In the following case: - A depends on B - A depends on C - B depends on C Dependency search was finding C twice.
165 lines
4.9 KiB
165 lines
4.9 KiB
#include "../../util/non_copyable.h"
#include <core/math/vector2.h>
#include <core/templates/hashfuncs.h>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace zylann {
// Generic graph representing a program
class ProgramGraph : NonCopyable {
static const uint32_t NULL_ID = 0;
static const uint32_t NULL_INDEX = -1;
// TODO Use typedef to make things explicit
//typedef uint32_t NodeID;
struct PortLocation {
uint32_t node_id;
uint32_t port_index;
struct Connection {
PortLocation src;
PortLocation dst;
struct Port {
std::vector<PortLocation> connections;
// Dynamic ports are ports that are not inherited from `type_id`, they exist solely for this node.
// Because it can't be deduced from `type_id`, they must be given a name.
// Initially needed for expression nodes.
std::string dynamic_name;
inline bool is_dynamic() const {
return dynamic_name.size() > 0;
struct Node {
uint32_t id;
uint32_t type_id;
StringName name; // User-defined
Vector2 gui_position;
std::vector<Port> inputs;
std::vector<Port> outputs;
std::vector<Variant> params;
std::vector<Variant> default_inputs;
// When enabled, all disconnected inputs will automatically connect to a commonly used node when the graph is
// compiled. If not enabled, default input values will be used instead.
bool autoconnect_default_inputs = false;
uint32_t find_input_connection(PortLocation src, uint32_t input_port_index) const;
uint32_t find_output_connection(uint32_t output_port_index, PortLocation dst) const;
bool find_input_port_by_name(std::string_view name, unsigned int &out_i) const;
Node *create_node(uint32_t type_id, uint32_t id = NULL_ID);
Node &get_node(uint32_t id) const;
Node *try_get_node(uint32_t id) const;
void remove_node(uint32_t id);
void clear();
bool is_connected(PortLocation src, PortLocation dst) const;
// Checks if the specified connection can be created
bool can_connect(PortLocation src, PortLocation dst) const;
// Checks if the specified connection is valid (without considering existing connections)
bool is_valid_connection(PortLocation src, PortLocation dst) const;
void connect(PortLocation src, PortLocation dst);
bool disconnect(PortLocation src, PortLocation dst);
bool is_input_port_valid(PortLocation loc) const;
bool is_output_port_valid(PortLocation loc) const;
bool has_path(uint32_t p_src_node_id, uint32_t p_dst_node_id) const;
void find_dependencies(uint32_t node_id, std::vector<uint32_t> &out_order) const;
void find_dependencies(std::vector<uint32_t> nodes_to_process, std::vector<uint32_t> &out_order) const;
void find_immediate_dependencies(uint32_t node_id, std::vector<uint32_t> &deps) const;
void find_terminal_nodes(std::vector<uint32_t> &node_ids) const;
template <typename F>
inline void for_each_node_id(F f) const {
for (auto it = _nodes.begin(); it != _nodes.end(); ++it) {
template <typename F>
inline void for_each_node_const(F f) const {
for (auto it = _nodes.begin(); it != _nodes.end(); ++it) {
const Node *node = it->second;
ERR_CONTINUE(node == nullptr);
template <typename F>
inline void for_each_node(F f) {
for (auto it = _nodes.begin(); it != _nodes.end(); ++it) {
Node *node = it->second;
ERR_CONTINUE(node == nullptr);
void copy_from(const ProgramGraph &other, bool copy_subresources);
void get_connections(std::vector<ProgramGraph::Connection> &connections) const;
void get_node_ids(std::vector<uint32_t> &node_ids) const;
//void get_connections_from_and_to(std::vector<ProgramGraph::Connection> &connections, uint32_t node_id) const;
// Finds first node having the given name and returns its ID. Returns NULL_ID if not found.
uint32_t find_node_by_name(StringName name) const;
// Finds first node having the given type and returns its ID. Returns NULL_ID if not found.
uint32_t find_node_by_type(uint32_t type_id) const;
uint32_t generate_node_id();
unsigned int get_nodes_count() const;
void debug_print_dot_file(String file_path) const;
std::unordered_map<uint32_t, Node *> _nodes;
uint32_t _next_node_id = 1;
inline bool operator==(const ProgramGraph::PortLocation &a, const ProgramGraph::PortLocation &b) {
return a.node_id == b.node_id && a.port_index == b.port_index;
// For Godot
struct ProgramGraphPortLocationHasher {
static inline uint32_t hash(const ProgramGraph::PortLocation &v) {
const uint32_t hash = hash_djb2_one_32(v.node_id);
return hash_djb2_one_32(v.port_index, hash);
} // namespace zylann
// For STL
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<zylann::ProgramGraph::PortLocation> {
size_t operator()(const zylann::ProgramGraph::PortLocation &v) const {
return zylann::ProgramGraphPortLocationHasher::hash(v);
} // namespace std