine.get_frames_drawn() + LINES_LINGER_FRAMES,
## @brief Draws an unshaded 3D line defined as a ray.
## @param origin: begin position in world units
## @param direction
## @param length: length of the line in world units
## @param color
func draw_ray_3d(origin: Vector3, direction: Vector3, length: float, color : Color):
draw_line_3d(origin, origin + direction * length, color)
## @brief Adds a text monitoring line to the HUD, from the provided value.
## It will be shown as such: - {key}: {text}
## Multiple calls with the same `key` will override previous text.
## @param key: identifier of the line
## @param text: text to show next to the key
func set_text(key: String, value):
_texts[key] = {
"text": value if typeof(value) == TYPE_STRING else str(value),
"frame": Engine.get_frames_drawn() + TEXT_LINGER_FRAMES
func _get_box() -> MeshInstance:
var mi : MeshInstance
if len(_box_pool) == 0:
mi = MeshInstance.new()
if _box_mesh == null:
_box_mesh = _create_wirecube_mesh(Color(1, 1, 1))
mi.mesh = _box_mesh
mi = _box_pool[-1]
return mi
func _recycle_box(mi: MeshInstance):
func _get_line_material() -> SpatialMaterial:
var mat : SpatialMaterial
if len(_line_material_pool) == 0:
mat = SpatialMaterial.new()
mat.flags_unshaded = true
mat.vertex_color_use_as_albedo = true
mat = _line_material_pool[-1]
return mat
func _recycle_line_material(mat: SpatialMaterial):
func _process_3d_lines_delayed_free(items: Array):
var i := 0
while i < len(items):
var d = items[i]
if d.frame <= Engine.get_frames_drawn():
items[i] = items[i - 1]
i += 1
func _process(delta: float):
# Progressively delete boxes
if len(_box_pool) > 0:
var last = _box_pool[-1]
# Remove text lines after some time
for key in _texts.keys():
var t = _texts[key]
if t.frame <= Engine.get_frames_drawn():
# Update canvas
if _canvas_item == null:
_canvas_item = Node2D.new()
_canvas_item.position = Vector2(8, 8)
_canvas_item.connect("draw", self, "_on_CanvasItem_draw")
func _on_CanvasItem_draw():
var ci := _canvas_item
var ascent := Vector2(0, _font.get_ascent())
var pos := Vector2()
var xpad := 2
var ypad := 1
var font_offset := ascent + Vector2(xpad, ypad)
var line_height := _font.get_height() + 2 * ypad
for key in _texts.keys():
var t = _texts[key]
var text := str(key, ": ", t.text, "\n")
var ss := _font.get_string_size(text)
ci.draw_rect(Rect2(pos, Vector2(ss.x + xpad * 2, line_height)), TEXT_BG_COLOR)
ci.draw_string(_font, pos + font_offset, text, TEXT_COLOR)
pos.y += line_height
static func _create_wirecube_mesh(color := Color(1,1,1)) -> ArrayMesh:
var positions := PoolVector3Array([
Vector3(0, 0, 0),
Vector3(1, 0, 0),
Vector3(1, 0, 1),
Vector3(0, 0, 1),
Vector3(0, 1, 0),
Vector3(1, 1, 0),
Vector3(1, 1, 1),
Vector3(0, 1, 1)
var colors := PoolColorArray([
color, color, color, color,
color, color, color, color,
var indices := PoolIntArray([
0, 1,
1, 2,
2, 3,
3, 0,
4, 5,
5, 6,
6, 7,
7, 4,
0, 4,
1, 5,
2, 6,
3, 7
var arrays := []
arrays[Mesh.ARRAY_VERTEX] = positions
arrays[Mesh.ARRAY_COLOR] = colors
arrays[Mesh.ARRAY_INDEX] = indices
var mesh := ArrayMesh.new()
mesh.add_surface_from_arrays(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_LINES, arrays)
return mesh